Better living through chemistry

Certification Board of Nutrition Specialists Vitality and Longevity Quarterly
October, 2007
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution without the express written consent of the author is illegal. Better Living Through Chemistry
As most of you were born after 1930, you would not recall (as I do so well, having been born in
1899) DuPont’s tagline adopted in 1935: Better Things for Better Living…Through Chemistry. This
has since been contracted in the popular use to “Better Living Through Chemistry”. In 1982, term
“chemistry” was dropped from the slogan, undoubtedly because of the growing connotation that
“chemical” meant “synthetic” and therefore had a very unnatural and potentially harmful
connotation. Since then, everything natural is good and anything chemical or synthetic is clearly
harmful, at least in terms of their effects on the human body.
Yet the more one delves into the biosciences, the more it becomes compellingly clear that this is an
incorrect, misleading and very counterproductive concept. The human body, and in fact, all living
things are an organized summation of nothing more than chemistry itself. The very creation of life
whether you believe it was initiated by God or not, began with the application of an electrical
charge to a set of molecules poised by chance to react in a way that was self-sustaining – chemistry.
Through further chemical reactions, the first single-celled organism developed, setting the stage for
Darwinian evolution. The very reproduction of a human being requires chemistry to release an egg
from an ovary, a sperm from a testicle and their union in the fallopian tube mediated by a series of
chemical reactions. The development into a newborn baby and all the growth, development and
maintenance of that organism is a vast and complex series of chemical events that scientist’s have
been studying for centuries, gaining ever-so-slowly, a better and better understanding of how we
work. Likewise, the deterioration of that organism defined as aging and further defined as the
development of degenerative disease is indeed, a series of chemical events. Three of these chemical
processes I’ve made you very familiar with: glycation, oxidative stress and inflammation.
Everything natural is not good…
Maintaining a prejudice in favor of the natural and against the chemical and synthetic can be very
obstructive to our efforts to thwart the aging process. On the other hand, if we can give up our
prejudice against chemistry and judge a substance, not by whether it is natural or synthetic, but by
its actual chemical effect on the human body, we open up a world of opportunity to both improve
and prolong our health and vitality.
Arsenic is a most glaring example of a naturally occurring substance that is deadly to the human
body. Sugar is certainly both natural and tasty. Yet we’ve all seen the harmful effects of it when
consumed in anything greater than the smallest dose. Another natural substance that we all
consume daily with detrimental chemical consequences is saturated fat. You may try to minimize it,
but no one eliminates it.
Homocysteine is a naturally occurring amino acid that all humans have in our systems. Yet higher
levels, as you well know, promote heart attacks, strokes and dementia. When we take the
Homocysteine Processor to reduce homocysteine levels, we are taking naturally occurring B
vitamins to stimulate a chemical reaction in our body that hastens the breakdown of homocysteine.
When we achieve faster degradation than creation, homocysteine levels drop as does our risk of
degenerative disease – all through chemistry.
But drugs are still bad…
On the other hand, drugs have been developed, studied, and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration that have caused more harm than good. Classic examples are the diet combination
of Fen Phen and the Cox-2 inhibitor Vioxx. These drugs, in early studies, showed positive benefits
with little or no risk. Later, unfortunately after FDA approval, more widespread use and further study
elucidated harmful chemical effects that far outweighed any benefits, even resulting in death.
Scientists and authorities just didn’t see this chemistry early enough. Risk is ubiquitous. (It’s
interesting that if a chemical {like sugar or saturated fat} kills us slowly enough, it can fly beneath the
FDA’s radar).
So while chemistry is good, drugs are bad. Try to tell that to a cancer survivor after chemotherapy.
Just think of all the children at St. Jude’s Hospital saved from cancer by the chemistry of drugs. By
the same token, millions of people are being “saved” every day from heart disease by drugs that
alter our chemistry and reduce the rate at which we form plaque within our artery walls.
Bottom Line…
So, there is good chemistry and bad chemistry and our job is to use the best possible evidence to
select the best chemistry for our bodies to provide the most benefit with the least risk, because we
are, like it or not, one big chemistry set. Admittedly, all the above text has been for the purpose of
opening your mind to what drugs might benefit our quality of life and prolong our health and vitality
even though we are not yet sick, or at least not sick enough to realize it. Remember, the chemistry
of sickness has been in place long before we’re sick enough to notice. Real success comes in
altering it before we notice the effect and this is why we use biomarkers.
Good Chemistry…
