Läkemedelsföretagen tvekar ofta inför att satsa på ny antibiotika för att det inte är tillräckligt lönsamt, men de ska nu ges ekonomiska morötter antibiotika-sverige.com Ofta fås en bättre/snabbare absorption när läkemedel tas på fastande mage men för vissa läkemedel är det önskvärt att minska risken för biverkningar från mag-tarmkanalen genom att läkemedlet tas tillsammans med föda.


Patient Registration Form
Thank you for choosing our practice! We look forward to taking care of all your dental needs. Please fill out this form in ink only. If you have any questions regarding this form do not hesitate to ask for assistance. We will be happy to help. Patient Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ________________ Birthdate: ________________ (Last, Middle, First ) SS#: ________________________________ DL#: _________________________ SEX: Male Female Marital Status: Single Married Divorced Widowed Partnered Spouse’s Name: _________________________________________ Home Address:________________________________________________City/State/Zip:______________________________________ Home Phone: ___________________________ Cell Phone:____________________________ Pager:___________________________ Email Address:______________________________________________________ Work Phone:_______________________________ What is the best way to contact you? Home Cell Pager Email Work Mail Employer/School Name:__________________________________________ Occupation:______________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:________________________________________ Who may we thank for referring you?_________________________________________________ Name of person responsible for account:___________________________________________ Relationship:_______________________ Birthdate:___________________________ Age:____________ SS#:_________________________ Phone:______________________ Address:___________________ __________________________________ City/State/Zip:_____________________________________ Employer Name:___________________________________________________ Work Phone: ________________________________ *Please list an Emergency Contact not living with you (Name/Phone):______________________________________________________ PRIMARY DENTAL INSURANCE INFORMATION
Subscriber’s Name:_____________________________________________________ Relationship:____________________________ Birthdate:___________________ SS#:_________________________________ ID#:_______________________________________ Insurance Company:_________________________________________________ Group #:___________________________________ Insurance Phone#:______________________________ Insurance Address:_______________________________________________ Employer’s Name:_______________________________________________ Work Phone: ___________________________________ SECONDARY DENTAL INSURANCE INFORMATION
Do you have secondary dental insurance? YES NO Subscriber’s Name: ___________________________________________________ Relationship: ______________________________ Birthdate: ___________________ SS#: __________________________________ ID#: ______________________________________ Insurance Company: _________________________________________________ Group #: ___________________________________ Insurance Phone: ____________________________ Insurance Address: __________________________________________________ Employer’s Name: __________________________________________________ Work Phone: _________________________________ CONFIDENTIAL
Name:_____________________________________________________Age:_______________ Date:____________________________ Former Dentist:____________________________________________ City:____________________________ State:________________ Phone:________________________________________ May we contact them? YES NO Why did you leave your previous dental office?_________________________________________________________________________ What is the most important reason for your dental visit today?_____________________________________________________________ The most important thing about your future smile and dental health is:_______________________________________________________ On a Scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest rating: Your Last Cleaning:______________________ Your Last set of X-rays:___________________ Your Last Oral Cancer Screening:___________ Where would you rate your current dental health? Your Last Dental Exam:___________________ Where do you want your dental health to be? Do any of the following problems apply to you? Jaw Joint Pain, Grinding, Clenching YES NO Bleeding, Swollen or Irritated Gums YES NO Do you have/had any of the following? Dentures Partials Braces Periodontal (gum) Treatment Physician’s Name:_______________________________________ Phone:_______________________ Last Exam:________________ Have you been hospitalized within the last 5 years? YES NO If yes, reason: ____________________________________________ For the following please circle yes or no. Your answers are for our records only and will be confidential. Please note that during your initial visit you will be asked some questions about your responses. Our staff may ask additional questions regarding your health. Arthritis, Rheumatism or Inflammatory Disease Emphysema or other Respiratory/ Lung Illness Heart Valve (artificial) or Heart Transplant Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Heart Surgery Name: ______________________________________________________ Age: ________________ Date: _______________________ Are you taking any of these medications? Do you Pre-Medicate before dental visits? Tagamet (Cimetidine) or Prilosec (Omeprazole) Cardizem (Diltiazem) or Calan, Isoptin (Verapamil) Diflucan (Fluconazole) or Sporonox (Itraconazole) Do you consume grapefruits, juice, or extract Have you been treated with bisphoshonate drugs (Fosamax, Aredia, Zometa, Actonel, Boniva)? YES NO If so, when did the treatment start: ______________________________ Please list any medications or dietary/herbal supplements you are currently taking and for what purpose: 1. _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________ 6. _________________________________________ Are you allergic or have reactions to: If yes, approximately how many per week? ________ Do you use any mood altering drugs other than those previously listed? YES NO Certification and Assignment
