Regeringen vill ge pengar till läkemedelsbolag för att skynda på utvecklingen av antibiotika som står emot motståndskraftiga bakterier köpa flagyl metronidazol Svenska materialet kan bli alternativ till antibiotika.
Susceptibilities for Common Ocular Isolates
● PURPOSE: To assess the in vitro susceptibility of the in the treatment of ocular infections, with high suscep- most common ocular bacterial isolates to several antibi- tibility to all pathogens tested. Chloramphenicol also otics and verify changing trends in the antibiotic suscep- revealed an increase in its susceptibility to all bacteria tibility in a 15-year period. evaluated. Ophthalmol 2004;137:43–51.
● DESIGN: Experimental study. 2004 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
● METHODS: All cultures positive for Staphylococcus au- reus, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CNS), Streptococ- cus sp, and Pseudomonas sp in conjunctival (n ؍ 4,585)
sight threatening if appropriate antibiotic therapy is
and corneal (n ؍ 3,779) samples from patients seen at the Federal University of Sa˜o Paulo from 1985 to 2000 were
of bacterial eye infections, the treatment must be initiated
evaluated. Cultures were performed in liquid and solid
usually before pathogen identification and antibiotic sus-
media, and susceptibility tests were done to amikacin,
ceptibility test results are available. Therefore, the antibi-
gentamicin, neomycin, tobramycin, ciprofloxacin, norfloxa-
otic chosen must have demonstrated efficacy against a
cin, ofloxacin, cephalothin, and chloramphenicol.
broad spectrum of possible ocular pathogens, providing
● RESULTS: Amikacin and neomycin showed an im-
good coverage against most gram-positive and gram-nega-
provement of their sensitivity during the study period (88%–95% and 50%– 85%, respectively) for corneal
The frequent and sometimes indiscriminate use of anti-
and conjunctival samples. Gentamicin and tobramycin
biotics has led to the development of bacterial strains
revealed a decrease of sensitivity in time, from 95% to
resistant to many commonly used Hence, peri-
less than 80% in corneal and conjunctival samples.
odic susceptibility testing should be performed to ensure
Ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, and ofloxacin had good sen-
that the currently available antibiotics are providing good
sitivity to all evaluated bacteria, better in conjunctiva
coverage against recent clinical isolates of pathogenic
(95%) than in cornea (90%). Sensitivity of S. aureus to
bacteria. As suggested by Jensen and this type
cephalothin decreased during the study but was still 98%
of testing should be done every 2 to 3 years to detect
for CNS. Chloramphenicol had good sensitivity to S.
resistance trends with currently used antibiotics. Such
aureus (85% in corneal and 92%in conjunctival sam-
studies are of paramount value to health care providers
ples), CNS (87% and 88.5%), and Streptococcus sp
who often have to select a first-line antibiotic treatment
(95% and 96%).
without the benefit of having the microbiological testing
● CONCLUSIONS: Gentamicin, tobramycin, and cephalo- thin decreased their in vitro susceptibility to all tested
The purpose of this study is to assess the in vitro suscepti-
pathogens. The fluoroquinolones remained a good choice
bility of the most common ocular bacterial isolates to severalantibiotics and verify changing trends in the antibioticsusceptibility of these bacteria during 15 consecutive years.
Additional material for this article can be found on
Accepted for publication July 29, 2003.
From the Department of Ophthalmology Federal University of Sa˜o
Inquiries to Maria Regina Chalita, MD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
9500 Euclid Ave, i31, Cleveland, OH 44195; fax: (216) 445-8475; e-mail:[email protected]
bacterial conjunctivitis that underwent a diagnostic corneal
2004 BY ELSEVIER INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TABLE 1. Total Number of Tested Bacteria for Each Antibiotic, Divided by Sample Site, From 1985 to 2000
or conjunctival culture from January 1985 through May 2000
no statistically difference between years. The total number
at the Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil were reviewed.
