Regeringen vill ge pengar till läkemedelsbolag för att skynda på utvecklingen av antibiotika som står emot motståndskraftiga bakterier Svenska materialet kan bli alternativ till antibiotika.

"F" - Medical News:

X. PRESTACIONES FAMILIARES Y CLÁUSULAS DE RESIDENCIA JOSÉ JOAQUÍN PÉREZ-BENEYTO ABAD Magistrado Especialista de la Sala de lo Social del TSJ de Andalucía/Sevilla (La ponencia es una síntesis del artículo publicado en el nº 32 de la Revista General de Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social: I. INTRODUCCIÓN Existen dos modalidades1: contributivas2 no econó


Rapid and Accurate Detection of Mycobacteriumtuberculosis in Sputum Samples by Cepheid XpertMTB/RIF Assay—A Clinical Validation StudyAndrea Rachow1,2*, Alimuddin Zumla3, Norbert Heinrich1, Gabriel Rojas-Ponce2, Bariki Mtafya2, KlausReither1,4, Elias N. Ntinginya2, Justin O’Grady3, Jim Huggett3, Keertan Dheda3, Catharina Boehme5, MarkPerkins5, Elmar Saathoff1, Michael Hoelscher11 Division o

Microsoft word - focus 3 pis stage 4 v2.0 october 2009.doc

FOCUS 3 – A study to determine the feasibility of molecular selection of therapy using KRAS, BRAF and topo-1 in patients with metastatic or Information for patients receiving IrFU chemotherapy This sheet gives some information about the chemotherapy you will be receiving. ‘IrFU’ is short for ‘Irinotecan + Fluorouracil’. IrFU chemotherapy is given each fortnight. The treatment starts

2007 + 2008 nur lomakzeptierte

Publikationen aus den Jahren 2007 und 2008: • Struwe E, Berzl GM, Schild RL, Beckmann MW, Dörr HG, Rascher W, Dötsch J Simultaneously reduced gene expression of cortisol-activating and cortisol- inactivating enzymes in placentas of small-for-gestational-age neonates. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2007;197(1): 43.e1-6 (Impact(2007)=2.917, Impact(2008)=3.453, Typ=Article; Journal Article; Clin

January 22, 2002

CALL TO ORDER Mr. Moskal called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room at the FindlayTownship Municipal Building, Route 30, Clinton, Pennsylvania. Dan Moskal, Vice-ChairmanSean Sawford, SecretaryJohn ThomasMichelle McLaughlin MINUTES: After review of the June 23, 2009 regular meeting minutes, Mr. Sawford made a Motion to approvethe minutes as presented. Seconded by Mr. Thomas

Example: (problem 8, sec

Section 8-3 Testing a Claim about a Proportion Example: A research center claims that more than 55% of US adults regularly watch network news broadcast. To test the claim, a random sample of 425 adults was asked whether they regularly watched network news broadcast, and 255 said yes. At   05 Example: In a Gallup poll of 1012 randomly selected adults, 9% said that cloning of human

ISSN 1068 1620, Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2012, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 224–229. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2012. Original Russian Text © D.V. Yanvarev, A.N. Korovina, N.N. Usanov, S.N. Kochetkov, 2012, published in Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya, 2012, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 257–262. Non Hydrolysable Analogues of Inorganic Pyrophosphate as Inhibitors of Hepatitis C Virus RNA Dep

Reglement fim antidopage

FIM ANTI DOPING INFORMATION Examples of prohibited substances & methods in motorcycle sport (1st January 2010) For the full list, please refer to FIM Anti-Doping Code (CAD) For the treatment guidelines, please refer to the FIM website Substances & Anabolic Agents, Peptide Hormones, Growth factors & related substances, Beta-2 Methods Prohibited agonists,

Microsoft word - medical history form revised.doc

10. Hormone Replacement Medication History Please identify all the products you have used How Often? (e.g. # times Pharmacist’s Comments Estrogens (e.g. Premarin®, C.E.S. ®, Topical Estrogens (e.g. Estrogel®, Vagifem, Estraderm®, Vivelle, Climara®, Estradot®, Premarin® Vag Cream, Tri-est) Progestins (e.g. Provera®, MPA, Progesterones (e.g. Prometriu


Fujifilm Sericol Plastisol Flow Thinner ZE591AUSTelephone: +61 2 9466 2600Emergency Tel: +61 1800 039 008Emergency Tel: +61 3 9573 3112Fax: +61 2 9938 1975HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE. NON-DANGEROUS GOODS. According to NOHSC Crite ria, and ADG Code . ■ Irritating to eyes respiratory system and skin. ■ Keep container in a well ventilated place. ■ May cause SENSITISATION by s

Microsoft word - agoa talk 2.doc

AGOA Conference, Workshop on Health Infrastructure. January 2003 I work for a health NGO based in South Africa and given what I am going to be saying, I think it is important to point out that we do not receive any funding from the pharmaceutical industry, nor from the chemicals or insecticides industry. I would like to talk about some of the exiting developments that are taking place bet

Gastromend_gi microb_x tech sheet_rev1207.qxd


Microsoft word - ingredienti_2.0_it.doc

GLI INGREDIENTI Caffe’ Arabica - Coffea Arabica Il caffè arabica è conosciuto in tutto il mondo per la sua qualità superiore grazie alla sua bassa dose di caffeina, aroma eccellente e gusto eccezionale. Il caffè in generale contiene più di 1000 anti ossidanti dei quali la maggior parte vanno persi durante la torrefazione dei grani di caffè. Il caffè contiene più antiossidanti

Microsoft word - fertilitycare_singapore_ytg_v2.docx

FertilityCare Pregnancy Story shared by YT & G, a couple who benefitted from the FertilityCare & NaproTechnology Programme (23rd July 2012) We had our child with the help of NaproTechnology under the guidance of the FertilityCare Team of Dr John Hui and Andy Wee. We were in our late thirties at the time and had been NaproTechnology is scientifically and medically based; and had


02_Inhalt_183-302 31.01.2005 7:18 Uhr Seite 237Rempfler · FIFA-Reglement als anationales materielles Recht? FIFA-Reglement als anationales materielles Recht? Lic. iur. Christa Rempfler, St. Gallen Das Handelsgericht des Kantons St. Gallen hat die KlageStreitigkeit dem «Schiedskomitee» der FIFA zu unter-einer in der Schweiz domizilierten Spielervermittlungs-agentur (deren Inhaber die vo

§11 . Excerpts from class, October 21 [notes by PMR] Don opened class with the good news that Mary-Claire van Leunen has agreed to helpread the term papers and drafts thereof, despite the fact that her name was incorrectlycapitalized in last week’s notes. Returning to the subject of “Literate Programming,” Don said that it takes a whileto find a new style to suit a new system li

Issue #

Issue: 2007-49, Test Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by /AFAPTemplate.txt on: Monday, September, 24, 2007 at 16:16:41 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: AFAP Issue Submission Issue: <a href= >overnigth Wellbutrin SR</a><a href= >Zyban supplements</a><a href= >cheap Wellbutrin >overnigth Z


FEMALE QUESTIONNAIRE II Name ____________________________________________ ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANY MEDICATIONS? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Have you ever had: (circle all that apply) ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Treatment:______________________________

