August 28-sept. 2 _same character ed word_.doc

Notes from Mrs. Adair
Word of the Week
Next week we will work on the sound of the
Respect for Others
letter “Bb”. We will brainstorm words and write and illustrate those in
our dictionaries. Also, when we are working on a letter, we learn how
To feel or show honor for the
to correctly form that letter. When your child’s handwriting sheet
feelings and rights of others
comes home that has been completed at school, you can follow up by
1. Use only kind words
reminding your child how to write that letter. Sometimes this means
when talking to your
Mom and Dad need to do some handwriting practice as wellJ.
family and friends.
Other skills we are working on:
2. Do not talk while others
1. Reading Jack and Jilly words- Jack, Jilly, can, play
are talking.
2. Sorting objects by shape, color and size
3. Pick up after yourself,
3. Telephone number
so others don’t have to.
4. Number recognition 0-10
4. Ask before you use
Starting Monday, if your child eats breakfast at school, he/she will come to the
other people’s things.
class FIRST, get his/her card and then return to the cafeteria. The lunchroom
5. Invite everyone
staff is having difficulty getting the children to tell their names. Please, please
make sure your child knows if he/she will eat in the cafeteria. We have no way
of knowing, and being 5 years old, when we ask they will all want to go. Then

be a part of
you will end up receiving a bill saying that you owe money. It might help to put
the breakfast money in an envelope labeled “breakfast” then we will know.
Mrs. Adair’s Kids say…
Special Events and Reminders
My favorite
thing about
*** T-shirt orders were due today (Friday). There
school is…
are several who have not ordered a shirt. Monday
will be the absolute last day to order. I have to turn

“riding on the school

the orders in so that we will have the t-shirts back
bus.” Brett Renova
by the time we go to the zoo on September 15th.
This will be the only time to order field trip shirts.
“making stuff for my
teacher.” Ashlee Fellows
*Friday, September 1st- Scholastic Book orders due.
“riding the bus.”
*Friday, September 8th-Atlanta Zoo field trip
Angelica Jenkins
permission slip due.
“going to the gym.”
*Monday, September 4th- Labor Day holiday

Kaylee Clay


Antidopping eljárási útmutató2010x

ANTIDOPPING ELJÁRÁSI ÚTMUTATÓ Szövetségünk a doppingmentes sport elkötelezettje, ezért törekszik arra, hogy minden segítséget megadjon sportolóinak és edzőinek a tiszta felkészülésre. Meggyőződésünk, hogy a magyar sportlövők és edzőik tisztességesen készülnek és továbbra is minden szabályt és előírást be fognak tartani. Az alábbi eljárási útmutató össz

Dagsorden 1.2.

SKIVE KOMMUNE Jegstrupvej 4 10-05-2006 Underudvalget for Teknik og miljø Deltagere: Arne Bisgård, Jens Jørn Justesen, Jens Peder Hedevang, Kurt Ber- telsen, Leif Hermann, Per B. Jeppesen, Peter Østergaard Fraværende: Jens Jørn Justesen, Per B. Jeppesen. Sag nr.: Emne: SKIVE KOMMUNE UNDERUDVALGET FOR TEKNIK OG MILJØ, DEN 10-05-2006 Debat om area

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