Läkemedelsföretagen tvekar ofta inför att satsa på ny antibiotika för att det inte är tillräckligt lönsamt, men de ska nu ges ekonomiska morötter köpa antibiotika Ofta fås en bättre/snabbare absorption när läkemedel tas på fastande mage men för vissa läkemedel är det önskvärt att minska risken för biverkningar från mag-tarmkanalen genom att läkemedlet tas tillsammans med föda.

"C" - Medical News:


Material Safety Data Sheet For Compliance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 and ANSI Z400.1-1998 Section I. Product and Company Identification Product Name Item Code Commercial Name Decadron phosphate, Decdan, Dexacort, Dexadreson, Dexagro, Megacort, Soldesam, Solu-Decadron, Spersadox, Turbinaire Synonym(s) *Fluoro-9-trihydroxy-11,17,21-methyl-16-pregnadiene-1 sodiumphosphate* Disodi

Metabolic differences between asian and caucasian patients on clozapine treatment

Hum. Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2007; 22: 217–222. Published online 13 April 2007 in Wiley InterScience(www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/hup.842Metabolic differences between Asian and Caucasian patientson clozapine treatmentMythily Subramaniam1*, Chee Ng2, Siow-Ann Chong1, Rathi Mahendran1, Tim Lambert2,Elaine Pek1 and Chan Yiong Huak31Institute of Mental Health and Woodbridge Hospital,


Käyttöturvallisuustiedote 1907/2006/EY, 31 artikla mukainen Painatuspäivämäärä 08.05.2013 1 Aineen tai seoksen ja yhtiön tai yrityksen tunnistetiedot · 1.1 Tuotetunniste · Kauppanimike: AH Plus Paste A · 1.2 Aineen tai seoksen merkitykselliset tunnistetut käytöt ja käytöt, joita ei suositella Merkittäviä lisätietoja ei ole saatavilla. · Ain


See www.DynamicMedical.com for the latest version as DynaMed is updated daily You are viewing a DynaMed summary. Use of DynaMed indicates acceptance of DynaMed Terms of Use. Limitations of DynaMed are contained in the DynaMed Terms of Use. To search within this summary, click Expand All, and then Edit - Find (Ctrl-F) in your browser. Meniere's disease Updated 2008 Aug 11 11:29 AM: review


Journal of Andrology, Vol. 33, No. 2, March/April 2012Copyright E American Society of AndrologyVaricocelectomy Does Not Impact Pregnancy Outcomes FollowingIntracytoplasmic Sperm Injection ProceduresFABIO F. PASQUALOTTO, DANIELA P. A. F. BRAGA, RITA C. S. FIGUEIRA, AMANDA S. SETTI,ASSUMPTO IACONELLI JR, AND EDSON BORGES JRFrom the Fertility-Assisted Fertilization Center, Sao Paulo, and the Insti


Product Name: MSDS No.: Date: Oct. 15, 2010 Praxair Material Safety Data Sheet 1. Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Name: Oxygen Trade Name: Product Use: Chemical Name: Synonym: Chemical Formula: O2 Chemical Family: Permanent Gas. Telephone: Emergencies: * 1-800-363-0042 Supplier /Manufacture: 1 City Centre DriveSuite 1200Mississaug

Mark – philip börner

Als am 11. September 2001 das WTC zerstört wurde, veränderte dieser Tag das Leben sehr vieler Menschen. Auch unser Leben wurde an einen 11. September massiv verändert. Es war an einem 11. September 1994, als Mark - Philip in einem Gartenteich ertrank. Was darauf folgte war eine über Jahre dauernde Odyssee des Leids. Es hat fast eine Stunde gebraucht um ihn ins Leben zurück zu holen. Danach

Microsoft word - web use auth form - 05122009.doc

Authorization Agreement for Web Use I (we) hereby request authorization from Central Health MSO, Inc. to use the Web Base system for the following IPAs: ___ Physicians’ Healthways IPA “PHW” ___ Advantage Care IPA “AIPA” Only Check the IPA(s) that you are contracted with. I (we) hereby agree to employ reasonable security procedures to ensure technical and physical safeguards t


12-Nov-2010I am currently undergoing a six course treatment of FEC to ensure clearance of breastcancer. What I find worrying is that I am getting a side effect that does not seem to havebeen experienced by any of the people undergoing the same course. Whilst I appreciatethat I have not waded through every last bit of data on this subject, the attitude of the doctorswhen I mention this side effect


Aviaria, Gli inganni e le cantonate prese a “colpo d’occhio” Dal Viagra il vaccino è i segreti della vita, più vicino Quando L’immagine bersaglio era pillola blu alleata L’ ho visto con i U n’equipe di scien- degli scienziati. si sbaglia Quante volte l’arbitro è “ingannato” dalla vista? vaccino attiva una varietàparticol


„ Drugs used to treat mania and psychosis‹ May alter electrical activity of neurons‹ Overexcitement of neurons in some part of brain and may be component of bipolar disorder‹ Alteration in electrical activity explains some of the untoward and toxic effects of lithiumlithium represents a potential threat to all body functions that are regulated by electrical activity‹ Lithium has the lo


SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING UPDATES ABSTRACTS March 2013 Table of Contents Formatted A4, Arial 8. Search by page or Section 1. Reviews . 1 2. Physiology . 3 3. Consequences & Comorbidities . 5 4. Cardiovascular . 7 5. Diagnosis . 11 6. Applications . 13 7. Bilevel & NIV . 16 8. Computer control . 19 9. Surgery . 20 10. Oral Appliances . 22 11. Other Methods . 23 12. Obesity . 2

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Adcirca™ (tadalafil) FDA-APPROVED INDICATION Adcirca™ is indicated for the treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) (World Health Organization group 1) to improve exercise ability. COVERAGE POLICY Adcirca™ is covered for members who meet the following criteria: A. Patients with PAH diagnosed by a Pulmonologist or Cardiologist, and B. Belongs to WHO Group I,

Retired employee list 2012-13.xls

The list of Retired employees and their dependants for the purpose of Medical Insurance Scheme is given below. Corrections/modifications on the details of dependants if any may be intimated to P&A/Finance Department on or before 28 May 2012 so as to submit the final list to the Insurance Company. No corrections will be possible thereafter. Cochin Shipyard Limited List of Dependents covere

Microsoft word - go wild 7 parent letter.docx

Thursday, April 12th, 2012 Dear Grade 7 Parents To complement our grade 7 science and outdoor education curriculum and to conduct a grade 7 leadership retreat, a visit to Gambier Island has been planned for Tuesday May 8th to Friday May 11th. Located in Howe Sound, off the coast of Gibsons, the Sea to Sky Outdoor School at Camp Fircom offers the optimum environment in which your daughte

Microsoft word - influenza antiviral.doc

The Influenza Antiviral Market: The Reality of Resistance A Complimentary Market Research Study as included in: The Antiviral Pipeline: HIV, HCV and Infuenza Report www.InsightPharmaReports.com For questions on our company site licenses and corporate subscriptions, contact : For report questions or to order via telephone, contact: Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Cambri

2013 - note aux organisations sur le procés de l'uimm - pmz

PMZ/md - 18/10/2013 Tel : Fax: E-mail: [email protected] NOTE AUX ORGANISATIONS CGT A PROPOS DU PROCES DES DIRIGEANTS DE L’UIMM Au travers de cette note, la fédération entend faire quelques mises au point en direction des militants et des structures de la métallurgie. Celle-ci peut d’ailleurs servir au niveau interprofessionnel. Le procès

Microsoft word - recipemaster.doc

Steeves Maples Maple Syrup Recipes A cookbook comprised of many Steeves family recipes passed down from five generations and other Canadian recipes using various Steeves Maples world class products from our family to yours. This document was produced by Canadian Syrup Inc. © 2000 – 2007 Canadian Syrup Inc., All Rights Reserved Steeves Maples™ and “The Original Can


estrogens. Transdermally delivered estradiol is metabolized only to a small extent by the skin and bypasses the Effects on Uterine Bleeding or Spotting INDICATIONS AND USAGE Impaired Liver Function and Past History of Cholestatic Jaundice first-pass effect seen with orally administered estrogen products. Therapeutic estradiol serum levels with lowerWith the Continuous Combined regi


MYELOGRAM About your Myelogram… Your doctor has requested that you have a myelogram. Please read the following description of the test, and what you need to do both before and after the exam. PLEASE ARRIVE ONE-HOUR PRIOR TO YOUR SCHEDULED TIME. LATE ARRIVALS MAY BE ASKED TO RESCHEDULE. What is a myelogram? A myelogram is a test performed to evaluate the spine. The myel


Livestock Management April 2007 Parasites Important to Poultry in Hawai‘i and Their Control Hawai‘i is home both to a commercial poultry in­ Important parasites of poultry in Hawai‘i dustry and to many small rural homesteads that The most common and economically important internal raise chickens for subsistence, hobby, show, or simply poultry parasites in Hawai‘i


Pain Management Pocket Tool 1. Ask the patient about the presence of pain. 2. Accept the patient’s report of pain. 3. Perform a comprehensive pain assessment, including: • Onset, duration, and location • Quality • Intensity (use appropriate scale) • Patient’s goal • Effect on function and • Response to prior • What makes the pain better or worse • History/physic


The Diagnosis and Management of Nursing Home Acquired Pneumonia (NHAP) This clinical practice guideline (CPG) was developed by an Alberta CPG Working Group. EXCLUSIONS To enhance an earlier detection and treatment ofNHAP♦ Hospital acquired pneumonia (onset within 14♦ To increase the accuracy of the clinical diagnosisdays of discharge from an acute care facility)♦ Aspirati

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Sydvestjysk Sygehus Denne håndbog henvender sig specifikt til de social- og sundhedsassistentelever (herefter benævnt som elever), som er i praktik på Sydvestjysk Sygehus. Heri findes orientering om vores forventninger, formel e samtaler i praktikperioden, Vi håber, at praktikperioden på Sydvestjysk Sygehus bliver god og lærerig. Indholdsfortegnelse: Side Praktikperiodens opb

Microsoft word - chimica farmaceutica.doc

CHIMICA FARMACEUTICA Docente: Prof. Romano Silvestri Chimica Farmaceutica generale. Definizione, caratteristiche e metodi di sviluppo dei farmaci. Momenti dell’azione di un farmaco: fasi farmaceutiche, farmacocinetiche e farmacodinamiche. Interazioni Farmaco recettore. Legami intermolecolari: Legami idrogeno ed interazioni idrofobiche; ruolo dell’acqua. Aminoacidi e Proteine: Stru


Pirelli Cavi e Sistemi buys 1% stake in e.Biscom Strategic alliance between e.Biscom and Pirelli Pirelli and e.Biscom will develop new Internet Video access solutions Milan, 18 April 2001 – Pirelli Cavi e Sistemi S.p.A. and e.Biscom S.p.A. today signed a co-operation agreement which, among other things, will allow the joint development of new fibre-to-the-home Internet and Inte


Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of ObesityVolume 2010, Article ID 831901, 6 pagesdoi:10.1155/2010/831901 Clinical Study Long-Term Effects of Metformin and Lifestyle Modification onNonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Obese AdolescentsLian Tock,1 Ana R. Dˆamaso,1, 2 Aline de Piano,1 June Carnier,1 Priscila L. Sanches,1Henrique Manoel Lederman,3 Regina M. Y. Ernandes,4 Marco T ´ulio de Mello,4



Acta 0104

REUNIÃO ORDINÁRIA CÂMARA MUNICIPAL DE COIMBRA Sala das Sessões dos Paços do Município 04/01/2010 Iniciada às 15H00 e encerrada às 18H00 Aprovada em 18/01/2010 e publicitada através do Edital n.º 10/2010 PERÍODO DE ANTES DA ORDEM DO DIA INTERVENÇÃO DOS MEMBROS DO EXECUTIVO 1. Intervenção do Senhor Presidente Intervenção dos Senhores Vereadore

Quintessenz journals

WISSENSCHAFT Publication Sleep bruxism and sleep-disordered breathing in pediatrics: an overview for clinicians Schlaf-Bruxismus und schlafbezogene Atmungsstörungen in der Pädiatrie: eine Übersicht für Behandler 1 Dr. Maria Clotilde Carra, Zahnmedizinische Fakultät, 1 Dr. Maria Clotilde Carra, Faculty of Dentistry, 2 Nelly Huynh, PhD, Zahnmedizinische Fakultät, 2 Nelly Huyn


A joint publication of the Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine and the Ohio Osteopathic Foundation Projection Dorsal root ganglion glutamate, substance P glutamate, Spinal Nerve substance P Spinal Cord Path of DRR excitation from peripheral input Nociception: NewUnderstandings andTheir Possible Relation toSomatic Dysfunction andIts TreatmentAbstract Effort

Cja-índice de anotações _0-100_

CADERNOS DE JUSTIÇA ADMINISTRATIVA ÍNDICE DE ANOTAÇÕES (n.os 0 a 100) (∗) ABREU, LUÍS VASCONCELOS – Infracção disciplinar continuada ou princípio da unidade da infracção disciplinar? (Ac. do STA – 1.ª Secção, de 16/1/2003, P. 604/02) – 44 -17 ABREU, LUÍS VASCONCELOS – Despacho de mero expediente ou decisão-suspresa ? (Ac. do STA – Pleno da 1.ª Secção, de


Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society,112A Edward Street,Port of Spain,Trinidad. Email : [email protected] :Executive Manager, ICT Policy and Stakeholder Engagement. Information and Communications Technology DivisionMinistry of Public Administration and InformationLord Harris Court52 Pembroke StreetPort of SpainRepublic of Trinidad and TobagoTel.: (868) 623-4855Fax: (868) 624-8001Email: fas

Microsoft word - präparateliste, weiterentwickelt.doc

Präparat 1: Synthese von Aspirin (Acetylsalicylsäure) Reaktionstyp: Veresterung Arbeitsmethoden: Kochen unter Rückfluss und N2-Atmosphäre, Heizen mit Ölbad, Gräte: 250-ml-Dreihalskolben , Magnetrührer, Nutsche, Saugflasche, Filterpapier, N2- Chemikalien: Salicylsäure, Eisessig, Essigsäureanhydrid Reaktionsgleichung: Durchführung In einem 250-ml-Dreihal

Contrato 54 aglon

CONTRATO N° 54/2013 – REFERENTE A TOMADA DE PREÇOS Nº 08/2013 Termo de Contrato que entre si fazem a Prefeitura Municipal de Corumbataí e a Empresa Aglon Comercio e Representações Ltda., tendo como objeto o fornecimento parcelado de medicamentos éticos de acordo com as quantidades requisitadas pelo setor responsável da Unidade Básica de Saúde local, cujos medicamentos serão disp

Highlights of prescribing information

HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION Hepatic failure has been reported in patients with pre-existing liver These highlights do not include all the information needed to use disease. Use caution when treating patients with liver disease. (5.4) CANASA safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for ------------------------------ADVERSE REACTIONS--------------------------

Misoprostol and induced abortion in accra, ghana

MISOPROSTOL AND INDUCED ABORTION IN ACCRA, GHANA Maya, Ernest Tei1; Mumuni, Kareem2; Samba, Ali 2; Organizations: 1: Ridge Regional Hospital, Accra , Ghana; 2: Korle-bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana; 3: School of Public Health UG, Accra, Ghana • Unsafe abortion contributes significantly towards maternal morbidity and mortality in Ghana • Autopsy reports have revealed that abortion re

Microsoft word - cci pa list-12-07.doc

In an effort to promote the appropriate use of certain drugs and to help better manage the cost of expensive drugs, the ConnectiCare Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee has developed a list of prescription drugs that require prior authorization. Prior authorization requests must be faxed to ConnectiCare’s Pharmacy Services department at 860-674-2851 or toll free 800-249-1367 by the prescribin


LINDSTROM CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JULY 18th, 2013 7:00 P.M. Lindstrom City Hall 13292 Sylvan Ave., Lindstrom, MN CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE: Mayor Carlson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. CALL OF ROLL: Those Present: Mayor Carlson, Council members Brink, Wishy, Flug, and Schlumbohm Others Present: City Attorney Mattick, City Engineer He


Date of Present Highest relevant Academic/Professional Appointment Qualififations Li Fa Cheung Kai Suet (Ms) Graduate Diploma in Statistics (RSS)*Chartered Statistician Yasmin Cassimally (Mrs) Deepuk Bahadoor Post Graduate Diploma - Modelling & Accounting for Sustainable DevelopmentChartered StatisticianMeera Bye Ganoo (Mrs) Dhananjay Juleemun Ingenieur des Trava

Knoxnews: business

KnoxNews Harris: Warranty policy puts firm's rep on line By ROGER HARRIS, [email protected] January 4, 2006 Knoxville contractor Construction Plus Inc. is testing new ground by offering a five-year limited warranty on certain building projects. That's five times longer than the typical construction warranty. "We hope it will be something that will differentiate us," sai

Revista semestre economico

Semestre Económico - Universidad de Medellín Recibido: junio 04 de 2007 Aprobado: septiembre 05 de 2007 La hipótesis central que se pretende argumentar es mostrar que ante una economía globalizada elfin principal de una empresa competitiva es satisfacer las necesidades del consumidor; de ellodependen sus resultados financieros y su vocación innovadora. Para comenzar se define lo que esl


