Relevé pipelle de cornier

Sommaire : Pipelles
Partie I : de 1982 à 1996

1982 :
. Une nouvelle technique pour le prélèvement histologique de l’endomètre en
consultation externe : la pipelle.
E. Cornier, M.J. Feintuch, D. Delafontaine, R. Thouvenin, L. Boucara.
Gynécologie, 1982, 33, 3, pp. 169-171.
. Un nouvel instrument : la pipelle.
Gyn. Obs., 15 juin 1982.
1984 :
. Les cancers de l’endomètre.
A. Netter.
Horm. Reprod. Metab., 1984, vol.1, n°4, pp. 7-11.
. The Pipelle : A disposable device for endometrial biopsy.
E. Cornier.
American Journal of Obstetrics and gynecology, January 1984, vol.148, n°1, pp.109-110.
1985 :
. Biopsie et microbiopsie d’endomètre : techniques et résultats.
R. M. Parache et C. Barlier.
Revue française des laboratoires, janvier 1986, n°145.
1987 :
. Thèse : les Hyperplasies atypiques de l’endomètre.
Revue de la littérature.
Présentée à l’Université Claude-Bernard – Lyon I et soutenue publiquement le 14 avril 1987
pour obtenir le grade de Docteur en Médecine par Stéphane Fournier.
. Mise en évidence de Chlamidia trachomatis au niveau de l’endomètre.
La Presse Médicale, octobre 1987, 16, n°32.
. Dépistage endométrial par la pipelle de Cornier.
M. Macaigne, A. Defossez, M. Mazzuca, G. Zylberberg.
Gynecologie, 1987, 38, 2, 99-103.
. Estrogen replacement therapy.
R. Don Gambrell Jr.
Creative Infomatics, 1987.
1988 :
. Intérêt de la biopsie de l’endomètre dans l’adaptation du traitement hormonal
séquentiel de la ménopause.
C. Pelissier, J. Kahn-Nathan, M. Robin, P. Driguez, C. Denis, A. Grimard, J. Caby, H.
Gynécologie, 1988, 39, 2, 81-86.
. Endometrial Sampling.
D.G. Diaz.
Gynecological Decision Making, 1988.
. Diagnostic précoce du cancer de l’endomètre et ses précurseurs : clinique et
T. Leroy-Brasme, J. L. Leroy, M. Delecour.
Journal de gynécologie Obstétrique, 1988, vol.17, n°6.
. Intérêt de la biopsie d’endomètre préalable aux poses de stérilets.
A. Savier.
Contraception-fertilité-sexualité, 1988, vol.16, n°10, pp. 805-807.
. Endometrial Sampling in Older Patients.
A. M. Kaunitz, D. A. Grimes.
Comtemporary OB/GYN, April 15, 1988, vol.31.
. Comparison of endometrial biopsy with the endometrial Pipelle and Vabra
A.M. Kaunitz, A. Masciello, M. Ostrowski, E.Z. Rovira.
J. Reprod. Med. May 1988 ; 33(5):427-31.
. Significant Difference in the Frequency of Out-of-Phase Endometrial Biopsies
Depending on the Use of the Novak Curette or the Flexible Polypropylene
Endometrial Biopsy Cannula (Pipelle).
L. H. Honore, D. C. Cumming, N. Fahmy.
Gynecol. Obstet. Invest. 1988, 26, pp. 338-340.
. Advances in managing endometrial Ca.
D.L. Clarke-Pearson, P.J. Disaia, L. Mastrianni, R. M. Richart, A.B. Weingold.
Patient Care, June 1988.
. Endometrial Biopsy – Pipelle Aspiration.
Family Practice Bulletin, Nov. 7, 1988, vol.1, n°10.
1989 :
. Clinical Evaluation of the Pipelle Endometrial Suction Curette for Timed
Endometrial Biopsies.
J. H. Check, J. S. Chase, K. Nowroozi, C. H. Wu, R. Chern.
The Journal of Reproductive Medicine, Inc., March 1989, vol.34, n°3.
. Comparison of the late luteal phase endometrial biopsies using the Novak
curette or Pipelle endometrial suction curette.
G. A. Hill, C. M. Herbert III, R. A. Parker, A. C. Wentz.
Obstetrics and Gynecology, March 1989, vol.73, n°3, part 1.
. Endometrial Aspiration : Comparison of the Pipelle with the Karman Cannula.
J.L. Snider, C. A. Johnson, B. S. Liese.
University of Kansas Medical Center, Department of Family Practice, 1989.
. La Pipelle traverse l’Atlantique.
Abstract Gynéco Bimensuel, Mai 1989, n°44.
. Transcervical uterine cultures with a new endometrial suction curette : A