of each bacterial group isolates in this period was as
Cultures were performed using both liquid (brain and heart
follows: Pseudomonas sp, 170 samples (12 conjunctival; 158
infusion) and solid media (5% sheep blood agar, chocolate
corneal); S epidermidis, 1,004 samples ( 831 conjunctival;
agar) and all isolates were identified. The four most frequent
173 corneal); S. aureus, 2,260 samples (1,861 conjunc-
were analyzed and had their in vitro susceptibility test
tival; 399 corneal); and Streptococcus sp, 314 samples (128
performed (coagulase negative Staphylococcus (CNS), Staph-
conjunctival; 186 corneal). The number of bacteria iso-
ylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas
lated from corneal and conjunctival cultures that were
aeruginosa). In vitro susceptibility testing was determined by
tested for each antibiotic susceptibility is shown in
the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method and interpreted using
The total number and statistical data for each type of
the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards
bacteria analyzed from corneal and conjunctival samples,
(NCCLS) serum Isolates of intermediate sensitiv-
ity were categorized with the resistant organisms, because the
The antibiotic-susceptibility profiles for the four differ-
number of intermediates was insignificant compared with the
ent bacteria tested are represented in all of the Tables.
whole sample. Susceptibility testing of the bacterial isolates
For the aminoglycosides, shows a decrease of
was performed to the fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, nor-
Streptococcus sp susceptibility to amikacin in corneal and
floxacin, and ofloxacin), aminoglycosides (amikacin, neomy-
conjunctival samples (P ϭ .0002 and P ϭ .0004, respec-
tively) and an increase in CNS (P Յ .0001) and Staphy-
(cephalothin), and chloramphenicol. Samples from conjunc-
lococcus aureus (P ϭ .0001) in conjunctival samples over
tiva and from cornea were analyzed separately. All laboratory
time. The analysis of gentamicin in vitro activity over time
tests were performed using the same methodology over theanalyzed period and by the same microbiologist.
revealed a significant decrease of Streptococcus and S.
For statistical analysis, logistic regression was used to fit
aureus susceptibilities in corneal samples (P ϭ .004 and P
odds of susceptibility vs month. Plots were shown as
Յ .0001, respectively) and conjunctival samples (P ϭ .006
kernel-smoothed estimates of probability of susceptibility
and P ϭ .002, respectively; demonstrated
vs time. A gaussian (normal) kernel with a 4-year band-
an increase of S. aureus and CNS susceptibilities to
neomycin in corneal samples (P Յ .0001 and P ϭ .001,respectively) and conjunctival samples (P Յ .0001 inboth) and an increase of Pseudomonas susceptibility in
corneal samples (P Յ .0001). The analysis of tobramycinin vitro activity showed a decrease of Streptococcus and S.
FROM 1985 TO 2000, 3,779 CORNEAL CULTURES AND 4,585
aureus susceptibilities in corneal samples (P Յ .0001 and P
conjunctival cultures were obtained. The number of cor-
ϭ .0003, respectively) and conjunctival samples (P Յ
neal and conjunctival cultures obtained and the percent-
.0001 in both) but an increase of CNS susceptibility in
age of positive cultures remained relatively constant with
TABLE 2. Total Number of Samples Analyzed From 1985 to 2000
CI ϭ confidence interval; CNS ϭ coagulase-negative staphylococcus.
Odds ratio (OR) representing the change in odds every year, P values of all bacteria analyzed, divided
For the fluoroquinolones, shows an increase
shows an increase in Streptococcus, S. aureus,
of Streptococcus, S. aureus, and Pseudomonas susceptibil-
and Pseudomonas susceptibilities to ofloxacin in corneal
ities to ciprofloxacin in corneal samples (P Յ .0001, P ϭ
samples (P Յ .0001, P ϭ .04, and P ϭ .004, respec-
.02, P ϭ .02, respectively) and an increase of Strepto-
tively) and also an increase in S. aureus and CNS
coccus and CNS susceptibilities to ciprofloxacin in
susceptibilities to ofloxacin in conjunctival samples (P
conjunctival samples (P ϭ .04 and P Յ .0001, respec-
ϭ .04 and P ϭ .0001, respectively).
tively). The analysis of norfloxacin in vitro activity
For the cephalosporins, shows a decrease of S.
demonstrated an increase of Streptococcus and Pseudo-aureus and Pseudomonas susceptibilities to cephalothin in
monas susceptibilities in corneal samples (P ϭ .0004 and
corneal samples (P ϭ .005 and P Յ .0001, respectively)
P ϭ .005, respectively) and an increase of CNS suscep-
and a decrease of S. aureus susceptibility in conjunctival
tibility in conjunctival samples (P Յ .0001;
TABLE 3. Total Number of Samples Analyzed From 1985 to 2000
CI ϭ confidence interval; CNS ϭ coagulase-negative staphylococcus.