T I P S H E E T www.healthinaging.org Expert information from Healthcare Professionals Who Specialize in the Care of Older Adults Ten Medications Older Adults Should Avoid or Use with Caution Because older adults often experience chronic health conditions that require treatment with multiple medications, there is a greater likelihood of experiencing unwanted drug side effects. Ol

Cert store.pdf

A Reliable, Scalable General-purpose Certificate Store 1. Introduction Traditionally X.509 certificates were intended to be stored in an X.500 directory, a semi -mythical beast only rarely seen. X.509 itself was originally designed as part of the access cont rol mechanism for the directory, but this goal has since become inverted, with the X.500 directory becoming subservient to X.509. Dir

Lithium saftey information

BATTERY ALERT - WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW SERIOUS SAFETY HAZARD! LITHIUM BATTERIES ALL Lithium batteries are classified as “Hazardous”. There is a serious safety issue concerning the use, and particularly the transporting of batteriesconstructed with re-chargeable lithium ion cells. New regulations specific to the transportationof lithium ion rechargeable cells and batteries that are


Camelot Rhodesian Ridgebacks Clayton Heathcock & Cheri Hadley http://steroid.cchem.berkeley.edu/Camelot/ Puppy Health Record (Chloe) Birthday: Worming: September 12, 1998 [5 weeks] (piperazine) (no worms found)September 19, 1998 [6 weeks] (piperazine) (no worms found) Vaccinations: September 26, 1998 [7 weeks] (Vanguard 5, DA2P+CPV, modified live)October 17, 1998 [10 weeks] (

Microsoft word - problem set 2.doc

CHEE434/821 Fall 2004 Problem Set #2 The drug Hydrochlorothiazide ("Diazide") is sometimes used to regulate blood pressure. However, it is also a diuretic and can cause a substantial increase in urine production. To counter this side effect, the antispasmodic drug Oxybutynin ("Ditropan") is often prescribed as well. However, Oxybutynin is known to increase ocular p

Código mundial antidopagem

Pág 1 de 12 LIST-CNAD-001 Rev: 04/00 Lista de Substâncias e Métodos Proibidos Ratificada pelo grupo de monitorização da Convenção Contra a Dopagem do A presente lista é composta por 22 páginas, incluindo os anexos SUBSTÂNCIAS E MÉTODOS PROIBIDOS EM COMPETIÇÃO SUBSTÂNCIAS PROIBIDAS S1. ESTIMULANTES Os seguintes estimulantes são proibidos, Incluíndo amb

Lo fallido y el acto

"Lo Fallido Y El Acto" (*) Texto Presentado En Las Viii Jornada De Carteles, Ii Jornadas De Grupos De Investigación, "veinte Años De Carteles", Escuela Freudiana De Buenos Aires, 2005. En la lección 2 del Seminario del Acto Psicoanalítico J.Lacan realiza un contrapunto entre actoy acto fallido. Este trabajo intentará transitar un recorrido que partiendo del acto f


Prognostic significance of ischemicelectrocardiographic changes during vasodilatorstress testing in patients with normal SPECT imagesElizabeth Klodas, MD,a Todd D. Miller, MD,a Timothy F. Christian, MD,a David O. Hodge, MS,b and Raymond J. Gibbons, MDa Background. Patients with ischemic electrocardiographic (ECG) findings during exercise stress testing but normal perfusion images generall

5 pierre laszlo 21 à 24

Actes du colloque Utopia Instrumentalis : fac-similés au musée – Musée de la musique, Paris, 27/11/2010 Face au factice : rejet ou prolifération ? Pierre Laszlo, École polytechnique et Université de Liège Les chimistes sont familiers de la problématique de l’authentique et de sa contrefaçon, de la substance naturelle et de son double synthétique. La chimiophobie du publ


Dr. Robert Rowen on Cholesterol DM: Dr. Joseph Mercola RR: Dr. Robert Rowen Introduction: DM: Welcome, HYHU\RQH7KLVLV'U0HUFROD7RGD\,¶PMRLQHGE\'U5REHUW5RZHQ who is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Johns Hopkins University and the University of California, San Francisco. He has been board-certified and recertified in family practice DQGHPHUJHQF\PHGLFLQH+H¶VFXU

2013-201883-1 benefit summary flyer-v4_benefit summary

Student Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan for Chamberlain College of Nursing 2013-2014 Chamberlain College of Nursing is pleased to offer an Injury and Sickness Insurance Planunderwritten by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. All registered full-time students areeligible and must be enrolled in the plan on a hard waiver basis. All registered part-timestudents taking at least 6 credit


Saksbehandler: Telefon: Vår dato: Vår referanse: Deres dato: Deres referanse: Vår referanse må oppgis ved alle henvendelser 2013/571 Scandinavian Candesartan Acute Stroke Trial (SCAST): Resultater etter 3 års oppfølging Forskningsansvarlig: Oslo universitetssykehus Prosjektleder: Eivind Berge Vi viser til søknad om forhåndsgodkjenning av ovennevnte forskningspro


MEDICAMENTOS Los medicamentos son un aspecto importante dentro del total de medidas que se implementan como tratamiento de las cardiopatías congénitas. No curan la cardiopatía, pero mejoran los síntomas asociados a ellas e incluso permiten al paciente permanecer con vida hasta la realización de algún otro tipo de intervención. Los fármacos de uso hospitalario tales como inotró

Microsoft word - gripe aviar_cat.doc

GRIP AVIÀRIA La grip o influença aviària és causada pel virus de la influença aviària tipus A, un virus ARN que pertany a la família dels Orthomyxoviridae . Aquests virus es classifiquen segons dues proteïnes que presenten a la superfície (antígens de superfície): l’hemaglutinina (H) i la neuroaminidasa (N). Es coneixen 16 tipus d’hemaglutinina (H1-H16) i 9 de neuroaminid


Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. (Incorporated in the Cayma


Chronicle of a Pandemic Foretold: Lessons from the 2009 Influenza Epidemic Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1398445. Executive Summary The A(H1N1) influenza epidemic provided the first indication of the effectiveness of the pandemic preparations that countries and international organizations initiated in the wake of the 2003 SARS epidemic. In the case of SARS, China was


I Grammar and Vocabulary Find the right answer 1- I think I will take this part time job as I don’t want to stay …………… A- workless 2- Many different plant and animal species live ……… the earth A- on 3- ……………… many candidates for this competitive exam A- Their are 4- I live in the countryside …………….a little village A- near of 5- Climate change

Microsoft word - documento3

1. Cosa sono i farmaci anticoagulanti orali?  Il Warfarin (Coumadin 5 mg) e l’Acenocumarolo (Sintrom 1 o 4 mg) sono farmaci che ostacolano la coagulazione del sangue agendo contro la vitamina K. Quest’ultima infatti è necessaria alla formazione (che avviene nel fegato) di importanti fattori della coagulazione. 2. Quando si usa la terapia anticoagulante orale? La terapia anticoagulante ora


3e Journée de Médecine d’Urgences des Pays de la Loire PRISE EN CHARGE TOXICOLOGIQUE SPECIFIQUE Centre Antipoison des régions Centre et Pays de la Loire La majorité des intoxications médicamenteuses (IMV) volontaires sont prises en charge par les services d’urgences ou les SMUR (98%). Si la plupart des IMV ne posent peu de difficulté de prise en charge et son considérées banales dan

Talidomida- revista virtual da propesp - artigo.pdf

TALIDOMIDA: Um Fantasma do Passado - Esperança do Áurea Regina Jesus Silveira; Eleusa Caíres Pardinho; Marcela Acácia R. Gomes (ProjetoEstudos de Utilização de Medicamentos - PROINT); Estér Roseli Baptista (orientador) –Prof. Assistente - Departamento de Farmácia-UFPA; E-mail: [email protected] Resumo: Esse ensaio consta de um histórico sobre o uso da Talidomida, desde a fase inicial d

Hh6002ed betriebsanleitung.pmd

HOTBOX HTH 1. Product Description 1.1 Applications The HOTBOX HTH was developed to record conditions during various foodstuffproduction procedures: belt drying (pasta production), lyophilisators and dryingchambers. Further applications are drying procedures in the ceramic industry and in brickworks. The robust and stabile construction of the aluminium housing and the sturdy sensorpr


Regional Osteopathic Medical Education (“ROME”) Meeting – 2011 “Psychopharmacology Review and Update for the PCP” Fri., August 19th, 2011 by Ryan M. Smith, D.O. 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Regional Osteopathic Medical Education (“ROME”) Meeting – 2011 Psychopharmacology Review and Update for the PCP Fri., August 19th, 2011 by Ryan M. Smith, D.O.

031998 a comparison of sucralfate and ranitidine for



Erosive Esophagitis after Bariatric Surgery: Banded VerticalGastrectomy versus Banded Roux-en-Y Gastric BypassGustavo Peixoto Soares Miguel & João Luiz Moreira Coutinho Azevedo &Paulo Henrique Oliveira de Souza & João de Siqueira Neto & Felipe Mustafa &Évelyn Saiter Zambrana & Perseu Seixas de Carvalho# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010the SRSG group to 14 (

Microsoft word - 00025.doc

The CAM in UME Project http://www.caminume.ca This material is made available through The CAM in UME Digital Resource Repository and is owned and copyrighted by the credited author(s). Materials are provided for educational purposes only. All copied materials must contain clear and proper citation. CAM IN UME AT DALHOUSIE 2006: CAM BASICS URL: http://www.cami

Microsoft word - 83-vingi6.1-final version.doc

Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference  ‐ Montreal 2013   ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER, ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND DRIVING: POPULATION-BASED EXAMINATION IN A CANADIAN SAMPLE Evelyn Vingilis, Western University Robert E. Mann, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Patricia Erickson, University of Toronto Maggie Toplak, York University Umesh J

Microsoft word - subject outlines - gcse history 2012_2013

Subject: History Year 10 – Autumn/Spring 2012-13 Contents: what you will study? Russia 1917-1939 The causes of the Russian Revolution 1917 How did the Bolsheviks seize power from 1917-1922? Stalin and his consolidations of power 1924-1927 Stalin’s industrial, agricultural and political reforms after 1928 Preparation and revision for the examination National Curriculum le

Christian academy of louisville ~ rock creek

Christian Academy of Louisville ~ Rock Creek STUDENT NAME________________________________________________GRADE_____________BIRTHDATE_______________________ (Please Print) TEACHER_____________________________________________________STUDENT’S WEIGHT_______________AGE________________ Please list any allergies to medications, foods, insects and/or environmental substances: _______________________


PRODUCT PROFILESebacic Acid: A Techno-Commercial ProfilePANKAJ [email protected] exports over 20,000-tons, represent-Sebacic acid is a bi-carboxylic acid ing over 90% of global trade of the prod-with structure (HOOC)(CH ) (COOH), and uct. In the industrial setting, uses of se-is naturally occurring. It was named from bacic acid and its analogs such as azelaic P


ANTIBIOTIKAMEDIUM Nr. 23 Zum Nachweis und zur Untersuchung der Wirkung von Antibiotika CL54 Zusammensetzung in g/l (angenähert): Glucose. 10,0 Hefeextrakt . 2,5 di-Kaliumhydrogenphosphat . 0,69 Kaliumhydrogenphosphat . 0,45 Agar . 13,5 pH-Wert. 5,6 ± 0,1 HERSTELLUNG 27,1 g des Mediums werden in einem Liter destillierten Wasser suspendiert. Man mische gut, erhitze unter häufigem Rüh

L'enigma del toro_programma di sala

via per San Possidonio n°1 - Concordia sulla Secchia (Mo) Adalgisa Pini, Daniela Ori, Enrico Solmi, Francesca Poggioli, Gabriele Sorrentino, Manuela Fiorini, Marco Panini dedicato alla ricostruzione delle terre della bassa modenese colpita Sindaco di Concordia sulla Secchia Perché anche un libro può tenere accesi i riflettori su una tragedia Giugno 2012. In un incidente stradale per


Training Committee response to LSB consultation on statutory guidance The City of London Law Society (the "CLLS") represents approximately 15,000 City lawyers through individual and corporate membership, including some of the largest international law firms in the world. These firms advise a variety of clients from multinational companies and financial institutions to Government d

Microsoft word - 4_ivg_medecine_generale_cadart.doc

Une pratique d'Interruption Médicamenteuse de Grossesse en médecine générale Michel Cadart Quelques mots concernant ma pratique de médecin généraliste se rapportant à l'IVG Médecin au MFPF d'Avignon, j'ai dès la loi de 2001 été intéressé par la possibilité d'organiser des IVG dans le cadre de ma pratique. J'ai attendu 2004 pour l'envisager réellement. Cela semble long, ma


Warnhinweise und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen Bitte sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt vor der Anwendung von Lioresal Intrathecal, wenn einer der folgenden Punkte auf Gebrauchsinformation: Information für den Anwender ɏ verlangsamte Zirkulation der Gehirn-Rückenmark-Flüssigkeit infolge Behinderung des Durchflusses Lioresal® Intrathecal 0,05 mg/1 ml ɏ behandelbare Epilepsie oder andere da

Uterus case scenario answers

Case Scenario 1 A 53 year old white female presented to her primary care physician with post-menopausal vaginal bleeding. The patient is not a smoker and does not use alcohol. She has no family history of malignancy. She had an endometrial biopsy that was positive for endometrial adenocarcinoma. She was sent to have a CT of the abdomen and pelvis and was found to have thickening of the uterus


CHLORIDE MATERIALS REQUIRED BUT NOT SUPPLIED Interferences no interference was observed by the presence of:Current laboratory instrumentation. Spectrophotometer UV/VIS with thermostatic cuvette holder. Automatic micro-pipettes. Glass or high quality polystyrene cuvettes. Deio- Precision REAGENT PREPARATION SUMMARY OF TEST intra-assay (n=10) mean (mEq/l) SD (mEq/l) Chloride is


clinica. L’uso più consolidato al momento del test indiagnostica è infatti la diagnosi di esclusione di trombosi LINEE GUIDA SULL’IMPIEGO venosa profonda o embolia polmonare (tromboemboliavenosa, TEV). In tale situazione non interessa al clinico CLINICO DEL D-DIMERO sapere se un valore è normale o patologico riferendosi aduna popolazione sana, come per altri test, bensì se si puòC


What is Text? Content-based Structure ATHENS, Greece (Ap) A strong earthquake shook theAegean Sea island of Crete on Sunday but caused no in-• Describe the strength and the impact of anjuries or damage. The quake had a preliminary magni-tude of 5.2 and occurred at 5:28 am (0328 GMT) on thesea floor 70 kilometers (44 miles) south of the Cretanport of Chania. The Athens seismological ins

Microsoft word - purim fundraiser letter.2014

Chabad of Bradenton & Lakewood Ranch This year more people will experience the joy of Purim! Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar. On Purim, we emphasize the importance of Jewish unity and friendship by sending gifts of food to friends and family. This Purim mitzvah is called Mishloach Manot. This year Chabad is sponsoring shared Mishloach Manot gift boxes

Europass curriculum vitae

Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Andrea Lenzi Address(es) Department of Experimental Medicine University of Rome “Sapienza” Viale Regina Elena 324 Occupational field Endocrinology, Andrology and Reproduction Medicine Work experience 2001 Full Professor of Endocrinology 2002-2010 Degree course in Medicine at the Univ

Microsoft word - document

The Times The Sunday Times From The Sunday Times February 14, 2010 How to do India with kids (part 1) In the first of two missives from a three-month adventure, everything seems to be going surprisingly well for our writer Michael Booth Of other holidays, one might perhaps recall the beaches or the shopping, but in the run-up to my family’s three-month circumnavigation of India, al

Brochure - emergency planning for families.pub

Remember: Basic Emergency Planning for Check for emergency information on local Families radio stations, websites and newscasts. Don’t call emergency responders unless you have an emergency. Fol ow direc-tions; be prepared to “shelter in place until conditions change or further notice; avoid using phone lines; and help your neighbors when you can. For More Information: Fe


Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Advance Access published September 23, 2010 or possible neoplasm, and extensive workup showed no evidenceof vascular abnormality or CNS vasculitis. The patient had no riskfactors for HIV infection and past medical history was unremark-able. The patient was transferred to our institution for furtherUpon admission, the patient presented with slurred speech

Microsoft word - poison ivy guide

POISON IVY SURVIVAL GUIDE Beware of poison ivy -- it's not just a summer problem and you don't even have to touch it directly to get it. In most people, poison ivy shows up as a rash consisting of small bumps, blisters or swelling. The rash might appear in streaks, reflecting how you brushed by the plant or its oil, called urushiol . Unfortunately, for some people who are highly sensiti

Buy to let app form 0913

Buy to Let Mortgage Application Form 1 PERSONAL DETAILS Please fill in an extra form if there are more than 2 people who need to give details in this section Applicant 1 (Please enter the highest earner as Applicant 1) Applicant 2 Previous Address(es)(if lived in propertyBRANCH COMMERCIAL LENDINGPAYMENT METHOD D/D S/O CSH TFRLOAN £ LTV % YOUR PROPERTY MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT

Rep 20120328 diamorpine purity report final

NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Forensic Science Unit Report on the Quality of Diamorphine Seized in Scotland 2010 - 2011 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED SCDEA Forensic Science Unit Report on the Quality of Diamorphine seized by Police in Scotland, 2010 to 2011 The reader is advised that all references to diamorphine (heroin) in this report relate to her

Chap11_casestudy 1.3

11 Screening and embryo selection: eliminatingChristy Nolan was deprived of oxygen at birth and suffered from cerebral palsy. Nolancouldn’t walk, talk or use his hands. He spent his short life (he died aged 43 in 2008)in a wheelchair. Until Nolan was 11 he couldn’t communicate with words at all. Then a new drugLioresal made it possible for him to use a ‘unicorn stick’ on a headband.