Microsoft word - entrevanamneseresp2014

CASA DE CURA E EXPANSÃO DA CONSCIÊNCIA UNIVERSAL "FRATERNIDADE DO CORAÇÃO" ENTREVISTA / ANAMNESE FICHA CADASTRAL E TERMO DE RESPONSABILIDADE Observação: 1. Todos os dados pessoais aqui informados serão totalmente confidenciais. 2. Os dados psicoemocionais e espirituais serão confidenciais entre o dirigente e seus assessores diretos. 3. Responda com


JFS E: Food Engineering and Physical Properties Bubble-Included Chocolate: Relating Structure with Sensory Response J. HAEDELT, S.T. BECKETT, AND K. NIRANJAN ABSTRACT: Bubbles impart a very unique texture, chew, and mouth-feel to foods. However, little is known about the relationship between structure of such products and consumer response in terms of mouth-feel and eating experience. The obje


(Bewegingswetenschappen Vrije Universiteit) Het effect van Acetazolamide op de gasuitwisseling in de longen en spieren tijdens inspan-Na een goed verlopen samenwerking tijdens eerdere onderzoeksprojecten ontstond spontaan het idee om samen een buitenlandse onderzoeksstage te gaan doen. Onze zoektocht naar een interessant onderwerp op het gebied van inspanning en chronische ziekten of hoogtefys


90% in another medication that contained that drug RESEARCH LETTER ( Table ). Comment. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permits “reasonable variation,” such that most medica-tions marketed in the United States contain 90% to 110% Stability of Active Ingredients of the amount of the active ingredient claimed on the la- in Long-Expired Prescription Medications bel.5 Drug ex

Microsoft word - postopins sinus lift

Post-Operative Instructions Following Sinus Lift Postoperative restrictions if you have been given intravenous sedation or general anesthesia • The patient must be accompanied home and supervised by a responsible adult for at least four hours following surgery. • No alcohol consumption or driving for 24 hours. • No breast-feeding for 12 hours after sedation or if taking narco

Agua conservans

____________________________________________________________ MINOXIDIL solución 2 mg/ml COMPOSICIÓN Conservación Minoxidil ………………………… 200 mg Caducidad Administración MODUS OPERANDI 1.- Pesar el polvo teniendo en cuenta la riqueza del producto. 2.- Pasar el polvo al vaso de precipitado y humedecerlo con una pequeña cantidad de alcohol

Behandeling in stresssituaties

Bijlage 1 Informatie voor ouders met een kind dat behandeld wordt met hydrocortison De bijnieren van uw kind maken te weinig cortisol (=hydrocortison). Om toch voldoende van deze stof in het lichaam te hebben, krijgt uw kind dagelijks hydrocortison. In sommige situaties heeft uw kind meer nodig dan normaal. Dan moet u extra hydrocortison geven. In deze brief staan de situaties, waari


This issue’s Immunology Select discusses recent studies on allergic responses in mouse models of human dis-ease as well as how certain drugs, like the glucocorticoid dexamethasone, alleviate the symptoms of allergy. There are many similarities between the immune responses to allergens and to par-asitic worms. In their new study, Reese et al. (2007) examined immune responsesin the lung tissue

Gynendo-a edelb 03-2011.pmd

Das ovarielle Überstimulationssyndrom (OHSS) Kurzfassung: Das ovarielle Überstimulations- Erscheinungsbild, Präventionsmaßnahmen unddothelial growth factor seems to be the media-syndrom (OHSS) ist eine relativ häufige Kompli-Therapie werden mit dem Ziel erläutert, dietor followed by a fluidshift into the third space. kation bei der künstlichen Befruchtung bzw. beiKomplikationsra

Microsoft word - $asq9548df2a244b4df4801468f8757749984fb076b1d7904356aa18ec17aa620152a1f865657a7e4044b04a57ea83879aea

Nome programma:Nucleic acids as drugs and drug targets: development of oligonucleotide-based drugsand characterization of the mechanism of action of nucleic acid- and kinase-targetedcompoundsObiettivi specifici del programmaThe goals of this program focuses on the following lines of research:1. The development of nucleic acids as drugs employing the technique known asSELEX, or Systematic Evolut


Francesc Brosa, Carmela Fortuny (Instituto Catalán de Asistencia y Servicios Sociales) y Manel Peiró (Esade). En 5 años los ingresos se pueden bajar un 30% Según experiencias internacionales sobre sistemasintegrados de atención expuestas en el foro '#Itess' NOMBRE DEL MEDICAMENTO: Montelukast Kern Pharma 10 mg comprimidos recubiertos con película EFG. COMPOSICIÓN mundial. M

Wörterbuch zu Sexualität, Verhütung und Besuch der FrauenärztIn in Leichter Sprache Anal-Sex: Beim Anal-Sex schiebt der Mann den steifen Penis in den Po einer Frau oder eines Mannes. Anti-Biotika: Anti-Biotika sind Medikamente. Sie werden gegen Infektions- Krankheiten eingesetzt. Zum Beispiel bei einer Entzündung. Aus-Schabung oder Kürettage: Die Aus-Schabung oder Kü


Editorials represent the opinions of the authors and JAMA and not those of the American Medical Association. Vitamin E, Memantine, and Alzheimer DiseaseDenis A. Evans, MD; Martha Clare Morris, ScD; Kumar Bharat Rajan, PhD The report by Dysken et al1 in this issue of JAMA raises inter- to support its use because the comparison of the groupesting issues about drug therapy for Alzheimer dise

Microsoft word - drink to your health - 1st draft.doc

Mother nature’s healthy ‘cocktail’ Wouldn’t you want to find out more about a new ‘miracle’ health drink, if it claimed to make your skin glow, give you more energy, increase your mental and physical performance, help you lose weight, remove toxins from your body, improve your digestion and reduce any headaches or dizziness that you might be experiencing? It sounds great does

Microsoft word - munagykronangol.doc

Anthony Sheenard and Harrison Fawcett Chronology of the world of the Mysterious Universe ".The time has come for us to find out: to what end has man been created" The Mysterious Universe series was created at the beginning of 2000, when the two independently working authors decided to combine their series. The Cathedral novels and the Brett Shaw cycle of Harrison Fawcett,

Bear work-sheet

BEAR Work-Sheet (Title): Urine collection technique for Chlamydia infection Name of Resident : Date : Sept. 28, 2011 Question : _Are midstream urine and 1st void urine samples comparable in their accuracy for diagnosis of Chlamydia infections? _________________________________ Search : (Check all that apply) Pubmed/Ovid/Medline:  Filtered Resources:  Other:  (

Microsoft word - anticonvulsivantes monitoria trabalho completo2



Agronomy Facts 28 Tall fescue Tall fescue ( Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) is a deep-(Table 2). In addition, compared with other cool-seasonrooted, long-lived, sod-forming grass that spreads bygrasses, tall fescue is generally of higher quality in fallshort underground stems called rhizomes. In Pennsylvaniabecause of greater leaf retention. Thus, tall fescue canit has been used prim

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae 1995-2002: Medical Doctor, Universiteit Gent, magna cum laude Principles of Electrocardiography (ECG), Universiteit Gent 2002-2003: Diplome of Tropical Medicine, Prins Leopold Instituut voor Tropische Basics of Statistical Inference, Universiteit Gent Laboratory Animal Scientist (FELASA Category C), Basic Course in Laboratory Animal Science, Universiteit Gent Diploma Go

