No.__________of _________ USAMV form 0414040109
1. Information on the programme
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Med cine of Cluj-Napoca Bachelor and Master (unitary study programme) 2. Information on the discipline
2.3. Seminar/ laboratory/ project coordinator 3. Total estimated time (teaching hours per semester)
3.1. Hours pe r week – full time
3.4.Total number of hours in the
Distribution of the time allotte d
3.4.1. Study based on book, textbook, bibliography and notes
3.4.2. Additional documentation in the library, specialized e lectronic platforms and field
3.4.3. Pre paring se minars/ laboratories/ projects, subjects, reports, portfolios and essays

3.4.6. Other activities
3.7. Total hours of individual study

3.8. Total hours pe r se mester
3.9. Numbe r of cre dits4
4. Prerequisites (is applicable)
Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Histology, Semiolog Ethology 5. Conditions (if applicable)
Mini mum 50% participation in lecture sessions are requ ectures are based on power point presentations. 5-10 min. student’s presentations in given topics are accepted. Interactive discussions, examples related to different practical aspects of the each topic are given. Written material (electronic and presentations are available after each session.
Mini mum 80% participation in practical sessions is requested. Safety measures are 6. Specific competences acquire d
Gross and histological structure of male and female genital apparatus;Function of the male and femal genital organs;Endocrinology of reproduction;Nnormal reproductive behaviour;Ssexual cycles in domestic species and its regulation competences Endocrine treatments in domestic species.
External and internal factors affecting the reproductive performances in domestic species 7. Course objectives (based on the list of competences acquired)
Knowledge acquired in gross and histological structure of male and female genital apparatus, the function of the genital organs endocrinology of reproduction, normal reproductive behaviour, sexual cycles in domestic pecies and its regulation, endocrine treatments in domestic s ecies.
Evaluation of the reproductive function in major domes ic species 8. Content
Embryonic development of the reproductive system in domestic mammalsThe migration of the gonads; clinical importance, The ovarian cycle and the folliculogenesis The ovarian activity and the control of the follicular Luteogenesis and corpora lutea development The morphophysiology and the functions of the vagina Sperm evaluation, the spermcell morphology Biochemical properties of semen ; Biological properties Neuroendocrine control of the sexual function in males The hypothalamus; The neuroaminergic control of the Pituitary gonadotrope hormonesThe placental lactogen; Equine chorionic gonadotropin; Human chorionic gonadotropinAnimal estrogens; Synthetic estrogens; Estrogens in plants and soil; The antiestrogens;Estrogenic mycotoxic syndrome Sexual life manifestation Stages of the sexual life The age of sexual maturityThe optimal age for reproduction Length of the sexual 8.2 Practical works
oral presentation, practical demonstrations made by the teacher, practical applications made by the studentsoral presentation, practical demonstrations made by the teacher, practical applications made by the students oral presentation, practical demonstrations made by the teacher, practical applications made by the students oral presentation, practical demonstrations made by the teacher, practical applications made by the students oral presentation, practical demonstrations made by the teacher, practical applications made by the studentsoral presentation, practical demonstrations made by the teacher, practical applications made by the students oral presentation, practical demonstrations made by the teacher, practical applications made by the studentsoral presentation, practical demonstrations made by the teacher, practical applications made by the studentsoral presentation, practical demonstrations made by the teacher, practical applications made by the studentsoral presentation, practical demonstrations made by the teacher, practical applications made by the studentsoral presentation, practical demonstrations made by the teacher, practical applications made by the studentsoral presentation, practical demonstrations made by the teacher, practical applications made by the studentsoral presentation, practical demonstrations made by the teacher, practical applications made by the students Physiology of Reproduction, Morar Iancu 2012, (electronic)


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