This is a period of active growth. The base of
The growth of hair on the human body is not
the hair follicle grows down to the blood
as simple as it may first seem. So that you can
supply in the deepest layer of the skin, which
fully understand the options available to you
supplies the nutrients to the growing new hair.
for hair removal, we have attempted here to
At the same time the new hair begins to grow
to the surface. When it becomes pigmented
with melanin in the skin it can be treated.
Each hair grows from a structure in the skin
The anagen phase is not completed until the
called a pilosebaceous (pillow-seb-aye-shos)
hair has reached its full potential length. This
unit otherwise known as a hair follicle.
can take weeks or as long as a few years. This
is the best time for the hair to be treated, when
At the very bottom of the follicle is the dermal
the hair follicle is at it’s most vulnerable.
papilla containing a group of germination cells
from which the growth of all hair begins. Each individual hair follicle has its own cycle of growing, falling out and resting. Humans are constantly shedding hair from all over the body. From 25 to 50 scalp hairs are shed every day. The lifetime of a hair varies a great deal among the various body areas and will differ from person to person. Lashes and brows may last 4 to 5 months, a scalp hair may average 2 to 4 years, but on some people last up to 7 years.
The worse scenario is there can be as many as
centimetre of skin, but only 10% (or 50) may
During the catagen phase the growth process
actually be growing at any one time. For this
stops and the hair prepares to fall out. The
reason you may actually have more hair in the
lower part of the hair follicle disconnects from
area you wish to be treated than you ever
the dermal papilla, and begins to degenerate.
realised, particularly if you have been plucking
The length of this stage may vary considerably
on a regular basis. If you pluck you hair today
it will take 6 to 12 weeks for it to appear on the
surface again. It is physically impossible for it
to appear sooner. So you will see, that hair
that you might have thought was growing back two weeks after treatment with waxing or
other methods, was in fact a hair from another
This is the period of rest following catagen.
This stage varies widely in length, according to
The stages of the growth cycle are important
when considering permanent hair removal,
individual. It can be up to several years. Hairs
because many methods rely on the hair being
in this stage are always very difficult to
in the anagen phase of hair growth to allow the
most successful treatment. This is also true for
the hair will now grow with a sharp end giving a bristle effect. Shaving does not alter the hair
follicle, so it cannot make the hair worse, as is
There are many factors that influence the
make the hair growth excessive and others
This removes the hair and the hair root. It is
influencing factor, as in many things is
heredity. The growth patterns of hair on our
inhibit hair growth, but it is thought to
bodies is most likely to follow that of our
sometimes stimulate the follicle to become
parents. Often medications can alter hair
stronger and deeper, thereby producing a
growth as well as changes in hormone levels
darker and coarser hair. As we already know,
it takes 6 to 12 weeks for the tweezed hair to
medical problems. Stress will also play an
change, part of this is to do with hormone
This is really tweezing en mass. It is effective
for treating large areas of hair such as legs and
changing the way the hair follicles themselves
obvious at puberty, and at the menopause in
uncomfortable, but most find the discomfort
gradually thin in areas such as the underarms
tolerable and become used to it. ( A number of
and legs, but facial hair may start to develop
clients have used other systems in the past and
find laser treatments less uncomfortable).
Some hormones seem to have the capacity to
initiate hair growth where there was none
The hair grows back with tapered ends. There
previously. They stir to life certain cells near
the sebaceous glands of the pilosebaceous unit.
waxing is done by a clinic. Good hygiene is
These hair germ cells need only to be turned
essential as bacteria can breed in depilatory
on by the chemical action of the hormone.
wax. There is now a system that has been
An increase in blood supply to an area can
excellent standard of hygiene and efficiency.
increase hair growth, as if hairs were being
This system uses disposable applicators rather
“fertilised”. The hair follicle tends to grow
than spatulas or roll-ons, so there is absolutely
deeper and become coarser. This will not
no risk of cross contamination between clients.
create new hairs, but it will change very fine
Ask about this system as opposed to traditional
This has been a long developed way to achieve
For centuries people across almost all cultures
hair follicle destruction. By placing a fine
have tried numerous methods to remove hair
disposable needle down the shaft of the hair to
from their bodies. Today we can not only
the tip of the hair bulb and applying an
simply remove the hair but also have the
electrical current, the energy changes to heat
choice of methods to destroy the hair bulb to
and selectively burns the follicle and hair
currents, including a galvanic current, it is
possible to create a flow of a caustic lye at the
base of the follicle. This chemical process can
also aid destruction of the hair germinating
Shaving can be performed mechanically by a
cells. This is a good and proven method of
razor or chemically depilatory creams. It cuts
the hair at the level of the skin. Shaving is an
disadvantages of being too uncomfortable for
effective method for quickly removing hair,
some people. It is also a very tedious process
but the hair will return almost immediately. It
in covering large areas and the results are very
does not inhibit the hair growth in any way and
destroy port wine stains, tattoos, thread veins
and other pigmented lesions whilst inflicting
limited damage on the surrounding skin. This
is possible as the wavelength of light targets a
single pigment in the skin such as melanin,
haemoglobin or ink. The light is selectively
absorbed by the target structure only, leaving
the other skin components intact. Lasers used
for hair removal target the dark pigment of the
hair and cells around the hair follicle. The
pigment is at it’s darkest whilst the hair it is in
the anagen or growing phase. A beam of laser
light of around 10 mm in diameter will destroy
many hairs in that area in one flash. Many
published research papers show excellent
permanent reduction in hair growth following
laser treatments. This method is now very
popular and fast becoming the preferred way to
What does it feel like?