Odds ratio (OR) representing the change in odds every year, P values of all bacteria analyzed, divided
by antibiotic, in conjunctival samples.
The analysis of chloramphenicol in vitro activity revealed
antibiotic susceptibility testing can be Com-
an increase of all tested bacteria susceptibilities in corneal
monly, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is chosen as a first-line
samples and also an increase in Streptococcus, S. aureus and
treatment. Although the results of standardized in vitro tests
CNS susceptibilities in conjunctival samples
are based on drug concentrations that are safely achievable inplasma and do not reflect the concentrations achievable withtopical application or the effect of local factors on drug
activity, they provide a useful estimate of the comparativesusceptibility of organisms to different
The emergence of antibiotic-resistant ocular isolates has
bacterial keratitis, can be sight-threatening, leading to a
always been a The resistance pattern varies in
prompt treatment even before pathogen identification and
different countries and different parts of the globe owing to
TABLE 4. Number of Bacteria Susceptible to Amikacin, Total Number of Bacteria Tested, and Susceptibility Percentage of the
Different Bacterial Groups in Cornea and Conjunctiva Samples, Grouped in 4-Year Analysis
CNS ϭ coagulase-negative Staphylococcus; N ϭ number of bacteria; %S ϭ percentage of susceptible organisms; S ϭ number of
TABLE 5. Number of Bacteria Susceptible to Gentamicin, Total Number of Bacteria Tested, and Susceptibility Percentage of the
Different Bacterial Groups in Cornea and Conjunctiva Samples, Grouped in 4-Year Analysis
CNS ϭ coagulase-negative Staphylococcus; N ϭ number of bacteria; %S ϭ percentage of susceptible organisms; S ϭ number of
seasonal and climatic differences as well as cultural differ-
tobramycin, two antibiotics widely used, showed a decrease
The bacteria analyzed were the most frequent
of their sensitivity over time. This finding correlates with
causes of bacterial conjunctivitis and keratitis described in
some published reports of emerging resistance to amino-
The analysis of aminoglycosides susceptibilities to each
The fluoroquinolones started to be tested in our labora-
pathogen tested varied from each antibiotic tested. Ami-
tory in 1990. All three different fluoroquinolones tested
kacin, an aminoglycoside that is not frequently and rou-
presented the same sensitivity pattern during the study
tinely used in our community, showed an improvement in
period. There was a slight decrease in all pathogen suscep-
its sensitivity during the study period. Neomycin was used
tibilities to quinolones in 1993 and 1994, with a subse-
more in the past, and its increase of susceptibility may be
quent increase. Interestingly, this decrease in sensitivity
due to its lesser use nowadays. Conversely, gentamicin and
happened at the same time that several cases of emerging
TABLE 6. Number of Bacteria Susceptible to Neomycin, Total Number of Bacteria Tested, and Susceptibility Percentage of the
Different Bacterial Groups in Cornea and Conjunctiva Samples, Grouped in 4-Year Analysis
CNS ϭ coagulase-negative Staphylococcus; N ϭ number of bacteria; %S ϭ percentage of susceptible organisms; S ϭ number of
TABLE 7. Number of Bacteria Susceptible to Tobramycin, Total Number of Bacteria Tested, and Susceptibility Percentage of the
Different Bacterial Groups in Cornea and Conjunctiva Samples, Grouped in 4-Year Analysis
CNS ϭ coagulase-negative Staphylococcus; N ϭ number of bacteria; %S ϭ percentage of susceptible organisms; S ϭ number of
fluoroquinolone resistance were published in the litera-
The analysis of the first-generation cephalosporin, ceph-
alothin, revealed a decrease of S. aureus and Pseudomonas
decrease in sensitivity was exacerbated in corneal samples
susceptibility with time. The Pseudomonas sensitivity to
compared with conjunctival samples. One of the possible
cephalotin was expected to be low, as the first-generation
explanations for this is that bacteria that cause corneal
cephalosporin has its main activity against gram-positive
infections tend to be more pathogenic than the ones
microorganisms. Cephalothin is frequently used in our
causing conjunctival infections. Besides that, all fluoro-
community as a fortified antibiotic in treating bacterial
quinolones tested in this study showed high efficacy when
keratitis. This frequent use could have contributed to the
analyzing the four different bacteria since 1998, proving
decrease of S. aureus sensitivity during the study period. It
that in our community quinolones are still a good choice
is important to point out that the first-generation cepha-
losporin used in ophthalmology in the United States is
TABLE 8. Number of Bacteria Susceptible to Ciprofloxacin, Total Number of Bacteria Tested, and Susceptibility Percentage of
the Different Bacterial Groups in Cornea and Conjunctiva Samples, Grouped in 4-Year Analysis
CNS ϭ coagulase-negative Staphylococcus; N ϭ number of bacteria; %S ϭ percentage of susceptible organisms; S ϭ number of
TABLE 9. Number of Bacteria Susceptible to Norfloxacin, Total Number of Bacteria Tested, and Susceptibility Percentage of the
Different Bacterial Groups in Cornea and Conjunctiva Samples, Grouped in 4-Year Analysis
CNS ϭ coagulase-negative Staphylococcus; N ϭ number of bacteria; %S ϭ percentage of susceptible organisms; S ϭ number of
cefazolin, and in Brazil it is cephalothin, but cefazolin is
for this is that after so many years of this drug being
considered comparable to cephalothin.
