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Microsoft word - final-open meeting notice and agenda 09-15-10 wisconsin council on mental health.doc
OPEN MEETING NOTICE WISCONSIN COUNCIL ON MENTAL HEALTH MEETING September 15, 2010 09:00 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Holiday Inn, Fond du Lac 625 West Rolling Meadows Drive, Fond du Lac WI 54937 (608) 923-1440 Intersection of Highway 41 and Highway 151 South Directions:
FINAL AGENDA 09:00 a.m. Item 1: Call Council Meeting to Order
• Welcome and Introductions • Read Guidelines for Conduct of Meeting (Attachment 1) • Action Requested: Review and Approval of Minutes from
Council meeting of July 21, 2010 (Attachment 2)
Upcoming Conferences/Trainings/Events (Attachment 3)
09:15 a.m. Item 2: Update on Women’s Mental Health Treatment Facility at Wisconsin Resource Center 09:30 a.m. Item 3: Overview of Fond du Lac County Mental Health Becky Holtzman Programs
Fond du Lac Co. Department of Community Programs
10:30 a.m. Item 4: Follow-Up to Council Tours and Presentations Regarding Winnebago & Fond du Lac County Programs, Taycheedah, and Wisconsin Resource Center
• Observations and Discussion • Recommendations
11:00 p.m. Item 5: Updates from Division of Mental Health John Easterday, Administrator and Substance Abuse Services (DMHSAS) and Joyce Allen, BPTR 11:45 a.m. Item 6: Lunch and Networking 12:30 p.m. Item 7: Committee Reports, Discussion, Recommendations and Action
Proposed Amendment to Council By Laws Permitting the
Council Chair to Appoint Persons Recommended By a State Agency Secretary as Ex-Officio, Non-Voting Council
Members, as Needed to Meet Requirements of State and Federal Council Membership and Composition Requirements, Pending Gubernatorial Appointment (Attachment 4) - Discussion - Recommendations
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Infrastructure Study
(See Infrastructure Study Attachment 5, forwarded separately, also link at: - Motion from Committee: Recommend that the Infrastructure Study document, with the amendments as discussed, be approved by the Council (see draft letter for amendments, Attachment 6) - Draft Infrastructure Letter for Council approval (Attachment 6)
Recommendation to Add Abilify to Medicaid Preferred
Recommendations Regarding Medicaid Prior Authorization
for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (Attachments 7-B & 7-C)
Policy Issues To Be Addressed by L&P Committee 2011-1012
Status and Updated Membership List as of 09/15/10
1:10 p.m. Item 8: Opportunity for Public Input Baldwin 1:13 p.m. Item 9: Call for Future Agenda Items 1:15 p.m. Item 10: Adjourn Contact person: Melanie Foxcroft at (608) 267-3948 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Council members please notify the contact person before the meeting if you will not be attending. Accessibility: THIS MEETING IS ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE WITH MOBILITY IMPAIRMENTS. Handicapped parking is available at the meeting site. People needing accommodations to attend or participate in this meeting please notify the contact person 5 days prior to the meeting. Cc: State Editor, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Posted: State Capital Building
Examen Único de Residentado Médico 2012 ¿Cuál es el neurotransmisor que se relaciona con el sueño REM (movimientos oculares rápidos)? La cianosis central es manifestación clínica de: Respuesta. Incremento de la hemoglobina reducida ¿Cuál de las siguientes medidas terapéuticas disminuye el estado hipercatabólico en pacientes críticos? Gestante con 34 semanas por última regla
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