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3. Student Recruitment and Experience vi. Student Experience: Undergraduate, Graduate and International Student Survey Results Figure h-i Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey (CGPSS) Responses
Performance Relevance: Graduate surveys like the CGPSS provide information that helps identify aspects of academic and student life that can be improved through changes in policies and practices. These results are intended to complement more objective and observable measures such as time-to-completion and graduation rates. In 2005 the University of Toronto, along with six of our Canadian peer institutions1, participated in the Graduate and Professional Student Survey (GPSS) administered by MIT. All in-program graduate students in degree programs for whom an e-mail address was available were surveyed. We received 4,833 responses – a 50% response rate2. In 2007, along with our Canadian peer institutions (Alberta, British Columbia, Calgary, Dalhousie, Laval, McGill, McMaster, Montréal, Ottawa, Queen’s, Waterloo, and Western) and all Ontario universities, the University of Toronto participated for the second time in the Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey (CGPSS). The 2007 survey instrument included a significant reduction in length. All in-program graduate students in degree programs for whom an e-mail address was available were surveyed. We received 5,182 responses – a 45.7% response rate. In 2009–10, U of T administrators worked with our Canadian peers to develop a new instrument to measure student satisfaction related to professional graduate programs. In 2010, the University participated again in this revised version of the Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey (CGPSS). We received 4,815 responses to our graduate surveys—an overall response rate of 36.5%. The results from the revised instrument are included in this year’s report. This year, we are able to present the results overall and by type of program (Research-Oriented compared to Professional Graduate programs.)
1 Alberta, Laval, McGill, McMaster, Waterloo, and Western. 2 The 50% response rate includes only those students where an e-mail address was available in ROSI (82% of graduate students had a valid e-mail address and were invited to participate).
University of Toronto Performance Indicators 2010 3. Student Recruitment and Experience vi. Student Experience: Undergraduate, Graduate and International Student Survey Results Figure h-i Figure 3-vi-h CGPSS Results – Ratings of All Graduate Programs, 2005, 2007, and 2010
The percentages below indicate the distribution of responses by U of T students to four general satisfaction questions in the CGPSS survey compared to the responses of graduate students from the other participating Canadian peer institutions.
Overall, how would you rate the quality of: your academic experience at this university? your graduate program at this university? your student life experience at this university? your overall experience at this university?
Source: CGPSS 2005, 2007 and 2010 survey results. Figures reported for our Canadian peers exclude U of T. Note: In 2005, only six of our 12 Canadian peers participated in CGPSS (Alberta, Laval, McGill, McMaster, Waterloo and Western). In 2007 and 2010 all Canadian peers participated.
University of Toronto Performance Indicators 2010 3. Student Recruitment and Experience vi. Student Experience: Undergraduate, Graduate and International Student Survey Results Figure h-i Figure 3-vi-i CGPSS Results - Ratings of Research-Oriented and Professional Graduate Programs, 2010
The chart on the left indicates the distribution of responses by U of T students in doctoral-stream programs compared to responses given by students in these programs at other participating Canadian peer institutions. The chart on the right shows the distribution of responses by U of T students in professional masters programs compared to the responses at other participating Canadian peer institutions.
Related Report: Report on Graduate and Professional Student Survey (GPSS) results: University of Toronto Performance Indicators 2010
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