For us men, good chemistry is when one’s S.O. suddenly and out of the blue, feels amorous. That
definition out of the way, let’s look at some good chemistry with which we haven’t yet been
acquainted. This one is profound:
Simvastatin Reduces Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Risk
Statin drugs have been used for cholesterol management for decades now. Statins include lovastatin
(Mevacor), simvastatin (Zocor), atorvastatin (Lipitor), pravastatin (Pracachol) and rosuvastatin
(Crestor). As we all know, they reduce LDL cholesterol and to some extent may help to raise HDL
cholesterol. Most of you know, my favorite statin is simvastatin (Zocor) and about 90% of my
patients who take a statin use simvastatin (Zocor). The reason is its enhanced ability to raise HDL
and increase LDL particle size compared to atorvastatin (Lipitor). I have a few who must use
rosuvastatin (Crestor) because it is the most potent at reducing LDL cholesterol and simvastatin
(Zocor) just isn’t powerful enough for some patients.
In the year 2000 a study was published in the Archives of Neurology showing a reduced incidence
of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in those using statin drugs to control LDL cholesterol. The data
published in the Archives of Neurology were not overwhelming, but certainly piqued enough
interest to entice scientists to study the concept further. Since that publication, other studies have
exhibited conflicting results on the benefit of statins in reducing dementia risk. One group of
investigators in Boston thought the confusion might stem from combining all the statins in one study
as there may be differential effects of each. They began a study that separated out the various
statins. They chose to use the Veterans Administration population because of its enormous size and
therefore, great statistical power. They studied only 3 statins: lovastatin (Mevacor), simvastatin
(Zocor) and atorvastatin (Lipitor), because these were the only 3 that were used often enough in the
VA system to provide significant statistical power.
This study was published in April, 2007 in BioMed Central (BMC Medicine). It was a multicenter
collaborative effort headed by Benjamin Wolozin of the Boston University School of Medicine. Data
were analyzed on 4.5 million subjects from the U.S. Veterans Affairs database. There were over
700,000 individuals using simvastatin (Zocor) alone and over 500,000 using atorvastatin (Lipitor).
Three statistical models were evaluated to compare the groups taking statins with various other
groups in the VA system. For atorvastatin (Lipitor), there was only a 9% reduction of AD in only one
of the 3 models and this was not statistically significant. For lovastatin (Mevacor) there was no
evidence of reduced risk in any of the three models. For simvastatin (Zocor), however, the results
were staggering.
Simvastatin (Zocor) demonstrated a statistically significant reduction of AD in all 3
models including a 54% reduction in one of the models. With the database of 4.5 million patients,
the statistical power was huge. The P value was less than 0.0001, meaning the probability of the
results occurring by chance was less than one in 10,000. Similar results were found for simvastatin
(Zocor) in Parkinson’s (PD). Risk of PD in simvastatin users was reduced by 49% with the same P
Why simvastatin, but not atorvastatin or lovastatin?
The authors theorize that the reason for simvastatin (Zocor)’s efficacy is twofold:
Most importantly, it crosses the blood-brain barrier; i.e. it is able to penetrate into the brain because
it is fat soluble (yes, we’re all fatheads!). Atorvastatin (Lipitor) does not penetrate into the brain
because it is not fat-soluble. It can’t protect the brain if it can’t reach it. Lovastatin does penetrate
the brain, but Lovastatin is of very low potency compared to either simvastatin or atorvastatin and is
felt to not be potent enough to offer brain protection. So simvastatin’s benefit in protecting against
AD and PD is dependent on both its high potency and its fat solubility, making it unique among
That clinches it for me…
I now believe firmly enough in the value of simvastatin (Zocor) to prevent AD and PD that I will
prescribe it for those who don’t need it for lipoprotein management, but who would like to take
advantage of its brain protective properties.
The risks of taking a statin are very small and easily
managed. They include myositis and elevation of liver enzymes. Myositis is first characterized by
aching muscles, typically the thighs, buttocks or low back. At the first sign of this symptom, one
should stop the statin and notify the doctor. When this is done, the symptoms quickly abate and
there is no consequence. Only if the symptoms are ignored can the problem worsen to the extent
that muscle cells break up and release myoglobin, which damages the kidneys. As for the elevated
liver enzymes, we monitor these regularly and you would see this in your blood test long before it
can cause any damage. If seen, we simply reduce the dose.
Unfortunately, rosuvastatin (Crestor) is not fat soluble so does not penetrate the brain. For those of
you on Crestor (rosuvastatin) for its powerful LDL effect, we might try a combination of Crestor with
simvastatin (Zocor) if you’d like to take advantage of the brain protection. For those of you who are
taking another statin other than simvastatin (Zocor), let’s address this in our next lab follow-up to
see if it makes sense for you to make a change.

