Läkemedelsföretagen tvekar ofta inför att satsa på ny antibiotika för att det inte är tillräckligt lönsamt, men de ska nu ges ekonomiska morötter generisk augmentin Ofta fås en bättre/snabbare absorption när läkemedel tas på fastande mage men för vissa läkemedel är det önskvärt att minska risken för biverkningar från mag-tarmkanalen genom att läkemedlet tas tillsammans med föda.
Community-driven research onHelicobacter pylori infection in theCanadian Arctic: the Old CrowH. pylori Project
Laura Aplin1*, Janis Geary2, Sander Veldhuyzen van Zanten1,Brendan Hanley3, Diane Kirchgatter3, Karen J. Goodman1,2,The Old Crow H. pylori Project Planning Committee andThe CANHelp Working Group
1Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; 2Department of Public Health Sciences,University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; 3Health and Social Services, Government of Yukon, Whitehorse,Canada
Helicobacter pylori infection has been agrowing planning committee and includes 6 main components:
health concern in northern Canada due to the
surveys of health and socio-environmental factors, urea
awareness of its link to stomach cancer. Both
breath test (UBT) screening for H. pylori infection, upper
H. pylori prevalence and stomach cancer rates are elevated
gastrointestinal endoscopy, treatment, knowledge ex-
in Arctic Aboriginal populations (1). This project arose as
an extension of the Canadian North Helicobacter pylori(CANHelp) Working Group’s pilot project, the Aklavik
H. pylori Project. The CANHelp Working Group links re-
During 2010 and 2011, all residents of Old Crow were
searchers from the University of Alberta with northern com-
invited to be screened for H. pylori infection by UBT
munity leaders and health officials. The initial H. pylori
and interviewed using structured questionnaires to ascer-
project was established in Aklavik, Northwest Territories
tain health factors, individual-level socio-environmental
in 2007 in response to concerns about health risks from
factors and household-level environmental factors. All
H. pylori raised by community leaders and their health
residents of Old Crow who gave informed consent were
care providers. The following year, a Member of the
eligible. Parental consent and child’s assent were obtained
Yukon Legislative Assembly (MLA) for the Vuntut
Gwitchin First Nation contacted the CANHelp Working
In 2012, we invited all residents of Old Crow to
Group to inquire about developing a local H. pylori
undergo endoscopy with gastric biopsy, in temporary
research project in response to similar health concerns
endoscopy units in the Old Crow Health Centre. A team
raised by residents of Old Crow, Yukon (population: 250,
of gastroenterologists, endoscopy nurses, service aids
Â90% Aboriginal). Later that year, the Vuntut Gwitchin
and an endoscopy technical support specialist travelled
General Assembly passed by consensus a resolution that
to Old Crow for 1 week to perform the procedures.
the University of Alberta team carry out H. pylori
This component aimed to characterise prevalent gastric
research in Old Crow for citizens who wished to par-
disease and bacterial strains among H. pylori-positive
ticipate. As a result, the CANHelp Working Group
project participants. Participants ]15 years of age could
established the Old Crow H. pylori Project in November
also enrol in a treatment trial comparing 2 of the best
available H. pylori therapies. Both therapies were 10 dayslong: sequential therapy consisted of a proton pump
inhibitor and amoxicillin for days 1Á5, followed by a
The Old Crow H. pylori Project aims to investigate the
proton pump inhibitor, clarithromycin and metronida-
disease burden related to H. pylori infection and identify
zole for days 6Á10; quadruple therapy consisted of a
strategies for reducing health-related risks. This project
proton pump inhibitor with bismuth, metronidazole and
was designed and conducted in collaboration with a local
Table I. Pathology findings (Sydney classification) from 63 Old
difference is large enough to demonstrate a clear super-
These results contribute to evidence demonstrating thatcommunities in northern Canada are disproportionately
affected by H. pylori infection, considering the high
prevalence observed in Old Crow relative to the pre-
valence across southern Canada, typically around 30%
(2). The frequency of severe inflammation among project
participants in Old Crow is also uncommonly high.
H. pylori infection, in nearly any population, is almostalways accompanied by chronic gastritis, which is usually
mild and asymptomatic (3). In contrast, high prevalence
From November 2010 to August 2012, 199 residents con-
of severe inflammation is more characteristic of popula-
sented to participate in the Old Crow H. pylori Project;
tions at high risk of stomach cancer. The success of the
50% were male aged 1Á88 years. Of the 199 participants,
Old Crow H. pylori Project, as demonstrated by the high
145 completed questionnaire-based interviews, 192 un-
level of participation, is the result of close partnership
derwent a UBT (UBT positivity 068%), 65 consented
with the local planning committee and ongoing commu-
to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, 63 had biopsies
collected for culture and histopathology, 86 consentedto treatment and 70 enrolled in the treatment trial.
Gastric biopsies were examined at the University of
Findings from the Old Crow H. pylori Project show that
Alberta and analysed to estimate the frequency of endo-
community concerns over risks from H. pylori infection
scopically visible gastric abnormalities, pathological dis-
are well placed. The effective collaboration with com-
ease outcomes and H. pylori strains resistant to antibiotics.
munity members and health officials strengthens the
Pathologic findings from 63 endoscopy participants with
CANHelp Working Group’s ability to effectively address
community concerns about this infection.
Antibiotic resistance frequencies from 53 participants
with successful culture were as follows: 42% for metro-
nidazole, 25% for clarithromycin, 8% for ciprofloxacin,
1. Cheung J, Goodman K, Munday R, Heavner K, Huntington J,
2% (borderline) for tetracycline and 0 for amoxicillin,
Morse J, et al. Helicobacter pylori infection in Canada’s arctic:
searching for the solutions. Can J Gastroenterol. 2008;22:912Á6.
Treatment trial participants also underwent a follow-
2. Goodman KJ, Jacobson K, van Zanten SV. Helicobacter pylori
up UBT to determine the success of each therapy, for
infection in Canadian and related Arctic Aboriginal popula-
which preliminary results are available. For those pre-
tions. Can J Gastroenterol. 2008;22:289Á95.
scribed sequential therapy (n 020), treatment success
3. Brown LM. Helicobacter pylori: epidemiology and routes of
was 60% (12/20; 95% confidence interval 36Á81%), while
for those given quadruple therapy (n 020), treatmentsuccess was 92% (17/20; 95% confidence interval 62Á
97%). Despite the small numbers with a post-test, this
VEILIGHEIDSINFORMATIEBLAD overeenkomstig Richtlijn (EU) Nummer 1907/2006 PULSAR ENERGY BAR 2,6 KG I/GR/F/NL/E/P 000000000000708577 1. IDENTIFICATIE VAN DE STOF OF HET PREPARAAT EN VAN DE ONDERNEMING Productinformatie Uitsluitend bestemd voor gebruik door professionele gebruikers. 2. IDENTIFICATIE VAN DE GEVAREN Advies over het gevaar voor mensen en voor het milieu