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Unusual cases of hepatitis b virus transmission
One reason some parents don’t vaccinate their children against the hepatitis B virus (HBV) is their belief that their child has no risk of ever coming in contact with the virus. “My child will never be sexually promiscuous or addicted to drugs! Why does he or she need to be protected against hepatitis B?” Of course, it is impossible to predict which children will grow up and engage in risky behavior. But let’s assume for a moment that this hypothetical parent is right . . . does this mean that his or her child has no possibility of ever coming in contact with HBV?The truth is that transmission of HBV can sometimes occur in unusual ways. Approximately 30% of people newly infected with HBV do not know how they contracted the virus. The following reports of some uncommon methods of HBV transmission illustrate how every unvaccinated person is at some (albeit limited) risk of HBV infection.
1. Between April 1984 and February 1985,
thymectomy. The thoracic surgery physician-
found 75 who developed HBV infection
24 cases of HBV infection occurred among
in-training who assisted in surgery had had
from 1991 to 1996. All of the cases had had
the patients of a dentist practicing in rural
acute HBV infection six months earlier
at least one EEG performed with reusable
Indiana. Two of these patients died of
subdermal electrodes. The outbreak was a
fulminant hepatitis. The dentist had never
positive. Though the hospital had used
result of a common source of infection (a
had hepatitis symptoms, but blood tests
appropriate infection control procedures,
technician who was HBeAg positive) and
indicated he was hepatitis B surface antigen
further investigation identified 19 other
10. In 1996, 9 residents of an Ohio nursing home
2. An investigation documented transmission 6. CDC reported a case involving a 4-year-old
from an HBV-infected elementary school
and 2 with chronic HBV infection; all were
student to a teacher who had no overt
infection; another child at the center who had
diabetic. HBV infection was associated with
percutaneous or permucosal exposure to
a history of biting and scratching was found
fingerstick capillary sampling, specifically
the student’s blood or infectious body
with the use of a lancet device with a re-used
fluids. The student did sneeze saliva and
end cap. That same year, acute hepatitis B
nasal secretions onto the teacher’s cracked, 7. In December 2001, the New York City
illness was diagnosed in 3 diabetic patients
chapped hands. The teacher gave birth to an
in a New York hospital. A review of serologic
infant 3 weeks prior to her diagnosis, and
informed of two elderly patients who had
records of previous patients identified another
her infant also tested HBsAg positive. The
11 possible cases of nosocomially [hospital]
teacher and student were found to have the
and who had visited the same physician.
acquired HBV infection. Transmission seems
to have occurred through contamination of a
found an additional 38 patients in the same
practice who had acute HBV infection.
3. In Rhode Island, 35 patients of an
Further study found that infection was 11. The University of Sydney used molecular
acupuncturist became infected with HBV,
strongly correlated with having received
fingerprinting to provide evidence that a
the primary source for the outbreak being a
an injection at this office, where doses of
child chronically infected with HBV who
patient in the practice. Investigators were not
atropine, dexamethasone, and vitamin B12
had an exudative skin lesion and a history
able to determine the precise mechanism of
were drawn from multiple-dose vials into
of biting had infected another child in the
transmission, but theorized it was possibly
due to inadequately sterilized needles or the transfer of infectious material from 8. Thirty patients who received autohaemo-
12. Outbreaks of HBV infection occurred in 5
the acupuncturist’s hands to sterilized
therapy (a procedure that involves drawing
chronic hemodialysis centers in California,
the patient’s blood, mixing it with saline,
Nebraska, and Texas from April through
and reinjecting the mixture) at an alternative
August 1994. Transmission of HBV from
4. In Japan, 5 of 10 members of a high
medicine clinic in the U.K. were infected
hemodialysis patients with chronic HBV
school sumo wrestling club developed
with HBV. Five had markers of chronic
infection to susceptible patients was believed
HBV infection in a one-year period. The
HBV infection. Contaminated saline in a
to have resulted from failure to identify
asymptomatic index case often bled from
repeatedly used bottle was the probable
and isolate HBV-infected patients during
injuries received while wrestling, presumably
dialysis; sharing of staff, equipment, and
transmitting HBV to his teammates through
supplies among patients; and failure to
9. In 1996, an outbreak of HBV infection
vaccinate susceptible patients against the
was detected among patients attending
5. In July 1992, a 47-year-old woman became ill
an electroencephalogram (EEG) clinic in
with acute HBV infection after undergoing a
Toronto. A follow-up of all available patients
Technical content reviewed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, May 2007. • Item #P2100 (5/07)