Fat-Burning Exercise Myth Exposed
I’ve been concerned in conversations with several of my patients over the past two months who
report that trainers are still recommending the “fat-burning” lower intensity exercise. To say that
lower intensity exercise helps burn more fat is a classic myth.

To understand why, let’s first start with the “maximum heart rate (HR)” concept. A rough estimate of
one’s maximum HR is obtained by subtracting your age from 220. Obviously, this isn’t precise
because a conditioned athlete will have a higher max than an untrained (sedentary) individual. But it
gives us a place to begin. So if you’re 50 years old your maximum heart rate calculates to be 220 –
50 = 170.
The fat burning myth was first introduced about 15 years ago when physiologists demonstrated that
higher intensity workouts (70 to 90% of max HR) shifted the source of energy to proportionately
more carbohydrate and less fat. Trainers immediately ran with this news (no pun intended) and
instructed clients to limit exercise intensity to the 60-70% max HR zone where proportionately
more fat is burned.
However, what they didn’t realize was that at higher intensity (70 to 90% of max HR), far more
calories and ultimately more fat is burned and this is what our goal should be. The reasons are
1. At higher intensity, although proportionately less fat is burned during the exercise, more calories are burned overall and the total fat calorie burned are the same as for low intensity. 2. At higher intensity, while a higher percentage come from carbohydrate, that carbohydrate energy will have to be restored after the workout and will then come from fat (unless you
carb-load, which you know I don’t recommend). Therefore, in the total time period of during
and after exercise, a great deal more fat is lost with higher intensity exercise.
3. Higher intensity exercise has a much greater impact on metabolic rate in the 4-hour period after your workout. The higher metabolic rate means you’ll continue to burn even more
calories and fat while resting for the next four hours.
For example, for a 140-pound woman who performs either a low intensity walk or a vigorous jog for 1 hour, we arrive at the following numbers:
Remember, after the high intensity workout, those carb calories burned will be replaced from body
fat if you don’t carb load. If you’re hungry, eat a sensible low glycemic meal or snack.
The only drawback to higher intensity exercise is that it is more difficult to sustain. It’s better to walk
for an hour than to sprint for 1 minute. That’s why I recommend interval training 2 to 3 times a
week. After a 7-8 minute warm-up (when endorphins begin to kick in) alternate intensity. Either
walk-then-jog or jog-then-run from moderate to high intensity, then back to moderate. Alternating by
about a minute each or 2 minutes moderate to 1 minute intense works well. Keep the intensity
controlled enough so you can sustain the activity for 30 to 60 minutes.
Now you’re training like an athlete and you will not only burn more fat overall, but you’ll become
stronger and faster, providing yourself the ability to burn more calories (and fat) in future workouts.


Increase in Phlebotomy (Blood Draw) Fee
We’re sorry to say that after 4 years of consistant pricing , it has become necessary for us to increase the charge for home blood draws. We are not increasing fees on the individual tests, only on the phlebotomy fee. For over two years we’ve been losing $30 to $50 on most home blood draws. Included in the phlebotomy fee is the actual charge from the phlebotomist, our staff hours to assemble the kits and coordinate with the phlebotomist and patient and the shipping costs in both directions (to the phlebotomist and back to the lab). The shipment back to the lab is overnight so is costly. DHL has also added a fuel surcharge to shipping costs. In addition, over the past year many phlebotomists
have raised their prices and added a mileage charge due to the increase in gasoline prices. So while
we were reluctant to increase the charge above $100, we have no choice but to increase the fee in
order to cover our costs. The increase is only $30. This will cut losses for us in most cases, but not
all. In our continuing efforts to keep costs stationary or even reduce them, we are always looking for
ways to offset price increases. Two of them appear below.