Empfehlungen zur hiv-postexpositionsprophylaxe

Deutsch-Österreichische Empfehlungen zur HIV-Postexpositionsprophylaxe (Stand Januar 2008 – Kurzfassung) An die Möglichkeit einer medikamentösen HIV-Postexpositionsprophylaxe (HIV-PEP) sollte gedacht werden bei o Verletzung mit HIV-kontaminierten Instrumenten bzw. Injektionsbestecken, o Benetzung offener Wunden und Schleimhäute mit HIV-kontaminierten Flüssigkeiten, o ungeschütztem

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Appendix B: EC Patient Information Informed Consent Patient Information for Informed Consent: EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTIVE PILLS (ECPs) Before you take emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs), be sure you understand both the benefits and the possible problems of using ECPs. If you have any questions as you read, we will be happy to talk about them with you. Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs

XIX FIGO WORLD CONGRESS OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS INDUSTRY-SPONSORED SYMPOSIA Monday, 5 October 2009 13h00-14h15 Ballroom East (CTICC) Contraception and Beyond: Evidence-based Indications for LNG-IUS 1. Wider Use of Intrauterine Contraception - David Grimes 2. The LNG-IUS in Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: First-line Treatment Based on Comprehensive Clinical Data - Anita Nelson3. S

Summary Resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene) has been subject to a lot of reasearch lately and a wide range of positive effects have been attributed to this plant phytoalexin. Effects like increased lifespan, cancer prevention, athletic performance enhancement, anti-oxidative, anti-viral, anti- bacterial, anti-inflammatory, cardio protective and neuronal protective effects has been prop

A randomized comparison of indwelling pleural catheter and doxycycline pleurodesis in the management of malignant pleural effusions

A Randomized Comparison of Indwelling Pleural Catheter and Doxycycline Pleurodesis in the Management of Malignant Pleural Effusions Joe B. Putnam, Jr., BACKGROUND. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness and Richard W. Light, safety of a chronic indwelling pleural catheter with doxycycline pleurodesis via R. Michael Rodriguez, tube thoracostomy in the treatment of

NEUROMODULATION: TECHNOLOGY AT THE NEURAL INTERFACE Implantable Intrathecal Pumps for the Treatment of Noncancer Chronic Pain in Elderly Population: Drug Dose and Clinical Efficacy William Raffaeli, MD, PhD* • Donatella Righetti, MD* • Alessandro Caminiti, MD* • Alessandro Ingardia, MD† • Marco Balestri, MD* • Lucia Pambianco, MD‡ • Guido Fanelli, MD, PhD‡ • Francesca

Agrate brianza, 03 marzo 2008

Il ʻprogramma Metano’ di Fiat vince il premio ʻEcobest Da oltre 15 anni il Gruppo Fiat è il principale produttore europeo di veicoli di primo impianto a metano. Nel 2012, Fiat si conferma per il sesto anno consecutivo marchio con le più basse emissioni medie di CO2 tra i brand automobilistici più venduti in La giuria internazionale di Autobest h

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Una materia, tante leggi. È questa purtroppo la situazione in cui il comparto funerario e cimiteriale italiano si trova da ormai troppo tempo. Sono di questi giorni gli interventi legislativi in due Regioni italiane, come ricorda il Direttore Carmelo Pezzino nell’editoriale di questo mese, di cui uno, la nuova Legge Regionale dell’Abruzzo, ha messo in evidenza i risultati po


Unter den Wolken kann die Freiheit nicht grenzenlos sein Bern, 30.05.2006 (GS-UVEK) - Bundespräsident Moritz Leuenberger zum 1. Schweizerischen Luftfahrtkongress vom 30. Mai 2006 am Flughafen Zürich 1. Grenzen der Luftfahrt In der langen Geschichte der Menschen blieb das Fliegen bis vor kurzem den Göttern vorbehalten, die ihre Allmacht hoch über den Wolken auslebten. Für die Mens

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Florida Poison Information Center/Jacksonville At Shands Jacksonville University of Florida Health Science Center 1-800-222-1222 Mechanism of Action It is a naturally occurring disease of plant eating animals such as swine, goats, sheep and cattle. It is caused by the bacterium, Bacillus anthracis. Properties Anthrax is a highly lethal agent. It is estimated that the


Medication Treatment Options For Trigeminal Neuralgia Is Generic Maximum Some Common side effects Who Should NOT take Brand Name Generic Name Available? Serious side effects (Call MD) 2 this drug 2 Selected Drug Interactions 2 Class: Anticonvulsants (Anti-seizure drugs)3 Drowsiness, fatigue, Fever, sore throat, rash, low depression, allergy to dizziness, o

No.__________of _________ USAMV form 0414040109 SUBJECT OUTLINE 1. Information on the programme University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Med cine of Cluj-NapocaBachelor and Master (unitary study programme) 2. Information on the discipline 2.3. Seminar/ laboratory/ project coordinator 3. Total estimated time (teaching hours per semester) 3.1. Hours pe r week – full time

Hinweise für den umgang mit lithium- akkus ( lipo und life )

Sicherheitshinweise für den Umgang mit Allgemeine Hinweise Der Elektrolyt reagiert mit Sauerstoff. Daher muss die Zelle luftdicht bleiben. Also alle mechanischen Beschädigungen vermeiden, die die Hülle ( Alu-Laminat-Film bzw. Alubecher ) der Zelle durchlässig macht. Fallen lassen oder Verbiegen können zu einem inneren Kurzschluss führen. Erhitzung über 60 Grad C wird den

Testbericht ringana enerchi_ _ 29.04.2012

TESTBERICHT RINGANA „Enerchi_ _“ Dartsch Scientific GmbH Oskar-von-Mil er-Str. 10 D-86956 Schongau Institut für zellbiologische Testsysteme A-8230 Hartberg E-Mail [email protected] Internet – Tes tbe richt und Fachinformation – Tierversuchsfreie zellbiologische Untersuchungen zu förderlichen Wirkeffekten von RINGANA „Enerch

A doutrina de cristo nº. 28

Aprendendo a Render-se Brian Kocourek A Doutrina de Cristo – Brian Kocourek A Doutrina de Cristo Nº. 28 Jesus era dependente do Pai para restaurar Sua glória. João 17:5 Ó Pai, glorifica-Me junto de Ti mesmo, com aquela glória que Eu tinha Contigo antes Jesus tinha deixado de lado a posição que Ele tinha com o Pai antes da fundação do mundo, e Ele desejava t

Vanadyl sulfate

SHANGHAI HUATING CHEMICALS FACTORY CO.,LTD Material Safety Data Sheet Vanadyl sulfate MSDS Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Name: Vanadyl sulfate Catalog Codes: SLV1291 CAS#: 27774-13-6 RTECS: YW1925000 TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Vanadyl sulfate CI#: Not available. Synonym: Chemical Name: Vanadium oxysulfate, Vanadium oxysu

Microsoft word - medicamentometoo[1]

MEDICAMENTOS “ME TOO” O “YO TAMBIEN” ¿Qué es un medicamento “me- too” o “yo también”? Otro ejemplo es el del Clarinex , expiración de la patente de Claritín únicamente diferenciados por (antihistamínico). El Claritin es un variaciones farmacológicas fármaco que debe metabolizarse Clarinex se diferencia de éste en al

