Mada 2047 - réceptif madagascar - hygiène et santé
Health and Hygiene
In general, it is recommended to wash your hands several times a day, not to drink tap water (bottledmineral water is fine if unopened), avoid eating raw vegetables and fruit which you cannot peel if youtravel outside of organized tours and eat meat and fish that has been well cooked. Sparkling water(Crystal/Visy Gasy/Rano Visy) or flat water (Eau vive, La Source) is readily available throughout thecountry.
Preventive therapy is recommended throughout the island (even if the risks are greater in the North-Westand North-East than in the rest of the island). The prevention best tolerated by most people is usually acombination of "Nivaquine + Paludrine" or "Savarine" begun before departure and continued after a fewweeks upon your return. In all cases, it is better to consult your doctor for a suitable dose. It is advisable to bring (in case ofcontamination) medication such as "Halfan" or "Lariam", as well as Paracetamol for fevers. You canvisit the Pasteur Institute for further information. Basic Pharmacy
It is always wise to carry with you a small pharmacy kit.
Aspirin and / or paracetamol, an antidiarrheal medication (such as immodium), a broad-spectrumantibiotic, an anti-inflammatory, an anti-inflammatory ointment, a painkiller, an antihistamine cream (tosoothe insect bites), eye drops (in case of dust and eyestrain related to the sun), an anti-itching cream,sun cream, mosquito repellant, and water purifying tablets if necessary (type AQUAPUR tablets ).
Band-Aids are always useful and do not forget an inhaler (such as Ventolin) if you are prone to asthma.
If you follow a particular medical treatment, bring a sufficient quantity of your medication for theduration of your stay. Although Malagasy pharmacies are well-stocked in all major cities, you'll be moreautonomous and serene. At the end of your stay, you can give your guide your unused medication. S/he
will pass it on to our clinics where is will be used.
MADA 2047. All guides have a first aid certificate from the Red Cross. Vaccinations
There are no vaccination requirements for travelers from Europe, but it is recommended to be updatedfor the following vaccines:
• DT-Polio; • Hepatitis A; • Hepatitis B; • the vaccine three T: tetanus-typhoid and typhus; • Yellow fever: compulsory only if a trip to black Africa is scheduled before or after your stay; • for extended stays in the bush, it is recommended to be vaccinated against rabies. If you are bitten, youonly need a second shot and will avoid the injection of an anti-rabies serum. • anti-malarial treatment: recommended especially for high-risk areas (mainly East Coast) and during therainy season. Mada2047 : professionals for your malagasy discovery
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