Les médicaments ototoxiques Les médicaments ototoxiques sont des produits pharmaceutiques qui ont l'inconvénient de pouvoir léser les structures de l'oreille interne (atteinte cochléaire ou vestibulaire) ou du nerf auditif. Il n'y a jamais atteinte de l'oreille externe ni de l'oreille moyenne. Plus de 130 médicaments et produits chimiques ont été répertoriés comme étant ot

Microsoft word - gripe_mexicana111 _2_

GRIPE MEXICA A Agro. Jorge L. González Ortiz Especialista en Cerdos Servicio de Extensión Agrícola ¿Qué es una pandemia? Una pandemia es una epidemia que se extiende a la casi totalidad de una población de uno o varios continentes, como ya se ha dado en ciertos casos, ya sea con la aparición (o reaparición) de un "nuevo" microbio o un virus contagioso, patógeno

Microsoft word - pi_vc_lasik.doc

LASIK Frequently Asked Questions What is LASIK? LASIK, short for Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, is a surgical procedure that uses a cool (non-thermal) beam of light to gently reshape the cornea — the surface of the eye — to improve vision. The laser removes microscopic bits of tissue to flatten the cornea (for nearsightedness), steepen the cornea (for farsightedness), and/or smoot

New patient intake form

Referred By: ___________________________________ Primary Care Physician: __________________________ Primary Care Physician Phone # ____________________ NEW PATIENT INTAKE FORM (Please note that all information is strictly confidential) Patient Name: _____________________________________DOB: _________Age: _____Gender_____ Social Security # __________-_________ -__________ Drivers


CONNECTED 2010 – 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DESIGN EDUCATION 28 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010, UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, United States KEYWORDS: Design Education, Design Culture, Design Taxonomy, Design Communities, Cross-Cultural Design, Design Education Diversity programs, their curriculums don’t actually have much Today’s de


Psychotropic Drugs and the Perioperative Period: A ProposalFRITS J. HUYSE, M.D., PH.D., DAAN J. TOUW, PHARM.D., PH.D. ROB STRACK VAN SCHIJNDEL, M.D., JAAP J. DE LANGE, M.D., PH.D. Evidence-based guidelines for the perioperative management of psychotropic drugs are lacking. The level of evidence is low and is based on case reports, open trials, and non-systematic re-views. However, the interact


Chemical Science Review and Letters ISSN 2278-6783 Research Article Spectrophotometric Determination of Tramadol Hydrochloride in Nagaraja Setty K1, Prabhavathi K*2, Chakravarthi I.E3, Manjula gayathri M4 1Department of chemistry, Government Degree College for Men, Kurnool(Dt), A.P, India 2*Department of Chemistry, S.B.S.Y.M. Degree College, Kurnool(Dt), A.P, India 3Department of Chemis


LEGGE REGIONALE 11 luglio 1986, n. 28 1 Ricezione turistica all'aria aperta. (BUR n. 43 del 18 giugno 1986) 1. La presente legge disciplina i campeggi, i villaggi turistici ed i villaggi -camping, in attuazionedella legge n. 217 del 17 maggio 1983. 2. Sono campeggi i complessi ricettivi aperti al pubblico, a gestione unitaria su aree recintate per lasosta ed il soggiorno di turisti provvisti

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com.in mai 2008 | PRIX DE LA CRÉATION DA C-Rédacteur Graphisme Réalisation Production Annonceur Photographie INTERACTIVE / Site Web C. Siegenthaler R. de Tscharner C. Siegenthaler ART Computer Fondation CarèneC. Siegenthaler R. de Tscharner C. Siegenthaler ART Computer Fondation Carène INTERACTIVE / Campagnes on-line Grand Tribune de Genève «Vous êtes �

Exelon is pleased to host the 19th annual configuration management benchmarking group conference in the chicago area june 24 -27, 2012

The 19th Annual CMBG Conference The Westin Lombard Yorktown Center June 24-27, 2012 Chicago, IL April 6, 2012 (2nd announcement) The deadline to register for the 19th annual Configuration Management Benchmarking Group Conference in Chicago, IL, June 24-27, 2012 will be here soon. If you plan to attend, please take a few minutes now to register for the conference and make travel

Interim guidelines for management of suspected

Interim Guidelines for Management of Suspected Staphylococcus aureus Skin and Soft Tissue Infections* Clinical presentation Risk factors associated with MRSA History of MRSA infection, colonization History (within past 12 months) of: hospitalization, surgery, long term care residence, indwelling catheter or medical device; dialysis, renal failure, diabetes, or Close cont

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A fome e a miséria nas narrativas jornalísticas: os dispositivos biopolíticos modernos e a valorização do cidadão-consumidor no percurso discursivo da revisa Veja Este artigo analisa a narrativa jornalística em torno da miséria – e, mais precisamente, da fome enquanto sintoma dela decorrente – considerando o discurso jornalístico como um indicador dos modos como a sociedade per

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PIL District Preview - Cross Country Meethttp://www.athletic.net/CrossCountry/Results/Meet.aspx?Meet=60129#206 Athletic.net PIL District Preview - Results Home > Portland InterscholasticLeague > PIL District Preview All Results PIL District Preview (HS) Wednesday, September 19, 2012 Lents Park, Portland, OR Meet Info Mens Races Womens Races Entries - View Entrie

Sin título de diapositiva

GUIDELINES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS Mark Woodhead , Francesco Blasi , Santiago Ewig , Gerard Huchon , Margareta Ieven , Ake Ortqvist , Tom Schaberg , Antoni Torres , Geert van der Heijden Theo J. M. Verheij ERS Task Force in Collaboration with ESCMID • Supplemental Information: Appendices 1-3 – Epidemiology , microbiology,risk factors

Microsoft word - 0703 abstract 1-15-10

Title: Prevention of Cancer/Treatment-Related Weight Loss in Children with Cancers Associated with a High Nutritional Risk- HLMCC 0703 [ACCL0935] Study Chair: Study Co-Chair: Planned Accrual: Study Objectives: The primary objective of this study is to determine the effect of cyproheptadine HCl (Periactin®), compared to placebo, on weight during chemotherapy in chil

Required clinical information

7. Specific Diseases, Disorders and Procedures 7.2 PATIENTS WITH GLAUCOMA Description Glaucoma* is a clinical term referring to a spectrum of conditions resulting in damage to the optic nerve and progressive reduction in sensitivity within the field of vision. Patients with glaucoma or patients with significant risks of having glaucoma (hereafter referred to as “glaucoma suspects�


Title Incremental Cost-Effectiveness (ICE) Statistical Inference from Two Unbiased SamplesAuthor Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>Maintainer Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>Description Given two unbiased samples of patient level data on costand effectiveness for a pair of treatments, make head-to-headtreatment comparisons by (i) generating the bivariate bootstrapresampling distribution

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Waikato Futures Symposium 15 July 2008 Further Reading New Zealand MAF (2008) Future Focus: Signposts to Success for New Zealand's Primary Industries , New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry This project identified external drivers likely to impact on the agriculture, food and forestry sectors, and in the biosecurity setting, over the next two decades. The 6 key drivers of


Office of the Contractor-General Public Body Contract Awards (J$250,000 to J$3,999,999.99 in Value) Quarterly Contract Awards (QCA) Report QCA Report submitted to the Contractor General pursuant to Section 4(2)(a) and 4(3) of the Contractor-General Act COMPLETE ONLY AFTER READING INSTRUCTIONS IN APPENDIX B . SELECT APPLICABLE PRINT RANGE BEFORE PRINTING SECTION 1 (1) Name of Report

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Capítulo XXXIII O cajueiro floresceu quatro vezes depois que Martim partiu das praias do Ceará, levando no frágil barco o filho e o cão fiel. A jandaia não quis deixar a terra onde repousava sua amiga e senhora. O primeiro cearense, ainda no berço, emigrava da terra da pátria. Havia aí a predestinação de uma raça?Poti levantava a taba de seus guerreiros na margem do rio e esper


Nursing Practice Paper, APA Style (Riss) The header consists of a shortened title in all capital letters at the left margin and the page number at the right margin; on the title page only, the shortened title is preceded by the words “Running head” and a colon. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Hypertension in One Client:This paper was prepared for Nursing 451, taught by Professor Durham.


o objetivo da propaganda é informar. Instruções para as questões de números 61 e 62. a propaganda pode combater o desemprego. Assinale, na folha de respostas, a letra correspondente àalternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do textonenhuma empresa sobrevive sem propaganda. As questões de números 61 a 65 referem-se ao textouma propaganda só é boa se despertar o interesse

Francigena e buon cibo tradizioni locali, stagionalità, tipicit

FRANCIGENA E BUON CIBO Tradi zi o ni locali, s tagio nalità, tipicità. Co m e attuali z zare u n lo ntan o pa s sat o attra v er s o appro cci o n e sti di c ultura ali m e ntare Q u e s t o o t t o b r e, a Fire n z e, co m e in m ol te alt r e citt à italia n e, Col dir e t ti h a o rg a ni z z a t o la Bio d o m e nica e h a p r e s e n t a t o a n c h e la “Spe s a a k m z


Practice Parameter: Pharmacologic treatment of spasticity in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (an evidence-based review): Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society M. R. Delgado, D. Hirtz, M. Aisen, S. Ashwal, D. L. Fehlings, J. McLaughlin, L. A. Morrison, M. W. Shrader,


CURRICULUM VITAE Alex Jovencio Pena Makalinao ASSOCIATED SITES California Hematology Oncology Medical Group California Hematology Oncology Medical Group RESEARCH EXPERIENCE  Phase II Trial in Patients with Advanced or Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.  Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, prevention of Acute & Delayed Chemotherapy-Induced Emesis.  Double-Blind, Placebo-Co

Portaria no- 558, de 30 de agosto de 2006 (*)

PORTARIA No- 558, DE 30 DE AGOSTO DE 2006 (*) O Ministro de Estado da Ciência e Tecnologia, considerando a Portaria Interministerial nº 597, de 6 de setembro de 2006, e no uso de suas atribuições, resolve: Art 1o Priorizar os seguintes temas para o desenvolvimento de produtos ou processos para concessão de recursos financeiros sob a forma de subvenção econômica a empresas nacionais

Effective date:



HUMAN MULTISERA NORMAL - ABNORMAL PRESENTACION 1985005 HUMAN MULTISERA Abnormal 5 x 5 mL HUMAN MULTISERA ABNORMAL Sólo para uso diagnóstico in vitro FUNDAMENTO PREPARACION LINEAR Human Multisera Control es un suero estabilizado y Abrir el tapón del vial, tirar cuidadosamente del obturador sin liofilizado de origen humano y para uso en diagnóstico in vitro. s

Why does peripheral neuropathy cause pain

Managing Neuropathic Pain Steven Scherer, MD, PhD Revised October 20, 2008 Why does peripheral neuropathy cause pain? Peripheral nerves are a collection of nerve fibers that originate from many different kinds of neurons. Motor fibers originate from motor neurons that are located in the spinal cord. Sensory axons originate from neurons that are located outside the spinal cord in l


THE GROSSMAN-CORMACK GLOSSARY OF TECHNOLOGY ASSISTED REVIEW (Version 1.0, October 2012) Copyright © 2012 Maura R. Grossman and Gordon V. Cormack Preamble “Disruptive technology” is a term that was coined by Harvard Business School professor Clayton M. Christensen, in his 1997 book The Innovator’s Dilemma , to describe a new technology that unexpectedly displaces an esta

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December 2008 (Vol. 1, Issue 3, pages 45-46) ROLE OF THE ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM IN ATHEROSCLEROSIS By François Mach, MD, Fabrizio Montecucco, MD, Sabine Steffens, PhD Division of Cardiology, Foundation for Medical Researches, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland Introduction Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease that involves vascular and immune cell types. En


Open access, freely available online Policy Forum The Global Threat of Counterfeit Drugs: Why Industry and Governments Must Communicate the Dangers Robert Cockburn ☯ *, Paul N. Newton ☯ , E. Kyeremateng Agyarko, Dora Akunyili, Nicholas J. White Introduction loss of public confi dence in medicines counterfeit drugs to the FDA within fi ve days of discovery (see “Comp

Dear parent/guardian:

Pertussis Facts (from the New York State Health Department) Updated: January 2012 What is pertussis? Pertussis, or whooping cough, is a highly contagious bacterial infection that causes an uncontrollable, violent cough lasting several weeks or even months, It is caused by a bacterium that is found in the mouth, nose and throat of an infected person. Pertussis may begin with cold-like

Registration dossiers autorizados april 2010

R E G IS T R A T I O N D OS S I E R S A V A I L A B L E RE TAI L MA RKE T (WHOL ESAL ER S AND PH ARM AC IES) MOLECULE REFERENCE PRODUCT Acyclovir Dexketoprofen Solution for injection/Concentrate for solution for Doxazosin Fluoxetine Gabapentin Glimepiride Glucosamine Sulphate Ibuprofen-lysine Memantine Mirtazapine Pa

Pcfc annual 2002.pdf

PORTLAND COMMUNITY FREE CLINIC The 2002 Annual Update 9 Years of Service The Portland Community Free Clinic (PCFC) is a private-public partnership between Mercy Hospital, the City of Portland Department of Health and Human Services’ Public Health Division, community volunteers, and contributors. The mission of the PCFC is to provide free, comprehensive health care to low-income, uni

2009-0721 364.37

doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2009.0721HEALTH AFFAIRS 29,NO. 3 (2010): 364 – 371©2010 Project HOPE—The People-to-People HealthFoundation, Inc. ABSTRACT In the past few decades, obesity rates among American children.edu) is an associate professorin the Department of Policyhave skyrocketed. Although many factors have played a part in thisAnalysis and Management atCornell University in Ithaca,unhea

Jsap_172 588.595

Combined cytosine arabinosideand prednisone therapy formeningoencephalitis of unknownaetiology in 10 dogsOBJECTIVES: The differential diagnosis for young to middle-aged dogswith progressive neurological signs, focal or multifocal computedtomography/magnetic resonance imaging lesions, mononuclearphalomyelitis is non-specific and insensi-cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis and negative infectious t

Microsoft word - 416.doc

Estratégia de Fusão e Aquisição Bancária no Brasil: Evidências Empíricas sobre Retornos Autores CARLOS ALBERTO GONÇALVES DE ARAÚJO FUCAPE FÁBIO GOLDNER FUCAPE LUIZ HENRIQUE LIMA FARIA FUCAPE MAARCELO MOLL BRANDÃO FUCAPE Nos anos subseqüentes a implementação e consolidação do Plano Real, as instituições financeiras atuantes no mercado brasileiro vêm passan

(microsoft word - intox aigue_corrig\351_3.doc)

Intoxication aigue Approche diagnostique et prise en charge S. Achour, Gh. Jalal, N. Rhalem, R. Soulaymani 1. Cas clinique : L'enfant Ayoub, âgé de 2 ans, sans antécédents pathologiques particuliers, bien portant jusque - là, présente brutalement des vomissements, devient somnolent, chute, convulse et sombre dans un coma agité hypertonique. Les parents affolés amènent leu

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16-18 April 2006 Cairo, Egypt The Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA) organized in collaboration with the Egyptian State Council the seminar of "Arbitration in Disputes Arising out of International Administrative Contracts" during the period from 16 to 18 April 2006 in Cairo, Egypt. The program was divided into six sessions scheduled over thr


The experts' guide to menopause (and they should know . they've all been there) | Mail Online The experts' guide to menopause (and they should know . they've all been there) By Angela Epstein Last updated at 8:56 PM on 14th March 2009 A vanishing waistline, hot flushes and mood swings that have the family heading for the door - most women associate the menopause and its symptoms with dre


Laser Tattoo Removal Consent Form and Patient Pre and Post Protocol This form is designed to give you information needed to make an informed choice about Laser Tattoo removal. Although Laser Tattoo Removal is effective in most cases, no guarantee can be made that you will benefit from the treatment. I, _____________________________ understand that several treatments


ANEXO TÉCNICO Las Fallas son las fiestas mayores de la ciudad de Valencia en España, no obstante que manifestaciones de esta fiesta se pueden encontrar en otras ciudades de la Comunidad Autónoma de Valencia como Denia, Alzira, Gandía, Játiva y Orihuela, entre muchas otras. La fiesta se realiza entre el 15 y el 19 de marzo, la llamada “semana fallera”, pero ya a partir del 1�

(microsoft word - chinjclinpharm2002v11p147-50lumbroeffectsonvasoactivesubst\205)