@ manuel enrique landsman

La Descripción en los Planes de Vida. por Manuel Enrique Landsman * INTRODUCCIÓN y un título indescriptible * CAPÍTULO I La New Age y las religiones postmodernas * CAPÍTULO III El debate de la ciencia y el libre mercado ideológico * CAPÍTULO IV Las crisis de la modernidad y la postmodernidad * CAPÍTULO V Precariedad y Provisoriedad * CAPÍTULO VI Los planes de vida y el capital

Microsoft word - foodfax10q2.doc

The term vitamin is historically derived from the Large quantities of animal-based vitamin D3 is Latin term “vitamine” (also the current French produced through irradiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol spelling), the combination of “vita” meaning “life” and extracted from lanolin in sheep's wool. Current “amine”, a nitrogen-containing organic compound. marketplace preference

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AIMAC 2005 8th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management July 3-6, 2005. Montréal, Canada Sunday, July 3rd 18:00 Welcome Cocktail: Musée du Château Ramezay 280 Notre-Dame Street East Monday, July 4th Opening remarks "We Manage as We Are" by Laurent Lapierre Session 1 - Consumer Behaviour Room: Meloche Monnex Chair : Anne-Gaëlle Jol

Microsoft word - bibliography-estradiol, 3-9-10.doc

101 Innovation Boulevard, Suite 302, State College, PA 16803 Š USA 814.234.7748 Š Fax 814.234.1608 Š Citations related to use of Salimetrics salivary estradiol enzyme immunoassay kit (organized chronologically by publication date) Taylor, S.E., Saphire-Bernstein, S., Seeman, T. (2010). Are plasma oxytocin in women and plasma vasopressin in men biomarkers of di

Glossar und ergänzendes fachvokabular

Diese Broschüre versucht, die häufigsten onkologischen Fachbegriffe zu er-klären. Sie soll zu einer besseren Kommunikation zwischen Patienten, An-gehörigen und Krankenhauspersonal beitragen. Antigen : eine Substanz, die vom Körper als fremd erkannt wird Abdomen: Bauch Abdomenleeraufnahme: Röntgen- Antikörper : Bluteiweißsubstanzen, Abstoßung: die Lymphozyten des Aorta : Kö


I N D U S T R I E & F O R S C H U N G Welcher Zielblutdruck sollte für I N K Ü R Z E Typ-2-Diabetiker gelten? Nur 0,3 µl Blut für die Blutzuckerbestimmung T Y P - 2 - D I A B E T E S Im Vergleich zu stoffwechselgesunden Menschen ist das Hypertonierisiko bei Typ-2-Diabetikern um das Zwei- bis Dreifache erhöht. Wel

(microsoft word - abordagem fisioterapeutica na doen\307a de alzheimer)

Revista Hórus – Volume 4, número 2 – Out-Dez, 2010 ABORDAGEM FISIOTERAPÊUTICA NA DOENÇA DE ALZHEIMER Atualmente devido ao envelhecimento populacional existe um aumento do número de pessoas portadoras da Doença de Alzheimer, doença esta considerada como o tipo de demência mais comum na população idosa. A Doença de Alzheimer é dividida em três fases, que são classificadas

ThermoSet® with Hoodia, Suntheanine® and Metabromine® • A Vegetarian Dietary Supplement to Support Appetite • Suntheanine® brand L-Theanine has extensive research and Control and Healthy Cortisol Function.* documentation with over 45 studies in the areas of stress management, good mood and energy levels.* Research also • ThermoSet® is designed to address those fac

Richard s

QUALIFICATIONS SUMMARY 23 years of leadership, problem solving, portfolio and project management experience with a focus on execution and streamlining operations. PROBLEM SOLVING AND ANALYSIS  Created and implemented Portfolio Management Office (PMO) metrics, reporting, trend analysis and forecasting.  Led three productivity and cost-reduction engineering projects at GE with m

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BB FIRST STEP (Medicated) BLOOD PLASMA- Rapid growth and improved PURPOSE STATEMENT - A Complete Pig Feed Designed From Birth To 100 Lb. To Maximize Growth And % Lean Cuts. Administer To Swine In A Complete Feed For Reduction In The Severity Of Swine Mycoplasmal Pneumonia Caused By Mycoplasmal Hypopneumoniae MILK PROTEIN - Maximum growth potential and feed palatability from th

Bulletin d'information sur l'état des lieux des filières de traitement et de valorisation des déchets à Mayotte Filière REP ? Si oui, le nom de Tarifs HT* (hors collecte) l'organisme présent à Mayotte. Novembre 2012 Prestataire de collecte Particularités - Prestataires Procédé de Type de traitement Type déchets Détails déchets Points de collecte

Report to the Heritage Agency of Denmark Merete Sanderhoff, project researcher, Statens Museum for Kunst Image sharing and mobile strategies Research visit at US cultural heritage institutions Pulje 5 – International erfaringsudveksling og kompetencegivende efteruddannelse [International exchange of experience and competence providing training] List of content Field of

Bevacizumab (avastin)

PRASUGREL Resistencia al Clopidogrel en pacientes con angioplastia con stent (Informe para la Comisión de Farmacia y Terapéutica del Hospital El Cruce) 1. AUTORES DEL INFORME Autores: Servicio de Farmacología Clínica: 2. INFORMACION DEL SERVICIO SOLICITANTE Servicio : Cardiología Facultativo que efectuó la solicitud : DR Javier Mariani Indicación/es clínica/s sol

Orthesis and insoles Indication: Every single orthesis has its individual specification and characteristics. Insoles can be applied as an alternative to a surgical correction, but only when a realistic improvement of pain can be expected and when the patient is not obliged to - conservative treatment in foot and ankle problems decrease his activity level. It is important to point

Caro eleitor, nós oferecemos esta tradução livre de nossa plataforma original escrito em luxemburguês. Se você prefere uma versão em Alemão, em Inglês o em Francês, entre em contato conosco. ([email protected] / Tel. 23 66 88 51 / Tel. 23 66 14 20) CSV - Lista 2: CSV - Partido Social Popular (Partido da Jean-Claude Juncker) Uma visão para a nossa cidade: Nós nos compromet

Aggiornamenti_medicina _veterinaria

AGGIORNAMENTI IN MEDICINA VETERINARIA: questioni di Clinica dei • Diagnosi caso 1: Dispnea acuta in un gatto Versamento pleurico ed edema polmonare acuto in un gatto con cardiomiopatia ipertrofica ostruttiva. Sulla base dei rilievi clinici e di diagnostica per immagini viene formulata la diagnosi di scompenso cardiaco sinistro acuto in soggetto affetto da cardiomiopatia ipertrofi

Ct-3248 haldol

COMMISSION DE LA TRANSPARENCE Examen du dossier des spécialités inscrites pour une durée limitée conformément au décret du 27 octobre 1999 (JO du 30 octobre 1999) et à l'arrêté du 8 décembre 2005 (JO du 29 décembre 2005). HALDOL 1 mg, comprimé Boîte de 40 (CIP : 304 714-3) HALDOL 5 mg, comprimé Boîte de 30 (CIP : 320 825-0) HALDOL 20 mg, comprimé Boîte de 30 (CIP

What is gastroesophageal reflux disease

Supplement Sampler Bio-Identical Hormones Caution: • There is limited evidence to understand the potential harm of prolonged hormone therapy. • Therapy should be guided by unique patient need. • Use the lowest most effective dose for the shortest amount of time necessary. Main Source Effect on Increased by also with most potential side effects (BC, Heart Dz) The

