Clinical review: Use of renal replacement therapies in special groups of ICU patients
Introduction Abstract
e use of renal replacement therapy (RRT) in ICU
Acute kidney injury (AKI) in ICU patients is typically
patients is increasing over the years [1-3]. Th
associated with other severe conditions that require
may be explained by a higher number of ICU patients
special attention when renal replacement therapy
with older age and increased comorbidity, as well as by a
(RRT) is performed. RRT includes a wide range of
decrease of exclusion criteria for RRT, such as in special
techniques, each with specifi c characteristics and
groups of ICU patients – for example, those with haemo-
implications for use in ICU patients. In the present
review we discuss a wide range of conditions that
RRT encompasses a broad range of techniques (Table 1).
can occur in ICU patients who have AKI, and the
A distinction can be made based on duration (inter mit-
implications this has for RRT. Patients at increased risk
tent, continuous), membrane permeability (high fl ux, low
for bleeding should be treated without anticoagulation
fl ux), diff usion (haemodialysis) or convection (haemo fi l-
or with regional citrate anticoagulation. In patients who
tra tion) or a combination of these (haemo diafi ltration),
are haemodynamically unstable, continuous therapies
and equipment used (machine for regular haemodialysis,
are most often employed. These therapies allow slow
single-pass batch system or machines that are specifi cally
removal of volume and guarantee a stable blood pH. In
patients with cerebral oedema, continuous therapy is
recommended in order to prevent decreased cerebral
Examples of continuous techniques include continuous
blood fl ow, which will lead to cerebral ischemia.
haemodialysis, continuous venovenous haemofi ltration
Continuous therapy will also prevent sudden change
(CVVH) and continuous venovenous haemodialfi ltration
in serum osmolality with aggravation of cerebral
(CVVHDF). Intermittent therapies include haemodialysis
oedema. Patients with hyponatraemia, as in liver
(HD) with varying duration, ranging from short (2 to
failure or decompensated heart failure, require extra
4 hours) to long (6 to 12 hours) as in sustained low-
attention because a rapid increase of serum sodium
ciency daily dialysis (or hybrid therapy, as it alterna-
concentration can lead to irreversible brain damage
through osmotic myelinolysis. Finally, in patients with
performed with a classic dialysis machine, and its dialysis
severe lactic acidosis, RRT can be used as a bridging
characteristics are intermediate between classic HD and
therapy, awaiting correction of the underlying cause.
CRRT. Blood fl ow and dialysate fl ows are decreased and
Especially in ICU patients who have severe AKI,
the treatment time is increased up to 6 to 12 hours per
treatment with RRT requires balancing the pros and
is treatment allows better haemo dynamic toler-
cons of diff erent options and modalities. Exact and
ance and some hours per day off -machine, while the
specifi c guidelines for RRT in these patients are not
dialysis dose is maintained [4]. Intermittent haemodia fi l-
available for most clinical situations. In the present
tration can be applied as well, at least if online ultrapure
article we provide an update on the existing evidence.
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is very seldom used for the
treatment of acute kidney injury (AKI) in ICU patients. Data on the use of this modality are scarce (only 240 adult patients were studied in three randomised studies)
and come from developing countries. An initial report on
Department of Intensive Care Medicine, ICU, 2-K12C, Ghent University Hospital,
PD demonstrated increased mortality of patients
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
randomised to this RRT modality in the setting of AKI [5]. However, two other studies (one of which was
published twice) found that the outcome of high-volume
Table 1. Renal replacement therapy treatment modality options Modalities
Diff usion or haemodialysis versus convection or haemofi ltration versus a combination or haemodiafi ltration
Single-pass batch system versus regular haemodialysis machine versus continuous renal replacement therapy machine
No anticoagulation versus heparin (low molecular weight or unfractionated) versus citrate versus less frequently used strategies (for example, prostacyclin or argatroban)
and continuous PD was comparable with daily HD or
bloodline, binds ionised calcium and hence blocks
CVVHDF in AKI [6-8]. An important limita tion of these
last studies is that they excluded patients who died on
on the dialysate fl ow and/or ultrafi ltration rate.Citrate
day 1 after randomisation, thereby rendering a more may enter the systemic circulation and can induce hypo-favourable outcome.
