Microsoft word - newsletter issue 29.doc


4th May 2012
Issue Number 29

Dear Family
I am please to announce the appointment of Miss Rowena Lumbar our new Deputy Headteacher and
Ms Kenwright our new Music Instructor. Both Miss Lumbar and Ms Kenwright will take up their new
appointments at the beginning of the Autumn term. Miss Lumbar will work in partnership with the
Senior Leadership Team make Woodlands Junior School a school of excellence. Ms Kenwright will
take responsibility for the teaching of Music throughout the school. She will also develop our own mini
orchestra and school choir. I know you will join me welcoming both Miss Lumbar and Ms Kenwright to
our school team. May I take this opportunity to wish you an enjoyable Bank Holiday weekend.

Diary Dates
Monday 14th May – SAT Week
Monday 14th May – Assessment Week
Friday 1st June – Queen’s Jubilee
Some parents are raising concerns about change of some teaching staff. It is of upmost importance
that parents discipline their children so that they come to school ready to learn. It is not school’s
responsibility to discipline your child. It is the school’s responsibility of care to work in partnership with
parents to build upon good behaviour strategies you have instilled in your child. In order to secure
outstanding teachers children in Woodlands Junior School need to be disciplined by their parents and
show respect for themselves and all adults that serve them and understand the importance of learning
from home. Until all children at Woodlands Junior School have that encouragement from their parents
quality teachers will choose to leave and go to another school where they can practice the skill of
teaching and learning rather than spend their time controlling undisciplined children.
School Property
Since September all classrooms have been refurnished and by the end of this academic year all
classrooms will be decorated, including new blinds and flooring. Please note that parents of any
children who cause damage to school property will be charged to replace these damaged items,
including furnishing as well as educational resources. I thank you in advance for your full cooperation
in this matter.
School Dinners
Commencing from Tuesday 8th May, 2012 to Friday 1st June, 2012 your child may change
arrangements for dinners on a weekly basis. This means on Fridays you must put in writing if you
wish your child to have packed lunch or school dinner for the following week. You must include in this
letter £9.95 for five days at £1.99 per day. Please note if you do not give the money in advance your
child will not be allowed school dinner and you will be notified of this by close of business on Friday
afternoon. If you do not wish to change arrangements then there is no need to send a letter and you
can pay dinner money on Monday.
Activity Area
Please note children are only allowed in the activity area during the school day where they are
supervised by a member of staff. On no account should any child be on the apparatus before or after

It has come to our attention that some parents are using the staff car park. On no account are
parents permitted to use the staff car park as this is a safety hazard. Should an incident occur where
a child needs medical attention your vehicle could prevent the emergency services from entering the
car park.

Year 5 Parents
Bancroft School in Woodford Green is holding an Open Morning for 11+ entry in September 2013 on
Saturday 23rd June 2012; it will start with a talk from the Head at 10am and will finish at 12 noon. If
you need any further information please email Bancroft School directly on [email protected].

Thank you to all those families who have worked in partnership with us to ensure that children are
wearing the correct uniform. As you are aware the children are able to opt to wear summer
uniform in the summer months (After Easter onwards). Please read below to clarify what the
school summer uniform should be to ensure that your child is dressed in correct uniform during the
Boys: Summer
Girls: Summer
Blue Check Design Summer Dress with or without White Leggings Black Shoes – NO HEELS.
Black Shoes (NO BOOTS or TRAINERS)
Hair Accessories – Black, White or Royal Blue
Please note that children must be provided with a school book bag to carry their homework and
reading books. PE clothing should be put in a uniform P.E. bag (drawstring) which can be purchased
from Rupens. As you can appreciate we are unable to accommodate large bags and currently some
of the bags children are bringing to school are presenting us with huge health and safety issues. For
this reason children are not allowed to bring any other bags to school apart from their school
book bag and school PE bag.
Diary Dates
Monday 14th May – SAT Week
Monday 14th May – Assessment Week
Friday 1st June – Queen’s Jubilee

Class Assembly 3.10pm

Date Class

Stars of the Week
In school each class celebrates children’s achievements on a weekly basis. The effort that children
make in all aspects of school life is applauded and the children themselves, along with their peers are
really pleased to see hard work and perseverance recognised.

Stars of the Week

3B Joseph
3C Emanuel
3R Yasmin
3J Jasleen
4G Giovanni
4S Subhan
5B Yasmin
5SM Sahina
6J Amrita
6S Fatima


The classes with the best attendance last week was Well done!
The classes with no lates. Well done!
Best Wishes
Yasmin Chaudhry
Associate Headteacher


Questionnaires / Assessment Tools 341 Yeast Questionnaire — Adult Section c — other Symptoms Enter the appropriate score for each symptom below. If a symptom is occasional or mild If a symptom is frequent or moderately severe In Section A circle the score for each YES answer. For Sections If a symptom is severe or disabling B and C score as indicated.

Favorable effect of very early diseasemodifying antirheumatic drug treatment on radiographic progression in early inflammatory arthritis: data from the tude et suivi des polyarthrites indiffrencies rcentes (study and followup of early undifferentiated polyarthritis)

Vol. 63, No. 7, July 2011, pp 1804–1811© 2011, American College of RheumatologyDisease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drug Treatment onRadiographic Progression in Early Inflammatory ArthritisEtude et Suivi des Polyarthrites Indiff´(Study and Followup of Early Undifferentiated Polyarthritis)C. Lukas,1 B. Combe,1 P. Ravaud,2 J. Sibilia,3 R. Landew´ Objective. While there is consensus that t

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