Practice rePorts storage of medications Room-temperature storage of medications labeled for refrigeration Victor cohen, Samantha P. Jellinek, leftherioS tePerikidiS, elliot BerkoVitS, and William m. Goldman Purpose. Data regarding the recom- in tabular format. The U.S. Pharmacopeia’s T he U.S. Pharmacopeia’s Med- m a r x m e d i c a t i o n - e r r o r- definition of

Unusual cases of hepatitis b virus transmission

One reason some parents don’t vaccinate their children against the hepatitis B virus (HBV) is their belief that their child has no risk of ever coming in contact with the virus. “My child will never be sexually promiscuous or addicted to drugs! Why does he or she need to be protected against hepatitis B?” Of course, it is impossible to predict which children will grow up and engage in risky

Microsoft word - otc participant communication 5.20.10

Important Information for Your Upcoming Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Enrollment As you may have heard, there is new legislation going into effect on January 1, 2011 which impacts healthcare FSAs. Here’s what’s happening. Certain over-the-counter items will require a prescription* to be considered an eligible FSA expense. The information below is important for you to know a

Microsoft word - ibs_info.doc

How do functional bowel disorders differ from other bowel diseases? PATIENT GUIDE TO With functional bowel disorders the bowels look normal - it's the way they work which is disordered. THE IRRITABLE BOWEL With other bowel diseases there is usually SYNDROME something abnormal to see - an ulcer, for example. These are termed 'organic bowel disorders'. Does 'functional' mea


Question: Your last book, The Hermeneutic Nature of Analytic Philoso- phy: A Study of Ernst Tugendhat , centered on the German philosopher in order to dismiss the division of philosophy into the analytic and continental schools, while in this new book you seem to engage in a strictly ontological issue: “What remains of Being after the deconstruction of metaphysics?” What is the difference

Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Sildenafil (Viagra®)for Erectile Dysfunction After RectalExcision for Cancer and InflammatoryBowel DiseaseIan Lindsey, F.R.A.C.S., Bruce George, M.S., Michael Kettlewell, F.R.C.S.,Neil Mortensen, M.D. From the Department of Colorectal Surgery, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom PURPOSE: Controlled trials have demonstrated the e

Article for life sciences autumn 2011 update

Amending chemical patent applications at the European Patent Amending chemical patent applications at the European Patent Office Introduction An applicant may not amend a European patent application or patent to include subject matter that was not in the original application. However, whether an amendment adds new subject matter is a subjective test. A recent decision (T783/09) of t

Acne handout | dermatology associates of wisconsin, s.c.

Your skin maintains its smooth, soft appearance due to the water content of the outer layer cells. These cells are like sponges, they can hold a lot of water. To keep the water from evaporating from these cells, your skin makes oil to form a protective layer, just like a piece of plastic wrap around a sandwich keeps the bread from drying out. In the winter when humidity is reduced, water ev

Product Information Zaprinast CAS Registry No.: 37762-06-4 Formal Name: 3,6-dihydro-5-(2-propoxyphenyl)-7H- Synonyms: 2-(o-Propoxyphenyl)-8-azapurin-6-one, FW: 271.3 Purity: ≥98% Stability: Supplied as: Laboratory Procedures For long term storage, we suggest that zaprinast be stored as supplied at -20°C. It should be stable for at least one Zaprinast is supplie

PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE FORMIGA CNPJ: 16.784.720/0001-25 - INS. EST: ISENTORUA BARÃO DE PIUMHI, 121 - CENTRO - FORMIGA – MG. TELEFONE: (37) 3329-1800 - TELEFAX: (37) 3329-2266 CEP 35570-000 - EMAIL: [email protected] ATA DE REGISTRO DE PREÇOS N º032/2011 PROCESSO LICITATÓRIO 1181/2011 - REGISTRO DE PREÇOS PREGÃO Nº 0114/2011 VALIDADE: (01) ano No dia dezenove de Ju

Summary of product characteristics,

NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Meropenem Farmaplus 500 mg powder for solution for injection/infusion Meropenem Farmaplus 1 g powder for solution for injection/infusion 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Meropenem Farmaplus 500 mg powder for solution for injection or infusion Each vial contains: Meropenem Trihydrate 570 mg (equivalent to Meropenem 500 mg) Each 500 mg

Team leader name

Team leader name: P. Vicendo Laboratory/ Service: IMRCP Title of the team: Colloids and Nanomedicine Project (CNP) Research staff: Permanent staff: Fitremann J (CR CNRS); Gauffre F (CR CNRS) ; Gineste S (IE CNRS) ; Lauth de Viguerie N (Pr.) ; Lonetti B (CR CNRS); Marty J-D (MdC); Mingotaud C (DR CNRS); Mingotaud A-F (CR CNRS); Souchard J-P (Pr.); Vicendo P. (CR CNRS) Non perman


Klinikens nomenklatur Några sammanfattande kommentarer av Eva Löwstedt 25. april 2009 De termer som vi psykologer med kunskap och erfar-enhet av psykoanalytisk teoribildning är vana att orien-tera oss med innan denna översättning sker är en no- “Den praktiske psykiaterns intresse för […] menklatur som ännu inte systematiserats. vanföreställningar är som regel uttömt

China’s Hisun Files IND For Cholesterol-lowering Drug In U.S. Hisun, best known for a proposed JV with Pfizer on branded generics, is looking to move up the value chain into R&D. SHANGHAI – One of China’s leading active pharma-latory consulting for the IND preparation (CMC, phar-ceutical ingredient and finished product manufacturers macology/toxicology and clinical development plan/

Step Therapy Criteria Step Therapy Group Drug Names Step Therapy Criteria PREVIOUS USE OF 30 DAYS OF TAMSULOSIN BEFORE UROXATRAL CAN BE Step Therapy Group Drug Names Step Therapy Criteria PREVIOUS USE OF 30 DAYS OF FINASTERIDE BEFORE AVODART CAN BE Step Therapy Group Drug Names DETROL, DETROL LA, SANCTURA XR, TOLTERODINE TARTRATE, TROSPIUM Step Therapy Cri

Step therapy criteria

Step Therapy Criteria 2013 Fidelis Formulary Last Updated: 10/01/2013 ALPHA GLUCOSIDASE INHIBITOR THERAPY - PS PART D Products Affected Criteria Step 1: Any two of the following: Metformin, Sulfonylurea, Thiazolidinedione (TZD), Insulin, Byetta, any generic Tier 1 combination antidiabetic agent(s). Step 2: Glyset ANTIDEPRESSANT THERAPY - FIDELIS Products Affected Crit

Case 1:10-cv-01529-ESH Document 29 Filed 04/15/11 Page 1 of 11 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VIROPHARMA, INCORPORATED, Plaintiff, Civil Action No. 10-1529 (ESH) MARGARET A. HAMBURG, M.D., in her official capacity as Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration, et al. , Defendants. MEMORANDUM OPINION Plaintiff ViroPharma Incorpo

Ore 8 Azione Parkinson Associazione Azione Parkinson Ciociaria Parkinson Italia XI Giornata Mondiale del Parkinson VII Congresso Nazionale “Parkinson Italia” Malattia di Parkinson: da James Parkinson alla rete assistenziale Roma - Nobile Collegio Farmacisti (Via in Miranda 10) 12-1