calcaemia, resulting in cardiac problems. Calcium substi-
Each of these RRT modalities has specifi c charac teristics
tution with a systemic calcium infusion is therefore
with implications for their use in specifi c ICU patient groups.
nearly always necessary, especially in CRRT. Th
of citrate per minute is greater in dialysis compared with
Patients with increased risk for haemorrhage
CVVH. Citrate anticoagulation is therefore theoretically
Most modalities of RRT, with the exception of PD, need
safer in intermittent haemodialysis compared with CVVH,
anticoagulation to prevent clotting in the extracorporeal
whereby less citrate is removed. Many diff erent citrate
circuit, thereby increasing the circuit life and dose of
schemes are used for predilution and postdilution CVVH,
RRT and containing the cost for replacement of a new
continuous venovenous haemodialysis (CVVHD) and
CVVHDF, and we would like the reader to refer to specifi c
lants is the increased risk for haemorrhage. Th
e most texts on this topic [11,12]. Haemodialysis with citrate can
frequently used anticoagulant in ICU patients is unfrac-
be performed with calcium-containing dialysate or with
ated heparin, followed by low molecular weight calcium-free dialysate, preferred for short and long
heparin and regional citrate anticoagulation [9].
sessions, respectively. In continuous modalities, and when using calcium-free dialysate, ionised calcium must be
No anticoagulation
measured rigorously and calcium needs to be re-infused
In most patients, a 2-hour dialysis session can be per-
to prevent hypocalcaemia. Citrate accumulation can be
formed without anticoagulation; but in patients with monitored by the total to ionised calcium ratio. When thrombocytopaenia and coagulation disorders, even this is above 2.5, the citrate dose should be decreased and longer sessions up to CRRT can be performed without
calcium reinfused. In patients with reduced citrate
e use of heparin-coated membranes facilitates
metabolism, such as in liver failure and in patients with
this session extension. Intermittent fl ushing with saline
pre-existing hypocalcaemia and/or hypomagnesaemia,
can also postpone clotting. If haemofi ltration is applied,
predilution is preferred to prevent haemoconcentration
Regional citrate anticoagulation is increasingly used,
in the circuit. In addition, in postdilution mode, the and is currently recommended by the Kidney Disease: fi ltration fraction – calculated as effl
Improving Global Outcomes consensus group as the
fl ow rate – should be below 20 to 25%.
preferred anticoagulant for CRRT both in patients with
If no anticoagulation is allowed, catheter locks used to
and without increased bleeding risk (level of evidence 2B
fi ll up dialysis catheters between dialysis session should
and 2C, indicating a suggestion based on low quality of
be heparin-free as leakage of heparin through the side
evidence) (data not yet published; M Schetz, personal
holes is demonstrated. For that purpose, citrate-
communi cation). Several studies have demonstrated the
containing solutions can be used as a catheter lock.
feasibility of this technique with diff erent protocols.
In the absence of contraindications, such as diverti cu-
Regional citrate anticoagulation resulted in an increased
litis or recent abdominal surgery, PD in theory can be an
fi lter life in some studies, less bleeding complications,
alternative RRT modality in patients at high risk for and in one study was even associated with increased bleeding.