Immunization Action Coalition • 1573 Selby Ave. • St. Paul, MN 55104 • (651) 647-9009 • •
13. A study of 920 employees in a large 20. In August 2002, the Oklahoma State
epidemiologic techniques discovered that the
residential institution for the develop-
Department of Health investigated a pain
woman’s virus was identical to virus isolated
mentally disabled in Oregon found an overall
remediation clinic where they discovered a
from an HBsAg-positive woman who had
prevalence of 10% for anti-HBc, a marker
certified registered nurse anesthetist routinely
had teeth extracted at the same oral surgeon
of present or past HBV infection. Antigen
reused needles and syringes. They tested 793
earlier the same day. Despite intensive
positivity was significantly associated with
patients for hepatitis C virus (HCV), HBV,
investigation, no deficiencies in infection
a history of working directly with clients.13
and HIV infection. A total of 69 HCV and 31
HBV infections were identified that probably
14. From June 1989 through March 1990, 26
These examples are not presented to scare. Such
patients in a California hospital contracted
modes of transmission are relatively rare, and
acute HBV infection. A retrospective 21. Twenty-two cases of acute hepatitis B disease sexual activity is still the predominant source of
cohort study indicated that transmission of
were linked to a Florida dermatologist’s HBV infection among U.S. adults. However, these
the virus occurred percutaneously through
practice during 1985-1991. Since the reports demonstrate that one can acquire HBV
contamination of the stabilizing platform on
dermatologist was not HBsAg positive, the infection without engaging in so-called “risky”
outbreak is believed to have resulted from behavior. the dermatologist’s failure to apply either
15.A general surgeon in the Netherlands
An editorial about the report summarized in #26
universal precautions or sterile surgical
infected a number of patients with HBV over
stated: “There and in other instances investigators
four years of practice (transmission from
have been unable to explain how the virus traveled
the surgeon was confirmed in 8 patients,
from person A to person B—and that is troubling.
22. In a Mississippi nursing home in 2003, two
probable in 2, and possible in 18). Two
It is troubling because it suggests that there are
residents died of acute hepatitis B, prompting
patients were chronically infected, and one
aspects of transmission of bloodborne disease that
an investigation. Nine percent of all residents remain poorly understood.”25
case of secondary transmission to a spouse
tested HBsAg positive; among residents
who routinely received fingersticks for On the average, any baby born in the United States
who isn’t vaccinated against HBV has a 5 percent
16.Eleven cases of HBV infection were
glucose monitoring, 14 of 38 had acute HBV chance of acquiring HBV infection during his
detected among 65 members of the Okayama
infection. In this facility, the spring-loaded or her lifetime. By avoiding obvious means of
University’s football team during a period of
barrel of a fingerstick device was used for exposure, people can reduce the odds of becoming
19 months. All players with acute hepatitis B
infected. But in reality, as the U.S. Public Health
virus infection belonged to the same training 23. Because barbers may be exposed to Service so succinctly stated, “Anyone can get HBV
group as an HBeAg carrier on the team,
their customers’ blood, a study in Turkey infection.”26 Fortunately, the availability of hepatitis
with transmission presumably occurring
attempted to determine the prevalence B vaccine means no one has to get infected.
through contact with open wounds during
of HBV and HCV infection in barbers
compared to a comparison group. The Sources
17.In Israel, a butcher who was chronically
prevalence of antibodies against HBV was 1. Lethal outbreak of hepatitis B in a dental practice.
infected with HBV infected 3 of his co-
higher in the group of 176 barbers (39.8%)
workers, who in turn infected their spouses.
than in the control group (28.3%). Most of 2. Hepatitis B virus transmission in an elementary
The workers shared knives. If the index
the seropositive subjects had been exposed
school setting. JAMA Vol. 278(24):2167-9, 1997.
case cut or punctured himself, his HBV-
3. A large outbreak of acupuncture-associated hepatitis
contaminated blood could have tainted a
24. After a nursing home resident in North
knife that other butchers later used, making
4. An outbreak of hepatitis B in members of a high
Carolina developed acute hepatitis B,
it possible for the infection to be transmitted
school sumo wrestling club. JAMA 248(2):213-4,
the other residents were tested for HBV
from the knife to them through a break in
infection. Of the 45 residents who received
5. Transmission of hepatitis B virus to multiple patients
fingersticks for glucose monitoring, 18% had
from a surgeon without evidence of inadequate
18. Hepatitis B virus infection was transmitted
acute HBV infection. Only single-use lancets
infection control. N Engl J Med 334(9):549-54,
by a cardiothoracic surgeon to 2 patients
were used and insulin vials were not shared
during coronary artery bypass surgery.
