Microsoft word - septminutes2008.doc

Walworth, Wisconsin 53184
Monday, September 22, 2008
The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Linda Freeman, President, at 6:05 P.M. Members in attendance included
Mr. Patrick Hubertz, Mrs. Mary Heyer, and Mrs. Margaret Hubertz. Also in attendance at the open session were
Mrs. Pamela Knorr, District Administrator; Mrs. Dawn Brockwell, Business Manager; and Mrs. Barbara Dade
Executive Secretary.
The Pledge of Allegiance- The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Minutes, Monthly Invoices, and Financial Statements- Consent motion by Mrs. Hubertz to
approve the open/closed session meeting minutes from August 25, 2008. Second by Mrs. Heyer. Motion
carried 4-0. Consent motion by Mrs. Hubertz to approve the September invoices including general fund
checks #46383-#46517 totaling $161,049.42, payroll checks #22649-#22653 totaling $1,451.99, and direct
deposit checks #900001002-#900001131 totaling $142,839.69. Second by Mr. Hubertz. Motion carried
3-0. Mrs. Heyer abstained.
Communication from the Public- Mrs. Hubertz mentioned the Wellness Committee, Police Department,
and Guidance Department will be hosting a “Red Ribbon Week Wellness Fair” on Friday, October 24,
2008 from 8:30-12:00 in the school’s gym.

4. Reports-

a. President’s
Mrs. Freeman reported/distributed: 1) draft copies of the 2008-2009 District Goals, and 2) committee members of the Walworth History Committee toured our building with the class of 1958 Graduates, the last class to graduate at the Walworth Jt. District #1, at their fiftieth reunion on September 13, 2008.
b. Administrator’s
Mrs. Knorr reviewed/distributed: 1) updated information on the 2006-2007 District Survey results; 2) updated information regarding the 2007-2008 teacher make-up day; 3) updated information on the third Friday enrollment count; 4) copies of the implementation of Board Policy #345.1- District Grading Policy with Homework Guidelines; 5) a copy of the 2008-2009 New Teacher Mentor Program; and 5) updated information regarding meeting on the 403(b) Plan. Business Manager’s Report- Mrs. Brockwell distributed/reviewed: 1) the 2007-2008
close of the fiscal year; 2) the summary of district investments was tabled until next
month’s board meeting; and 3) updated copies of the 2008-2009 budget.
a. Resignation-
Motion by Mrs. Heyer to accept the resignation/retirement, with deep regret, of Mr. Terry Schaid, Dean of Students, effective at the conclusion of the 2008-2009 school year. Second by Mrs. Hubertz. Motion carried 4-0. Use of District Facilities- Mrs. Knorr received three requests for the use of the district
facilities from the Big Foot Pioneers 4H Club, Boy Scout Troop #234, and the Villages of
Walworth/Fontana emergency services. Motion by Mrs. Hubertz to approve the requests,
as presented. Second by Mrs. Heyer. Motion carried 4-0.
Approval of 2008-2009 Budget for Annual Meeting- Mrs. Knorr and Mrs. Brockwell
distributed and reviewed, in detail, the 2008-2009 budget to be presented at the Annual
Meeting. Discussion ensued. Motion by Mr. Hubertz to approve the 2008-2009 budget,
as prepared. Second by Mrs. Hubertz. Motion carried 4-0.
d. Tricor
Motion by Mrs. Heyer to accept the Tricor Rebate in the amount of $4,093.00. Second by Mrs. Hubertz. Motion carried 4-0. Motion by Mrs. Hubertz to adjourn the meeting. Second by Mrs. Heyer. Motion carried 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 P.M. The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 20, 2008 at 6:00 P.M. Minutes Prepared For: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________


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