survival when compared with low molecular weight heparin, although this could not be confi rmed in another
Regional anticoagulation with citrate or with
study where unfractionated heparin was the comparator
Regional anticoagulation with citrate is based on its
Although regional anticoagulation was originally
binding with calcium. Citrate, infused into the aff erent
described with unfractionated heparin and protamine
[18,19], its use has decreased in parallel with the increas-
that is adjusted for severity of illness (measured by either
ing popularity of citrate. Protamine has several side 2.15 – 0.06 × Acute Physiology and Chronic Health eff ects such as anaphylaxis, hypotension, cardiac depres-
Evaluation II score, or by 2.06 – 0.03 × Simplifi ed Acute
sion, leukopaenia and thrombocytopaenia. Further, there
Physiology Score II) and liver function, assessed by the
is risk for a rebound anticoagulant eff ect, due to the indocyanine green disappearance rate (–0.35 + 0.08 × shorter half-life of protamine compared with heparin. indocyanine green disappearance rate) [26]. For ICU Regional anticoagulation with heparin–protamine is patients treated with predilution intermittent venovenous therefore no longer recommended [20].
haemodialysis, recommendations are a loading dose of 75 μg/kg followed by a continuous infusion of 0.4 to
Other anticoagulation strategies
0.6 μg/kg/minute until 20 minutes before termination of
Prostaglandins and the synthetic protease inhibitor RRT [27]. nafamostat mesilate inhibit platelet aggregation and
Despite clinical use of argatroban in RRT, it should be
adhesion.In CRRT, prostaglandin I and prostaglandin E
mentioned that this is an off -label use for this drug.
administered in a fi xed dose resulted in less fi lter clotting
Fondaparinux is a synthetic heparin analogue that can
and less bleeding complications in a small prospective
be used in patients with heparin-induced thrombo cyto-
randomised study (n = 50 patients) [21]. Prostaglandin I
paenia type II. In the absence of renal function, a single
has also been successfully used in patients with combined
intravenous dose of 2.5 mg can maintain dialysis circuit
AKI and acute liver failure, who were at increased risk for
patency provided that low-fl ux membranes are used [28].
bleeding [22]. Prostaglandin induces vasodilation and Owing to its renal clearance, therapeutic anti-factor Xa therefore hypotension, however, and may also lead to activity is still demonstrated 48 hours after adminis-increased intracranial hypertension and decreased tration of 2.5 mg fondaparinux. Removal of fondaparinux cerebral perfusion pressure [23]. Th
is enhanced by the use of high-fl ux membranes. In ICU
the cost of this anticoagulation strategy hindered its patients, caution is recommended for this anticoagulant widespread introduction and use.
considering its long half-life and the high bleeding risk, and/or the frequent need for surgical intervention or
Patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia type II
invasive procedures. Also, heparin-induced thrombo-
When heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia type II is cyto paenia is an off -label indication for fondaparinux. suspected or confi rmed, the administration of un
Lepirudin, or recombinant hirudin, is a direct thrombin
tion ated heparin and low molecular weight heparin is
inhibitor and can also be used in patients with heparin-
contraindicated. In that respect, catheter locks, rinsing
induced thrombocytopaenia type II. In dialysis patients, a
solutions, dialyser membranes, catheters, and so forth,
single intravenous dose of 0.08 mg/kg is recommended
must also be heparin free. Besides regional citrate anti-
[29]. Because of its renal clearance, this dose results in
coagulation (or prostacyclin), the following anticoagu-
sustained anticoagulation. Dialyser clearance depends on
lants could be used in patients with heparin-induced the membrane characteristics. High-fl ux membranes allow thrombocytopaenia type II.
fi ltration of lepirudin, with the highest sieving coeffi
Argatroban, a direct thrombin inhibitor, is mainly for polysulfone (0.97) and lesser sieving coeffi
hepatically metabolised with a short half-life of polymethylmethacrylate and polyarylethersulfone (0.75 35 minutes in patients with end-stage kidney disease and 0.73, respectively). Low-fl ux membranes do not fi lter (ESKD). Th
e activated clotting time and the activated
lepirudin [30]. Dependent on the dialysis frequency, the
partial thromboplastin time can be used for monitoring.
