
Block grant EMVO TUR, 1st Call for Proposals
Application evaluation results, April 2008
Requested sum
Approved sum
Name of applicant
Name of sub-project
Protection of the Environment
Don't Separate Yourselves! Separate Waste with The aim of the sub-project is to make a contribution to optimization of the waste management system of the city of Liptovsky Mikulas city and the municipalities involved in the separated waste collection system, as well as increasing the measure of communal waste separation. The sub-project also includes introduction of separated waste collection at 10 schools at minimum and using of modern trends for education of young people. Alternative Solutions for Watershed Protection and The aim of the sub-project is improvement of the middle part of the Hornad watershed. SOSNA aims to establish and run the regional Centre for Watershed Protection and Revitalisation, realise practical revitalisation works as well increase public awareness and inter-sector co-operation of the target groups in the region. Slovak Ornithological Society / BirdLife Protection of Biodiversity in NATURA 2000 Areas Together with implementation of EU Directives, the aim of the sub-project is ensuring a suitable situation for protection of selected species in chosen protected bird areas using legal tools as well as possibilties of financing from the Rural Development Programme of the Slovak Republic 2007 – 2013. Sub-project activities include awareness-raising of the target groups.
Management of Forests Valuable from Nature The aim of the sub-project is to create conditions for protection of biodiversity through appropriate management of forests valuable from nature protection of view. A-project thus plans to make a contribution to conservation of biodiversity and protection of the most valuable forest biotopes and also to promote appropriate management of forests involved in the NATURA 2000 network. Sustainable Energy
The aim of the sub-project is to decrease greenhouse gases emissions in Slovakia through awareness raising, promotion of effective mechanisms for decreasing emissions and co-ordination of activities of the climate coalition of Slovak NGOs. Food Safety
The aim of the sub-project is elimination of barriers to procurement of bio-food by school eateries and promotion of ecological agriculture as a theme to school curriculum for elementary and high schools. Environmental Education
The aim of the sub-project is creation of inspirational, practical and functional model of holistic environmental education, which is based on spiritual development, social justice, sustainable economy and environmental responsibility. Practical Eco-Education for Nursery Schools – The aim of the sub-project is promotion of environmental aspect of education at nursery schools and its linking with practical, pro-social, logical and aesthetic aspects of education. The sub-project involves also creation of an educational interactive tool – the Model of a Healthy Country – that would be prepared with involvement of nursery school children. Total
8 supported sub-grants
498 398 Sk
Name of applicant
Name of sub-project
sum (EUR)
Protection of the Environment
Decreasing of Waste Pollution in Slovakia Decreasing of Biodiversity Loss and Protection of Natural Biotopes in Area of Slovak Carpathians Through Using of Evolutional Processes and Preparation of an Expert Proposal for Additions to NATURA 2000 Network in the Pannonian Bio-geographical Region Conservation of the Danube Inland Delta as a Center of Biodiversity of Raptors and Owls in the Network of Protected Bird Areas of Slovakia Promotion od Development of Alternative Transport in Banska Bystrica Association of Towns and Municipalities of ZMOS Competence Centre – Regional Capacities and Knowledge Basis Building for Innovation and Sustainability of the Water Policy of Slovakia Promotion of Bicycle Transport and Greenways Development Conservation and Sustainable Management of the Vlkolinec Area and FoundationMikroregion Resources of the White Sustainable Energy
Platform for Renewable Sources of Energy and Energy Efficiency BRKO – a Source of Clean Energy, Practical Sollutions in Slovakia The Kingfisher Center – "An Energy Saving Bulb" Food Safety
Promotion of Agricultural System AGROKRUH Environmental Education
VOKA – Rural Organisation for Community Education for Management of Rural Sustainable Development ActivitiesAgency for Support of Regional Establishment of Environmental Centres at High Schools of the Kosice Supprorted from the EEA Financial Mechanism, the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic.

Source: http://www.ekopolis.sk/stranka_data/subory/emvo-tur/1vyzva/emvo-tur-vysledky-1vyzva-en.pdf


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