Chinese Journal Of Clinical Pharmacy 2002 V.11 P.147-50 Effects and significance of lumbrokinase on vasoactive substances in patients with coronary artery disease Wang Changshu1, Gu Tongyuan2, Li Ming1, Luo Linjia1, Cai Qiyun2 (1Department of Cardiology, People Hospital of Xiangzhou, Zhuhai 519070, China; 2Anhui Provincial Cardiovascular Institute, Hefei 230001, China) [ABSTRACT] AIM: To evaluate


NEWS RELEASE Ireland / Crisis: “Put people at the centre of policy measures,” says UN expert on extreme poverty GENEVA – The economic and financial crisis in Ireland poses a disproportionate threat to vulnerable segments in the country who benefitted little from its economic boom in the first place, the UN Independent Expert on human rights and extreme poverty, Magdalena Sepú


Effect of increased convective clearance by on-line hemodiafiltration on all cause and cardiovascular mortality in chronic hemodialysis patients THE DUTCH CON VECTIVE TRA NSPORT ST UDY ( CONTRAST ) Executive committee: dr P.J. Blankestijn, internist/nephrologist, UMC (chair) dr M.A. van den Dorpel, internist/nephrologist, MCRZ-Clara dr M.P.C Grooteman, internist/nephro


Pfizer, UCSD collaborating on early drug discovery Keith Darcé – San Diego Union Tribune A new drug research collaboration between pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and the University of California San Diego could deliver up to $50 million to local scientists over the next five years, speed the delivery of promising therapies to patients and help refill the fast-depleting pipeline of the world�

Treman: a tool for measuring tremor frequency from video sequences

Uhrikova Z., Ruzicka E., Hlavac V., Nugent C.: TremAn: A tool for measuring tremor frequency from video sequences, LETTERS TODisorders, Vol. 25, No. 4, March 2010, pp. slow and fast as well as between apparently regular andirregular periodic movements. A more precise measure of theSegment 1. Patient exhibits choreiform movements dur-tremor frequency is provided by accelerometers1 and electr


(Agenzia di cittadinanza, Milano 29.10. 02)1. Non sapendo chi ringraziare, o con chi prendermela, per avermi affidato l’incarico di parlare a questo convegno, cominceró col prendermela col titolo. Siluppare in modo esauriente le 3 dimensioni, tutte e tre relativamente nuove ed acerbe, che esso propone, supera decisamente le mie capacità che, ve ne accorgerete subito, non sono infinite. In q

Microsoft word - exelon briefing memo 12_12_12.docx

Subj : Widespread Disapproval of Exelon Using Ratepayer Dollars to Lobby for More Expensive Energy -- Poll From : Gabe Elsner, Co-Director, Checks & Balances Project A new poll of Chicagoland utility customers shows high levels of support for wind energy while displaying ratepayer antipathy toward actions carried out by Commonwealth Edison’s parent company, Exelon, to end wind powe

Microsoft word - rick-laura-hall-flyer

An Evening with Rick & Laura Hall with special guest, Kelly Macleod Saturday, October 2"d, 7 p.m. The Christian Church of Woodland Sanctuary Rick and Laura met in Chicago where they both performed at THE SECOND CITY. Since then they have gotten married, had two children together, and moved to Los Angeles. There they continue to perform, both separately and together. Laura


Carlos E. Crespo-Hernández, Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University Department of Chemistry 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106 Phone: (216)-368-1911 Faculty Website: ht p:/ www.case.edu/artsci/chem/faculty/crespo/ Email: [email protected] Group Website: ht p:/ www.case.edu/artsci/chem/faculty/crespo/group Professional B.S. in Chemistry Preparation University

Fin cmte-2001-brief

Canadian Federation of Students House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance August, 2001 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890121234567890

Microsoft word - adult patient form 2010 _ridgewood_

DR. NICOLE CLEMENTE ♦ DR. MARISSA CLEMENTE ♦ DR. MICHAEL CLEMENTE 60 W. RIDGEWOOD AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, NJ 07450 ♦ PHONE: (201-447-2888) ♦ E-MAIL: [email protected] Today’s Date: _____________________ Patient’s Name: __________________________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________ Age: _________ Male: _________ Female: _________ Social Security Number: _____


Packs of runners in their spandex pants and balaclavas moving like a day-glow amoeba as they pound out the miles of their training regime. On the run, conversations go to intimate places, especially on those long three-hour tromps all over town: training tips, what to eat before a run, what to eat so you don’t get the runs while on a run, best flavours of Gatorade, how annoying a spouse was,

Microsoft word - political power lines final.doc

Political Power Lines: Running at Full Capacity Exelon and PSEG Political Donations & Lobbying Expenditures 2001 through April 2006 A Report by New Jersey Citizen Action June 7, 2006 New Jersey Citizen Action 400 Main Street Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 201.488.2804 Political Power Lines: Running at Full Capacity Exelon and PSEG Political Donations &a

Microsoft powerpoint - leadershipforumpresentation_6-27-11_kg.ppt

Leadership Forum: Monitoring Psychoactive Medication Use in Children Laurel K. Leslie, MD, MPH Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute Tufts Medical Center Floating Hospital for Children Katherine E. Grimes, MD, MPH Children’s Health Initiative/Cambridge Health Alliance Harvard Medical School  Evolving patterns of use; both more meds and  Changes in health and m


Center of Excellence on Aging Prof. Carlo Patrono, “G. d’Annunzio” University Foundation, [email protected] Abstract - The Center of Excellence on Aging (CEA) was established in 2002 with the aim of focusing multidisciplinary research efforts at the University of Chieti on the aging process. Three main areas are being investigated at CEA: cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurod

Microsoft word - compte rendu

OBJET : Convocation du Conseil Municipal. J’ai l’honneur de vous inviter à la réunion du Conseil Municipal qui aura lieu en Mairie, salle du Conseil le : MARDI 20 OCTOBRE 2009 A 20H00 ORDRE DU JOUR : Avenant reconstruction de la station (Ets Hydréa) Acceptation avant projet assainissement (Bureau d’étude RUBY) Ouverture de poste : Adjoint technique principal de 2ème cla


CHRIST CHURCH WEEKLY NEWS June 10, 2012 CALENDAR Today : 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist 9:30 AM Usher Training/Refresher (New Brick Nave)10:30 AM Holy Eucharist 3:00 PM Voices 21 Concert (New Brick—UL) 3:00 PM MDYPAA (Parish Hall—LL) 6:30 PM Recital/Hunter (New Brick—UL) The Bread and Wine for this morning’s services are given by April and Robert North in celebration of the

Microsoft word - experiment3.doc

EXPERIMENT 3 THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY A. PRELAB ASSIGNMENT Prepare a Table of Physical Constants for the following compounds. (Consult the Merck Index as well as the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics). B. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND The theory of chromatography will be discussed in the laboratory lecture. However, a few points do require emphasis. The most often used stationaryphases,

Microsoft word - gynvelen 4.2 fachinformation pco.doc

Fachinformation für Ärzte PCO – Syndrom FAKTEN: Das PCO-Syndrom ist mit einer Prävalenz von 5-10% in Mitteleuropa eine der häufigsten endokrinen Störungen bei Frauen im fortpflanzungsfähigen Alter. Bei Frauen mit Oligomenorrhoe oder Hirsutismus werden von verschiedenen Arbeitsgruppen in bis zu 90% polyzystische Ovarien beschrieben. Die Entwicklung des PCO-Syndroms ist mult

Hike leader manual

Hike Leader Manual Instructions for hike leaders What to take on a hike Symptoms of Heatstroke, Heat Exhaustion, and Hopothermia Emergency numbers Membership form Sigh up sheet What to do in case of an emergency (Not yet written) Information, schedules, and downloadable forms are available on the club website. www.cvhikingclub.net How to Screen on the Phone 1. Explain the difficulty and

Sinus wash

Sinus Wash The sinuses are a magnificent structure of tunnels and caves running throughout your head that connect to your respiratory system. They often become the site of what is called a ‘focal infection’. This is a type of infection becomes lodged in one part of your body that your immune system keeps under control, but because of its nature to “hide out”, you many not notice it


British Veterinary Camelid Society Proceedings of 2005 conference Ectoparasitic diseases of South American camelids Aiden P Foster PhD, DipACVD, MRCVS The most common causes of parasitic skin disease in camelids include:Easily identified by their characteristic shape and leading to pruritus with matted wool and alopecia in heavy infestations. There are 2 main types: Sucking lice

Metformin effects on dipeptidylpeptidase iv degradation of glucagon-like peptide-

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 291, 1302–1308 (2002) doi:10.1006/bbrc.2002.6607, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com onMetformin Effects on Dipeptidylpeptidase IV Degradationof Glucagon-like Peptide-1¨ hn-Wache,† Torsten Hoffmann,† Raymond A. Pederson,*Christopher H. S. McIntosh,* and Hans-Ulrich Demuth†,1† Probiodrug Research, Biocenter, Weinbe


el.am ( bh¯u ) in the fourth cakram, v¯eda cakram . Hence it is usuallyreferred to by the mnemonic name “ v¯ u ”, since there are 4 v¯ ❑ numeral for the consonant “ bha ” is 4 (from the “ pa varga”: pa, pha b bha ma )!) The svaram s taken s.ad.jam (S, sa), catu´sruti ˙rs.abham(R2, ri), s¯ad¯aran.a g¯andh¯aram (G1, ga), ´suddha madhyamam (M1, ma),pa˜ sruti dh

Microsoft word - fl1-04_ukleja

Dumping Syndrome: A Practical Approach to Diagnosis and Management . Andrew Ukleja, MD, CNSP. Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, Florida Learning objectives: Upon completion of this session you will be able to learn about diagnostic tests and diet and medical therapy for dumping syndrome. 1. Recognize which patients are at risk for dumping syndrome. 2. Select diagnostic test for early and

Microsoft word - first aid medicines protocol may 2013.doc

CALDER HIGH SCHOOL First Aid & Prescription Medicines Protocol To be Reviewed: May 2014 Rationale First Aid is the initial care given to someone if they are injured or have a sudden illness whilst at work. The school has a duty of care towards its employees, students and anyone visiting the premises. Trained members of staff should be available at all times within th

Microsoft word - tanzania_zanzibar_orszaginfo.doc

TANZÁNIA Hasznos információk F ő város: Dar es Salaam Beszélt nyelv: kiswahili vagy swahili (szuahéli), angol Id ő eltolódás: + 2 óra télen és + 3 óra nyáron Turizmus: Turisztikai szempontból fejlődő ország. Amiért érdemes utazni: A nemzeti parkok gazdag vadvilága, a szavannák, a fennsíkból kiemelkedő vulkánok, a 7 UNESCO Világörökség, a


Av. General Vidal 300 - VMT Telf: 7178236 Tablada, 25 de Mayo del 2012 COMUNICADO 11/ 12 IEP/CS “AMOR” Estimado Padre de Familia: Por medio de la presente reciba Ud. nuestro más cordial saludo, a continuación pasamos a informarle lo siguiente: ACADÉMICO: Se les informa que a partir del lunes 28 de mayo estaremos dando inicio a las Prácticas Calificadas del 2ºBimest


Scientific Programming 13 (2005) 277–298Interpreting the data: Parallel analysis withSawzallRob Pike, Sean Dorward, Robert Griesemer and Sean Quinlan Google, Inc. CA, USA Abstract Very large data sets often have a flat but regular structure and span multiple disks and machines. Examples include telephone call records, network logs, and web document repositories. These large data sets are no

Colonoscopy preparation instructions

COLONOSCOPY PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS You have been scheduled for a Colonoscopy. This is an examination of your large intestine (colon). A long flexible tube (colonoscope) will be inserted into your rectum and passed through your colon. Your colon will be examined in detail. Additional procedures may be performed such as taking tissue samples (biopsies) and removing polyps. Please read all the

Cornwall sports partnership child protection policy

Cornwall Sports Partnership Child Protection Policy Updated January 2008 Contents Page Number Responsibilities & codes of conduct for staff & coaches Responsibilities of the Volunteer / Helper Good Practice Guidelines for all staff, coaches, volunteers Children from minority, ethnic, racial, cultural or Action required in response to disclosure Roles &


Cetirizine and pseudoephedrine retard, givenalone or in combination, in patients with seasonalallergic rhinitis*M. Grosclaude1, K. Mees2, M.E. Pinelli3, M. Lucas3, H. Van de Venne3Centre Claude Bernard, Guilherand-Granges, FranceHNO-Klinik Grosshadern, München, GermanyUCB S.A. Pharma Sector, Braine-l’Alleud, Belgium We compared the efficacy and safety of cetirizine (5 mg), pseudoephedrine


Minutes of the County Commissioners of Worcester County, Maryland Louise L. Gulyas, President James C. Church, Vice President Judith O. Boggs Linda C. Busick Robert L. Cowger, Jr. James L. Purnell, Jr. Virgil L. Shockley Following a motion by Commissioner Church, seconded by Commissioner Cowger, the Commissioners unanimously voted to meet in closed session at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioners�


Community-driven research onHelicobacter pylori infection in theCanadian Arctic: the Old CrowH. pylori ProjectLaura Aplin1*, Janis Geary2, Sander Veldhuyzen van Zanten1,Brendan Hanley3, Diane Kirchgatter3, Karen J. Goodman1,2,The Old Crow H. pylori Project Planning Committee andThe CANHelp Working Group1Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; 2Department of Public Heal

Actos ii-10

NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Actos ▼ tablets. 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Each tablet contains 15 mg, 30 mg or 45 mg of pioglitazone as hydrochloride. For a full list of excipients, see 6.1. 3. PHARMACEUTICAL Tablet. The tablets are white to off-white, round, convex and marked ‘15’ on one face and ‘ACTOS’ on the other face. The tablets are whi


PHYSICAL EXAM FORM CAMPER INFORMATION Camper’s Name__________________________________________Date of Birth: ______________________ Parent/Legal Guardian: Please complete the Camper Information section above and provide this form and a copy of the camper’s completed Health History Form to your child’s physician. Physician: Please review the camper’s Health History Form and

Lia's cv-03-09

______________________CHARIKLIA SOTIRIOU-LEVENTIS______________________ Department of Chemistry, Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T), Formerly, University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR) E-mail: [email protected]; Tel.: (573) 341-4353; Fax: (573) 341-6033 EDUCATION Postdoctoral Physical Organic Chemistry ; June 1989-March 1992. Harvard University, Cambr

Microsoft word - beta-sitosterol3.doc

Beta‐Sitosterol (phytosterols) and the Prostate Scientific clinical studies indicate that beta-sitosterol consistently improves urinary symptoms related to prostate enlargement. As men grow older, cells in their prostate glands often overgrow, causing a swelling that obstructs the bladder opening, resulting in slowness in urination and bladder emptying. This non-malignant enlargement of

Microsoft word - healthstudy-workingpaper8uganda

CAPACITY STRENGTHENING IN THE LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES (LDCS) FOR ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE (CLACC) CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH IN UGANDA FOREWORD DENIVA is a member of Capacity Strengthening of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) for Adaptation to Climate Change (CLACC) initiative. CLACC is an idea of Southern Institutes working on sustainable development with support from Norther

50439 pw 38.indd

22 september 2006 • Pharmaceutisch Weekblad nr. 38Farmakundigen passen in een maatschapApothekers moeten investeren in ondernemerschap. Volgens minister Hoogervorst kan de farmakundige daarbij ondersteunen. Veertig farmakundigen zijn inmiddels afgestudeerd. Ze werken bij apotheekketens, zorgverzekeraars en in de industrie, maar niet in de apotheek. De gemiddelde apotheek blijkt te klein, maar


Verslag Themabijeenkomst op dinsdag 24 mei 2011 in het Provinciehuis. Aan- en afwezigen : zie bij ALV Na een korte pauze heropent Marry de vergadering en heet van harte welkom de heer Ir. P. Jan Smits, Programmamanager Duurzame Ontwikkeling bij het Productschap Tuinbouw. De heer Smits zal een presentatie houden die de titel heeft gekregen: Toekomst Tuinbouw in de Biobased Economy . De

Microsoft word - ra 8371.doc


Rural tourism and sustainable development in hungary

RURAL TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN HUNGARY Rátz, T - L. Puczkó (1998): Rural Tourism and Sustainable Development in Hungary; In: D. Hall - L. O'Hanlon eds.: "Rural Tourism Management: Sustainable Options" International Conference, Scottish Agricultural College, Auchincruive, Ayr, Scotland, UK, pp.450-464Rural tourism is a segment of the total tourist industry which is p


opuscolo 2006-2007 21-09-2006 15:02 Pagina 16 Inconfondibile Lubitsch MARTEDÌ 30 GENNAIO, ORE 16.00, 21.00 La vedova allegra (The merry widow. USA 1934) Regia: Ernst Lubitsch. Interpreti: Maurice Chevalier, Jeanette MacDonald, Edward Everett Horton. Sceneggiatura: Ernest Vajda, Samson Rafaelson. Fotografia: Oliver T. Marsch. Musica: Franz Lehar, Richard Rodger. Durata: 10


The UK government is building a national database of medical records, aproject which many doctors oppose; in a Medix poll in November, over half ofall GPs said they would not upload their patients’ data without consent [1] [2]. The following week, a Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust poll revealed that 53% ofpatients oppose a central medical records database with no right to opt out. A campaign, The