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Application IAAF Therapeutic Use Exemptions Abbreviated Application Form [International] [Beta-2 agonists by inhalation, Glucocorticosteroids by non-systemic routes] I herby apply for approval for the therapeutic use of a prohibited substance on the IAAF Prohibited List that is subject to the Abbreviated TUE Application Procedure Please complete

WHEN HARVARD professor and humorist Tom Lehrer penned those lines in 1965, he probably had no idea that a major ingredient in "the latest toothpaste" was industrial waste. Fluoride toothpastes contain something called sodium monofluorophosphate, which is a cousin to some potent nerve agents once considered for chemical warfare. Fluorosilicic acid, which is used to treat 90% of municipal wa

Allegro Electronic Timer Operating Instructions This equipment has been tested and found to comply CAUTION: Changes made or modifications not with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant expressly approved by the party responsible for FCC to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are de-compliance of this equipment could void the user’s signed to provide reasonable protection

Forskning som bedrivs vid enheten Publikationslista 2006-2011 Vetenskapliga artiklar Björling G, Johansson U-B , Andersson G, Schedin U, Markström A, Frostell C. A retrospective survey of outpatients with long-term tracheostomy. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavia, 2006; 50: 399-406. Börjel AK, Yngve A , Sjöström M, Nilsson TK. Novel mutations in the 5’UTR of the FOLR1 g

Microsoft word - immunizations_tanzania.docx

Mwanza, Tanzania Encounter Unfortunately, for many of us, our first intimate experience of African culture comes through poking by hypodermic needles for our immunizations. Participants normally ask for advice on what shots they need. We’ve put this sheet together to respond to those questions. Many thanks here to Katie Reid, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in Tanzania who has revised this docu

Childhood illness chart

CHILDHOOD ILLNESS CHART SYMPTOMS INCUBATION; TREATMENT CONTAGIOUSNESS DURATION Frequent coughing. Labored breathing, Possible Consult your doctor. If the child has fever, make sure he rests, give him plenty of juice and use a Fever. Discomfort. Itching. Pink or red spots on Consult your doctor. Rest is essential. Relieve the chest, stomach and back, which may spread to


Priority Ranking for Investments in Assets: A Tool for Times of Scrutiny The Challenge settings of individual government programs. On the premise that needs usually signif-The tools enable program and departmentalicantly exceed available resources, govern- Hendrik Siré ments face difficult challenges in allocatinginvestment opportunities against a suite ofHendrik Siré, MA, MB

2012.2.28 - persone- santi di marzo

2012.2.28 2 marzo 1948 – Epifanio Li Puma – sindacalista L’uccisione del dirigente sindacale delle Madonie, trucidato mentre arava i campi del fratello sotto gli occhi del figlio. Come si può ammazzare un uomo? Come lo si può ammazzare a sangue freddo, davanti al figlioletto di soli 13 anni, che guarda con gli occhi sbarrati dal terrore?. Non si riuscì nemmeno ad imbastire un pro

Viele Fragen – kompetente Antworten“ Eine Kurzzusammenfassung der höchst informativen Veranstaltung im Frühjahr: Im geschützten Rahmen, in guter Atmosphäre, konnten alle Fragen, die uns auf dem Herzen lagen, ohne Scheu auch gestellt werden. Über 80 Frauen machten davon regen Gebrauch. Wir möchten in Zukunft einmal jährlich einen Informationsabend in dieser Form für unsere Mitg

Erste hilfe - reanimation merkblätter

Z U R C A R D I O P U L M O N A L E N R E A N I M AT I O N R E A N I M AT I O N Worauf kommt es an, daß eine Reanimation erfolgreich verläuft ? Von größter Bedeutung ist hierbei das therapiefreie Intervall. Das therapiefreie Intervall ist definiert als die Zeit zwischen dem Beginn des Kreislaufstillstandes und dem Einsetzen der Basismaßnahmen. Der Zeitfaktor ist hierbei von ents


Frontline, Advantage, Exspot, Scalibor und Co. - Gift pur! Zeckenprophylaxe und Flohbekämpfung Was steckt hinter den Mitteln, die uns die chemische Industrie als nahezu nebenwirkungsfrei für unsere Haustiere empfiehlt? Eine Betrachtung am Beispiel von Fipronil (Frontline), Imidacloprid (Advantage), Permethrin (Exspot) und Deltamethrin (Scalibor) Alle sind tödliche Nervengifte für Insekten, d

Introduction to this manual

Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Eligible Items General Principle Specified eligible items are provided to all non-status recipients and non-status dependants and children who are eligible for Medical Services Plan (MSP) coverage. Status Indians receive health benefits through the Medical Services Branch of Health Canada. For more information, visit the Health Can

Microsoft word - hemorragie de la delivrance.doc

HEMORRAGIE DE LA DELIVRANCE PREVENTION-TRAITEMENT Dr Marc GABRIEL I DELIVRANCE DIRIGEE SYSTEMATIQUE 5 à 10ui SYNTOCINON IVD lent lors du dégagement des épaules + traction Sondage vésical juste avant l’accouchement Perf de10 UI de synto dans 500cc de sérum physio sur 2 h, après l’accouchement II. OBJECTIVER L’HEMORRAGIE (sac de recueil) -mettre l’alèse à l

Microsoft word - antivirals and bird flu.doc

New Hampshire Department of Fact Sheet Health and Human Services Antivirals and Bird Flu The type of influenza (flu) virus that is currently affecting wild and domestic birds in other parts of the world is called highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1.HPAI H5N1 (bird flu) has a high death rate in some birds. It is unusual because it has also affected some

Microsoft word - flora cites lijst 2007.doc

F L O R A (PLANTS) Agave arizonica Agave parviflora Agave victoriae-reginae #1 Nolina interrata Galanthus spp. #1 Sternbergia spp. #1 Hoodia spp. #9 Pachypodium spp. #1 (Except Pachypodium ambongense Pachypodium baronii Pachypodium decaryi Rauvolfia serpentina #2 Panax ginseng #3 (Only the population of


Early report Venlafaxine in management of hot flashes in survivors of breastcancer: a randomised controlled trial Charles L Loprinzi, John W Kugler, Jeff A Sloan, James A Mailliard, Beth I LaVasseur, Debra L Barton, Paul J Novotny, Shaker R Dakhil, Kate Rodger, Teresa A Rummans, Bradley J Christensen IntroductionHot flashes are a substantial problem in menopausalBackground Hot flashes ca

Microsoft word - postoperative instructions - do's and dont's.docx

Oral Surgery Home Care PLEASE DO: PLEASE DON’T: Take Advil, 600 mg four times a day for 3-5 days. Smoke or use nicotine during your recuperation. Take narcotic medicine with some food or drink. Drink thick fluids through a straw for 24 hours. Change gauze every 30 to 45 minutes until bleeding stops. Spit out blood from your wounds; apply the gauze instead. Drink plenty of

Artigo tabaco

TABACO: Hábito, tratamentos… que acadamos ao deixalo. Parece doado falar do tabaco e de fumar cando non se fuma pero non tanto cando se fuma. É moi fácil empezar a conumilo, pero é difícil deixalo. Pese a todas as campañas das últimas décadas segue a ser un hábito daniño moi estendido no noso país. O 33% dos españois de 15 anos ou máis fuma tabaco na actualidade. Somos os qu