comparison of three sampling methods in postpartum endometritis.
M.G. Martens, S. Faro, H. A. Hammill, G. D.Riddle, D. Smith.
Obstetrics & Gynecology, August 1989, vol.74, n°2.
. Endometrial Sampling Techniques for the Office.
P. P. Koonings, D. A. Grimes.
AFP, October 1989.
. Evaluation of the Pipelle curette for endometrial biopsy.
I. Henig, P. Chan, D.R. Tredway, G.M. Maw, A.J. Gullett, M. Cheatwood.
J. Reprod. Med. October 1989 ; 34(10):786-9.
. Is cholic acid responsible for embryo-toxicity of the post-receptive uterine
A. Psychoyos, D. Roche, A. Gravanis.
Hum. Reprod. October 1989 ; 4(7):832-4.
. Lésions précancéreuses de l’endomètre dans une population asymptomatique :
dépistage par la pipelle de Cornier.
K. Zummer, S. Labbe, E. Charpentier, M. O. Deschamps, C. Gras, A. D. Haas-Levy, M.
Legrand, A. Mouial, F. Sarrot, C. Boureau, C. Vonnet.
Contraception-fertilité-sexualité, 1989, vol.17, n°2, pp. 157-161.
. Isolement de Chlamydia trachomatis dans l’endomètre et endométrite.
B. Zorn, Y. Chitrit, J. D. Lebo, T. Giacomini, Y. Godefroy, B. Galet.
J. Gynecol. Obstet. Biol. Reprod., 1989, 18, 627-634.
1990 :
. Genetic amniocentesis in multiple gestation : a new technique to diagnose
monoamniotic twins.
Tabsh K.
Obstet. Gynecol. February 1990 ; 75(2):296-8.
. Minimally invasive endometrial sampling.
Patient care, February 1990.
. A randomized clinical trial comparing pipelle and Tis-U-Trap dor Endometrial
P. P. Koonings, D. L. Moyer, D. A. Grimes.
Vol.75, n°2, February 1990.
1991 :
. Biopsie de l’endomètre.
D. Dargent.
Guide pratique d’explorations fonctionnelles en gynécologie, 1991.
. Endometrial histology after first trimester spontaneous abortion.
S. T. Nakajima, K. M. Blackmer, J. R. Brumsted, M. Gibson, J. L. Deaton.
Fertility and Sterility, January 1991, vol.55, n°1.
. Gynécologie du troisième âge.
C. Quereux, R. Gabriel, P. Wahl.
JIM, 1991.
. Pipelle endometrial sampling in patients with known endometrial carcinoma.
T. G. Stovall, G. J. Photopulos, W. M. Poston, F. W. Ling, L. G. Sandles.
Obstetrics & Gynecology, June 1991, Vol.77, n°6.
. A prospective, randomized comparison of the Pipelle endometrial sampling
device with the Novak curette.
T. G. Stovall, F. W. Ling, P. L. Morgan.
Endometrial sampling, November 1991, vol.165, N°5, part 1.
. Comparison of Novak Pipelle Endometrial Biopsy Instruments.
M. Mitchell Silver, P. Miles, C. Rosa.
Obstetrics & Gynecology, November 1991, vol.78, n°5, part 1.
1992 :
. Endometrial Biopsy.
C. C. Bremer.
The Female Patient, September 1992, vol.17.
. Histological sampling of the endometrium – A comparison between formal
curettage and the Pipelle sampler.
D.J. Fothergill, V.A. Brown, A.S. Hill.
British Journal of Obstetrics and gynaecology, September 1992, vol.99, pp.779-780.
. Endometrial biopsy with Z-sampler. A patient-oriented cost effective procedure
suitable for general practice and outpatient use.
A. Bigrigg, B.W. Codling, M.D. Read.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1992, vol.12, 185-187.
. 26th British Obstetrics and Gynaecological meeting : Minimally invasive
endometrial biopsy. An Outpatient procedure for infertility investigation.
Manchester, 1992.
. 26th British Obstetrics and Gynaecological meeting : Vaginal Ultrasound,
Hysteroscopy, and Endometrial Sampling for Outpatient Investigation of
Abnormal Bleeding - A Comparative Study.
Manchester, 1992.
. Characterization of human purified epithelial and stromal cells from
endometrium and endometriosis in tissue culture.
C.J. Matthews, C.P. Redfern, B.H. Hirst, E.J. Thomas.
Fertil. Steril. May 1992 ; 57(5):990-7.