Microsoft word - doctoral-seminar-riga-2004.doc

The Third International Conference on International Business in Transition Economies September 9-11, 2004, The Stockhlm School of Economics in Riga, Latvia Doctoral Seminar on The Theory and Methodology in International Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness Research in the CEE Context September 7-8, 2004, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Latvia


The amazing story of how 200 year old results in the the-ory of numbers form the security basis for billions of dol-lars in internet commercial transactions today. Verbatim copying and redistribution of this document ispermitted in any medium provided this notice and thecopyright notice are preserved. “Tenure track position in mathematics at the assistant orassociate professor level. Strong pr

Microsoft word - miller v. gmc 398 of 2003 mot. in lim. order immunity su. …

STATE GEISINGER HEALTH SYSTEM, STEPHEN J. PAOLUCCI, M.D., SCOTT HOFFER, M.D., L.E. BAXTER, M.D., AND JAMES LAUFFLER, R.N., AND CHRISTINA WOLFE, RNC Defendants APPEARANCES: ANDREW E. DIPIERO, JR., ESQUIRE, Attorney for the Plaintiffs BENJAMIN POST, ESQUIRE, Attorney for the Defendants TARA REID, ESQUIRE, Attorney for the Defendants March 28, 2006. This is a medical malpractice case. On March 15,

Aifa e iss relazioni pericolose 15 11 2007

“GIU’ LE MANI DAI BAMBINI®” CAMPAGNA NAZIONALE PER LA DIFESA DEL DIRITTO ALLA SALUTE DEI BAMBINI Primo e più rappresentativo consorzio italiano per la farmacovigilanza in età pediatrica, è composto da oltre 170 tra enti ed associazioni. Oltre 250.000 addetti ai lavori del settore salute hanno sottoscritto - direttamente o tramite i propri organismi di rappresentanza

La trousse médicale des vb

Dédié à notre vieille branche Xavier Vous allez partir pour votre séjour de chasse loin de toute zone habitée pour tirer le trophée de votre vie. Mais attention! Votre rêve peut se transformer en cauchemar, si une petite affection qui serait insignifiante en milieu urbain, vient soudain pourrir votre séjour. Un pépin de santé plus sérieux du style fracture d’un doigt, une entorse


Presynaptic control of GABAergic neurotransmission by GABAB and group I mGlu heteromers in nerve endings isolated from rat cerebral cortices. I. A. Samengo and M. Martire. Institute of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy. Interaction between different transmitter receptor systems is an emerging feature of neurotransmission at central synaps


Indicating Motor Symptoms in PD Patients UsingAbstract—Here the research focus of a dissertation is pre-No convenient and effective way to measure dopaminesented. It focuses on evaluation and improvement of algorithmslevels within the basal ganglia circuit and adjust medicationfor recognizing Parkinson’s Disease (PD) motor symptoms inintake with accordance to dopamine levels has been fou

Revista de ciencias médicas la habana

HOSPITAL GENERAL DOCENTE”LEOPOLDITO MARTÍNEZ”. SAN JOSÉ DE LAS LAJAS PESQUISA DE DISFUNCIÓN ERÉCTIL EN TRABAJADORES DE ETECSA Dr. Generoso Torres Fuentes1, Dra. Belkis Brito Herrera2 1. Especialista de I grado en Urología. Profesor Asistente. Master en Longevidad 2. Especialista de I grado en MGI y Pediatría. Profesor Instructor. Master en Atención Se realizó un estu

Microsoft word - 2012-31 orthophoniste si

Aider c’est dans notre nature! Nous recherchons des personnes ayant une vision centrée sur la recherche de l’excellence, adhérant aux valeurs de bonté, de cohésion organisationnelle, de partenariat, de valorisation du personnel et de priorité à la clientèle. Si vous désirez joindre notre équipe, la Direction des programmes de réadaptation en déficience physique, défi


J Lab Med 2010;34(6) © 2010 by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York. DOI 10.1515/JLM.2010.056et Molecular genetic and cytogenetic diagnostics Next generation sequencing in genetic diagnostics 1) Saskia Biskup * “ variation ” , in order to do better justice to the different types of variations. There are pathogenic variants that are certain to Praxis f ü r Humangenetik und

Community action corporation of south texas

Community Action Corporation of South Texas Invitation to Bid Notice of Request for proposals for Medical Supplies and Equipment Community Action Corporation of South Texas (CACOST) is requesting sealed bids for contract(s) for medical supplies and equipment for the Fiscal Year 2014 Competitive RFP for Expanded Primary Health Care Services to be operated in Bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim W


Highlights of 2012 Alpaca and Llama Health SurveyBy Stephen Mulholland, Ph.D. This survey was conducted online, using tools provideThe llama and alpaca populations were surveyed separately. Links to the survey were emailed to the members of the NZLA (~70), and a compiled list of about 600 alpaca owners. A total of 66 alpaca surveys and 12 llama surveys were completed online. The survey period wa


Journal of College of Medical Sciences-Nepal, 2010, V Comparative study of tramadol and ketorolac in the pain management of third molar tooth extraction M.M. Shaik1, J. Kumar2, S. Mobina3, N. Satyanarayana4, P. Sunitha5 1Lecturer in pharmacology, 2Assistant Professor in Pharmacology, 4Lecturer in Anatomy, 5Lecturer in Physiology, College of Medical Sciences, Bharatpur, Nepal 3Junior Re

Cuba y la lucha por la democracia

CUBA Y LA LUCHA POR LA DEMOCRACIA por Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada , IX Conferencia de Presidentes de Parlamentos Democráticos Iberoamericanos, celebrada en Montevideo, Uruguay. Mayo 1998 “Un pueblo que entra en revolución no sale de ella hasta que se extingue o la corona” En un reciente estudio la CEPAL señala que Cuba es “una de las economías menos estudiadas - aunque


Neuromodulation im Zentrum Europas Programm 6. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neuromodulation (DGNM) 26. und 27. November 2010 im Amphitheater des Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL) 4, rue Barblé L-1210 Luxemburg www.dgnm-online.de Liebe Mitglieder;liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,die 6. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fürNeuromodulation

C:\can files\2003junepharmaceuticals.wpd

CAPITOL ANALYSTS NETWORK, INC. Stuart J. Sweet, President June 6, 2003 IF CONGRESS HELPS GRANDMA PAY FOR HER MEDS, WHO WINS? With the tax cut fight behind us, Washington’s attention has turned to the pharmaceuticalindustry. Next Thursday, the Senate Finance Committee is expected to begin publicdeliberations over how to structure an outpatient pharmaceutical benefit as part of the M


OCB/NANBF/IFPA DRUG TESTING GUIDELINES Drug testing screening methods used at Organization of Competitive Bodybuilders (OCB), North American Natural Bodybuilding Federation (NANBF) and International Fitness & Physique Association (IFPA) events are a means to determine eligibility. If competitors can not successful y pass any screening methods used, they wil either not be al owed t


4622_200610PPAD_Gomes.qxd 11/7/06 11:03 AM Page AIsabel Gomes, DMD* • Pedro Moura, DMD†George Gomes, DMD‡ • Jorge Perdigão, DMD, MS, PhD§Dental staining can either be extrinsic or intrinsic. designated by nightguard vital bleaching (NGVB), sug-Tobacco, certain foods, and a selection of bev-gested using 10% carbamide peroxide gel in a tray.6erages are some of the materials respons

23 imp angelillo

23 IMP ANGELILLO 12-11-2010 15:25 Pagina 349Come hanno sottolineato alcuni fra i maggiori quotidiani indiani1( Times of India 2, Hindustan Times 3), il 21 marzo 2008 è stato ungiorno molto significativo per la maggioranza degli abitanti dell’In-dia, un paese costituzionalmente laico e, al contempo, profondamen-te religioso in un duplice senso, qualitativo e quantitativo. Da unaparte, la pr


DIÁRIO DA REPÚBLICA — I SÉRIE-B MINISTÉRIO DO AMBIENTE E DO ORDENAMENTO DO TERRITÓRIO Portaria n.o 329/2001 de 2 de Abril Estabelecendo o n.o 2 do artigo 7.o do Estatuto doInstituto Regulador de Águas e Resíduos, aprovado peloDecreto-Lei n.o 362/98, de 18 de Novembro, que ostrabalhadores e colaboradores deste Instituto, no exer-cício de funções de fiscalização, aud

Microsoft word - cbuft-vancouver_2011_fapl_abrÉgÉ_30nov201

ABRÉGÉ ANNEXE AU FORMULAIRE DE RAPPORT D’UTILISATION DES FONDS DU FAPL POUR L’ANNÉE TERMINÉE LE 31 AOÛT 2011 (2e année du FAPL) ÉVALUATION QUALITATIVE STATION : CBUFT VANCOUVER Dans la Politique réglementaire de radiodiffusion 2008-100, le CRTC a créé le Fonds pour l’amélioration de la programmation locale (FAPL) afin de contribuer à soutenir la production

Microsoft word - 03 09 approved mng minutes.docx

Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program Management Committee Approved Minutes March 2, 2009 Members Present: Alton Cheatham Gasparilla Island Conservation & Improvement Assoc. Also Present: Lisa Agenda Item #1 - Call to Order and Introductions – Meeting was called to order by Ken Heatherington, Co-Chairman at 9:31 a.m. Introductions were made. Agenda


CITY OF TYBEE ISLAND PARKING COMMITTEE MINUTES: June 22, 2011 ATTENDEES Diane Schleicher, Mary Hogan, Ethan Imhoff, Chantel Morton, Pete Ryerson, Joe Wilson, Jennifer Wittendorf GUEST(S) Bob Bryson, Tybee Island Chief of Police CALL TO ORDER Bill called the meeting to order at 9:00am. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Paul made the motion to approve the May 25, 2011 Parki

Word pro - agradoc76.lwp

ADULT UROLOGY ROLE OF VIAGRA AFTER RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY CRAIG D. ZIPPE, FAIYAAZ M. JHAVERI, ERIC A. KLEIN, SUMITA KEDIA,FABIO F. PASQUALOTTO, ANURAG KEDIA, ASHOK AGARWAL, DROGO K. MONTAGUE, AND ABSTRACT Objectives. To determine whether the response to sildenafil citrate (Viagra) in patients with erectile dysfunction after radical prostatectomy was influenced by the presence or absence


CINE GOLDEN EAGLE FILM Twas the Night PRODUCTION: Home Box Office - Los Angeles, & VIDEO COMPETITION 2002 WINNER DIRECTORY A2, Entertainment – Comedy Biography Countdown "Laugh Out Loud: BROADCAST DIVISION TV's 15 Greatest Comedians" PRODUCTION: Kralyevich Productions - New A1, Children’s Programs Dragonfly TV Kathy Buckley: No Labels, No Limits!


DIABETES & VERHALTEN Schulungsprogrammfür Menschen mit Typ-2 Diabetes, die Insulin spritzen powered by concept-health gmbh DIABETES & VERHALTEN | Schulungsprogramm 3. Gruppensitzung 1 Zielvorstellungen 2 Eröffnung Rückmeldung zur vorangegangenen Sitzung 4 „gesund genießen“ Auffrischung der bisherigen Ernährungsinfos 5 „bewusst bewegen�

Induction epidemic

Posts off ICAN regarding inducing VBAC women: Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 7:04:48 AM Subject: [ICAN-online] Tell me why I should not induce??? I've had two c's in '02 and '03, and then two HBACs in '04 and '06. I'm DUE. I'm exhausted- I'm ready to pop. Because of an unrelated complication, I'm delivering at a hospital this time. My midwife is leaving Thursday to go out of town. My husband need


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Microsoft word - lista de material emedio.doc

Colégio Polilogos LISTA DE MATERIAL 2011 1º MÉDIO NOME DO (S) LIVROS(S) EDITORA 1. English in motion – volume único 2. Coleção Ser protagonista – Português Volume 1 3. Gramática da língua Portuguesa – conforme acordo ortográfico Autores: Ulisses Infante e Pasquale Cipro Neto (POR FAMÍLIA) 4. Ser protagonista - Matemática 1 Autor(es): Felipe

(article_133_liste récap 2012)

CENTRE HOSPITALIER DE TROYES Article 133 : liste des marchés conclus en 2012 en application de l'arrêté du 26 décembre 2007 modifié par Arrêté du 21 juillet 2011 (article 133 du code des marchés publics) Publication de cette liste sur http://www.e-marchespublics.com MARCHES DE TRAVAUX MARCHES DE 15 000 à 89 999,99 EUROS HT Travaux d'entretien plomberie sanitaire -cha

Appendix 316

HEAD LICE COUNSELLING GUIDELINES 1. Head lice do not spread any diseases but do cause emotional distress. They affect anyone, regardless of personal cleanliness. Children are affected more than adults because of the amount of time spent in close conditions. 2. Lice require warmth and human blood to survive. Transmission is person-to-person, spread by direct contact. Sharing of hats, coats,


Centro Salute e Movimento s.r.l. PAOLO SERAGLIO Specialista in Anestesia Rianimazione Specialista in Terapia del Dolore CURRICULUM VITAE SPECIALITÀ: ANESTESIA TERAPIA INTENSIVA TERAPIA DEL DOLORE License to practice in: Medicina e chirurgia Laurea in Medicina Università di Padova Anestesia Rianimazione Terapia del Dolore Università di Verona Massimo dei voti con lode. Ordine d

Microsoft word - citavi_unified_eula_en-final2

Please read this agreement carefully before you begin using the Software. By using any part of the Software, you accept all the terms and conditions of this agreement. You agree that this agreement is enforceable like any written contract. If you do not agree, you may not use any part of the Software. Swiss Academic Software (“we”) means Swiss Academic Software GmbH, a Swiss limited

Microsoft word - originofgodpsychology.doc

The origins of ‘God’: psychological and social FREUD: A PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPLANATION In The Future of an Illusion , Sigmund Freud presents a psychological explanation of the origins of beliefs in God. He suggests that these beliefs could originate not in an attempt to explain the world, but in a very deep unconscious wish that human beings have. This wish goes back in history to the


EVO CUMPLE, ¿BOLIVIA CAMBIA? Luegomado, adonde llegó con un histórico 54%de los votos, cabe preguntarse ¿qué ha cambiado en Bolivia conel arribo al poder de la izquierda nacionalista?, ¿cuál es el balanceentre rupturas y continuidades con el pasado?, ¿correrá elgobierno de Evo Morales la misma suerte que anterioresexperiencias nacional-populares, cuyo intento de construir unEstado “

Microsoft word - 170.302.d_medicationlist_v1.1.doc

Test Procedure for §170.302.d Maintain Active Medication List  APPROVED Version 1.1  September 24, 2010   Test Procedure for §170.302 (d) Maintain Active Medication List This document describes the test procedure for evaluating conformance of complete EHRs or EHR modules1 to the certification criteria defined in 45 CFR Part 170 Subpart C of the Final Rule for Health Info


Department of Justice GlaxoSmithKline to Plead Guilty & Pay $750 Million to Resolve Criminal and Civil Liability Regarding Manufacturing Deficiencies at Puerto Rico Plant BOSTON – SB Pharmco Puerto Rico Inc., a subsidiary of GlaxoSmithKline, PLC (GSK), has agreed to plead guilty to charges relating to the manufacture and distribution of certain a

Volume 7-6

Krill Oil Original Research Evaluation of the Effects of Neptune Krill Oil on the Clinical Course of Hyperlipidemia Ruxandra Bunea, MD; Khassan El Farrah, MD, MSc; Luisa Deutsch, MD Abstract results of the present study demonstrate within OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of krill oil high levels of confidence that krill oil is effective on blood lipids, specifically

Microsoft word - nolte v. cigna.order on attorneys' fees.docket this one second.ord

2:07-cv-02046-HAB-DGB # 413 Page 1 of 11 ORDER REGARDING PLAINTIFFS’ APPLICATION FOR ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES THIS MATTER is before the Court in connection with Plaintiffs’ Application for Attorneys’ Fees and Reimbursement of Expenses and for Case Contribution Awards for Named Plaintiffs. Doc. 406. In their Application, Class Counsel, the law firm of Schlic

Em sidnei, foram realizados 2

Válida a partir de 1º de janeiro de 2006 O uso de qualquer medicamento deve ser limitado por indicações médicas Substâncias e métodos proibidos permanentemente (em competição e fora de competição) Substâncias proibidas S1. Agentes anabólicos A administração de agentes anabólicos é proibida. 1. Esteróides Androgênicos Anabólicos (EAA) a. EAA exógenos*,

Microsoft word - urolitiasis tradada quirÚgicamente en el hospital arzopispo loayza 2002-2006. cinco aÑos de casuÍstica.doc

UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL MAYOR DE SAN MARCOS Urolitiasis tratada quirúrgicamente en el Hospital Arzobispo Loayza 2002-2006: Lima- Perú Urolitiasis Cálcica Urolitiasis no Cálcica III. Material y métodos IV. Resultados V. Discusión VI. Conclusiones VII. Recomendaciones VIII. Referencia bibliográfica Anexos Se realizó el presente estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, siendo los o

Camp judah camp location at camp hickory hill

Camp Judah Camp Judah Health Form Camp Hickory Hill This form MUST be accurately completed by all campers or camp staff members and submitted with a registration form. Part One should be filled out by the parents of campers or staff applicants under the age of 19. Part Two must be filled out by the personal care physician, physician’s assistant or certified nurse practitioner