Microsoft word - ijcs-11-07-wei.doc

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL CONSERVATION SCIENCE THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE BINDING MEDIA IN THE TANG DYNASTY CHINESE WALL PAINTINGS BY USING Py-GC/MS AND GC/MS TECHNIQUES Shuya WEI1∗, Manfred SCHREINER1, Erwin ROSENBERG 2, Hong GUO 3 , Qinglin MA3 1) Institute of Natural Sciences and Technology in Art, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria 2) Institute of Chemical Technologi

Dls tcle - hipolipemiantes

T E R M O D E C O N S E N T I M E N T O E S C L A R E C I D O SERVIÇO DE DIÁLISE Hipolipemiantes Eu, __________________________________________________________________ (nome do (a) paciente), abaixo identificado (a) e firmado (a), declaro ter sido informado (a) claramente sobre todas as indicações, contra-indicações, principais efeitos colaterais e riscos relacionados ao us

Microsoft word - pruritus history form.doc

Skin Problems Questionnaire Date___________ Name of pet________________ Owner’s name_______________________ A thorough history can help us find the source of you pet’s itching more quickly. Please answer the following questions to help guide the diagnostic process. Physical Evaluation Please check any that describe your pet and circle problem areas on the drawing.  Hair loss  F

I SÉRIE — NO 22 «B. O.» DA REPÚBLICA DE CABO VERDE — 14 DE JUNHO DE 2010 No uso da faculdade conferida pelo n.º 1 do artigo 204º Decreto-Regulamentar nº 2/2010 da Constituição, o Governo decreta o seguinte: de 14 de Junho O quadro institucional criado no domínio da acção Alteração social escolar, do fi nanciamento da formação e da edição de manuais escolares cara

Miolo rpm 124-3 (miolo 2).indd

Parkinson’s disease and dopamine transporter neuroimaging – a critical review Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Neuroimagem e Cognição (LiNC), Universidade Federal de São Paulo and Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa (IIEP), Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (HIAE), São Paulo, Brazil disease patients manifest symptoms only when 50 to 80% of the nigrostriatal neurons a

Two-Tier Plan 2011 CIGNA Choosing the medication that is right for you offer an extensive list of brand and generic Choosing where to fill your medication should be easy, too. With over 60,000 pharmacies network, you will have convenient access to your medications – whether you pick them up, or Enclosed you will find a list of medications covered by your plan, in an easy-to-read fo

Microsoft word - document5

Fact Sheet: Contraceptive Mandates In the debate about whether state and federal law should mandate contraceptive coverage, advocates have made numerous false claims about the supposed need for and effects of the mandates. Myth: "Failure to cover contraception constitutes sex discrimination." Facts: Most health plans do not cover purely elective procedures or services. Some he

Avant-projet d’avis relatif au projet d’arrêté royal déterminant les exigences auxquelles doivent répondre des pellets de bois

Conseil Fédéral du Développement Durable (CFDD) Avis relatif au projet d’arrêté royal relatif à l’interdiction de la mise sur le marché des produits contenant du fumarate de diméthyle • Demandé par le Ministre du Climat et de l'Energie, M. Magnette, dans une lettre datée du 21 avril 2009. • Préparé par le groupe de travail normes de produits • Appro

coping with sexuality issues

Men’s Intimacy, Sexuality and Relationship Issues after Cancer Sylvie Aubin, Ph.D. Segal Cancer Centre Jewish General Hospital McGill University Objectives  Acknowledge sexual changes experienced by men after cancer  Present ways to improve intimate and sexual relationships Treatments Impacting Intimacy and Sexuality  Surgical treatments (OS,

Dynamic competition and anti-trust policy

Through its influence on the development of competition policy over theyears, economic analysis has brought a dramatic improvement in the abilityof government agencies and the courts to accurately judge the strength ofcompetition in a market. This has enhanced their capacity to distinguishthose cases that properly raise concerns about anticompetitive effects fromthose that might have raised conce

Is10 scenario document model

Interoperability Scenarios Care Theme: Chronic Care Act 5 - Hypertension Care with e-prescribing (eRx) and personal health record (PHR) Update Scenario Primary Goal : To demonstrate the ability for providers to proactively and efficiently manage a patient’s well being through the use of home care devices and electronic medication prescribing. Key Points: ƒ The demonstratio

Microsoft word - 08.02.kesmail_feb08_coffee_marathon[final].jh150108.doc

Coffee Marathon and other Fairtrade celebrations There can’t be too many readers of KesMail – can there? – who don’t know that Keswick is a pretty amazing place for Fairtrade . ‘ Fairtrade in Keswick ,’ said one visitor (and that was three years ago), ‘ you can’t miss it! ’ It’s even more unm

Microsoft word - mexiletina_moduli + aggiornata _01-1-2014.doc

STABILIMENTO CHIMICO FARMACEUTICO MILITARE Informazioni per l’acquisto di Mexiletina Cloridrato 200 mg capsule rigide La fornitura del farmaco è subordinata all’invio contemporaneo al seguente indirizzo e-mail: pr o d uz io ne . or al i@ f a r m ac eu tic om il it ar e .it , o pp u r e , in al ter na tiva , a l n . FA X 055 451866, dei 1) Richiesta del medico ai sensi de

Microsoft word - feel_free_welt_seoul_eng.doc

Thomas Fuchsberger My best friend’s brother’s girlfriend’s girl friend - a journey to Seoul Jiseon is Myoung’s girl friend, Myoung is Mike’s girlfriend and Mike is the brother of my best friend, Hannes. Why am I telling you this? All will be revealed. I’ve wanted to go to South Korea for ages. To put it more precisely, about 25 years ago my father presented a big Saturday evening sho

Microsoft word - maglid_pil_be_d.doc

PACKUNGSBEILAGE FÜR DIE ÖFFENTLICHKEIT Bezeichnung Maglid Zusammensetzung Aluminii oxidum hydricum 200 mg - Magnesii hydroxydum 200 mg - Macrogolum 4000 - Magnesii stearas - Talcum - Menthae piperitae aetheroleum - Saccharum q.s. pro tabletta una. Pharmazeutische Form und Packung Tabletten zum Lutschen oder zum Kauen. Packung mit 48 Tabletten unter Blisterpackung. Abgab

Permitted during competition

Guide to supplements and medications The article below is for information only and shall not be considered as part of the IFSS Anti-Doping regulations. Knowing what is on a Prohibited List gives a good idea of what is allowed during competition. However it is best to check. The administration of medication, while under IFSS rules, may require oversight or completion of a medication admin

Engaging resistant adolescents in drug abuse treatment

Engaging Resistant Adolescents in Drug Abuse Treatment Center for Family and Adolescent Research In the first phase of a two-part treatment development study, families with a treatment-resistant, drug-abusing adolescent (n=42) were offered 12 sessions of Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT). This parent-focused intervention was designed to help parents facilitate their adoles

File: jfch-p/jfci-p

Alcohol Use/Student Drug Abuse Possession, use, transmitting, and/or being under the influence of any unprescribed chemical (for example: narcotics, alcoholic beverages, and/or stimulant drugs) at school or school related activities, may result in ten (10) day suspension and/or a recommendation for expulsion. Each of these situations warrants a different approach. Sale/Distribution A stude