Supplement Updates

Homocysteine Processor…
I’ve reformulated the Homocysteine Processor to be more potent. It now contains enough vitamin
B6 and Folate to eliminate the need for these additional tablets. It also contains double the previous
amount of vitamin B12. This resulted from collecting data on the effect of the original Homocysteine
Processor and its effect on the homocysteine level. The dose of the new Homocysteine Processor
will be anywhere from 1 to 4 caps per day.
As always, dosing will be managed on an individual basis during your consultation after your blood
test. When switching to the new Homocysteine Processor prior to your consult, we’ll determine the
dose for you that most closely approximates your current dose of Homocysteine Processor, B6 and
Fola Pro.
Once again, when switching to the new Homocysteine Processor you should change the number of
capsules per day by our instructions and stop taking Vitamin B6 and Fola Pro. While many of you
will need to increase the Homocysteine Processor dose to 4 caps a day, you’ll be eliminating up to
8 tablets a day by eliminating the B6 and Fola Pro. This will also reduce costs significantly.
Vitamin D3…
As you all know, we’ve been measuring and supplementing vitamin D3 because of the impressive
data on cancer prevention for those with levels of 25-OH Vitamin D above 50 ng/ml (73% reduced
cancer rates in one large study – See July ’07 Newsletter). We now have our own 2,000 iu capsule
to replace the current 1,000 iu tablet. This will cut in half the number of pills you’ll need to take to
keep your level above 50 and also provides a modest cost reduction. Once again, dosing is done
individually during your consult and based on your test results.
Trimethylglycine (TMG)…
Most of you are aware that we had a problem with softening and crumbling of the TMG tablets
when placed in the weekly pill reminders. These had been purchased from a very reputable outside
source and were stable when left in the original bottle, but took on moisture outside the bottle,
causing them to soften and crumble. We solved the problem by developing our own TMG in a
500mg capsule (same strength as the tablet form). Thank you all so much for your patience and
Amino Mag (Magnesium)…
Great News! Our Magnesium is now under our own brand and in capsule form. No more horse
tablets! These capsules are 200mg, just like the tablet form, so your quantity per day will remain the
same. Thank you all for your wonderful patience while we reformulated!
Color Changes…
One of our minor annoyances has always been that many of our different supplement capsules look
alike and if a dose is changed after you’ve already filled your tablet containers, then it’s impossible
to adjust those already in your weekly pill reminder because you can’t tell which is which! Not to
mention the frustration when you spill a number of different capsules together. Sorting them is like
Russian Roulette!
Solution Over the next 9 months we’ll be coloring our capsules so no two will look alike. Color
choices are limited because we’re using only natural substances to add color (no dyes or artificial
coloring of any kind). We’ll be using plant materials like beet root, parsley, quercitin and chlorophyll.
So please don’t be concerned when you receive a supplement that has a new look. It is all by
New Labels…
We apologize for the current generic-appearing prescription labels that are now on some
supplement bottles. This is temporary. We’re introducing our new supplement labels with a new
brand Cycle-Breakers®. These are currently being designed and printed and should be replacing the
prescription labels over the next 6 months.
While the name Cycle-Breakers® might not mean much to you now, it’s a corollary to my book,
currently under construction (no, I haven’t given up on it and no, it won’t be out for a while). It has
to do with the biochemical cycles of aging and degenerative disease. We combat these processes
by breaking the cycles to prevent degenerative disease. I hope it will be clearer when the book is
published! It is based on clinical research and is the basis for our program.


Late Newsletter…
I apologize for the tardiness of this newsletter, which was due Oct 30, 2007. It is sometimes difficult
to find a topic as profound and pragmatic as I’d like. This at times leads me to postpone the
newsletter until a suitable topic is apparent. As always, we’ll catch up so that we do produce 4
Newsletters a year. The next one, due Jan 30, should be published in February.

Notes from the Office Manager’s Desk

Personnel Update…
Some changes have occurred since our last newsletter. Lana went to pursue her dream to become a
doctor and is attending medical school in Erie, Pennsylvania. Maria is now our Medical Assistant
(she’s been with us since August, 2007) and is primarily coordinating blood draws, laboratory
appointments and results. Maria moved to Colorado last Summer from Seattle, Washington. Becca
is the voice you most likely hear when you call. She has been with us since July, 2007. She is also
expecting her first baby (“Gracie”) in April. Becca assists Kimber with orders, insurance questions
and a multitude of administrative functions.
Product Refills…
Attached you will find a form for ordering refills. You may fax it to 303-462-5345 or email it (in PDF
or Word format) to If sending via email, please use the orders email address,
versus an individual’s email address. It is a main folder that all staff can access. Please do not email
orders to Dr. Leonardi as they may not be viewed for several days if not weeks after receipt in his in-
box. I have also added this form to the LEHI Patient page on our website.
Insurance Filing…
As of January 1, 2008, we will no longer be filing insurance forms for our patients. You can do so
by logging on to your insurance provider website, downloading a patient reimbursement form and
filing it with the receipts we provide; or contacting your insurance carrier for assistance. We will
continue to provide receipts which include all codes necessary for filing and will be happy to help
you through the transition.
Yours in Vitality and Longevity,

Dave, Kimber, Maria and Becca


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