1993 :
. Livmoderskrapningar.
Läkartidningen, 1993, vol.90, n°49.
. Diagnostic dilatation and curettage in young women should be replaced by
outpatient endometrial biopsy.
BMJ, January 1993, vol.306.
. Midluteal phase endometrial biopsy does not accurately predict luteal function.
M. C. Batista, M. P. Platia, T. P. Cartledge, G. R. Merriam, M. J. Merino, D. L. Loriaux, C.
Axiotis, L. K. Nieman.
Fertility and Sterility, February 1993, vol.59, n°2.
. Endometrial sampling in menopausal patients.
A. M. Kaunitz.
Menopausal Medicine, October 1993.
. Hormone replacement therapy : use routine endometrial sampling ?
D. H. Belsky, M. L. Hediger, T. O. Scholl.
Contemporary OB/GYN, November 1993.
. The accuracy of Endometrial Pipelle sampling with and without Sonographic
Measurement of endometrial Thickness.
R. Goldchmit, Z. Katz, I. Blickstein, B. Caspi, R. Dgani.
Obstetrics & Gynecology, November 1993, vol.82, n°5.
. The accuracy of Endometrial Pipelle sampling with and without Sonographic
Measurement of endometrial Thickness.
Obstetrics & Gynecology, Letters, 1993.
. Fiabilité des méthodes d’exploration de l’endomètre : étude comparative chez
178 patientes.
D. Salet-Lizee, P. Gadonneix, M. Van Den Akker, R. Villet.
J. Gynecol. Obstet. Biol. Reprod., 1993, 22, pp.593-599.
1994 :
. Fiabilité des méthodes d’examen de l’endomètre.
R. Trevoux.
Actualités Reproduction Humaine, 1994, vol.2, n°4.
. Outpatient Endometrial Sampling with the Pipelle Curette.
G. Ben-Baruch, D. S. Seidman, E. Schiff, O; Moran, J. Menczer.
Gynecol. Obstet Invest, 1994, 37, pp. 260-262.
. The accuracy of endometrial pipelle sampling with and without sonographic
measurement of endometrial thickness.
Obstetrics & Gynecology, March 1994, Letters, vol.83, n°3.
. Precursors and cancers of the lower genital tract new findings – strategies and
2nd International Congress of Papillomavirus ni human pathology, April 1994, France.
. Endometrial cytology : evaluation of samples obtained by outpatient aspiration.
M. Roberts, A. D. Rodgers, S. Johri, B. D. Case.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, June 1994, vol.101.
. Outpatient pipelle endometrial biopsy in the investigation of postmenopausal
T. Batool, W. Reginald, J.H. Hughes.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, June 1994, vol.101, pp.545-546.
. The effect of estradiol depletion during the luteal phase on endometrial
J.S. Younis, A.Simon, Y. Ezra, J.G. Schenker, Y. Sherman, N. Laufer.
Fertility and Sterility, July 1994, vol.62, n°1.
. The effect of progesterone administration in the follicular phase of an artificial
cycle on endometrial morphology: a model of premature luteinization.
Y. Ezra, A. Simon, Y. Sherman, A. Benshushan, J.S. Younis, N. Laufer.
Fertil. Steril. July 1994 ; 62(1):108-12.
. Vaginal Administration of Low-Dose Conjugated Estrogens : Systemic
absorption and Effects on the Endometrium.