To the best of my knowledge the above information is complete and correct. I understand that the above information is necessary to provide me with dental care in a safe and efficient manner. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the doctor if I, or my minor child, ever have a change in health. Should further information be needed you have my permission to ask the respective health care provider or agency, who may release such information to you. I certify that I and my dependant(s), have insurance coverage with ___________________________________and assign directly to Mason Dental and Dr. Michael Mason all insurance benefits, if any, otherwise payable to me for services rendered. I understand that I am financially responsible for all charges whether or not paid by insurance. I authorize the use of my signature on all insurance claims. The above-named doctor and facility may use my health care information and may disclose such information to the above-named insurance company(ies) and their agents for the purpose of obtaining payment for services and determining insurance benefits or the benefits payable for related services. I hearby authorize Mason Dental to take study models, X-rays, and any other diagnostic aids deemed appropriate by the doctor to make a thorough diagnosis of the patient’s dental needs. I also authorize Mason Dental to perform any and all forms of treatment, medication, and therapy that may be indicated, I also understand that the use of anesthetic agents embodies a certain risk. Financial Policy
By signing below you are stating you understand the following: Payment is due at the time services are rendered. Our office accepts cash, personal checks, MasterCard, Visa, and Discover. Our office also offers outside financing upon request and approval please ask for further details. I authorize this office to obtain a copy of my credit report from a credit reporting agency for the purpose of considering payment options. As a courtesy to our insured patients, we will gladly file your dental claims for services rendered, with the exception of those patients currently carrying Delta Dental Insurance. Delta Dental prefers to remit payment to the patient instead of the providing doctor. For this reason, patients with Delta Dental are required to remit payment to us at the time of service and be reimbursed by their insurance. Please understand that we are only given an estimate for your dental care therefore we can only pass the estimate on to you, the patient. After your insurance pays their portion there may still be an amount due. This amount will be your responsibility and will be sent to you in the form of a statement. We will do our best to get your insurance to pay for all work performed by our office, however most insurance plans only pay for a portion of dental services. Please understand that if after 60 days there has been no payment made, it is your responsibility to follow up with your insurance and retain payment. Signature:______________________________________________________________________ Date:_______________________ Patient, Parent, Guardian, or Personal Representative Doctor’s Signature:_______________________________________________________________ Date:________________________ HIPAA Consent Form
I understand that I have certain rights to privacy regarding my protected health information (PHI). These rights have been given to me under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). I understand that by signing this consent form, I authorize Mason Dental to use and disclose my protected health information to carry out: • Treatment (including direct or indirect treatment by other healthcare providers involved in my treatment) • Obtaining payment from third party payers (e.g. insurance company) • Day-to-day healthcare operations of the practice (email/ text reminders/ confirmations of appointments I have also been informed of, and given the right to review a copy of your Notice of Privacy Practices, which contains a more complete description of the uses and disclosures of my protected health information and my rights under HIPAA. I understand that Mason Dental reserves the right to change the terms of this notice from time to time and that I may contact you at any time to obtain the most current copy of this notice. I understand that I have the right to request restrictions on how my protected health information is used and disclosed to carry out treatment, payment and healthcare operations, but that you are not required to agree to these restrictions. However, if you do agree, you are then bound to comply with these restrictions. I understand that I may revoke this consent, in writing, at any time. However, any use or disclosure that occurred prior to the date I revoke this consent is not affected. Signed this _______________ day of ________________, 20_____. (print):________________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________ patient:______________________________________ Michael Mason, DDS
99 Rosemar Road, Parkersburg, West Virginia 26104

Source: http://www.michaelmasondds.com/Patient%20Registration%20Form.pdf


IMPORT REQUIREMENTS Before dogs can be imported the dog needs to be certified free from thefollowing five diseases by means of blood tests:1 Brucella canis2 Trypanosoma evansi3 Babesia gibsoni4 Dirofilaria immitis5The dog’s blood can either be tested in the country of origin or the bloodsample can be sent to South Africa for testing, if negative proceed to thenext step;Health certificate d

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