dialysis membrane, and the activated partial
Only minor extracorporeal clearance with high-fl ux
thromboplastin time, measured before the start of the
membranes is demonstrated. Argatroban, due to its short
dialysis session, a reduced dose should be used from the
half-life, is a safe anticoagulant in patients with renal
second dialysis. Because of its prolonged half-life (52
failure without hepatic impairment. In patients with hours), lepirudin is not an anticoagulant of choice in the multiple organ failure, however, one-tenth of the usual
dose without an initial bolus is recommended, depending on hepatic function [24]. Patients with severe haemodynamic instability
erent argatroban dosing regimens have been Haemodynamically unstable patients should be treated
described for diff erent RRT modalities. A proposed dose
carefully, which can be achieved either by CVVH(D),
in chronic haemodialysis patients is a 250 μg/kg bolus
ciency daily dialysis or continuous HD.
followed by continuous infusion of 2 μg/kg/minute [25].
In many haemodynamically unstable patients, HD can be
In ICU patients treated with CRRT, it is recommended to
performed when specifi c precautions are taken [31,32].
administer a loading dose of 100 μg/kg argatroban Th
ese precau tions include: less aggressive ultrafi ltration,
followed by a maintenance infusion rate (μg/kg/minute)
increasing the treatment time in CRRT and daily
treatment in intermittent HD, eventually using blood considered as an alternative. Concerns on this modality volume measure ments to guide ultrafi ltration; increasing
cacy and the eff ects on intra-abdominal
dialysate sodium and calcium concentrations to respec-
e intra-abdominal pressure may increase
tively 145 mmol/l and 1.5 mmol/l; adapting the dialysate
secon dary to infusion of PD fl uid in the abdominal cavity,
temperature to obtain isothermic dialysis; connecting which may have diverse eff ects on intracranial pressure aff erent and eff erent bloodlines simultaneously at the and cerebral perfusion [40,41]. Increased abdominal start of the procedure; using low blood fl ow (<150 ml/
pressure may translate into increased intracranial
minute) and low dialysate fl ows; using biocompatible pressure. Further, intra-abdominal hypertension may also membranes; and using (ultra)pure water [31].
decrease systemic preload and increase afterload, leading
An argument in favour of CRRT in haemodynamically
to lower blood pressure and decreased cerebral perfusion
unstable patients is that solute control is more constant.
is factor may be of particular benefi t in patients with
severe lactic acidosis, where RRT may help to stabilise
Patients with hyponatraemia
the haemodynamic status by correction of blood pH. In
When chronic hyponatraemia is corrected rapidly,
patients with severe lactic acidosis, intermittent therapy
patients may develop osmotic demyelination syndrome
will only off er a temporal improvement of blood pH –
[42,43], a condition with most irreversible brain damage.
between treatments there will be recurrent acidosis, with
erefore, in asymptomatic patients with chronic
its untoward haemodynamic consequences.
hyponatraemia, the sodium concentration should be
In summary, patients with severe haemodynamic increased slowly, with a maximum increase of 10 to
instability are best treated with CRRT in order to allow
12 mmol/l during the fi rst 24 hours and of 18 mmol/l
removal of extravascular fl uid and to maintain a stable
during the fi rst 48 hours of treatment [44]. High serum
urea concentration may protect the brain against the
A more elaborate discussion on the choice between
development of osmotic demyelination [45,46]. An
CRRT and HD is presented in another publication in this
explanation for this may be the slow diff usion of urea
over the blood–brain barrier. Dialysis will decrease serum urea rapidly, but urea that has accumulated in
Patients with intracranial hypertension or cerebral
brain cells will decrease only slowly. Th
create a blood–brain gradient of urea, and will lead to
Patients with cerebral oedema or intracranial hyper ten-
accumulation of water in brain cells and a slower decline
sion have decreased or absent autoregulation of cerebral
of cell volume, which is the mechanism that leads to
blood fl ow. A decrease in systemic blood pressure, as may
occur during RRT, will therefore lead to decreased CVVH is recom mended in these patients. cerebral blood fl ow and to cerebral ischaemia, which will
Some authors have recommended the use of replace-
consequently lead to more oedema [34]. Continuous ment fl uid with reduced sodium concentration. Th
arteriovenous haemofi ltration has been proven to better
be established by adding sterile water to the replacement
maintain cerebral blood fl ow in patients with acute liver
fl uid bag [47]. Diluting replacement fl uid will also result
failure and cerebral oedema compared with intermittent
in decreased potassium and bicarbonate concentrations,
ese fi ndings have been extrapolated to
and therefore may induce hypokalaemia and acidosis.