V.L. Handa, K.E. Bachus, W.W. Johnston, S.J. Robboy, C.B. Hammond.
Obstetrics & Gynecology, August 1994, vol.84, n°2.
. Comment explorer les ménométrorragies à la période ménopausique ?
Lansac J, Alle C.
Rev. Fr. Gynecol. Obstet. Novembre 1994 ; 89(11):573-7. Review.
1995 :
. Gynaecological short communications : Assessment of menstrual blood loss
using a pictorial chart and endometrial sampling within the community.
M. Shapley, C.W.E. Redman.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1995, vol.15, pp.123-126.
. Oestrogen sulphotransferase in the human endometrium – potential role in
infertility ?
G.L. Rubin, M.W.H. Coughtrie, A.J. Harrold, J.A. Mills.
Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the BFS, 1995, Liverpool.
. In-vitro endometrial secretion of human interleukin for DA cells/leukaemia
inhibitory factor by explant cultures from fertile and infertile women.
Human Reproduction, 1995, vol.10, n°9, pp.2583-2588.
. Inhibition of human endometrial stromal cell proliferation by interleukin 6.
P. N. Zarmakoupis, S. E. Rier, G. B. Maroulis, J. L. Becker.
Human Reproduction, 1995, vol.10, n°9, pp.2595-2599.
. Reduced endothelial cell migratory signal production by endometrial explants
from women using Norplant contraception.
Sri Bekti Subakir, W. Hadisaputra, B. Siregar, D. Irawati S. Santoso, S. Cornain, B. Affandi.
Human Reproduction, 1995, vol.10, n°10, pp.2579-2583.
. Immunolocalisation of endothelin and neutral endopeptidase in the
endometrium of users of sebdermally implanted levonorgestrel (Norplant).
M.M. Marsh, A.R.Butt, S.C. Riley, P.A.W. Rogers, B. Susil, B. Affandi, J.K. Findlay, L.A.
Human Reproduction, 1995, vol.10, n°10, pp.2584-2589.
. Pipelle Endometrial Sampling. Sensitivity in the Detection of Endometrial
R.S. Guido, A. Kanbour-Shakir, M. C. Rulin, W.A. Christopherson.
Journal of reproductive Medicine, 1995.
. Endometrial Sampling.
W. Thompson.
The Diplomate, 1995.
. Plasma Cell Endometritis in Women With Symptomatic Bacterial Vaginosis.
A.P. Korn, G. Bolan, N. Nancy, M. Ohm-Smith, J. Schachter, D. V. Landers.
Obstetrics and Gynecology, March 1995, vol.85, n°3.
. Combining Vaginal Ultrasonography and Office Endametrial Sampling in the
Diagnosis of Endometrial Disease in Postmenopausal Women.
T. Van Den Bosch, A. Vandendael, D. Van Schoubroeck, P.A.B. Wrantz, J. Lombard.
Obstetrics and Gynecology, March 1995, vol.85, n°3.
. Uterine pinopodes as markers of the 'nidation window' in cycling women
receiving exogenous oestradiol and progesterone.
G. Nikas, P. Drakakis, D. Loutradis, C. Mara-Skoufari, E. Koumantakis, S. Michalas, A.
Hum. Reprod. May 1995 ; 10(5):1208-13.
. Endocervical sampling by Kevorkian curette or pipelle : a randomized
R. M. Pitkin, M. M. Oliveira, R. P. Farias-Eisner.
British OG/GYN Congress, July 1995.
. Outpatient endometrial biopsy: the pipelle.
S.N. Youssif, D.L. McMillan.
Br. J. Hosp. Med. September 1995 6-19;54(5):198-201. Review.

