
Name ____________________________________________ ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANY MEDICATIONS?
Have you ever had: (circle all that apply) ______________________________________________
Treatment:__________________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Treatment __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Any other surgeries?_______________________________________________________________ SURGICAL HISTORY
Any reaction to anesthesia? _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Any bleeding or blood clotting problems?_______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Any medical conditions run in the family? What conditions? _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Is there a family history of Ovarian cancer? ______________________________________________
Did your mother take DES to prevent miscarriage? FAMILY HISTORY
Did you have a previous fertility evaluation? ______________________________________________
Urine ovulation test kit (LH surge test)? Pelvic ultrasound to check for ovulation? ______________________________________________
Pelvic ultrasound to check for myomas or fibroids? ______________________________________________
Lupus anticoagulant test (PT, PTT, DRVVT)? No ______________________________________________
Have you ever had any of these fertility treatments? HOW MANY CYCLES RESULTS ______________________________________________
hCG ovulation trigger injection (Profasi)? Progesterone (suppos, lozenges, injections)? No ______________________________________________
Are there any particular concerns you want to address? ___________________________________ FERTILITY TREATMENT

Source: http://www.fertilitytreatmentcenter.com/pdfs/FEMALE%20QUESTIONNAIRE%202.pdf

Microsoft word - mpsl neuroteologia.doc

Os nervos de Deus não são neurônios Neuroteologia e psicanálise Antes do pai: biologia como figura do materialismo A reportagem de capa da revista Forbes 1 celebra o encontro das neurociências com o marketing produzido uma nova disciplina, o neuromarketing. Existe também a neurofilosofia, que advogando a tese de naturalizar conceitos como desejo, intencionalidade, consciênc

Microsoft word - creative arts camp application 2004.doc

General Information • Fee: $135.00 per camper (including $10.00 for canteen) Please include fees with application. Campers will not be allowed to stay at camp if fee has not been received. A $20.00 late charge will apply for applications received two weeks or less before camp. Fees are non-refundable except with a doctor's note. • Location: Camp Mountainview is • T

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