Microsoft word - 074055-5 msds rev 06jun2011.docx

51 Dwight Place, Fairfield, New Jersey 07004 HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (Conforms to the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1200) PRODUCT IDENTITY: Cartridges, power device, UN0323
1.4S, Pkg. Gr. II US DOT EX-9609043 (1996090043) (Cartridge Assembly, CAD P/N: 074055, Fike P/N: 02-4134) Net Explosive Weight 1.500 grams per unit 24 HOUR EMERGENCY PHONE #
IN U.S.A.: 800-424-9300
Telephone Number: 973-575-1312 202-483-7616 Electro-Pyrotechnic device and by-products of initiation. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS AND EXPOSURE LIMITS: N/A
Chemical and common name of Hazardous chemical ingredients: COMMON NAME CAS NO Wt % OSHA (PEL) ACGIH( TLV). Nitroglycerin 000055-63-0 4.0 – 40.0 2.00mg/m3 0.46mg/m3 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS
51 Dwight Place, Fairfield, New Jersey 07004 FIRE, EXPLOSION AND REACTIVITY HAZARD DATA
Extremely Flammable --EXPLOSIVE-- Keep away from heat and keep shunted. Insure that the device is shunted and handlers are grounded. Shock, Flame, Friction, Temperature high heat and static sources. Flame, high heat, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, hydrogen chloride, trace cyanide compounds, oxides and salts of lead. Under certain conditions, device can propel high velocity particles on initiation. HEALTH HAZARD DATA
Emergency and First Aid Procedure: Treat burns and any laceration by cleaning and applying sterile bandages. Transport individual for further medical treatment. Primary Route of Entry: Not listed as carcinogen by N.T.P. if cartridge is intact 51 Dwight Place, Fairfield, New Jersey 07004 SPILL AND LEAK PROCEDURES

Steps to be taken if material is spilled: ( applies only if cartridge is ruptured)
Clean spill after liberally wetting down with solvent (Acetone, Butyl Acetate or Alcohol) by
wiping material up with paper towels or with cotton rag. Keep a fire extinguisher present. Wear
safety glasses, protective gloves, and non-static generating clothing during clean up or transfer
Waste Disposal Method:
Disposal must be in accordance with local, state, and Federal regulations.
Safety glasses & grounding devices (ground straps and/or conductive footwear). When firefighting, wear NIOSH approved gas respirator. Avoid high temperatures; keep the cartridge shunted and wear personal protective equipment. Work Work with device in a shielded area, keep shunted until installed. Protective Measures during Repair and Maintenance: Eliminate static discharge sources. Avoid flame or high heat. Shield the device when working with the device. VIII. REGULATORY

OSHA Status:

This product contains Lead as Lead Thiocyanate and Potassium Chlorate that are hazardous under the criteria of the Federal OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910:1200.
TSCA Chemical Inventory:

This product contains Lead as Lead Thiocyanate and Potassium Chlorate that are on the EPA Toxic Substance Control Act inventory list.
California Proposition 65:

To the best of Cartridge Actuated Devices Inc. knowledge, this product contains a trace amount of a Lead Compound which is listed as a substance that the state of California has found to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive effects. 51 Dwight Place, Fairfield, New Jersey 07004 SARA 313 Title III:

Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substance: HC-1: Acute health hazard HC-2: Chronic health hazard HC-3: Fire hazard HC-4: Sudden release of pressure hazard HC-5: Reactive hazard < 0.02(contains < 0.013% of Lead)

CERCLA Reportable Quantity:


RCRA Status:

This product exhibits the following characteristics listed in 40CFR261, Subpart C: Ignitability and Reactivity.
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Comprehensive Emergency Response, Compensation and Liability Act National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Occupational Safety and Health Administration Threshold Limit Value (Registered Trademark of ACGIH) 51 Dwight Place, Fairfield, New Jersey 07004 DISCLAIMER: The above information was taken from various published and unpublished sources and is believed to be accurate and to represent the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty, expressed or implied, of the accuracy of such information, and assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigation to determine suitability of the information for their particular purposes. THIS UNIT IS NOT USER SERVICEABLE. DO NOT ATTEMPT DOWNLOADING OR DISASSEMBLING. Net Reactive Material Content: 1.5 grams maximum per unit.


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