ment recommendations for patients with other Th
ese patients therefore need frequent follow-up of
causes of cerebral oedema and to newer modalities of
sodium and potassium concentrations and blood pH.
During treatment, increasing plasma sodium concen-
trations may require less diluted replacement fl uid;
that this therapy will seldom be complicated with acute
patients may also have need for additional potassium or
and important tonicity changes of the systemic bicarbonate infusion. Because this procedure is poten tially circulation. Because intermittent HD is a very effi
error prone, and may lead to contamination of sterile
RRT modality, these changes may occur after a session of
replacement fl uid, an alternative strategy is intravenous
HD. A decrease in serum osmolality will subsequently
infusion of hypotonic fl uid (for example, 5% glucose).
lead to water uptake by the cells, and to development of cellular oedema [39]. Intracranial pressure may therefore
Patients with high serum urea concentration
When serum urea is high (typically >175 mg/dl) patients
If a patient is also at increased risk for intracranial
are at risk for developing dialysis disequilibrium syn-
haemor rhage, such as after traumatic brain injury, RRT
drome, a neurological condition characterised by nausea
should be administered without anticoagulation or with
e exact mechanism of dialysis disequili-
brium is uncertain. A sudden decrease of serum
osmo lality and slower decrease of (brain) cell osmolality
A small prospective randomised study suggests that
with resultant increase of cellular water content is the
treatment with artifi cial liver support may improve
most probable cause. A change in intracellular pH and
accu mulation of organic osmolites are also mentioned as
powered (n = 13 patients), however, and the control
a possible cause for this condition. Preventive measures
popu lation was not treated with vasopressin analogues,
include initiation RRT with ultrafi ltration followed by which is currently the standard of care. A large pros-dialysis, which will increase plasma osmolarity and so
pective randomised study comparing the standard of care
prevent development of cerebral oedema and dialysis for liver dialysis with that of the Prometheus liver dialysis disequilibrium. Decreasing the dose of dialysis will also
system (Fresenius Medical Care, Bad Homburg, Germany)
prevent important changes of urea concentration, and so
in patients with acute on chronic liver failure recently
found in subanalysis that patients with hepatorenal
shortening the fi rst RRT session when intermittent syndrome treated with Prometheus liver dialysis had modalities are used (2 hours), decreasing blood fl ow
(<200 ml/minute), using a small less effi
as an abstract, so we can only discuss preliminary results.
using low-dose CVVH (for example, ultrafi ltration rate
ere are no data that support the use of one specifi c
<20 ml/kg/hour). A urea reduction ratio of 0.4 to 0.45 or
RRT modality above another for hepatorenal syndrome,
a urea clearance over time of the dialysis session although generally less aggressive modalities such as corrected for volume of distribution (Kt/V) of 0.6 to 0.7
has been proposed. Administration of osmotic agents used most. such as mannitol (1 g/kg intravenously per dialysis session) may also be of help. Finally, an increased dialysate sodium concentration (143 to 146 mmol/l) is
Coagulation abnormalities
also recommended in patients at risk [48-50].