A mild sting for a fraction of a second. Most
Ruby lasers were used initially but were found
machines have a built in cooling tip that not
to have limited results due to poor penetration
only helps to protect the skin but it also
of the shorter wavelengths. Diode lasers, such
minimizes the discomfort. Treatments do not
as the Lightsheer and others have a wavelength
take long with small areas often completed in
between the ruby laser and the Coolglide and
as such also give reasonable results. Intense
Pulsed Light (IPL) machines are not true lasers
How many treatments are necessary?
but emit a variety of wavelengths. Their
penetration into the skin to reach the hair
Results vary between individuals and body
follicles is greatly assisted by their wider
areas with some hair and skin colours treating
more effectively than others do. We will
uses a unique and patented system combining
always do our best to be realistic about what
the light with heat seeking microwaves. This
the laser can and can’t do for you, and be
gives better results especially for paler hair and
assured that we would not accept you as a
may prove to be the best option for fair hair.
client if we did not believe it possible to
achieve the results which were discussed with
you at your consultation. Having said that, it
Bearing in mind the understanding of hair
is always impossible to know from the outset
growth cycles explained earlier, it becomes
that a given individual will get the results that
clear that the higher the percentage of growing
he or she hopes for. As a guideline, hair that is
hairs, the more successful the treatment will
considered to be non-treatable is hair that is
be. This percentage varies from one individual
too fair, too grey or too red to be treated at a
to another and from one body part to another,
safe setting for your skin. In addition to that,
but generally speaking the larger areas such as
because melanin is also what colours your
the trunk and the legs tend to have percentages
skin, the laser light will be attracted to it too.
of growing hairs at any one time. Waxing is
an effective way of temporarily removing all
increases the risk of the skin burning so it is
hair from an area, and it is fair to assume that
important not to have a treatment just when
regrowth in the waxed area will be in the
you have a new tan. Many different lasers
growing phase and therefore most responsive
have been tried and as time has allowed fine
to treatment. If you are having a large area
tuning of the various parameters of laser light
treated, we will have discussed waxing with
so that optimal results are now achievable.
you and if you choose that option, your first
Have a look at the following table to compare some of the machines available.
laser treatment will have been scheduled for
For maximum benefit, the best strategy is to time treatments frequently enough to get the chance to cover all the hairs at their growth phase. Of course it is also important not to have treatments when there is little hair there. We therefore recommend that your subsequent treatments be scheduled 4 to 8 weeks apart, depending on the speed of hair re-growth for the area being treated. Pre-Treatment Care
1. Avoid the use of depilatory creams and any possible skin irritant such as the stimulant creams
(Retin-A, Retinova, Glycolic Cream) for one day prior to treatment
2. If we are treating the face you may still wear make-up on the day of treatment. Make-up will
need to be removed completely before the treatment commences
3. Do not have a tanned skin. You must protect the area from exposure to the sun. Avoiding
the sun is best, otherwise always make sure you a re wearing a SPF 15 sunblock. As well as reducing the risk of an adverse effect, you will get better results if you do not have a tan at the time of treatment. Do not use self-tan or solariums for at least one month prior to treatments.
4. Shaving. The area to be lasered will respond best if there are no visible hair above the surface.
This allows all the available laser energy to be used on where it matters-in the hair follicle within the skin. Clients will experience less discomfort also as there may be a sting if a lasered hair above the skin is pressed on to the skin. Please then close-shave the area on the day of treatment. Bear in mind that you will need to point out to the laser operator the definition of the area to be treated.
5. Do not wax or pluck for at least one month prior to your treatment.
If you are currently on the medication Ro-accutane or Gold Therapy or have been in the past 6 months, please let us know before each treatment session. This medication can make your skin more susceptible to damage from the laser.
Post treatment Care
After your treatment, the area is cleansed and you can return to your normal activities immediately. Slight reddening and local swelling of the skin, similar to sunburn, may occur in some patients. These effects typically last 24 hours or less. In very rare cases blistering may occur.
1. Avoid exposing the treated area to sunlight for 2-3 weeks after your treatment. If you do go in
the sun, protect with a SPF 15 sunscreen.
2. Keep the area clean. Wash gently with tepid water. Avoid the use of any possible skin irritant
on the face such as the stimulant creams (Retin-A, Retinova, Glycolic Cream), Benzoyl peroxide or astringents.
3. Should the area appear red or show any signs of tenderness, apply a soothing cream such as
over the counter Hydrocortisone Cream or Aloe Vera Gel. If you experience any persistent irritation or notice weeping, broken skin, blistering, or pigmentation changes following the treatment please get in touch with us.
4. Do not shave the treated area for at least 4 days after the treatment. Do not wax, pluck or use
depilatories for the hair that grows back. After laser treatment, hair may continue to grow out as if it were never even treated. Typically this will occur for about 2 weeks and then these hairs will simply begin to fall out.
Call the Clinic today to schedule a free and private consultation with our certified
Appearance Medicine and Laser Clinics Ltd.
Adv J Pharm Life sci Res, 2013 1;1:16-21 Spectrophotometric Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Amlodipine Besylate in Pharmaceutical Formulation Naresh Kalra*, Suresh Choudhary Department of Pharmaceutical sciences, Alwar Pharmacy College, IET, North Extension M.I.A, Alwar, India ABSTRACT The present study deals with a rapid, simple, accurate, and rugged UV spectropho
Compatibility between Diclofenac Sodium and a Novel Bacillus -derived Hyaluronic Acid and Release of Diclofenac Sodium from Hyaluronic Acid-containing Preparations towards the Treatment of Osteoarthritis C. Eenschooten1, O. Møller Dall1, B. Kaufmann2, F. Longin1, R. Gurny2, K. Schwach-Abdellaoui11Novozymes Biopharma DK A/S, Bagsvaerd, DK-2880, Denmark; 2University of Geneva (EPGL