Microsoft word - dossier de consultation.doc

MAPA : FOURNITURE DE MEDICAMENTS Article I – Objet du marché Le marché concerne la fourniture de médicaments. Le marché est passé selon la procédure adaptée (Art. 28 du Code des Marchés Publics). Le marché est composé de 205 lots. Les variantes sont admises et la durée du marché est de un an. Le présent marché est soumis au cahier des clauses administratives générale

Microsoft word - reflectionsonline2004.doc

About the Author Dr. Jean Penny is Founder and President of Pennywise Educational Enterprises , a continuing education firm. She’s a masters prepared clinical specialist in maternal child health and an ARNP in Women’s Health Care. Her PhD is in Higher Education. Jean has practiced as a staff nurse, a public health nurse, a supervisor, a nurse practitioner, an educator, a “bureaucr




La stimulation cardiaque dans la prévention des syncopes chez les patients avec syncope vaso-vagale récidivante sévère Deuxième Vasovagal Pacemaker Study (VPS II) Essai randomisé neurogénique représente un problèmefréquent pour lequel on ne disposed’aucun traitement médicamenteuxvraiment efficace. Dans la mesure où lesépisodes de syncope vaso-vagale sont souventassociés à un

Scientific programme

CAMPUS OF EXCELLENCE05 NEW TECHNOLOGIES. Date 11th June Moderator: Fabric-based sensors arrays for reconstruction and classification of body GRAN CANARIA posture and gesture Speaker: Danilo Di Rossi La astronomía que viene Speaker Francisco Sánchez Beyond Moore´s Law Speaker: Mateo Fiabilidad: un desafío para el desarrollo de sistemas inf


Avoiding Deceptive Annotations in the Semantic Web Semantic Web, annotations are easily abused. If we cannotresolve deceptive annotations, we may have negative expe-Deceptive annotations are becoming an important problemriences with Semantic Web applications due to the unsureas more and more people start to tag documents, and theproblem has become an argument to against the SemanticIn gene

Serve un altro patto di stabilit: per le borse

Serve un altro patto di stabilità: per le Borse di Luigi Passamonti* Al rigore nella politica fiscale e monetaria corrisponde il lassismo delle regole per la finanza. La vera priorità è rafforzare le fondamenta dei mercati Sacrifici, rinunce, tagli allo Stato sociale: è il prezzo pagato dall' Occidente per gestire bene le risorse pubbliche. Ma dopo. Durante la prossima riunio

Detailer english

About head lice Having head lice is not harmful to health. Head lice are only able to live on humans. They are usually passed on by head - to head contact; brief hair contact is enough. In contrast to popular belief, head lice are not able to fly or jump, but they do use their six legs to grip hair firmly. Head lice suck blood every two to three hours; this is what causes the irritation. Wh


Private Portfolio Service Fund Fact Sheet - Unit Trusts Platinum Aggressive Intl Fixed NZ Equities Australian Intl Equities Asian Equities Mortgage European Diversified Balanced Property Fund Opportunities International Balanced As at 28 February 2006 Interest Fund Interest Fund Equities Fund Equities Fund Trading Fund Asse

Microsoft word - publications-for-robert-clarke-2-11-2009.doc

Publications for Robert Clarke 1991 1 Clarke R , Daly L, Robinson K, Naughton E, Cahalane S, Fowler B, Graham I. Hyperhomocysteinemia: an independent risk factor for vascular disease. N Engl J Med 1991;324:1149-55. 2 Clarke R , Mayo G, Price P, FitzGerald G. Suppression of thromboxane A2 but not of systemic prostacyclin by controlled-release aspirin. N Engl J Med 1991;325:1137-4

Halton hospital

PHARMACY FORUM HELD ON 3RD DECEMBER 2010 AT THE HOLIDAY INN RUNCORN Attendees Jo Bateman, Countess of Chester Hospital (JB) Sarah Roden, Western Cheshire PCT (SR) Danny Forrest, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital (DF) Victoria Birchall, NHS CL WL Locality (VB) Diane Hornsby Western Cheshire PCT (DH) Dave Thornton, Aintree Hospital (DT) Michael Lloyd, Whiston Hosp


WINDOW GLASS BREAK WIRELESS DETECTOR GBX1 (GB) The detector is designed for application in intruder alarms and security systems. It features advanced acoustic frequency double trace & analyse system allowing detection of window glass breakage and elimination of false alarms. Microprocessor’s controlled power saving system enable three years operation on single alkaline 9V battery. B

Compchart for print v1.3 final.xls

Thames Valley Y-Site Intravenous Drugs Compatibility Chart (November 2005) Prepared by the Thames Valley Critical Care Network Pharmacists Group* Note: This table can be used for Y-site compatibility at the usual manufacturers concentrations. You should also ensure that the drugs checked are compatible in terms of carrier fluid This table gives information for two drug combinations only


ANTIPSYCHOTICS A person who is psychotic is out of touch with same effect as a small amount of a "low-dose" reality. He may "hear voices" or have strange medication, such as haloperidol, why doesn't the and untrue ideas (for example, thinking that doctor just prescribe "low-dose" medications? others can hear his thoughts, or are trying to The main reason is t

Microsoft word - parshat tzav-purim.doc

Ramah Nyack - D'var Torah - Tzav- Purim Friday, March 21 Aviva Buechler, currently a freshman at Barnard College, has worked as a counselor in Nitzanim for the past two summers. In January Aviva was a Nyack representative at the Weinstein Leadership conference in Ojai, California. Aviva will always greet you with a warm smile.especially if you are a celebrity she spots on the street! Aviva can


especializada; destacando entre los temas tra-tados: las bases biológicas de la conducta,rehabilitación así como los ámbitos tradiciona-les de los trastornos neurológicos. Si en una primera parte del texto se tratan Madrid. Panamericana. 2.007, 409 págs. las bases neurobiológicas de las funciones cog-nitivas desde un punto de vista integrador y laneuroanatomía conductual y los síndrom

Microsoft word - dc1ea4bb.doc

Verify that it will not expire during your time out of country If you plan on driving while in Guatemala (not recommended) Leave a copy with someone in the US; carry the original and one Per-day fee for Casa Aleluya – covers food, lodging, transportation, water, electricity , etc. (cash only, no checks or travelers checks) Daytrip to Antigua; $50 usually sufficient for souvenirs, meals Opti


LA PROVINCIA VENERDÌ 25 OTTOBRE 2013 Dichiarazione Iva standardLa Ue vuole ridurre i costiVita delle imprese più semplice con la dichiarazio-ne Iva standard con requisiti uniformi in tutta Europa. È allo studio della Ue. Potrebbe ridurre icosti per le imprese fino a 15 miliardi di euro l’anno. Cargolux: ogni sabato volo in America centraleDalle Ferrari, alle Lamborghini fino al

Comunità pastorale “maria madre della chiesa” – cassina de’ pecchi

Comunità Pastorale “Maria Madre del a Chiesa” – Cas ina de’ Pecchi Da AsiaNews, 27/09/2012 CINA – VATICANO La beatificazione di p. Allegra e la sua influenza sui cattolici cinesi di Joseph Zhang Wenxi , Sacerdote, professore di Studi biblici; decano degli studi nel seminario maggiore dell'Hebei. Pechino (AsiaNews) - In Cina rendiamo grazie a Dio per la beatificazione del fe

Microsoft word - experts reshape treatment guide for cholesterol.docx

Experts Reshape Treatment Guide for Cholesterol By GINA KOLATA Published: November 12, 2013 663 Comments The nation’s leading heart organizations released new guidelines on Tuesday that will fundamentally reshape the use of cholesterol-lowering statin medicines, which are now prescribed for a quarter of Americans over 40. Patients on statins will no longer need to lower their cholesterol levels




CESNI, la crisis, el hambre y el mañana Boletín CESNI Volumen 12 Diciembre 2002 (Versión Borrador, no reproducible) EDITORIAL Argentina atraviesa la peor crisis socioeconómica de toda su historia. El desempleo supera el 20% de la población activa, la pobreza prácticamente abarca al 60% de la población mientras que un cuarto de ella es directamente indigente. Más aú

Pat and jerry blakey

Pat and Jerry Blakey Interview by Jean Bouteiller Dr. Walker was dedicated and worked tirelessly. Pat was impressed with how he came to the house when someone was sick, often late at night. He would sit at the side of the bed, “and he had that way of looking at you, like he could see right through you. I think he had more than just a medical ability, he really had the ability to see into you,”


CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Data di nascita Qualifica Amministrazione Incarico attuale Responsabile - Struttura Semplice Day Hospital Riabalitativo Numero telefonico dell’ufficio Fax dell’ufficio E-mail istituzionale TITOLI DI STUDIO E PROFESSIONALI ED ESPERIENZE LAVORATIVE Titolo di studio SPECIALISTA IN MEDICINA FISICA E DELLARIABILITAZIO


Colsterworth Church of England Primary School POLICY for FIRST AID ADMINISTRATION of MEDICINES – 2013/14 FIRST AID Principles First Aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones. The Governing Body accepts the responsibility to provide adequate and appropriate equipment and facilities for providing first aid in school. The Governing Body is responsible fo

Microsoft word - occupational terminology.doc

Pharmaceutical & Medical Terminology for Pharmacy Technicians Acknowledgements Winnipeg Technical College and the Department of Labour and Immigration of Manitoba wish to express sincere appreciation to all contributors. Special acknowledgments are The Citizenship and Multicultural Division, Funding for this project has been provided by the Manitoba Labour an


Introduction ORGANIZATION OF HCPCS Index The Ingenix 2009 HCPCS Level II book contains mandated changes and new Because HCPCS is organized by code number rather than by service or supply codes for use as of January 1, 2009. Deleted codes have also been indicated name, the index enables the coder to locate any code without looking through and cross-referenced to active codes when

Microsoft word - cars part 10 version 4.0 including amendments dec 2009

CIVIL AVIATION REGULATIONS SURINAME PART 10 - COMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORT BY FOREIGN AIR CARRIERS WITHIN SURINAME VERSION 4.0 June 2006 AMENDMENTS Location Amended by Description Certificate changed to operations specificationsCertificate changed to operations specificationsForeign Air Operator Operations SpecificationsForeign Air Operator Operations SpecificationsOp


CODIGO DE ETICA CAPITULO I DISPOSICIONES GENERALES ARTÍCULO 1.- OBJETIVO. El presente Código tiene por objeto establecer el conjunto de normas y principios que regulan laconducta individual y colectiva de todas las Trabajadoras y Trabajadores de la Caja Petrolera deSalud en el ejercicio de sus funciones. ARTÍCULO 2º.- ÁMBITO DE APLICACIÓN. Su aplicación es de carácter o

Microsoft word - farmacologia2.doc

A transmissão colinérgica no nervo frénico-diafragma do rato: modulação pré-sináptica. Alves, R., Moreira, R., Rocha, C. Departamento de Farmacologia, Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal, 2002 O objectivo do nosso trabalho foi o estudo da transmissão colinérgica no nervo frénico-diafragma. Para tal, foram utilizados diferentes fármacos (tubocurarina, decametón

An047 a01 issue02 i.pdf

AIRWORTHINESS NOTICE NO. 47 APPENDIX NO. 1 31 January 2003 The following are some of the types of medicine in common use which may impairwork performance. This list is not exhaustive and care should be taken in ensuring thelikely effects of any prescribed drug are adequately known before taking it. Sleeping Tablets − These dull the senses, cause mental confusion and slowreaction times.

Etica y medio ambiente

previsibles a corto, mediano y largo plazo por estas intervenciones? ¿Y qué podemos hacer al respecto?. Son preguntas inevitables ii. La ética y la educación en valores en un análisis ambiental, y que la ética sobre la conducta de los hombres hacia el Tradicionalmente, el tema de la ética no ha estado ligado a los aspectos referentes a la naturaleza y al medioambiente. Las vi

N° 5198

CHAMBRE DES DEPUTES HEURE D’ACTUALITE au sujet de LA SCOLARISATION ET DE L’ENCADREMENT DES ENFANTS ATTEINTS DE L’ADHS (Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Syndrom) Här President, Dir Dammen an Dir Hären, Kanner mat engem ADHS-Stéierungsbild oder esougenannte Zappelphilippen ginn oft zu Onrecht stigmatiséiert. Si ginn en nët einfache Leidenswee, grad esou hiert Ëmfeld, hi

Famiglie, siate una pagina di vangelo scritta per il nostro tempo

FAMIGLIE, SIATE UNA PAGINA DI VANGELO SCRITTA PER IL NOSTRO TEMPO! Santa Maria degli Angeli, 19 Ottobre 2008 Care famiglie della nostra Umbria, saluto voi qui presenti e, attraverso voi, tutte le famiglie della regione, quelle che vivono la gioia d’un amore pulito, fors’anche faticoso, ma certamente fedele, e quelle che hanno conosciuto l’amarezza del fallimento. Se siamo riuniti in quest


3023 Summit Street, Oakland, CA 94609Phone: (510) 839-5600 Fax: (510) 839-6153 PATIENT HISTORY SUBMITTING FACILITY Pre-Printed forms available upon request. Platelet Count__________ (K/µL), aPTT__________ (sec.), PT__________ (sec.), INR__________Hematocrit__________ (%), Bleeding History__________ (Y/N), Clotting History__________ (Y/N)Is this patient receiving Heparin? ( Y / N ) - plea

Microsoft word - sordoochoafinalworkshopmedinfapp032309.doc

A PSO/ACO Approach to Knowledge Discovery in a Pharmacovigilance Context ABSTRACT at any dose is suspected to have resulted in adverse outcome in a We propose and evaluate the use of a PSO/ACO methodology for classification and rule discovery in the context of medication Given the limitations of premarketing trials, e.g. highly selected postmarketing surveillance or pharmacovigilan

Microsoft word - assaying bacterial survival in vivo (insects).docx

Assaying Bacterial Survival In vivo Working protocol from Eleanor R. Haine, Department of Animal and Plant Sciences. University of Sheffield, Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TN. [email protected] Overview: This assay measures how quickly insects can clear pathogens from their haemolymph. Each insect is challenged with a dose of antibiotic resistant bacteria. At regular time-intervals


Cellule Marchés Publics - 109, avenue du Petit Barthelémy 1.1. Objet de la procédure 1.2. Objet des fournitures 1.3. Lieu de livraison des fournitures 1.4. Divisions en lots et en tranches 1.5. Forme du marché 1.6. Délai de livraison 1.7. Maintenance ou suivi Article 2. Conditions de la consultation 2.1. Personne publique contractante 2.2. Organisation de la personne publique 2.3. Etendue


International Task Force for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease Last update: Scientific News Literature Up-date since 2002 Observational Studies Prediction of risk of coronary events in middle-aged men in the Prospective Cardiovascular Münster Study (PROCAM), using neural networks. Int J Epidemiol 2002;31:1253-1262 Intervention trials indicate that abou

Microsoft word - media release - operating indicators for june 2012 [final].doc

Operating indicators for June 2012 SINGAPORE, 23 July 2012 – Singapore Changi Airport handled 4.4 million passenger movements in June 2012, 9.7% more than a year before. There were 26,700 landings and take-offs at Changi during the month, a growth of 6.4% year-on-year. For the first half of 2012, Changi Airport handled 25.0 million passengers, an increase of 11.6% compared to the corr

Medical progress today | spotlight: we smell a rat

Medical Progress Today | Spotlight: We Smell A Rat We Smell A Rat Tests in rats shouldn't kill a promising new drug for RLS. David R. Henderson, Charles L. Hooper Which group should the U.S. Food and Drug Administration care about more:humans or rats? That's not a trick question. The FDA's recent decision toreject the drug Horizant suggests that, at lea

Investigación en terapia sistémicaparapublicar.pdf

La investigación en TFP (Terapia Familiar y de Pareja) O haga Ud. mismo su propia investigación Médico-Psiquiatra, Terapeuta Sistémico Unidad de Terapia de Pareja Instituto Chileno de Terapia Familiar Unidad de Investigación en Terapia de Pareja, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad del Desarrollo Docente Unidad de Psicoterapia. Departamento Psiquiatría Facultad de Medicina PUC

Pii: s0094-730x(01)00103-6

Assessing efficacy of stuttering treatments$Department of Psychology, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UKReceived 20 September 2000; received in revised form 27 February 2001; accepted 15 June 2001Efficacy has been defined as the extent to which a specific intervention, procedure,regimen, or service produces a beneficial result under ideally controlled conditions whena

Microsoft word - eann change of co name.doc

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. (Formerly known as “China Resources Logic Limited( 華�


Fast LC/MS/MS Analysis of Group 4 Pharmaceuticals from EPA-1694 with RRHD HILIC Plus Abstract The analysis of the Group 4 compounds in EPA-1694 is sped up using an Agilent 1290Infinity UHPLC and an Agilent ZORBAX RRHD HILIC Plus column. Excellent peakshape is found for all compounds, while the flow rate and sample throughput areincreased by four times the original rate. Introduction

Microsoft word - celebrate 100 years of kibbutz.doc

‘The first kibbutzim (plural of “kibbutz”) were founded some 40 years before the establishment of the State of Israel (1948). Degania (from the Hebrew “dagan,” meaning grain), located south of Lake Kinneret, was established in 1909 by a group of pioneers on land acquired by the Jewish National WEBSITES: Jewish Virtual Library “The Kibbutz” History of kibbutz movement i

13 technical review-2

J . M a t h e r RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS Nuclear Medicine must concentrate on its unique strengths if it is to continue to prove clinically useful and survive into the new century. People undertake research in Cancer imaging;chemistry, such as the development of thedevelopment and a survey of the literaturepotentially ‘useful’ new products, but few,avenues for clinical exploitation in

Microsoft word - 2013-04-14 fumaiolo

CLUB ALPINO ITALIANO MONTE FUMAIOLO Dalle sorgenti del Savio a quelle del Tevere Chiare, fresche e dolci acque… Ecco uno dei temi che caratterizzano questa escursione. Siamo nella zona di Verghereto e del Monte Fumaiolo, incastonata tra Casentino, Montefeltro e Romagna, zona di tipici calanchi, di marne e di arenarie, di estesi boschi di faggi, di querce, di castagni; zona

Microsoft word - the senate house.doc

The University of London is one of the world's leading academic institutions, internationally recognised as a centre of excellence. The University of London is a federal university made up of 31 affiliates: 19 separate university institutions, and 12 research institutes. As such, the University of London is the largest university in the UK by number of full-time student

Building expert systems in prolog

This chapter discusses a forward chaining rule based system and its expert system applications. It shows how the forward chaining system works, how to use it, and how to implement it quickly and easily using Prolog. A large number of expert systems require the use of forward chaining, or data driven inference. The most famous of these is Digital Equipment Corporation's XCON system. It configures


Los valores organizacionales presentes en la pyme metalmecánica venezolana. Un estudio comparado. The organizational values present in the Venezuelan metalworking SMEs Yngrid Velásquez de Naime1, Miguel Núñez Bottini2 1 Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana, UNEG. Puerto Ordaz, Bolívar. Email: [email protected] 2 Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica, UNE

Handleiding voor het gebruik van het antispam-systeem

Computer Solution – only solutions- Voorstelling van het systeem: Dagelijks worden er miljoenen e-mails verstuurd, waarvan ¼ van alle verstuurde e-mails effectief belangrijk zijn. De overige e-mails, ¾ , zijn spam berichten: e-mails om reclame te maken (viagra, drugs, diploma’s,…), ongeadresseerde e-mails, … de spam berichten zijn niet zo onschuldig zoals veel mensen denken.


COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE - Bruxelles, le 23 septembre 2009 PATIENTS ATTEINTS D’ARTHRITES, DE MALADIES INFLAMMATOIRES INTESTINALES OU DE PSORIASIS: RECOMMANDATIONS CONCERNANT LA PREVENTION ET LE TRAITEMENT DE LA GRIPPE L’arthrite, les maladies inflammatoires intestinales et le psoriasis sont des maladies inflammatoires chroniques fréquentes. Elles touchent les articulations (arthrite),

Wet van 21 januari 1987 [ter stijving van het fonds voor risico's van zware ongevallen en het fonds voor preventie van zware o

[WET VAN 21 JANUARI 1987 TER STIJVING VAN HET FONDS VOOR RISICO'S VAN ZWARE ONGEVALLEN EN VAN HET FONDS VOOR PREVENTIE VAN ZWARE ONGEVALLEN.] (B.S. 10.03.1987) titel gewijzigd bij de wet van 26 mei 2002 (1), art. 2 (B.S. 27.06.2002) Artikel 1. [ wet van 26 mei 2002 (1), art. 3 (B.S. 27.06.2002) - Deze wet is van toepassing op de inrichtingen bedoeld in artikel 3, §1, tweede

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Nuclear power

WAGRAMER STRASSE 5, P.O. BOX 100, A-1400 VIENNA, AUSTRIATELEPHONE: (+43 1) 2600, FACSIMILE: (+43 1) 26007, TELEX: 112645 ATOM A, E-MAIL: [email protected], INTERNET: http://www.iaea.orgThe Secretariat of the International Atomic Energy Agency presents its compliments tothe Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Member States of the Agency and has the honour to requestthat they draw the attenti


Ageing and health costs: Managing the futureAustralia’s population is ageing—the evidence for this is clear and compelling. Falling fertility, the ageing of the ‘baby boomer’ generation, declining mortalityand increased life expectancy are combining to increase the number and proportionof the population that is elderly, that is, those aged 65 years or more. This trendwill accelerate over

Microsoft word - bibliografia_científica_cervezaysalud_09 _3_.doc

Investigación Científica sobre Cerveza y Salud González-Gross M, Lebrón MR, Marcos A. Revisión bibliográfica del consumo moderado de la cerveza sobre la salud. Centro de Información Cerveza y Salud. 2000; E 6. Posadas J. Estudio recopilatorio Cerveza y Salud. Centro de Información Cerveza y Salud. 1998; E 1. Villarino AR, Martínez JR, Posadas P. Biblioteca de publicacio

Microsoft word - publikationsliste.doc

PUBLIKATIONEN ORIGINALARBEITEN Brägger, U. & Schürch, E. jr. (1982) Parodontale Verhältnisse bei Jugendlichen mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten. Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern, Schweiz. Brägger, U., Schürch, E. jr., Gusberti, F.A. & Lang, N.P. (1985) Periodontal conditions in adolescents with cleft lip, alveolus and palate fol owing treatment in a coordinated team

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CONHECIMENTOS ESPECÍFICOS 1. Considerando-se o algoritmo para o tratamento medicamentoso no transtorno de pânico, é incorreto afirmar que: (a) A monoterapia com ansiolíticos benzodiazepínicos (clonazepam ou alprazolam, por exemplo) não é considerada primeira escolha pelo risco de dependência (b) Inibidores de recaptação da serotonina e noradrenalina (venlafaxina ou duloxetina, po


www.cmchobbies.co.za cell: 073 5007177 Prices current as at February 2011 - prices subject to change CMC Hobbies Price List Feb 2011 JR EquipmentTransmitters and receiversPlease Enquire for pricing options availableFutaba RecieversR617FS - 7 channel 2,4 Ghz Extension leads 10cm 22awg ext leads, jr type plug Y-leads 15cm 22awg Y-leads, jr type plug Futaba / JR extension lead safet


By Angela Calnan, Senior Associate, and Bethan Boscher, Associate, Collas Crill, Guernsey ALTHOUGH NEW TO GUERNSEY, operating company on the PTC board. willing to register assets in the name of the interest in foundations is high For many clients, however, the estate foundation than they have been to register and since January several have planning discussion falls at the last in the name of

Relevé pipelle de cornier

Sommaire : Pipelles Partie I : de 1982 à 1996 1982 : . Une nouvelle technique pour le prélèvement histologique de l’endomètre en consultation externe : la pipelle. E. Cornier, M.J. Feintuch, D. Delafontaine, R. Thouvenin, L. Boucara. Gynécologie, 1982, 33, 3, pp. 169-171. . Un nouvel instrument : la pipelle. Gyn. Obs., 15 juin 1982. 1984 : . Les cancers de l’endomè

List of medicinal products under additional monitoring

7 Westferry Circus ● Canary Wharf ● London E14 4HB ● United Kingdom Telephone +44 (0)20 7418 8400 Facsimile +44 (0)20 7418 8416 E-mail [email protected] Website www.ema.europa.eu EMA/245297/2013 Rev.2Patient Health ProtectionList of medicinal products under additional monitoring Related Information: pecial_topics/document_listing/document_listing_000365.jsp egulation


Foglio informativo n. 201/021. Libretto di deposito a risparmio. Libretto nominativo. Informazioni sulla banca. Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna S.p.A. Sede Legale e Amministrativa: Via Farini 22 - 40124 Bologna. Tel.: 800.303.306 (Privati), 800.343.034 (Piccole Imprese), 800.714.714 (Imprese). Sito internet:Iscritta all’Albo delle Banche al n° 5466. Appartenente al gruppo bancario

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QUALIFICATIONS Strategic-minded Digital Marketing Analyst with experience developing and managing integrated marketing strategies that have included, but not limited to: search engine marketing (both paid and organic), website analytics, social media, and online display advertising. Increased revenue and grew the business for industry-leading clients, including Foxwoods Resort & Casino,

Ethan frome

CAMOSUN COLLEGE School of Arts & Science Humanities Phil 202, Contemporary Moral Issues Winter, 2005 COURSE OUTLINE Please note: This outline will not be kept indefinitely. It is recommended students keep this outline for your records. 1. Instructor Information (b) Office hours: Monday and Wednesday: 8:30 – 9:20; Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 11:30 �


CORTICOSTEROID EIA A microtiter plate based enzyme immunoassay for the screening of milk, urine, tissue and feed samples on the presence of Corticosteroids Dexamethasone, Betamethasone, Flumethasone, Triamcinolone, Prednisolone. BRIEF INFORMATION 11. LITERATURE The CORTICOSTEROID-EIA is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the screening of milk, urine,


Operational Discount Amendment Terms and ConditionsPT Coach Role is an exciting transitional role geared to assist the driven individual who is looking to make the transitioninto running their own Personal Training business. The PT coach role extends the otherwise 6 week apprentice period to up to 6 months long. It allows you to build your business gradually by engaging members using the curr

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Area culturale e promozione del Territorio Comune di Bomporto Tel. 059 800722; fax 059 818033 DETERMINAZIONE N. 351 del 29.12.2012 OGGETTO: PROMOZIONE LETTURA ANNO 2012. PROVVEDIMENTI. IL RESPONSABILE DELL’AREA CULTURALE E PROMOZIONE DEL TERRITORIO - il D. Lgs. 18 agosto 2000, n. 267, e in particolare gli art. 107 e 109, relativi alle competenze dei dirigenti e, in asse

Microsoft word - article 1_0208.doc

Cheyenne Business Monthly - Feb 2008 By: Charlene Boner, 307.214.2043 Plan for Success: Why a Business Plan is Key to Continued Success Welcome to the beginning of 2008! With the new year you have either recently completed yourstrategic and tactical planning projections for the coming year(s), or you are now finalizing thatprocess. One of the key factors for continued success is also having


ORDENANZA MUNICIPAL Nº 5.592 /2.010.- PROMULGADA MEDIANTE DECRETO MCO Nº 1.964 /2.010.- CÓDIGO MUNICIPAL DE PROCEDIMIENTOS DE FALTAS DE LAS PENALIDADES CAPÍTULO I DISPOSICIONES GENERALES JURISDICCIÓN Artículo 1.- ESTE Código regirá el juzgamiento de las faltas a las normas municipales dictadas por los órganos previstos en la Ley Orgánica de Munic


Know the Difference betw A Cold & Swine Flu Symptoms Swine Flu Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of Fever is rare with a cold. 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the flu. A hacking, productive (mucus- A nonproductive (non-mucus producing) Coughing producing) cough is often cough is usuall


TOM OTIENO ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE • Associate Dean , College of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Kentucky University, Responsible for various College activities related to the administration of the College including promotion and tenure, strategic planning, policies and procedures, and faculty development. Assists with faculty appointments, chairperson appointments and other administrat


Module 1.3.3 Package Leaflet Glimepiride Read all of this leaflet carefully before you start taking this medicine. - Keep this leaflet. You may need to read it again. - If you have further questions, please ask your doctor or your pharmacist. - This medicine has been prescribed for you personally and you should not pass it on to others. It may harm them, even if their symptoms are

Microsoft word - the shortage of public hospital beds.doc

The Shortage of Public Hospital Beds for Mentally Ill Persons A Report of the Treatment Advocacy Center * Member of the Board, Treatment Advocacy Center The Treatment Advocacy Center is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. TAC does not accept funding from pharmaceutical companies or entities involved in the sale, marketing or distribution The Shortage of Public Hospital Beds for Me


Pharmacokinetics of sertraline in relation togenetic polymorphism of CYP2C19 Objective: Our objective was to evaluate the relationship between the disposition of sertraline and the pres- ence of the CYP2C19 gene and to define the contribution of cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) to ser- traline N -demethylation. Methods: A single oral 100-mg dose of sertraline was administered to 6


Experimentos en México y Brasil Mejoran la Técnica de los Fármacos Eréctiles, así Como de los Medicamentos Genéricos Semejantes Duff Wilson writes:1 Frente a la competencia de los genéricos contra su “pildorita azul”, Pfizer recientemente comenzó a vender una forma masticable del Viagra en México. Se llama Viagra Jet, y Pfizer dice que también puede comerciarla en otras naci


Virtuelle Systematik Schlagwörter Verfasser Körperschaften Allgemeinbibliothek Medizin > Krankheit und Heilkunde > Neurologie und Psychiatrie Neurologie und Psychiatrie - Neurologie und Psychiatrie - Allgemeine Angst-Auskunft Herbert Mück. - Köln, 2005 50 Lit. Für Patienten und Angehörige. Allgemeines; Angstentstehung; spezielle Ängste und ihre Bew

Microsoft word - patient instructionsvirc.doc

Patient Instructions for Vascular and Interventional Radiology Center The following is a list of instructions for your procedure on _____________. 1. If you are having a procedure, we ask that you arrive 2 hours prior to the procedure to ensure that you get through admissions and the assessment center in time for your exam. There may be times when we are delayed due to emergent procedur

Microsoft word - 2008-forte-di-orino.doc

Prealpi Varesine – Parco Naturale di Campo dei Fiori 26 ottobre 2008 Generalità Lunga ma semplice escursione ad anello nel Parco Naturale Regionale di Campo dei Fiori, percorrendo un itinerario panoramico che presenta molteplici punti d’interesse naturalistici e storico-monumentali. La gita avviene in collaborazione con l’associazione “Amici della Grotta Remeron” e con CAI



Captopril bayvit comprimidos 100 mg

PROSPECTO: INFORMACIÓN PARA EL USUARIO Lea todo el prospecto detenidamente porque contiene información importante para usted. Este medicamento puede obtenerse sin receta, para el tratamiento de afecciones menores sin la intervención de un médico. No obstante, debe usted utilizar con cuidado Couldina C comprimidos efervescentes para obtener los mejores resultados. Conserve este pro

Twentyine palms city council/redevelopment agency

TWENTYNINE PALMS CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 6136 ADOBE ROAD TWENTYNINE PALMS, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2004 7:00 P.M. 1.0 CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Freshour called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE- Master Kelly Green led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION – Pastor Grover Fletcher of Wonder Valley


Brain Topography, Volume 13, Number 3, 2001 Proceedings ISBET 2000: The 11th World Congress of the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography, Germany November 16-19, 2000 Organizer: Maurer and Dierks In contrast, the parietal P300 source strength increased af- Low-Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography ter acute (day 1), subacute and superimposed infusion (LOR


CEYLON COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS MEDICINE UPDATE Vol. 18 No. 1 Compiled by Dr. Henry N. Rajaratnam MD FCCP FRCP (London) (Hon) FRACP (Hon) FSLCGP FACE 1:1 What’s new in TB?. a) Multi drug resistant TB – defined as resistance to at least Rifampicin and INAH are on the increase and considered incurable with conventional regimes. b) HIV increases multi drug resistance, a


Town of Lancaster Community Choice Power Supply Program Frequently Asked Questions Today, the Town of Lancaster is announcing that it has selected Constellation Energy Power Choice, Inc. as its competitive power supplier under the Town’s new “Community Choice Power Supply” initiative. The selection was made on a competitive basis. What is the “Community Choice Power Supply”

A cobranÇa de taxas de condomÍnios vencidos

STJ: balanço favorável em 2011 e expectativas para 2012. No final do ano de 2011, foi o Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) que se destacou no balanço de atuação no Poder Judiciário, pois, além de ter formado precedentes importantes em diversas áreas do Direito, tais como direito de família, comercial, tributário e processual civil, constatou-se que os ministros, em regra, têm p


AUS DER REGION WALDDÖRFER/ALSTERTALER MARKT NR.4 - MITTWOCH, 21. JANUAR 2009Erfolgreiches Gemeinschaftsprojekt mit staatlicher Jugendmusikschule Wohldorf-Ohlstedt (am/le). schließend gibt es für alle Sasel (khl). Im Rahmen des Musikherbstes, einem neuen Projekt des Sasel-Hauses, hat ein Instrumentenschnupperkursus im Naturschutzbund einen gemeinsamen Imbiss. Zentrums


Text: Sanna Lönnfors Översättning: SONATOR OYmed fokus på läkemedlets effekt, säker-patienter lider av. Eventuel a biverkningar het, dosering och eventuel a biverkningar. Läkemedel dyker inte upp på apotekshyllan av verkar får man bättre reda på även mer sig själva; lanseringen av ett nytt läkemedel fö-regås vanligtvis av flera års forskning och klinis-ka prövningar f


The 500-mg Invirase tablets are beige and im-printed with “ROCHE” on one side and “SQV 500” on the other side. Also known as: Ro 31-8959, saquinavir mesylate, SQV Patient assistance. Roche offers a patient assistance program for Background and description. This drug is a protease inhibitor those who qualify. For more information call 800.282.7780. man u fac tured by F. H