Patients with liver failure have decreased production of coagulation factors II, V, VII, IX, X and XI, thrombo-
Patients with acute or acute on chronic liver failure
cytopaenia and decreased thrombocyte function [55,56].
ere are several aspects that deserve special attention in
is will lead to decreased coagulation. Many patients
patients with liver failure and AKI.
with severe liver failure can therefore undergo RRT without anticoagulation. However, decreased production
Encephalopathy and cerebral oedema
of protein C, protein S and antithrombin III, increased
Patients with acute liver failure and encephalopathy are
concentrations of factor VIII, von Willebrand factor and
very likely to have cerebral oedema, especially when the
heparin cofactor II, and a decreased concentration of
time between occurrence of jaundice and encephalopathy
plasminogen will lead to increased coagulation, despite
is short; for example, as in fulminant liver failure, defi ned
abnormal coagulation tests. Coagulation tests can there-
by a time delay between icterus and encephalopathy of
fore be misleading and, despite abnormal tests, fi lter
clotting may occur. Monitoring the coagulation status
risk for increased intracranial pressure and brain stem
with func tional haemostasis monitoring devices such as
herniation. One should therefore apply the principles for
thrombo elastography or Sonoclot (Sienco Inc., Arvada,
prevention of deterioration of intracranial pressure as Colorado, USA), which measure the individual contri-described above. In summary, CRRT with special bution of coagulation by platelets and coagulation attention for haemo dynamic stability and maintenance of
factors, and fi brinolysis may be of help to better under-
cerebral perfusion pressure is warranted.
stand the coagulation status of these patients. Hyponatraemia Patients with liver failure often experience chronic Patients with severe lactic acidosis hyponatraemia. Hence, special attention should be given
e treatment for lactic acidosis should be aimed at
to a slow increase of serum sodium, as discussed above.
correcting the cause. However, as severe acidosis may in itself lead to profound systemic hypotension, RRT is
Hepatorenal syndrome
sometimes used as a bridge until correction of the
Patients with acute and acute on chronic liver failure may
underlying cause, especially in patents who also have AKI
develop AKI as a consequence of hepatorenal syndrome.
[57]. RRT may correct blood pH, by removing lactic acid
Especially in patients with acute on chronic liver failure
and through administration of bicarbonate from the
this is an end stage of the process of water retention and
dialysate. Con tinuous modalities are preferred to prevent
increased catecholamine stress, characterised by hypo-
dialytic rebound, and dialysis is more effi
removing small molecules as lactate [58,59]. Patients with congestive heart failure
fomepizole. At present, the most frequently encountered
Patients with decompensated heart failure and diuretic
intoxications treated with RRT are caused by lithium,
t from isolated methanol, ethylene glycol and iodine. Rare intoxications
ultrafi ltration [60,61]. When these patients are haemo-
that should in special indications be treated with haemo-
dynamically unstable, the ultrafi ltration rate should be
dialysis include valproic acid, isoniazid and metformin
limited by increasing the treatment time. Th
e mainstay for treatment of salicylate intoxication
can be achieved by CRRT or hybrid therapy. PD is also
remains alkalinisation of blood and urine. In patients
used for fl uid removal in patients with congestive heart
with severe salicylate intoxication and in patients
uid removal is less presenting with severe fl uid overload and/or pulmonary
predictable com pared with extracorporeal ultrafi ltration
or cerebral oedema, however, HD should be used to
eff ectively remove salicylate from blood [68,69].
