Priority Ranking for Investments in Assets: A Tool for Times of Scrutiny The Challenge
settings of individual government programs.
On the premise that needs usually signif-
The tools enable program and departmental
icantly exceed available resources, govern-
Hendrik Siré
ments face difficult challenges in allocating
investment opportunities against a suite of
Hendrik Siré, MA, MBA, CMA, CMC, is a Partner
resources they have to the wide variety of
common public policy and performance cri-
with Goss Gilroy Inc., Management Consultants. Mr. Siré provides consulting services to federal govern-
public needs. Governments appreciate tools
teria, and to come up with a credible meas-
ment departments and agencies in the areas of asset
that support timely and informed allocation
ure of level of priority from highest to lowest
strategies, frameworks, policies and governance, long-term asset and investment planning, business case
decision-making and that offer the possibil-
preparation and time value of money analysis. Prior to
ity of a fair and open rationale for the deci-
joining Goss Gilroy, he held positions in
the form of a project score, which can range
Sypher:Mueller International, Ports Canada and theCanadian International Development Agency.
from zero to 500. With a well-designed tool,
increases about the risks, impacts and effects
only a handful of the highest priority proj-
of allocation decisions. Certainly audits,
ects would score above 420. Organizations
evaluations, risk assessments and perform-
ance measurement processes are contribut-
final score close to unassailable — the
ing to the increased scrutiny of allocation
robust averaging of credible, informed opin-
ion within the organization, adjusted forcommon biases. The cumulative outcome of
The Utility of Priority Ranking
an annual exercise is the ranking of pro-
posed investments from highest to lowest,
challenges in allocating resources for asset
with an identified funding threshold, below
which funding is not available. Investments
safety, for compliance with laws and poli-
falling below the line are either deferred to
cies, for refresh, evergreening and renova-
future years or rejected, to be reworked prior
Thomas Robinson
tion of existing asset bases, for managing a
to being submitted again for consideration.
Thomas Robinson, BA, CMA is a retired public ser-vant. Over his 37 career with the Federal Government
Mr. Robinson worked for National Defence, Trans-
port Canada and Fisheries and Oceans. Mr. Robinsonalso instructed part time for the Profession/Business
change all compete with each other, across
Accounting program at Algonquin College between
some time, in international organizations
1987 and 1997. Mr. Robinson works occasionally on
IM/IT, fleet, equipment, and real property.
a part time assignment basis in the capital planningarea.
form of multi-year flows compete with larg-
Canada. However, it can be said that CPPR
competing priorities and in maximizing the
er disbursements in the form of standalone
for assets got its start at the federal level
pressed to find decision-rules for the alloca-
next applied in the Department of Fisheries
tion of resources that are defensible at the
Services (in which Mr. Siré also participat-
DM’s table, that meets the Treasury Board
ed), developed a project scoring matrix for
expectations for rigorous stewardship and
office accommodation projects that was both
that leave auditors and evaluators satisfied.
matrix by applying it systematically across a
mous depth of crucial information about the
to Capital Project Priority Ranking (CPPR)
subject investment and its relative impor-
or Priority Ranking for Investments in Assets
tance. This CPPR matrix served it purpose
craft harbours. Only scientific equipment
(PRIA) as useful tools to meet a variety of
effectively to stakeholders in other govern-
tools, fully customizable to the distinctive
the rigour being applied to selecting among
agement Board (IMB) ensures the integrity
important to leave space for the proponent
of investment planning, project scoring and
to explain in his/her own language the rat-
the capital project peer review process.
stakes in the process – or any benefits;
ing that they have selected. The informa-
Close to eight years later, DFO continues
• The projects and flows have “genetic”
tion provided in justifying project ratings
helps the reader to better grasp key aspects
tions, and the IMB and peer review contin-
features that allow for differential scor-
ue to play their roles. The Department sees
two large pitfalls of priority ranking. The
first pitfall occurs through breathless and
base, and for communicating critical infor-
overhasty implementation, resulting in use
mation about the quality of projects to sen-
without effective testing and in use without
tomized the CPPR matrix in order to allo-
cate $6.0 million in incremental funding to
another; the strategic objectives are there-
The second pitfall relates to over reliance.
fore known and achieving strategic align-
Once the tool is in place, there is the chal-
2003. The Directors General of each of the
lenge of managing expectations around pri-
• The projects and flows represent magni-
ority ranking. Priority ranking is an aide to
tudes of investment that have “strategic
decision-making, not a substitute for it, as
content” for the organization; in other
Dr. Watson wrote over ten years ago. In the
projects would receive the limited incre-
demonstrated that the involvement of sen-
of technology, financial viability, client
challenging and changing of project scores.
At the end of the day, priority ranking will
process of information gathering and proj-
only be as good as the effort made to put it
ect scoring can yield an authoritative result.
perceived to be a high probability that all
applied annually. The need for stewardship
using CPPR for all asset categories, includ-
ing the vehicle fleet and scientific equip-
well when it is implemented in a deliberate
Conclusions and Next Steps
and thoughtful manner. There is a need to:
• Customize and define the criteria carefully;
integrating tool in the investment planning
(1) by a rigorous annual process for project
• Establish practical, operationally efficient
descriptors for each rating level, 1 to 5,
departments. It has proven its worth in sup-
porting qualitative deliberations about rela-
• Apply weightings to the individual crite-
project. Needless to say, there is a degree of
through rigorous departmental process. Pri-
correlation between the risk score a project
“Pilot test” the matrix against “live”
ority ranking is an indication of the care
projects and to learn from these trials to
adverse consequences of a project not pro-
understand the results of projects. In the
right context, project scores provide addi-
annual process, a process that corrects for
tional useful information, and shed light on
key factors for making meaningful resource
When CPPR/PRIA Works Well:
over. In the future, analysts will seek to bet-
investment projects and flows have several
priority matrix is owned collectively, and
ter integrate risk management and priority
its legitimacy is measured by its accept-
• There is at least some degree of rationing
ratings and scores. Analysts will also seek to
better use IMIT solutions in linking data
departmental salary, O & M and invest-
rate a key feature that can be too easily neg-
and information and in accelerating process
lected: the explanation of rating. In filling
and improving the quality of priority rank-
ecnicas Actuales de Estad´ıstica AplicadaUniversidad Nacional de Educaci´on a DistanciaCopyright c 2011 Alfonso Garc´ıa P´erezFotograf´ıa de la Portada: El Hemisf`eric. Ciudad de las Artes y Las Ciencias. Valencia. “No est´a permitida la reproducci´on total o parcial de estelibro, ni su tratamiento inform´atico, ni la transmisi´on deninguna forma o por cualquier medio, ya sea e