Microsoft word - regence prescription plan 7-08.doc

Your Prescription Medication Plan provides coverage for services provided by Participating pharmacies as listed below.
Under this plan, benefits for preferred medications are covered at a higher benefit level. For assistance in locating a
Participating Pharmacy or the RegenceRx Preferred Medication List, please visit the Web site at,
or call (888) 437-1508.
Your Prescription Plan Features
Mail order service for medications taken regularly for chronic conditions. Up to a 90-day supply for mail order medications is provided. Up to a 30-day supply for self-injectable medications for mail order. RegenceRx Preferred Medication List, which offers quality generics and selected brands including contraceptives. Preferred copayment for medications on the RegenceRx Preferred Medication List. Medications that are required by law to be dispensed by prescription. Benefit Features
Important Note: Present your identification card with all new and refill prescriptions. There is a $10 processing fee
for all submitted paper claims.
Medications purchased at participating pharmacies
The maximum quantity is a 34-day supply for each prescription filled. Medications purchased through mail order
The maximum quantity is a 90-day supply for each prescription filled. See page 2 for additional limitations and exclusions that may apply to the benefits above >
020282 - Integra Telecom - Prescription Plan (06/08) Limitations and Exclusions
Once enrolled, your benefits booklet can be viewed online at our Web site, Please refer to your
benefits booklet for a complete list of benefits and the limitations and exclusions that apply.

These Benefits Are Limited
¾ The maximum quantity for pharmacy purchased medications is a 34-day supply.
¾ The maximum quantity for mail order purchased medications is a 90-day supply.
¾ The maximum quantity for mail order purchased self-injectable medications is a 30-day supply.
¾ Some medications may be limited by the quantity rather than day supply or may require prior authorization by the
¾ Compound medications are only covered when one ingredient is a federal legend or state restricted medication.

Services And Supplies Not Covered
¾ Prescription medications purchased at a non-participating pharmacy
¾ Impotence
¾ Medications prescribed for cosmetic purposes ¾ Medications with no proven therapeutic indication ¾ Retin-A for anyone 26 years of age or over ¾ Renova ¾ Lamisil and Sporanox ¾ Topical ¾ Smoking cessation products ¾ Experimental ¾ Medications prescribed for weight loss or the treatment of obesity (including, but not limited to amphetamines) ¾ Vitamins and fluoride, except those required by law to be dispensed by prescription ¾ Injectable medications, except those defined as self-injectable ¾ Medications dispensed in a facility while a patient in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, nursing home, or other ¾ Stolen, lost, spilled, or destroyed prescription medications
020282 - Integra Telecom - Prescription Plan (06/08)


Copyright Ó Blackwell Munksgaard 2004Ephedra alkaloids and brief relapse inEMDR-treated obsessive compulsivedisorderFluvoxamine with no compulsive hand washing and no mooddisturbance. In his review of the adverse effects of some herbal medicines,While there is still debate about the mechanism of action ofErnst (1) draws attention to reports that ma-huang, a herbalEMDR in post-traumatic s


Vom Kampf des Menschen gegen die Krankheit Resistente Keime konfrontieren die Medizin mit der Notwendigkeit alternativer Wirkstoffe. Organisationsversagen und Kommunikationsprobleme als Ursache der Entstehung multiresistenter Vortragsabend mit anschließender Podiumsdiskussion Zeit: 20.10.2009, 18:00-20:30 Uhr Ort: Institut für Ethik und Recht in der Medizin, Altes AKH, Seminarrau

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