Special attention should be given to patients with
With the introduction of high-fl ux membranes and
congestive heart failure and (chronic) hyponatraemia (see
haemo diafi ltration, haemoperfusion with charcoal cart-
the discussion on hyponatraemia above).
e lack of residual endogenous clearance, sometimes
Patients with burn injury
caused by the intoxication itself, will accelerate the
On average, 3% of patients with severe burn injury are
decision to start dialysis. Examples include AKI in
treated with RRT for AKI [64]. Patients with burn injury
patients with lithium, iodine or ethylene glycol intoxi-
and AKI often have large wounds and repetitive surgical
cations. If the molecular weight of a toxin is low and
interventions with increased risk for bleeding.
protein binding is limited, dialyser clearance is expected
Another issue in burn patients is accumulation of to be high. Th
iodine. Burn patients treated with topical povidone–
body clearance depends on the compartmental behaviour.
iodine may have elevated iodine concentrations, secon-
If the distribution is multicompartmental, with slow
dary to increased absorption in combination with equili bration between the diff erent compart ments, reb-hampered renal excretion. Th
is can lead to metabolic ound can ensue. In these cases, long dialysis times are
acidosis, AKI, and heart conduction abnormalities, necessary. Because of this latter reason and because of eventually leading to heart block. Th
the availability of alternative treatment (digoxin-specifi c
of iodine is 253; hence the dialyser clearance during high-
Fab fragments), digoxin intoxications are seldom treated
fl ux dialysis is comparable with that of small solutes such
as urea. Intercompartmental clearance is low, however, so
Our preference is to apply haemodialysis (mostly high
long treatment times are mandatory [65]. Protracted fl ux) with high blood fl ow (250 to 300 ml/minute) and high-fl ux haemodialysis or haemodiafi ltration, with high
high dialysate fl ow (500 ml/minute) and a long treatment
blood and dialysate fl ow, is therefore the treatment of
time or even continuously in order to optimise both
dialyser and body clearance. For larger solutes, protracted or continuous online haemodiafi ltration is more effi
Patients with accidental hypothermia
CVVH or CVVHD results in much less dialyser clearance
Consensus exists about cardiopulmonary bypass as the
because of absent or limited dialysate fl ow. Patients with
treatment of choice in cases of severe accidental hypo-
lithium intoxication without renal failure should
thermia with cardiac arrest. In settings where cardio-
preferably not be treated with a single-pass batch system,
pulmonary bypass is not available, or in haemo-
as premature mixing of dialysate has been documented in
dynamically stable patients, HD is a valuable alternative
the absence of uraemic solutes [70]. In these patients,
[66]. Setting dialysate fl ow and temperature to their haemodialysis with a conventional haemodialysis maximum optimises the effi
ciency of warming. Blood machine is recommended.
fl ow and the membrane surface should also be optimised. HD can be started without exogenous anticoagulation
Chronic haemodialysis patients admitted to
because hypothermia is associated with coagulopathy. the ICU Chronic haemodialysis patients represent a minority of Patients with intoxications
ICU patients. In a tertiary care centre in the USA, 3.7% of
e use of RRT in the treatment of intoxicated patients
ICU patients were chronic haemodialysis patients [71].
has decreased over recent years. Reasons for this decline
Other studies found that 11 to 12% of all patients treated
are diverse. Some intoxications, such as with paraquat
with RRT in the ICU are chronic dialysis patients [72,73].
and theophyllin, are nowadays less frequent in the Th
e main reasons for ICU admission are sepsis and
western world. Other intoxications, such as with cardiovascular complications, which are com parable with methanol and ethylene glycol, are often treated with AKI patients [72,73]. Instead of the regular outpatient
dialysis schedule of 4 hours of dialysis three times weekly,
high-volume haemofi ltration – 6 to 8 hours of CVVH at
RRT during the ICU stay should be adapted towards the
85 ml/kg/hour followed by 16 to 18 hours of CVVH at
current needs of the patient. Daily, protracted dialysis
35 ml/kg/hour [77], and ultrafi ltration of 35 l during a
can easily be performed through the arteriovenous 4-hour period followed by conventional CVVH [78] – fi stula. Staff should be extremely vigilant in keeping this
was associated with better outcomes than compared with
ey should therefore be historic controls [77,78]. In the High Volume on Intensive
advised against using the arm with the arteriovenous Care (IVOIRE) study, septic study patients were random-fi stula for blood sampling, arterial line insertion or non-
ised to high-volumehaemofi ltration (70 ml/kg/hour for
invasive blood pressure measurement. Needling of this
96 hours) or to standard-dose CVVH (35 ml/kg/hour).