discredited and not being used, the bacterial susceptibility
Chloramphenicol, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, fell into
to it improved again, especially for gram-positive patho-
discredit since the mid 1980s owing to its high resistance
indexes against most ocular pathogens. In our community,
There are some points in this study that should be
chloramphenicol was the most commonly used antibiotic
addressed. Resistance based on in vitro testing may not
in the 1960s and 1970s, but most of the ophthalmologists
reflect true clinical resistance, because topical intensive
stopped using chloramphenicol in the 1990s because bac-
use of antibiotics can produce corneal concentrations that
teria susceptibility was very low. The analysis of chloram-
exceed mean inhibitory concentration Antibiotic
phenicol susceptibility to the four pathogens tested showed
sensitivities may not correspond to clinical response to an
an important increase with time. One possible explanation
antibiotic because of host factors and penetration of the
TABLE 10. Number of Bacteria Susceptible to Ofloxacin, Total Number of Bacteria Tested, and Susceptibility Percentage of the
Different Bacterial Groups in Cornea and Conjunctiva Samples, Grouped in 4-Year Analysis
CNS ϭ coagulase-negative Staphylococcus; N ϭ number of bacteria; %S ϭ percentage of susceptible organisms; S ϭ number of
TABLE 11. Number of Bacteria Susceptible to Cephalothin, Total Number of Bacteria Tested, and Susceptibility Percentage of
the Different Bacterial Groups in Cornea and Conjunctiva Samples, Grouped in 4-Year Analysis
CNS ϭ coagulase-negative Staphylococcus; N ϭ number of bacteria; %S ϭ percentage of susceptible organisms; S ϭ number of
drug. However, in vitro susceptibility testing is the only
the pathogens tested over these 15 years, along with the
established method of determining antibiotic resistance
cephalosporin tested, cephalothin. The gram-negative
and was performed in a standardized method at our
bacteria had a good response to the aminoglycosydes
amikacin, gentamicin, and tobramycin, and we would
microorganisms isolated in our population, and the anti-
suggest using aminoglycosides to treat these infections.
biotics analyzed were the most prescribed and used in our
All the fluoroquinolones tested in this study, conversely,
community. There are several different microorganisms
represented a great choice for treating ocular infections,
and antibiotics that could be studied, and our plan is to
with high susceptibility to all pathogens tested. Chlor-
analyze different bacteria and drugs in the near future.
amphenicol also revealed an increase in its susceptibility
In conclusion, this study showed that, in South
to all pathogens, showing that after a long period
America, the most used aminoglycosides, gentamicin
without using this drug, the sensitivity tends to get
and tobramycin, decreased their in vitro susceptibility to
TABLE 12. Number of Bacteria Susceptible to Chloramphenicol, Total Number of Bacteria Tested, and Susceptibility Percentage
of the Different Bacterial Groups in Cornea and Conjunctiva Samples, Grouped in 4 Years Analysis
CNS ϭ coagulase-negative Staphylococcus; N ϭ number of bacteria; %S ϭ percentage of susceptible organisms; S ϭ number of
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P S Y C H O P H A R M A C O L O G Y P E R S P E C T I V E SReview of ADHD Pharmacotherapies: Advantages,JOAN M. DAUGHTON, M.D., AND CHRISTOPHER J. KRATOCHVIL, M.D. Pharmacotherapy for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) originally consistedAdvantages: The stimulant medications have anprimarily of stimulant medications in immediate-releaseextensive database suppo
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