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Baker & McKenzie Soc. Civil
Av. Leandro N. Alem 1110 13th Floor
C1001AAT Buenos Aires
Tel: +5411 4310 2230 Fax: +5411 4310 2299 [email protected] Practice Areas
General Tax Planning, International Private Banking, Tax Advice for M&A, Global Tax
Minimization and Transfer Pricing.
Publications, Presentations and Articles
Author of the work:
“New Argentine Social Security System”, International Company
and Commercial Law Review, Sweet & Maxwell, July, 1994; “Foreign Investment &
Technology Transfer-Amending Regulations”
, International Company and Commercial
Law Review, Sweet & Maxwell, 1994; “Taxation on Leasing”, International Company
and Commercial Law Review, November, 1996 and Journal of International Banking Law,
Sweet & Maxwell, December, 1996. “The S.R.L. in the tax planning of U.S. investors in
, Economic and Tax Journal, La Ley Publishing House, January 1997.
“Facturas de Crédito. A new financial instrument”, Tax Management Financial Products
Report, September 1997. “Tax Planning for cross-border financial activities”, Practical
Latin American Tax Strategies, October 1999, Economic and Tax Journal, Editorial La Ley,
June 2000. “Internet. Certain issues related to a proper tax planning”, Economic and Tax
Journal, La Ley Publishing House, August 2000. “Tax on Personal Assets”, Private
Banking Newsletter, Baker & McKenzie, July, 2002. “Argentina Amends Blackist of Low-
Tax Jurisdictions”
, Journal of International Taxation, March, 2003. “Abrogation of the
Regime for the Voluntary Disclosure of Certain Undeclared Funds”
, Private Banking
Newsletter, Baker & McKenzie, May, 2003. “Recent development on the tax treatment of
transfers of technology in Argentina”
, Practical Latin American Tax Strategies, November
2003. “Tax on Exports of Argentine Products: Recent Amendments”, Practical Latin
American Tax Strategies, December 2003. “Tax and Customs Incentives in Argentina:
Advantages for Exporters”
, Tax Planning International Review, February 2004.
“Argentina: Stamp Tax”, Tax Planning International: Indirect Taxes, May, 2004.
“Argentina: Supreme Court Decisions on Stamp Tax”, Inter-American Trade Report,
September, 2004. “Argentina: Use of Intangibles and Transfer of Technology”, Tax
Planning International Review, October, 2004. “Argentina: Loans Between Domestic
Companies of the Same Economic Group”
, Tax Planning International Review, October,
2004. “Propuesta de Contratos Aceptados Mediante Actos Positivos: Su Tratamiento en el
Impuesto de Sellos”
, Periódico Económico Tributario, Editorial La Ley, October, 2004.
“Aerolíneas Argentinas SA y el Sistema de Reservas Amadeus: Temas que Aún Quedan
, Periódico Económico Tributario, Editorial La Ley, October, 2004. “Argentine
Criminal Courts Considered that the use of Offshore Irrevocable Trusts was not a Crime in
Re: Eurnekian, Eduardo”
, Private Banking Newsletter, Baker & McKenzie, November,
2004. “Argentina: Added Regulations on Tax Benefits and Offering of Securities”, Inter-
American Trade Report, November, 2004. “Argentina: Granting of Tax Benefits under the
Public Offering of Securities”
, Tax Planning International Review, November, 2004.
“Títulos Valores Emitidos Mediante Oferta Pública: Normas sobre otorgamiento de
Baker & McKenzie Sociedad Civil is a member of Baker & McKenzie International, a Swiss Verein. beneficios impositivos”, Periódico Económico Tributario, Editorial La Ley, December, 2004. Contributor of the work: “Planning of Spanish Investments in Latin America”,
Official Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Madrid, 2001.
Co-author of the work: “Argentina slaps 5% to 20% duties on exports” and “How taxes
influence exports, consumption”
, The Business Link, The Spain-U.S. Chamber of
Commerce, 2002.
Seminars: “Mercosur First Tax Seminar” (lecturer), Uruguay, October, 1994; “Income Tax
and Personal Assets Tax. Particular difficulties”
. Argentine Association of Fiscal Studies,
Buenos Aires, June 1996. “Corporate Tax Planning”, Institute for International Research,
Buenos Aires, October 1996. “Stock Option Plans in Argentina” (lecturer), Buenos Aires,
September 1997; “Argentine New Tax Environment” (lecturer), New York, December,
1998. “Latin American Tax Seminar” (lecturer), San Pablo, April 1999. “International Tax
Planning and Recent Development”
(lecturer), Los Angeles, June 1999. “Latin American
Private Banking Conference”
(lecturer), Caracas, Venezuela, September, 2000; “Latin
American Tax Conference”
(lecturer), Caracas, Venezuela, September, 2000; “International
Tax Update”
(lecturer), Tax Executives Institute, Santa Clara Chapter, San Jose, California,
October, 2000; “West Coast International Tax and Trust Training Program” (lecturer), San
José, California, October, 2000; “Latin American Tax Training Seminar” (lecturer), Miami,
U.S.A., January, 2001. “Corporate and International Tax Developments Seminar”
(lecturer), Miami, U.S.A., January 2001; “Sixth Annual International Tax & Trust Training
(lecturer), Montreaux, Switzerland, March 29 & 30, 2001. Workshop at Shell on
tax issues (lecturer), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 26, 2001. “Miami International Tax &
Trust Training Program”
(lecturer), Miami, U.S.A., November , 2001. “Excellence in
Wealth Management Workshop”
(lecturer), Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 15, 2001.
“Argentina: a change of direction” (lecturer), Chicago, February 28 & March 1, 2002.
“Argentina: Doing Business in a Changing Environment” (lecturer), New York, March 4,
2002. “Argentina: Doing Business in a Changing Environment” (lecturer), Miami, March
5, 2002. “Latin American Tax Training Seminar” (lecturer), Mexico, January, 2002.
“Seventh Annual International Tax & Trust Training Program” (lecturer), Montreux,
Switzerland, March 21 & 22, 2002. “Miami International Tax & Trust Training
(lecturer), Miami, November, 2002. “2003 Latin America Tax Conference”
(lecturer), Miami, February, 2003. “2003 Latin America Client Conference” (lecturer),
Miami, March, 2003. “The Baker & McKenzie Eight Annual International Tax and Trust
Training Programme”
(lecturer), Montreux, Switzerland, March, 2003. “Taller Técnico:
Impacto Fiscal de la Integración Económica”
(lecturer), Intal, Buenos Aires, June, 2003.
“Emprendedores para la Nueva Apertura” (lecturer), 5º Conferencia Endeavor, Buenos
Aires, June, 2003. “Global Tax Strategies: for Canadian Energy, Service and Supply
(lecturer), Canada, October, 2003. “Miami International Tax & Trust Training
(lecturer), Miami, November, 2003. “2004 Latin American Tax Conference”
(lecturer), New Orleans, March, 2004. “The Baker & McKenzie Ninth Annual International Tax and Trust Training Programme” (lecturer), Montreux, Switzerland, March, 2004. “Miami International Tax & Trust Training Programme” (lecturer), Miami, November, 2004. Professional Affiliations
He is a member of the Buenos Aires Bar Association; the American Chamber of Commerce
in Argentina; the Tax Sub-Committee; the Argentine Association of Taxation Studies.
Education & Bar Admittance
Martín Barreiro holds a JD from the School of Law of the University of Buenos Aires
(1988). He completed postgraduate courses at Southwestern Legal Foundation, Academy of
American and International Law, Dallas, (June-July 1993).
Languages Spoken
Spanish and English


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