arteriovenous fi stula should only be performed by an Th
e study was recently stopped after interim analysis, but
experienced dialysis nurse. A temporary dialysis catheter
was not yet published at the time of this review. Th
is preferred when a continuous technique is applied.
results will inform us on the exact place of this technique for treatment of sepsis patients. Renal replacement therapy during surgery Occasionally, haemodialysis is performed during surgery. Polymyxin-B haemoperfusion
Because liver transplantation in patients with renal Polymyxin-B bound to a membrane is a compound that impair ment can be associated with severe hyperkalaemia,
ciently binds endotoxin, a component released from
especially during reperfusion, intraoperative dialysis the cell membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Endotoxin should be considered. Unstable patients with acidosis is a crucial component in the infl ammatory cascade and persistent electrolyte disturbances may also benefi t
ing Gram-negative infection. Several smaller
from a continuation of the dialysis in the operation room.
studies that were bundled in a meta-analysis and a recent
Special attention should be paid to the temperature of the
small prospective randomised study in patients with intra-
dialysate, to avoid cooling of the patient. If no water abdominal sepsis demonstrated that binding endotoxin treatment is available in the operation room, haemo-
with polymyxin-B haemoperfusion may improve
dialysis can be performed with a single-pass batch haemodynamics and organ function at 72 hours, and may system. Anticoagulation is mostly contraindicated, or in
improve short-term (28-day) mortality in sepsis patients
the case of liver transplantation is not needed. If [79,80]. Th
ese results are promising, but the dataset is
necessary, a heparin-coated membrane can be used [74].
still too small to adopt this therapy in routine practice.
During liver transplantation, citrate may accumulate when regional citrate anticoagulation is used. Th
e citrate Coupled plasma fi ltration and absorption combined with
load is often already elevated in these patients due to the
adminis tration of fresh frozen plasma and packed cells.
Coupled plasma fi ltration and absorption also targets
We therefore do not recommend citrate anticoagulation
diminishing the infl ammatory process, by removing
infl ammatory mediators through absorption. For this technique, blood is fi ltered by a plasma fi lter. Plasma that
Extracorporeal therapy in sepsis
is produced by the plasma fi lter is run through an
Continuous venovenous haemofi ltration
Two prospective randomised studies evaluated the use of
subsequently fi ltered by a high-permeable polysulfone
standard CVVH compared with the standard of care in
haemofi lter. Results from a small pilot crossover study in
10 patients with severe septic shock demonstrated that
infl ammatory mediators were removed at a constant rate
in the CVVH intervention group, and that the infl am ma-
tory process could therefore be halted. Neither study compared with CVVHDF [81]. Responsiveness of white could demonstrate that CVVH led to decreased serum
blood cells to stimulation with lipopolysaccharide was
concentrations of mediators, or to improvement of organ
also normalised after treatment with coupled plasma
dysfunction. In fact, the most recent study was fi ltration and absorption. A prospective randomised discontinued after an interim analysis on 76 patients study on this technique was concluded in Italy recently, demonstrated more organ dysfunction and more severe
but the results have not yet been published.
organ dysfunction in patients randomised to CVVH compared with the standard of care [76]. Conclusions Especially in ICU patients who have severe AKI, High-volume haemofi ltration
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Linuron 48% SC 3-(3,4-diclorofenil)-1-metoxi-1-metil-urea Información General: Linurón es un herbicida selectivo de preemergencia y de postemergencia temprana. Puede aplicarse al suelo previo a la emergencia de las malezas, para controlar plántulas de especies susceptibles durante un período de tiempo prolongado. El grado de control y duración del efecto podrán variar con la ca