1996 :
. Endothelial cell proliferation in the endometrium of women with menorrhagia
and in women following endometrial ablation.
J. Kooy, N. H. Taylor, D. L. Healy, P. A. W. Rogers.
Human Reproduction, 1996, vol.11, n°5, pp.1067-1072.
. The effects of post-ovulatory administration of onapristone on the
developmnent of a secretory endometrium.
S.T. Cameron, H.O. Critchley, C.H. Buckley, T. Chard, R.W. Kelly, D.T. Baird.
Hum. Reprod. January 1996 ; 11(1):40-9.
. Endopap-versus Pipelle-sampling in the diagnosis of postmenopausal
endometrial disease.
T. Van Den Bosch, A. Vandendael, P.A. Wranz, C.J. Lombard.
Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol., January 1996 ; 64(1) : 91-4.
. Vascular smooth muscle alpha-actin distribution around endometrial arterioles
during the menstrual cycle: increased expression during the perimenopause and
lack of correlation with menorrhagia.
K.M. Abberton, N. H. Taylor, D.L. Healy, P.A. Rogers.
Hum. Reprod. January 1996 ; 11(1):204-11.
. Comparison of transdermal versus oral estradiol on endometrial receptivity.
J.S. Krasnow, B.A. Lessey, G. Naus, L.L. Hall, D.S. Guzick, S.L. Berga.
Fertil. Steril. February 1996 ; 65(2):332-6.
. Antiproliferative effects of low-dose micronized progesterone.
S. Kim, M. Korhonen, W. Wilborn, R. Foldesy, W. Snipes, G.D. Hodgen, F.D.Anderson.
Fertil. Steril. February 1996, 65(2):323-31.
. Nuclear retinoid receptor expression in normal human endometrium
throughout the menstrual cycle.
M.K. Kumarendran, A.D. Loughney, A. Prentice, E.J. Thomas, C.P. Redfern.
Mol. Hum. Reprod. February 1996 ; 2(2):123-9.
. A prospective controlled study of luteal and endometrial abnormalities in an
infertile population.
M. C. Batista, L. K. Nieman, T. P. Cartledge, D. L. Loriaux, A. W. Zellmer, G. R. Merriam,
M. J. Merino.
Fertility and Sterility, March 1996, vol.65, n°3.
. Endometrial responses to hormone replacement therapy: the bleeding pattern.
M.A. Habiba, S.C. Bell, K. Abrams, F. Al-Azzawi.
Hum Reprod. March 1996 ; 11(3):503-8.
. Immunohistochemical detection of cathepsin D in endometrium from long-term
subdermal levonorgestrel users and during the normal menstrual cycle.
T.M. Lau, B. Affandi, P.A.W. Rogers.
Mol. Hum. Reprod. April 1996 ;2(4) : 233-7.
. Endometrial lymphomyeloid cells in abnormal uterine bleeding due to
levonorgestrel (Norplant).
D.A. Clark, S. Wang, P. Rogers, G. Vince, B Affandi.
Hum. Reprod. July 1996 ; 11(7) : 1438-44.
. Transcervical resection of endometrium and fibroids: the outcome of 412
operations performed over 5 years.
Istre O.
Acta. Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. July 1996 ; 75(6):567-74.
. Endometrial Th2 cytokine expression throughout the menstrual cycle and early
J.S. Krasnow, D.J. Tollerud, G. Naus, J.A. Deloia.
Hum Reprod. August 1996 ; 11(8):1747-54.
. Microvascular density in conditions of endometrial atrophy.
M. Hickey, T.M. Lau, P. Russell, I.S. Fraser, P.A. Rogers.
Hum. Reprod., September 1996 ; 11(9) : 2009-13.
. Endometrial thickness is predictive of histologic endometrial maturation in
women undergoing hormone replacement for ovum donation.
G.E. Hofmann, J. Thie, J.R. Scott RT, D. Navot.
Fertil. Steril. September 1996 ; 66(3) : 380-3.
. The Role of Endometrial Biopsy (EMB) and Vaginal Ultrasound (VUS)
Assessment of Endometrial Thickness (EMT) in Women with Polycystic Ovary
Syndrome (PCOS) before Ovulation.
A.P. Cheung.
AFS Boston, 1996.
. Characteristics of gonadotropin response, follicular development, and
endometrial growth and maturation across consecutive cycles of clomiphene
citrate treatment.
M.S. Opsahl, E.D. Robins, D.M. O'Connor, R.T. Scott, M.A. Fritz.
Fertil. Steril. October 1996 ; 66(4) : 533-9.
. Endometrial angiogenic response in Norplant users.
S.B. Subakir, W. Hadisaputra, A.E. Handoyo, B. Affandi.
Hum. Reprod. October 1996 ; 11 Suppl. 2:51-5.
. Endometrial biopsy collection from women receiving Norplant.
W. Hadisaputra, B. Affandi, J. Witjaksono, PA. Rogers.
Hum. Reprod. October 1996 ; 11 Suppl 2:31-4.
. Endometrial vasculature in Norplant users: preliminary results from a
hysteroscopic study
M. Hickey, I. Fraser, D. Dwarte, S. Graham.
Hum. Reprod. October 1996 Oct ; 11 Suppl 2:35-44.
. Immunohistochemical study of endometrial microvascular basement membrane
components in women using Norplant.
J.A. Palmer, T.M. Lau, M. Hickey, M. Simbah, P.A. Rogers.
Hum Reprod. October 1996 ; 11(10):2142-50.
. Effects of daily low dose mifepristone on endometrial maturation and
S.T. Cameron, H.O. Critchley, K.J. Thong, C.H. Buckley, A.R. Williams, D.T. Baird.
Hum. Reprod. November 1996 ; 11(11) : 2518-26.
. Human endometrial interleukin-6 (IL-6) : in vivo messenger ribonucleic acid
expression, in vitro protein production, and stimulation thereof by IL-1ß*+.
D.T. Vandermolen, Y. Gu.
Fertility and Sterility, November 1996, vol.66, n°5.
. How Endometrial Sampling Devices Stack Up.
B. Bates.
OB. GYN., November 1996.
. Expression of progesterone receptor mRNA in the endometrium during the
normal menstrual cycle and in Norplant users.
T.M. Lau, J. Witjaksono, B. Affandi, P.A. Rogers.
Hum. Reprod. December 1996 ; 11(12):2629-34.