LAWS OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO ANTIBIOTICS ACT CHAPTER 30:02 18 of 1948 Current Authorised Pages LAWS OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 2 Chap. 30:02 Antibiotics Index of Subsidiary Legislation Importation of Antibiotics Preparations Order … … … …Approved Pharmaceutical Firms Order … … … …Antibiotics (Conditions for Use) Order (LN 29/1989) … … … Note on the ab

Microsoft word - chemical resistance guide faq.doc

CHEMICAL RESISTANCE LIST The information provided is designed to be used as a guide and all information must be checked on a project basis. Data based upon room temperatures. Elevated temperatures will increase the effect of the chemicals upon the elastomers. No guarantees can be given in respect of the information printed in this document. Chemical Medium Flexiflo Acetaldehyd

C H A P T E R 3 Coccidian Parasites Cyclospora cayetanensis, Isospora belli, 3.1 PREFACE Cyclospora cayetanensis , Isospora belli , and the Sarcocystis spp. Sarcocystis homi-nis and Sarcocystis suihominis are parasites that infect the enteric tract of humans(Beck et al ., 1955; Frenkel et al ., 1979; Ortega et al ., 1993). These parasites causedisease when infectious oocysts

ONKO ONNELLISUUDESTA VISIOKSI? Tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen seuran kesäseminaari 23.–24.elokuuta 2007 Paikka: Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu, Lepaan yksikkö, Lepaantie 129, Hattula Pentti Malaska ONNELLISUUDEN VISIO – UNTAKO VAIN JA ONKO PAKKO HERÄTÄ EXORDIUM Onnellisuus pyrkii keskusteluteemna esiin monella taholla ihmisten välisessä kanssakäymisessä muuallakin kuin täällä s

Publication conforme aux articles 472 à 478 de la loi-Publicatie overeenkomstig artikelen 472 tot 478 van deprogramme du 24 décembre 2002 publiée au Moniteur belge duprogrammawet van 24 december 2002 gepubliceerd in het Belgisch Staatsblad van 31 december 2002. Le Moniteur belge peut être consulté à l’adresse :Dit Belgisch Staatsblad kan geconsulteerd worden op : www.moniteur

Update: clinically significant cytochrome p-450 drug interactions

Update: Clinically Significant Cytochrome P-450 Drug Interactions Elizabeth Landrum Michalets, Pharm.D. Recent technologies have resulted in an explosion of information concerning the cytochrome P-450 isoenzymes and increased awareness of life-threatening interactions with such commonly prescribed drugs as cisapride and some antihistamines. Knowledge of the substrates, inhibitors, and induc


Debate Series on Trade and the Developing Countries- visions for the future trade agreementsbetween Europe and the developing countriesThe Danish North/South Coalition and Mellemfolkeligt SamvirkeFrom the North Cape to the Cape of Good Hope- visions for the future trade agreements between Europe and the developing countries Summary 1 1 Introduction 4 2 The EU’s Pyramid of Preferences

Microsoft word - rescue remedy y la urgencia hipertensiva.doc

Rescue Remedy y la urgencia hipertensiva Autoras1[1]: Mercedes Castillo León Mayra Caro Yero Resumen Nuestro estudio se realizó en pacientes atendidos por urgencias hipertensivas, en el Subsistema de Urgencias radicado en las calles Independencia y Maceo de la ciudad de Santa Clara, en un período de 3 meses. Partiendo de que el uso del Rescue Remedy es indicado para todos los casos de sho

Parallel Trade of Pharmaceutical Products and EU “The price of pharmaceutical products in some Member States is typically much higher than in others. It is the price differentials between Member States which create the opportunities for parallel trade” (Advocate General Jacobs’ Opinion in C-53/03, Syfait I, ¶ For the European Commission “the scope of EC competition law is

Small bowel capsule endoscopy

FREDERICK GASTROENTEROLOGY ASSOCIATES SMALL BOWEL CAPSULE ENDOSCOPY PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS Please report to our Frederick office on _________________________at 8:00/8:15 AM Your physician has determined that as part of your medical evaluation you should undergo an examination known as a small bowel capsule endoscopy. This procedure involves ingesting a small PillCam capsu

Microsoft word - 074055-5 msds rev 06jun2011.docx

51 Dwight Place, Fairfield, New Jersey 07004 HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (Conforms to the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1200) PRODUCT IDENTITY: Cartridges, power device, UN0323 1.4S, Pkg. Gr. II US DOT EX-9609043 (1996090043) (Cartridge Assembly, CAD P/N: 074055, Fike P/N: 02-4134) Net Explosive Weight 1.500 grams per unit 24 HOUR EMERGENCY PHONE # IN U.S.A.: 800-4

Schnell abnehmen liste

50 Fettkiller zum Gewicht reduzieren Lassen Sie die Pfunde purzeln. Sie wollen schnell und gesund abnehmen und sich dazu gesund ernähren um gesund zu bleiben, dann finden Sie hier Fettkiller und Informationen zum Abnehmen ohne Diät. Gesunde Ernährung und Bewegung ist die Grundvoraussetzung um erfolgreich Gewicht zu reduzieren, doch man darf auch nicht die natürlichen

Microsoft word - mali_120711_sitrep_final pdf.doc

Mali • Complex Emergency Situation Report No. 11 11 July 2012 This report is produced by the OCHA Regional Office for West and Central Africa in Dakar in collaboration with humanitarian partners and is issued by OCHA Headquarters in New York. It covers the period from 27 June to 10 July 2012. The next report will be issued on or around 25 July. I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIE


10. SISTEMA NERVIOSO CENTRAL 10.1. ANSIOLITICOS10.1.1. Diazepam10.1.2. Lorazepam DIAZEPAM Dosis: Vía Oral, adultos: Para ansiedad 2,5 única de 2,5 a 10 mg al acostarse. Niños:0,12 a 0,8 mg/kg/día en 3 ó 4 dosis. Vía IM,IV adultos: para ansiedad severa 5 a 10 mgpudiendo repetirse la dosis a las 3 ó 4 hs sise considera necesario. Cuando se usa la vía Acciones-Usos: El diazepam

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OVERALL. Pharmaceutical Advertising, Direct marketing/CRM, Promotion TITLE. Copywriter to Creative Director MEDIA. Print/online/broadcast advertising; direct mail (letters, envelopes, BRCs, surveys, telemarketing scripts, e-blasts, etc.); sales promotion; sales aids; point-of-purchase; conventions; brochures; press releases/kits; newsletters; patient starter kits; videos; Web site


Aktuelles in clio 73/2011 Am 29. und 30. September 2011 trafen sich Expertinnen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis und verschiedener Fachrichtungen im Gesundheitswesen in Berlin zu der Tagung Zur Zukunft der Frauengesundheit. 10 Jahre Frauengesundheitsbericht , um das zehnjährige Jubiläum des ersten und einzigen deutschen Frauengesundheitsberichtes zu feiern und Perspektiven für die Fra

of specific diagnostic criteria based on an independent RESEARCH LETTER review of the semistructured history, detailed mental sta-tus examination, and complete neurological examina-tion. These patients and their legal representatives par- Longitudinal Cortical Atrophy ticipated in an informed consent procedure approved bythe institutional review board at the University of Penn- in Amyot

Microsoft word - fmw_intake_master.docx

WELCOME TO FULLMOONWATER CHINESE MEDICINE CONTACT INFORMATION _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Phone: (circle: Home Cell Work) ________________________________________________________________Do we have your permission to send appointment reminders, health newsletters, and occasional promotions to your email address

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