Efficacy study of styplon vet bolus as supportive therapy in management of hemorrhagic conditions of ruminants
Efficacy study of Styplon Vet Bolus as supportive therapy in management of hemorrhagic conditions of ruminants
Ravikumar B. R1,Mohan D2 and Bhagwat V.G.*3
1- Veterinary Officer, Veterinary Hospital, Mahalakshmipuram, Bagalore.,
2- Veterinary Officer, Veterinary Hospital, Doddagattigenabbe, Hoskote Taluk, Bagalore rural
3- Research Scientist, The Himalaya Drug Company, Makali, Bangalore
On-field trial was conducted in dairy animals to evaluate efficacy of Styplon Vet Bolus (M/s Himalaya Drug Company, Banglore, India) as supportive therapy in management of hemorrhagic conditions (Hematuria, hemoagalectia, bleeding wounds, uterine bleeding and epistaxis) of ruminants. Styplon Vet 1-2 boli twice daily was administered to cows and buffaloes, and ½ bolus twice daily for sheep till they recover clinically. The results indicated that Styplon Vet Bolus is a safe and effective styptic in ruminants. Key words: Ruminants, hemorrhagic condition, Styptic. Introduction
were enrolled in the present field trial in and around
Hemorrhage is defined as loss of blood either
the veterinary hospitals of Bangalore district.
within the body (internal) or on the body surface
Table-1. No of ruminant cases enrolled for
(external). Excessive bleeding is a very dangerous
various hemorrhagic conditions
situation that needs attention quickly in animals. The
Conditions Cows Buffaloes
blood flow must be suppressed as soon as possible,
as there is a danger of the animal going into shock.
The causes of bleeding include traumatic injuries (e.g. epistaxis), surgical wounds (cesarian section,
cystotomy), presence of calculi in the urethra or urinary
bladder, infections causing enteritis, cystitis, urethritis,
mastitis, hemoagalectia, hematuria, blood in stools,
Standard managemental practice was followed
etc. Keeping these in view, the present trial was
throughout the trial period. History, clinical signs,
undertaken to assess the efficacy of Styplon Vet Bolus
general health, etc. were recorded for all the animals.
as supportive therapy in management of hemorrhagic
Hemorrhagic condition was diagnosed based on the
conditions like bleeding wounds, hematuria (blood in
history and clinical examinations. Styplon Vet Bolus
urine), hemoagalectia (blood in milk), epistaxis (nasal
(M/s Himalaya Drug Company, Banglore, India) was
bleeding), and uterine bleeding. The Styplon Vet Bolus
administered as supportive (rapid acting styptic/
of The Himalaya Drug Company, Bangalore mainly
coagulating agent) to antibacterial therapy 1-2 boli
contains extracts of Amalaki (Emblica officinalis),
twice daily for cows and buffaloes, and ½ bolus twice
Mocharasa (Bombax ceiba), Vasaka (Adhatoda
daily for sheep till they recover clinically. Time taken
vasica), Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Kamala
(in days) for arresting bleeding was recorded. Efficacy
(Nelumbo nucifera), Durva (Cynodon dactylon),
of the therapy was judged based on the clinical
Lajjalu (Mimosa pudica), and powders of Mouktika
recovery and disappearance of clinical symptoms.
sukti, Sourashtri bhasma and Trinakantamani pishti. Materials and methods
Styplon Vet Bolus was used as supportive (rapid
A total of 40 ruminants (30 cows of Jersey,
acting styptic/coagulating agent) to antibacterial
Holstein and non-descriptive breeds, 8 buffales of
therapy in hemorrhagic conditions of ruminants .
Surthi and Murrah breed, and 2 sheep of Bannur breed)
Hematuria cases: Blood in urine ceased in 31.57%
terinary World Vol.2, No.12, December 2009
Efficacy study of Styplon Vet Bolus as supportive therapy in management of hemorrhagic conditions of ruminants
cases in 2 days, in 47.34 % cases in 3 days and in
irritated or inflamed internal tissues. Nelumbo nucifera
21.04 % cases in 4 days respectively on the
administration of Styplon Vet Bolus as supportive
4. Enhancing effectiveness of antibiotics:
It was observed that pearl preparations do not
Hemagalectia cases: Blood in milk had stopped in
show any antibacterial activity but when used at a
50% of cases on each days 2 and 3 of Styplon Vet
concentration of 200 g/ml with antibiotics, then even
Bolus administration along with antibacterials.
at a sub-lethal dose, the antibiotic had effectively
Bleeding wound cases: Both external and internal
shown the results with reduced contact time (11).
wounds were treated with Styplon Vet Bolus. In 75 %
of the cases, bleeding from the wound had stopped in
Encouragement provided by The Himalaya Drug
2 days, whereas remaining 25% cases it ceased in 3
Company, Bangalore, for supplying the trial material
days from the administration of Styplon Vet Bolus.