Dermatology patient preparation

DERMATOLOGY, ALLERGY & EAR DISEASE SERVICE: PATIENT PREPARATION If you’re unsure of the specific skin or ear problem that your pet may suffer from, you may make your initial appointment with the Dermatology, Allergy, & Ear Disease Specialists without any individual patient preparation or drug withdrawals for the initial examination. Initial exam fee = $100 (These

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REVISTA DA CATÓLICA Ensino | Pesquisa | Extensão 1. Da linha editorial da revista 1.1 . A REVISTA DA CATÓLICA é um periódico eletrônico de publicação semestral sob responsabilidade administrativa do Setor de Publicações da Faculdade Católica de Uberlândia e editada por um Conselho Editorial. De caráter interdisciplinar, a Revista não se preocupa com adoção de focos te

Il cardiopatico dal dentista

Testo elaborato dagli Odontostomatologi dott. G De Polo* e G. Dal Broi ** (09/2007) Prima di addentrarci nel processo di informazione e/o formazione dell’Utente/Paziente, allo scopo di chiarire dubbi e lacune sull’argomento, giova ribadire che deve essere rivolta grande attenzione alle condizioni di igiene orale dei Soggetti a rischio di problema cardiaco. E’ noto che una scadent

Acta consejo 4° plenario asamblea _2_

REUNION IV PLENARIO ASAMBLEA GENERAL ORDINARIA DE LA FEDERACIÓN VETERINARIA ARGENTINA En la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, en el domicilio de la Sociedad de Medicina Veterinaria, el día 4 de diciembre de 2009 siendo las 09:00 hs se da comienzo al 4º Plenario Asamblea de la Federación Veterinaria Argentina, con la presencia de los siguientes Presidentes y Delegados de los Colegios

Comune di venezia - iii commissione - verbale per seduta del 09-04-2013 ore 11:30

Verbale per seduta del 09-04-2013 ore 11:30 Consiglieri componenti la Commissione: Pierantonio Belcaro, Sebastiano Bonzio, Renato Boraso, Claudio Borghello, Cesare Campa, Giampietro Capogrosso, Antonio Cavaliere, Bruno Centanini, Pasquale Ignazio ''Franco'' Conte, Sebastiano Costalonga, Ennio Fortuna, Nicola Funari, Giacomo Guzzo, Lorenza Lavini, Bruno Lazzaro, Marta Locatelli, Jacopo Molin


Prophylaxis for Gonococcal and Chlamydial Ophthalmia Neonatorum By Richard B. Goldbloom Prepared by Richard B. Goldbloom, MD, FRCPC1 The term ophthalmia neonatorum applies in this chapter to acute conjunctivitis in the newborn from any cause. In 1 979, the Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination concluded that there was good evidence to support prophylaxis with ro

Acta nº3 - junho de 2013

Acta n.º 03 ACTA N.º3 ------- Ao vigésimo nono dia do mês de Junho do ano de dois mil e treze, no Salão Nobre do Edifício dos Paços do Concelho de Arganil, reuniu pelas dez horas a Assembleia Municipal de Arganil, sob a Presidência do Senhor Deputado Luís Filipe Soares Quaresma, Secretariado pelas Senhoras Deputadas Isabel Maria de Jesus Carvalho e Sandra Margarida Pedroso

Microsoft word - purim_print-friendly.doc

Canfei Nesharim Eco-Friendly Mishloach Manot Packages Green Purim Sameach! Canfei Nesharim has developed a selection of five eco-friendly and fun Mishloach Manot themed package ideas for you or your group to prepare and distribute to your constituents on Purim. The packages include “Lunch Break,” “Health Nut,” “Cold Kit,” “Pesach Welcome Kit,” and “The Blessing of the Sun -

Microsoft word - instructions for completing the trespass enforcement request form.docx

Instructions for Completing the Trespass Enforcement Request Form The FROM section:  YOUR Name: YOUR name should be listed here; not your business name, property management company name, HOA name or any other name. This name must be the person responsible for the property and the name must be the same throughout the form.  Mailing Address: The address you get your mail at. P

Microsoft word - clinicaltrialslisting_0107a.doc

CancerPACT Cancer Patients’ Alliance for Clinical Trials Listing of Ongoing Cancer Clinical Trials in the Sacramento Area Winter 2007 I. Solid Tumors 1. Breast 2. Central Nervous System Gastrointestinal Gynecologic Head & Neck Melanoma Mesothelioma p.7 Prostatic Urological II. Hematological Cancers 1. Leukemia Lymphoma p


Recalls, competition strain HBC, butenergy, allergy offer possible remedy BY ANGEL ABCEDE || [email protected] Though cough medicine is a sta- margin dollars rose 14%, he says. To Johnson & Johnson earlier this yearfrom 33.1% to 41.7%,” Audet says. “Weᮣ Recal s. A massive Johnson & John- son recall earlier this year affected numer-Benadryl (see sidebar, p. 116), causing a�


IMMUKNOW® BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PUBLICATIONS – SOLID ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION ADDENDUM SOLID ORGAN TRANSPLANT ABSTRACTS, PRESENTATIONS OR POSTERS 2012 Adabala M, Jain A, Kapur G, Baracco R, Kirby J, Bartow C, Mattoo T. ImmuKnow (Cylex) in pediatric renal transplant patients. Paper presented at: American Transplant Congress June 2012; Boston, MA. Bini F, Miserere S, Morosini M, Grasso A,


Service Recovery Paradox: A Meta-Analysis Celso Augusto de Matos, Jorge Luiz Henrique and Carlos Alberto Vargas Rossi The online version of this article can be found at:http://jsr.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/10/1/60 can be found at: Journal of Service Research Additional services and information for Citations Service Recovery Paradox: A Meta-Analysis Celso Augusto d


Homeopathy (]]]]) ], ]]]–]]] r 2004 The Faculty of Homeopathydoi:10.1016/j.homp.2005.01.002, available online at ORIGINAL PAPER Adjunctive homeopathic treatment in patients with severe sepsis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in an intensive care unit M Frass1,Ã, M Linkesch2, S Banyai2,3, G Resch1, C Dielacher2, T Lo¨bl2, C Endler1, M Haidvogl1,1Ludwig Boltz


Title Incremental Cost-Effectiveness (ICE) Statistical Inference from Two Unbiased SamplesAuthor Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>Maintainer Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>Description Given two unbiased samples of patient level data on cost and effectivenessfor a pair of treatments, make head-to-head treatment comparisons by (i) generating thebivariate bootstrap resampling distribution


Just a Good Night’s Sleep This below is one drug being given to someone I know for „seizures‟ which „ only happen when the patient is asleep .” A local psychiatrist, the one who labelled me in eleven cost effective minutes and told my employer I was „non compliant with no prospect of recovery‟, has, according to some of his patients, told those patients, “None of these drugs

Microsoft word - cns688

COURSE SYLLABUS OUTLINE CNS 688 Professional School Psychology Spring 2012 Educational Studies, Leadership and Counseling Mardis Dunham, Ph.D., 3217 Alexander Hall, 809-6466 Monday through Thursday 8 am to 2 pm; before and after class as needed, or by DEPARTMENT: EDUCATIONAL STUDEIES, LEADERSHIP, & COUNSELING COURSE PREFIX: CNS COURSE NUMBER: 688 CREDIT HOUR: 3 I. TI


Patient information from the BMJ Group Erection problems Erection problems If you have problems getting an erection, you're not on your own. More than 2 million men in the UK have erection problems. Doctors see men with this problem all the time. And once you see your doctor, there are good treatments that can help. What are erection problems? Most men have trouble getting an erec


PALOMA YASMIN RESORT (5 STAR), ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE Preturile includ reducerea EarlyBooking %15 pentru rezervari facute de la 01.10.2011 pana la 31.03.2012 MYNDOS ROOM opti 11.05 25.05 8.06 15.06 29.06 06.07 13.07 20.07 03.08 24.08 31.08 07.09 14.09 21.09 28.09 05.10 12.10 Primul copil in DBL (2.00-12.99) Pret pe Camera 1.636 1.561 1.475 1.386 1.232 1.122 1.005SINGLE ROOM - 1 Adl+


TWO HEADED DOG AT THE MAD HATTER IN COVINGTON / SCOTT BESELER | HIDE PHOTO GIVE US YOUR EMAIL AND WE WILL GIVE YOU OUR This week's blogger, P.G. Sittenfeld, subscribes to the adage that 'it takes a village' to educate a child. In this case, Sittenfeld, the Director of Community Engagement for The Community Learning Center Institute, says Cincinnati has much to be proud of

Microsoft word - congestive heart failure 08apr2013

Remember that acute coronary syndrome may present with shortness of breath (alone) and new onset acute congestive heart failure! Acute weight gain may be the only symptom of acute CHF. Priorities Assessment Findings “Difficulty breathing”; “Shortness of breath” “wheezing” Assess onset, duration, progression, subjective severity, possible triggering events, and respo

Microsoft word - june 24th _ final_.doc

Communicating with the Chaucer community every second Thursday Chaucer School, Chaucer Place, Blockhouse Bay. Ph 6266699 email [email protected] Website – www.chaucer.school.nz Dates for your diary Friday 25th June- White Out day at school- children to wear white if they can as a show of support for our soccer team Monday 28th June - P.T.R.A sausage sizzle Friday 2nd July – Strat

Jim – mods to…

Crossways Health History Form Year: ___________ BRING THIS FORM TO CAMP. DO NOT MAIL IT AHEAD OF TIME. NAME OF CAMPER ____________________________________________________________________________________ Grade_______ Birthdate____________ Age_______  Male  Female Camp Season:  Summer Camp  Retreat Season (If school year is not in session, enter grade complete


Integrated Science (2008-2009) S. 1Bridging Course Materials Date & 16/07/2008 17/07/2008 18/07/2008 9:30–10:20 10:40–11:30 9:30–10:20 10:40-11:30 9:30-10:20 10:40-11:30 Class Red Room Location: Room: 212, 213, 215 – please go to New Wing Building Room: 301, 401, 402, 403, 501 – please go to Old Wing Building Day 1 (16/07/2008) 1


Notes from the Bi-Annual Guillain-Barre/CIDP Symposium, November 2-5, 2006 Note: Spelling of drugs and medical terms may not be correct. 1.0 Location The meeting was held at the Embassy Suites in Scottsdale, Arizona. The GBS foundation had blocked 250 rooms. There were 400 people attending and so there were not enough rooms at the hotel. The hotel was very wheelchair accessible although there

Moose jaw tour

Moose Jaw Tour Campbell Area Grade 7 Concert Band Wednesday May 16, 2012 Wednesday May 16 9:00 – Students go to home school. 9:45 – Students meet in the band room at Campbell. (Perry, Grant Road and McVeety Students will be bused by school bus to Campbell. Massey students will walk to Campbell at morning recess. Students will need to come to school in their band t-shirt,

Page description languages: development, implementation and standardization

ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING, VOL. 1(2), 79–96 (SEPTEMBER 1988) Page description languages: development, implementation and standardization Department of Physical Sciences and Scientific Computing SUMMARY Advances in laser technology have facilitated the development of printers which accept input in the form of pages rather than the lines characteristic of impact printers. Concurrently, page desc


Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 132 (2011) 870–877Contents lists available at ScienceDirectj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / f l u o rSynthesis and biological evaluation of new3,5-di(trifluoromethyl)-1,2,4-triazolesulfonylurea and thiourea derivativesHassan M. Faidallah a,*, Khalid A. Khan a, Abdullah M. Asiri a,ba Department of Chemistry, F


Search/tags: Sugar syrup, fondant, grease patties, essential oil, feeding bees, bee candy, candy boardPrepared by Roger Williams, President, CMBA (cmbeea.org). Corrections/additions appreciated. Honey Despite the fact that on first observation it would seem obviously correct, honey is not the best feed for bees. Honey is in essence bee food that has been processed so that it won’t spoil. Wh

Padronizado cristiana ferreira

CliniCAPS, Vol 5, nº 13 (2011) – Relato de Experiência Outro que engana: Outro da Transferência1 Cristiana Miranda Ramos Ferreira Resumo: Trata-se de um caso clínico que apresenta os efeitos da “trivialização na transferência” na condução do tratamento. Palavras-chave: Psicose, transferência , “trivialização”. Abstract: It is a case that presents the

3_mercati esteri_mod

Unione Europea e Mercati Esteri 300 modelli di gru allaconquista del mondo Autogru PM - oltre 300 modelli di gru - ha potrebbe fare arrossire i boss dell’indu- sviluppato il proprio business all’estero soprattutto tramite un capillare network di importatori, capaci di costante, da assicurarsi un posto al sole gestire una distribuzione effici


Water Fluoridation:a Review of Recent Research and Actionsantifluoridation activists of promoting water fluoridation as a Joel M. Kauffman, Ph. D. method of toxic waste disposal. 2,3 Information concerning the ABSTRACT quantities of the waste and the proportion used in fluoridation hasbeen unobtainable. The purported value of fluoridation for dentalFluoridation of drinking water began 60

Stockdata 7.xls

Incubator,LEEC Model GA35N,C02,1250x500x500mm. Incubator,GALLENKAMP,Model INF 631Q,cooled,temp.cycling. D478 Gallenkamp,Size 2,static,470x470x460mm,97litresD410Incubator,Scotlab VSL,600w x 800h x 500d. 2 available. Gallenkamp,Size 2,fan,470x470x460mm97litresLEEC,GA150,SS lined,Fan,CO2,600x500x480mm,Flowlab IR1500,SS lined,fan assisted CO2 ;digital,3 available. Astell JBH000,cooled,fan,digit

Microsoft word - pharmacy_articles_international_ and_national_journals para formay[1].doc

List of Research Articles of Chitkara College of Pharmacy (In International And National Journals) International Journals 2012 1. Ashish K Rehni; Nirmal Singh. Ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate and RS 102895 attenuate opioid withdrawal in vivo and in vitro. Psychopharmacology (Berl.). 2012 2. Ashish K Rehni; Nirmal Singh. Potential involvement of tyrosine phosphatase and calpai


El “nuevo acto de compra” El sector del retail viene experimentando en el mundo un intenso proceso de cambio, analicemos las transformaciones que se fueron dando y los efectos que ello tiene. ¿En qué estado se encuentra hoy el consumidor/usuario de un producto/servicio? La actual propuesta de negocio pasa por ofrecerles a los consumidores/usuarios la posibilidad que elijan entre numero

Microsoft word - extracto de condiciones generales

Extracto de Condiciones Generales Seguro de Accidentes grupo y colectivo  ACCIDENTES PERSONALES GRUPO Y COLECTIVO EXTRACTO DE CONDICIONES GENERALES  Extracto de Condiciones Generales Seguro de Accidentes grupo y colectivo  DEFINICIÓN DE ACCIDENTE Se entenderá por accidente cubierto por la presente póliza toda lesión corporal sufrida por el asegurado


Surgical Instructions Please Read These Instructions Before Your Surgery The staff at Columbia Shores OB/GYN (Columbia Shores Comprehensive OB/GYN, PLLC) is committed to ensuring that your post-operative experience is as comfortable as possible. Please do not hesitate to call the office for any questions after surgery. Any questions regarding your surgery or post-operative recovery should

Dear healthcare professional,

PO Box 1000 North Wales, PA 19454-1099 Dear Health Care Professional: Merck/Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals recently announced the primary end point and other results of the ENHANCE trial. You have no doubt seen some of the extensive news coverage generated by our announcement. This has created lots of confusion and questions from health care professionals and patients about VYTORIN®


Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo Diagnóstico e Tratamento Aristides Volpato Cordioli Luciana Nerung Sandra Machado 1. Conceito (DSM-IV) O Transtorno Obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC), caracteriza-se pela presença de obsessões ou compulsões recorrentes, suficientemente severas para ocupar parte significativa do tempo do paciente, causando desconforto ou comprometimento Obses

Chapter 6 824 wt2 maintenance

Maintenance Hardware Insertion Machine Maintenance Schedule Maintenance Schedule This maintenance schedule is applicable for Warning! standard machine shop operating conditions. DO NOT lubricate the Upper Tool When operating under severe conditions such asHolder with any lubricant other than aheavy dust and dirt, increase the schedule to(white).** Other products may in

Thalidomide, inn-lenalidomid

SUMMARY OF PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Thalidomide Celgene 50 mg hard capsules 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Each capsule contains 50 mg of thalidomide. Excipient: Each capsule contains 257.2 mg of anhydrous lactose. For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1. 3. PHARMACEUTICAL Hard capsule. White opaque capsules marked

Cp07036 - aleida h. konynenbelt vs minister of human resources development

THE PENSION APPEALS BOARD IN RE THE CANADA PENSION PLAN BETWEEN: ALEIDA H. KONYNENBELT Appellant MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Respondent Appeal CP07036 The Honourable Mr. Justice F.H. Poulin, Chairman The Honourable John J. Urie for the Board : The Appellant appeals the majority decision of a Review Tribunal dated April 14, 1997, which confir


SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT(S): BENZOYL PEROXIDE HARDENER (50% w/w) Supplier In Australia: Address: 26 - 30 Charles Street, St Marys, Australia. 2760 Telephone Number: Emergency Telephone: +61 2 96732555 (Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm) Supplier In NZ: Address: 39 Burrows Street, Tauranga, New Zealand Telephone Number: Emergency Teleph

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