Sommaire : Pipelles
Partie II : de 1997 à 2005

1997 :
. Endometrial perfusion across the normal human menstrual cycle assessed by
laser Doppler fluxmetry.
B.J. Gannon, C.J. Carati, C.J. Verco.
Hum. Reprod. January 1997 ; 12(1):132-9.
. Métastase endométriale d’origine mammaire.
G. Le Bouedec, M. De La Tour, G. Fouilhoux, F. Jouvançon, C. Pomel, J. Dauplat.
Rev. Fr. Gynécol. Obstét., février 1997, 92, 3.
. Induction of artificial endometrial cycles with s.c. oestrogen implants and
injectable progesterone in in-vitro fertilization treatment with donated oocytes: a
preliminary report.
I. Ben-Nun, A. Shulman.
Hum. Reprod. October 1997 ; 12(10):2267-70.
. Chemokine and cyclooxygenase-2 expression in human endometrium coincides
with leukocyte accumulation.
R. L. Jones, R. W. Kelly, H. O.D. Critchley.
Human reproduction, 1997, vol.12, n°6, pp.1300-1306.
. Endometrial evaluation by aspiration biopsy on the day of oocyte retrieval in the
embryo transfer cycles in patients with serum progesterone rise during the
follicular phase.
F. Ubaldi, C. Bourgain, H. Tournaye, J. Smitz, A. Van Steirteghem, P. Devroey.
Fertil. Steril. March 1997 ; 67(3):521-6.
. Hormonal profile, endometrial histology and ovarian ultrasound assessment
during 1 year of nomegestrol acetate implant (Uniplant).
L. Voto, P. Kohen, K. Barnhart, F. Alba, R. Pommer, I. Retamales, E. Coutinho.
Hum. Reprod. April 1997 ; 12(4):708-13.
. How representative are Pipelle endometrial biopsies ? A retrospective analysis
of 324 biopsies followed by transcervical resection of the endometrium or
E. Krampt, B. Soby, O. Istre.
Gynaecological Endoscopy, April 1997, 6, 277-281.
. Ultrastructural characteristics of the luteal phase endometrium in patients
undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation.
Kolb BA, Najmabadi S, Paulson RJ.
Fertil Steril. 1997 Apr;67(4):625-30.
. Endometrial integrin expression is independent of estrogen or progestin
treatment in vitro.
M. Sillem, S. Prifti, M. Schmidt, T. Rabe, B. Runnebaum.
Fertil. Steril. May 1997 ; 67(5):877-82.
. Effect of two antiprogestins (mifepristone and onapristone) on endometrial
factors of potential importance for implantation.
S.T. Cameron, H.O. Critchley, C.H. Buckley, R.W. Kelly, D.T. Baird.
Fertil. Steril. June 1997 ; 67(6):1046-53.
. In premature luteinization, progesterone induces secretory transformation of
the endometrium without impairment of embryo viability.
R.J. Chetkowski, R.J. Kiltz, W.R. Salyer.
Fertil. Steril. August 1997 ; 68(2):292-7.
. Endometrial assessment procedures: an audit of current practice in Scotland.
G. Penney, L. Vale, V. Souter, A. Templeton.
Hum. Reprod. September 1997 ; 12(9):2041-5.
. Ultrasonic Management of Postmenopausal Bleeding.
C. R. Nwosu, J. K. Gupta.
The Female Patient, October 1997, vol.22.
1998 :
. Endometrial cytokine expression, TH-1/TH-2 immune response and serum
hormone profiles in recurrent miscarriage and normal women.
K.J.H. Lim, O.A. Odukoya, T.C. Li, I.D. Cooke.
Abstracts of the 14th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Göteborg, 1998.
. Serum androgen levels in women who have recurrent miscarriages and their
correlation with markers of endometrial function.
M.A. Okon, S.M. Laird, E.M. Tuckerman, T.C. Li.
Fertil. Steril. April 1998 ; 69(4):682-90.
. Progestin receptor isoforms and prostaglandin dehydrogenase in the
endometrium of women using a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system.

H.O. Critchley, H. Wang, R.W. Kelly, A.E. Gebbie, A.F. Glasier.
Hum. Reprod. May 1998;13(5):1210-7.
. Morphological and functional features of endometrial decidualization following
long-term intrauterine levonorgestrel delivery.
H.O. Critchley, H. Wang, R.L. Jones, R.W. Kelly, T.A. Drudy, A.E. Gebbie, C.H. Buckley,
A.S. McNeilly, A.F. Glasier.
Hum. Reprod. May 1998;13(5):1218-24.
. Guidelines for the Management of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding.
National Health Committee, June 1998.
. A prospective randomized controlled study comparing the morphological and
biochemical responses of the endometrium to two different forms of 'period-free'
hormone replacement therapy.
M.A. Okon, S. Lee, S.M. Laird, T.C. Li.
Hum. Reprod. August 1998 ; 13(8):2261-5.
. Endometrial biopsy during hormone replacement cycle in donor oocyte
recipients before in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer.
D.A. Potter, C.A. Witz, W.N. Burns, R.G. Brzyski, R.S. Schenken.
Fertility and Sterility, August 1998, vol.70, n°2.
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. Influence of different hormonal regimens on endometrial microvascular density
and VEGF expression in women suffering from breakthrough bleeding.

Rogers PA, Martinez F, Girling JE, Lederman F, Cann L, Farrell E, Tresserra F, Patel N.
Hum Reprod. 2005 Dec;20(12):3341-7. Epub 2005 Aug 5.
. DNA microarray analysis of gene expression in eutopic endometrium from
patients with deep endometriosis using laser capture microdissection.
Matsuzaki S, Canis M, Vaurs-Barriere C, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Dastugue B, Mage G.
Fertil Steril. 2005 Oct;84 Suppl 2:1180-90.