Styplon Vet Bolus for this trial is thankfully
Uterine bleeding cases: On days 2, 3, and 5 of
Styplon Vet Bolus administration, 20 % each of uterinebleeding cases had recovered while in the remaining
40% cases, bleeding was arrested in 4 days.
Chopra, R.N., Nayar, S.L., Chopra, I.C. (1996):
Epistaxis cases: Styplon Vet Bolus arrested bleeding Emblica officinalis. Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants
in 3 days in 75% cases and 25% cases in 4 days.
of India. National Institute of Science Communication,
No adverse effects were observed throughout
Alam, M.I., Gomes, A. (1998): Adjuvant effects and
antiserum action potentiation by a (herbal) compound
2-hydroxy-4-methoxy benzoic acid isolated from the
On-field trial was conducted in a dairy farm for
root extract of the Indian medicinal plant 'sarsaparilla'(Hemidesmus indicus R. Br.). Toxicon. 36(10):
assessing the role of Styplon Vet Bolus as supportive
to antibacterial therapy in hemorrhagic conditions of
Alam, M.I., Auddy, B., Gomes, A. (1994): Isolation,
ruminants. Excessive bleeding in ruminants needs
purification and partial characterization of viper venom
quick attention. The coagulation cascade consists of
inhibiting factor from the root extract of the Indian
a complex network of interactions resulting in
medicinal plant sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus indicus R.
thrombin-mediated cleavage of fibrinogen to fibrin,
Br.). Toxicon. 32(12): 1551-1557
which is one of the major components of thrombus.
Yoganarasimhan, S.N. (2000): Cynodon dactylon.
The coagulation cascade can be initiated either by
Medicinal Plants of India-Tamil Nadu, Bangalore. Vol.
the “exogenous pathway” or by the “endogenous
Yoganarasimhan, S.N. (2000): Mimosa pudica.
pathway” so called contact activation. Finally, both the
Medicinal Plants of India-Tamil Nadu, Bangalore. Vol.
pathways lead to the activation of thrombin, which in
turn cleaves fibrinogen to fibrin. The styptic/hemostatic
Yoganarasimhan, S.N. (2000): Hemidesmus indicus.
activity of Styplon Vet Bolus would be due to the synergistic
Medicinal Plants of India-Tamil Nadu, Bangalore. Vol.
action of various ingredients in the formulation. 1. Hemostatic action: Emblica officinalis(1),
Yoganarasimhan, S.N. (2000): Adhatoda vasica.Hemidesmus indicus (2&3), Cynodon dactylon (4) and
Medicinal Plants of India-Tamil Nadu, Bangalore. Vol. 2, p. 22. Mimosa pudica (5) have hemostatic actions, which
Mishra Sidhinandan. (1996): Trinakantamani pishti.
control local tissue hemorrhage effectively. H. indicus
Ayurvediya Rasashastra. Chaukhamba Orientalia,
(6) is a vasocons-trictor that checks capillary blood
flows. Adhatoda vasica (7) is a styptic used in bleeding
Mishra Sidhinandan. (1997): Sourashtri bhasma.
disorders. Trinakantamani pishti (8) is useful in
Ayurvediya Rasashastra. Chaukhamba Orientalia,
hemorrhages, hemoptysis, hematuria, hemorrhoids,
menorrhagia, and other bleeding disorders. Sourashtri
Young-Jae You, Nguyen-Hai Nam, Yong Kim, Ki-Hwan
bhasma (9) has hemostatic activity that helps control
Bae and Byung-Zun Ahn.(2003): Antiangiogenicactivity of Lupeol from Bombax ceiba. Phytotherapy2. Wound-healing activity: Bombax ceiba (9) helps in
Kulkarni M, Deopujari JY, Purohit HJ. (2002):
Synergistic effect of ayurvedic pearl preparation on
3. Demulcent activity: Demulcent herbs have high
enhancing effectiveness of antibiotics. Ind. J. Exp.
content of mucilage, and help soothe and protect the
terinary World Vol.2, No.12, December 2009
Recept 1 - Leegte Qi Ren Shen – radix ginseng: 8 gram, drie keer per dag opschenken Leegte Qi/Xue Long Yan Cha – longanthee (drakenoogjes),stoom dit fruit eerst (5 tot 10 stukjes) en schenk er dan heet water over, drink al een het water Hong Zao Yang Xue Cha – rode dadel bloedvoedende thee, 10 rode dadels met 10 gram suiker in water koken, maak groene thee, laat 5 min. t