among patients. However, patients shared 6. Hepatitis B virus transmission between children in
Both patients presented with serious clinical
one glucometer which was not routinely
day care. Pediatr Infect Dis J 8(12):870-5, 1989.
illness 12 weeks after surgery. The surgeon
cleaned between patients. Other equipment 7. Transmission of hepatitis B and C viruses in
may have been contaminated with blood
outpatient settings–New York, Oklahoma, and
as well, allowing HBV to be indirectly
Nebraska, 2000-2002. MMWR 52(38):901-6,
19.In 1986, 4 cases of HBV infection were
linked to an oral surgeon practicing in New
8. Molecular epidemiology of a large outbreak of
Hampshire. One of the patients developed 25. Six persons in Italy developed acute HBV
hepatitis B linked to autohaemotherapy. Lancet
infection from their adopted children, all of
9. An outbreak of hepatitis B associated with reusable
reported 8 other outbreaks of HBV infection
subdermal electroencephalogram electrodes. CMAJ 162(8)1127-31, 2000.
traceable to general dentists or oral surgeons 26. A 60-year-old woman who was not sexually from 1974 to 1986, with the number of
active, did not use IV drugs, and had
clinically infected patients in each outbreak
no contact with HBV-infected persons
developed acute hepatitis B. Molecular
10. Nosocomial hepatitis B virus infection associated
procedures during 4 Years. Infect Control Hosp
care facilities—Mississippi, North Carolina, and Los
with reusable fingerstick blood sampling devices–
Angeles County, California, 2003-2004. 54(9):220-
Ohio and New York City, 1996. MMWR 46(10):217-
16. Horizontal transmission of hepatitis B virus among
players of an American football team. Arch Intern
22. Prevalence of hepatitis B and C virus infection in
11. Horizontal transmission of hepatitis B in a children’s
barbers in the Sivas region of Turkey. Occup Med
day-care centre: a preventable event. Aust N Z J
17. Hepatitis B–an occupational risk for butchers? Ann
23. Hepatitis B “by proxy”: an emerging presentation
12. Outbreaks of hepatitis B virus infection among
18. Acute hepatitis B in two patients transmitted from an
of chronic hepatitis B in children. J Pediatr
hemodialysis patients–California, Nebraska, and
e antigen negative cardiothoracic surgeon, Commun
Gastroenterol Nutr 44(2):268-9, 2007.
Texas, 1994. MMWR Vol. 45(14):285-9, 1996.
24. Patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis B
13. Hepatitis B and workers in institutions for the
19. Epidemiologic notes and reports: outbreak of
virus associated with oral surgery. J Infect Dis
mentally retarded: risk of infection for staff in patient
hepatitis B associated with an oral surgeon–New
care. Am J Prev Med 5(3):170-4, 1989.
25. Transmission of hepatitis B in the health care setting:
14. Nosocomial transmission of hepatitis B virus
20. Patient-to-patient transmission of hepatitis B in
the elephant in the room… or the mouse? Jour Infect
associated with the use of a spring-loaded finger-stick
a dermatology practice. Am J Public Health
device. N Engl J Med 326(11):721-5, 1992.
26. Important information about hepatitis B, hepatitis B
15. Transmission of hepatitis B virus from a surgeon to
21. Transmission of hepatitis B virus among persons
vaccine, and hepatitis B immune globulin. U.S. Dept.
his patients during high-risk and low-risk surgical
undergoing blood glucose monitoring in long-term
of Health and Human Services, May 1992.
Herausforderung ADHS (Aufmerksamkeits-Defizits-Hyperaktivitäts-Störung) Erkennen – Handeln – Helfen in Kindergarten und Volkschule Vortrag von Mag. Wolfgang Binder am 29.4.2008 im Pfarrsaal Fernitz Inhaltsübersicht •Definition ADHS/ADS •Symptome/Ursachen/Diagnose •Verdacht ADHS/ADS in Kindergarten/Schule was tun? •Medikation •Zahlen und Wissenswertes •Stär