Sommaire : Pipelles
Partie III : de 2006 à aujourd’hui

2006 :

. Expression of alpha 1 and beta 3 integrins subunits in the endometrium of
patients with tubal phimosis or hydrosalpinx.
Savaris RF, Pedrini JL, Flores R, Fabris G, Zettler CG.
Fertil Steril. 2006 Jan;85(1):188-92.
. Expression of the proto-oncoprotein breast cancer nuclear receptor auxiliary
factor (Brx) is altered in eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis.
Hearns-Stokes R, Mayers C, Zahn C, Cruess D, Gustafsson JA, Segars J, Nieman L.
Fertil Steril. 2006 Jan;85(1):63-70.
. Analysis of aromatase and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2
messenger ribonucleic acid expression in deep endometriosis and eutopic
endometrium using laser capture microdissection.
Matsuzaki S, Canis M, Pouly JL, Dechelotte PJ, Mage G.
Fertil Steril. 2006 Feb;85(2):308-13.
. Stromal cells from endometriotic lesions and endometrium from women with
endometriosis have reduced decidualization capacity.
Klemmt PA, Carver JG, Kennedy SH, Koninckx PR, Mardon HJ.
Fertil Steril. 2006 Mar;85(3):564-72.
. Evaluation of steroid receptors, coregulators, and molecules associated with
uterine receptivity in secretory endometria from untreated women with
polycystic ovary syndrome.
Quezada S
, Avellaira C, Johnson MC, Gabler F, Fuentes A, Vega M.
Fertil Steril. 2006 Apr;85(4):1017-26.
. Endometrial chemokines, uterine natural killer cells and mast cells in long-term
users of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system.

Peloggia A, Petta CA, Bahamondes L, Oliveira-Ribeiro M, Zhang J, Salamonsen L.
Hum Reprod. 2006 May;21(5):1129-34.
. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor expression in the intrauterine
endometrium of women with endometriosis varies with disease stage, infertility
status, and pelvic pain.
Akoum A, Metz CN, Al-Akoum M, Kats R.
Fertil Steril. 2006 May;85(5):1379-85.
. Optimising the semi natural cycle IVF: the importance of follicular flushing.
Lozano DH, Fanchin R, Chevalier N, Feyereisen E, Hesters L, Frydman N, Frydman R.
J Indian Med Assoc. 2006 Aug;104(8):423-7.
. Expression of WT1 is down-regulated in eutopic endometrium obtained during
the midsecretory phase from patients with endometriosis.

Matsuzaki S, Canis M, Darcha C, Dechelotte PJ, Pouly JL, Mage G.
Fertil Steril. 2006 Sep;86(3):554-8
. Differential expression of genes in eutopic and ectopic endometrium from
patients with ovarian endometriosis.
Matsuzaki S, Canis M, Pouly JL, Botchorishvili R, Dechelotte PJ, Mage G.
Fertil Steril. 2006 Sep;86(3):548-53.
. Expression of integrins in the endometrium of women with recurrent
Tuckerman EM, Laird SM, Prakash A, Li TC.
Fertil Steril. 2006 Sep;86(3):755-7.
. The role of Pipelle((R)) Mark II sampling in endometrial disease diagnosis.
Polena V, Mergui JL, Zerat L, Sananes S.
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2006 Oct 6;
. Ultrasound characteristics and histological dating of the endometrium in a
natural cycle in infertile women compared with fertile controls.
Lindhard A, Ravn V, Bentin-Ley U, Horn T, Bangsboell S, Rex S, Toft B, Soerensen S.
Fertil Steril. 2006 Nov;86(5):1344-55.
. Increased expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in the eutopic endometrial
tissue of women with endometriosis.
Collette T, Maheux R, Mailloux J, Akoum A.
Hum Reprod. 2006 Dec;21(12):3059-67.
. Expression of molecules associated with tissue homeostasis in secretory
endometria from untreated women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Avellaira C, Villavicencio A, Bacallao K, Gabler F, Wells P, Romero C, Vega M.
Hum Reprod. 2006 Dec;21(12):3116-21.
. Morphological and glycosylation changes associated with the endometrium and
ectopic lesions in a baboon model of endometriosis.
Jones CJ, Denton J, Fazleabas AT.
Hum Reprod. 2006 Dec;21(12):3068-80.
2007 :

. Favorable influence of local injury to the endometrium in intracytoplasmic
sperm injection patients with high-order implantation failure.
Raziel A, Schachter M, Strassburger D, Bern O, Ron-El R, Friedler S.
Fertil Steril. 2007 Jan; 87(1):198-201.
. Sex hormone-binding globulin expression in the endometria of women with
polycystic ovary syndrome.
Maliqueo M, Bacallao K, Quezada S, Clementi M, Gabler F, Johnson MC, Vega M.
Fertil Steril. 2007 Feb;87(2):321-8.
. Salpingectomy increases peri-implantation endometrial HOXA10 expression in
women with hydrosalpinx.
Daftary GS, Kayisli U, Seli E, Bukulmez O, Arici A, Taylor HS.
Fertil Steril. 2007 Feb;87(2):367-72.
. The effects of the selective progesterone receptor modulator asoprisnil on the
morphology of uterine tissues after 3 months treatment in patients with
symptomatic uterine leiomyomata.

Williams AR, Critchley HO, Osei J, Ingamells S, Cameron IT, Han C, Chwalisz K.
Hum Reprod. 2007 March;22(6):1696-704.
. Accuracy of preoperative endometrial sampling for the detection of high-grade
endometrial tumors.
Huang GS, Gebb JS, Einstein MH, Shahabi S, Novetsky AP, Goldberg GL.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2007 Mar;196(3):243.e1-5.
. How accurate is Pipelle sampling: a study by Huang et al.
Mutch DG, Powell MA, Allsworth JE, Taylor NP, Brooks RA.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2007 Mar;196(3):280-1.
. The presence of pinopodes in the human endometrium does not delineate the
implantation window.
Quinn C, Ryan E, Claessens EA, Greenblatt E, Hawrylyshyn P, Cruickshank B, Hannam T,
Dunk C, Casper RF.
Fertil Steril. 2007 May;87(5):1015-21.
. Assessment of the proliferative status of epithelial cell types in the endometrium
of young and menopausal transition women.
Niklaus AL, Aubuchon M, Zapantis G, Li P, Qian H, Isaac B, Kim MY, Adel G, Pollard JW,
Santoro NF.
Hum Reprod. 2007 Jun;22(6):1778-88. Epub 2007 Mar 19.
. In vivo assessment of the human sperm acrosome reaction and the expression of
glycodelin-A in human endometrium after levonorgestrel-emergency
contraceptive pill administration
do Nascimento JA, Seppala M, Perdigão A, Espejo-Arce X, Munuce MJ, Hautala L,
Koistinen R, Andrade L, Bahamondes L.
Hum Reprod. 2007 Aug;22(8):2190-5.
. Prognostic value of the measurement of uterine natural killer cells in the
endometrium of women with recurrent miscarriage.
Tuckerman E, Laird SM, Prakash A, Li TC.
Hum Reprod. 2007 Aug;22(8):2208-13.
. Mid-luteal endometrial intracrinology following controlled ovarian
hyperstimulation involving use of a gonadotrophin releasing hormone antagonist.
Vani S, McDonald SE, Williams AR, Mason JI, Thong KJ, Critchley HO.
Hum Reprod. 2007 Nov;22(11):2981-91. Epub 2007 Sep 11.
. Endometrial cells from women with endometriosis have increased adhesion and
proliferative capacity in response to extracellular matrix components: towards a
mechanistic model for endometriosis progression.
Klemmt PA, Carver JG, Koninckx P, McVeigh EJ, Mardon HJ.
Hum Reprod. 2007 Dec;22(12):3139-47. Epub 2007 Oct 5.
. Estrogen metabolizing enzymes in endometrium and endometriosis.
Dassen H, Punyadeera C, Kamps R, Delvoux B, Van Langendonckt A, Donnez J, Husen B,
Thole H, Dunselman G, Groothuis P.
Hum Reprod. 2007 Dec;22(12):3148-58. Epub 2007 Oct 6.
. Endometrial vessel maturation in women exposed to levonorgestrel-releasing
intrauterine system for a short or prolonged period of time.
Stéphanie R, Labied S, Blacher S, Frankenne F, Munaut C, Fridman V, Beliard A, Foidart
JM, Nisolle M.
Hum Reprod. 2007 Dec;22(12):3084-91.

2008 :

. Differences in the endometrial transcript profile during the receptive period
between women who were refractory to implantation and those who achieved

Tapia A, Gangi LM, Zegers-Hochschild F, Balmaceda J, Pommer R, Trejo L, Pacheco IM,
Salvatierra AM, Henríquez S, Quezada M, Vargas M, Ríos M, Munroe DJ, Croxatto HB,
Velasquez L.
Hum Reprod. 2008 Feb;23(2):340-51.



Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology 131 (2003) 77–81The H region HTBF gene mediates terbinafine resistanceJulio F.M. Marchini , Angela K. Cruz , Stephen M. Beverley , Luiz R.O. Tosi a Departamento de Biologia Celular e Molecular e Bioagentes Patogˆenicos, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ave. Bandeirantes, 3900, 14049-900 Ribeirão Preto�

Elena girlanda

FRANCESCA GIRLANDA DATI PERSONALI Data di nascita: 07/12/1982 Indirizzo: Centro Clinico AlmaMentis, Sede S. Alessandro, V. J.F. Kennedy, 44 Palazzolo sull’Oglio, Brescia Nazionalità: Italiana E-mail: ISTRUZIONE E FORMAZIONE Diploma di Specializzazione in Psicoterapia Cognitivo-Comportamentale Verona, Italia Titolo: Psicoterapeuta ad indirizzo Cognitivo-Comportamen

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