University Lecturer, head of the IT section Institute of Anatomy, University of Berne, Switzerland Coordinator of the Microscopy Imaging Center University of Berne, Switzerland
High school in Biel; degree in mathematics and science 1982
MD thesis, dissertation at the Children's Hospital, University of Bern
Scientific project at Department of Physiology, University of Western Australia, Perth (development in the marsupial lung)
Academic studies in software engineering at the Swiss Software School, Bern, diploma in 2002
Periodical teacher trainings, University of Bern Periodical trainings in image analysis and stereology (University of Bern, ETH Zürich and others) Periodical trainings on system administration for PC and UNIX systems, University of Bern
Clinical assistant, department of neurosurgery, Kantonsspital St. Gallen
Research assistant, Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern
Research associate (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern
Head of the IT section, Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern
Coordinator of the interfaculty Microscopy Imaging Center (MIC), University of Bern
Research Lung development and the influence of postnatal glucocorticoids, starvation and other
Species comparison in lung development Methodology of microscopic quantification (Stereology) Image analysis, 3D imaging Teaching Musculoskeletal system: Lectures for medical students and shared responsibility for the
Histology: Lectures and practical courses for medical and veterinary students Gross anatomy: courses for medical students General anatomy: Lectures for pharmacy and biomedical engineering students Tutor in the problem based learning (PBL) curriculum of the Bernese Medical Faculty Stereology & Microscopy: Lectures in the "Cutting edge microscopy" series of the MIC Supervision experience Supervisor of several MD theses Supervisor of medical master theses Supervisor of master theses of biomedical engineers Supervisor of two elective practical courses (Wahlpraktikum) of the medical curriculum. Organizer (including teaching) of an internationally attended annual workshop on
Services and other support Coordinator of the interfaculty Microscopy Imaging Center including administration,
scientific management, teaching coordination and public relations.
Coordinator of the IT-section of the institute of Anatomy including security and database
Scientific support for stereological projects (interdisciplinary) Support contact for EM and LM imaging with respect to digital capturing, image analysis
Member of the IT commission of the medical faculty Competence center for ultrastructural diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia Academic Quality manager, institute of Anatomy
FUNDING NF 31-55-895.98, Concepts of late alveolization and of capillary restructuring
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Swiss Society of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology (SGAHE) Swiss Society of Optics and Electron Microscopy (SSOM) International Society for Stereology (ISS) Swiss Society for Medical Informatics (SSMI) Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Software-Technologie (GST) LANGUAGES
• English, spoken and written • French spoken and written • Italian,
Original Articles Lélu K, Laffont S, Delpy L, Paulet PE, Périnat T, Tschanz SA, Pelletier L, Engelhardt B, Guéry
JC. Estrogen Receptor α Signaling in T Lymphocytes Is Required for Estradiol-Mediated Inhibition of Th1 and Th17 Cell Differentiation and Protection against Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. J Immunol. 2011,187(5):2386-93
Tschanz SA, Burri PH, Weibel ER. A simple tool for stereological assessment of digital
images: the STEPanizer. J Microscopy. 2011, 243(1):47-59
Baum O, Suter F, Gerber B, Tschanz SA, Buergy R, Blank F, Hlushchuk R, Djonov V. VEGF-A
promotes intussusceptive angiogenesis in the developing chicken chorio-allantoic membrane. Microcirculation. 2010, 17(6):447-57.
Makanya AN, Tschanz SA, Haenni B, Burri PH. Functional respiratory morphology in the
newborn quokka wallaby (Setonix brachyurus). J Anat. 2007 Jul;211(1):26-36
Frey G, Egli E, Chailley-Heu B, Lelievre-Pegorier M, Burri PH, Bourbon J, Tschanz SA. Effects
of mild vitamin a deficiency on lung maturation in newborn rats: a morphometric and morphologic study. Biol Neonate. 2004;86(4):259-68
Ehrbar M, Djonov VG, Schnell C, Tschanz SA, Martiny-Baron G, Schenk U, Wood J, Burri PH,
Hubbell JA, Zisch AH. Cell-Demanded Liberation of VEGF121 From Fibrin Implants Induces Local and Controlled Blood Vessel Growth. Circ Res 2004;94: 1124-1132
Burri PH, Haenni B, Tschanz SA, Makanya AN. Morphometry and allometry of the postnatal
marsupial lung development: an ultrastructural study. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2003;138(2-3):309-24
Schwyter M, Burri PH, Tschanz SA. Geometric Properties of the Lung Parenchyma after
Postnatal Glucocorticoid Treatment in Rats. Biol Neonate. 2003;83(1):57-64
Tschanz SA, Makanya AN, Haenni B, Burri PH. Effects of Neonatal High-Dose Short-Term
Glucocorticoid Treatment on the Lung: A Morphologic and Morphometric Study in the Rat. Pediatr Res 2003;53(1):72-80
Tschanz SA, Burri PH. A new approach to detect structural differences in lung parenchyma
using digital image analysis. Exp Lung Res 2002;28(6):457-71
Meier FM, Tschanz SA, Ganzfried R, Epstein D. A comparative assessment of endothelium
from pseudophakic and phakic donor corneas stored in organ culture. Brit J Ophthalmol 2002;86(4):400-3
Tschanz SA, Haenni B, Burri PH. Glucocorticoid induced impairment of lung structure
assessed by digital image analysis. Eur J Pediatr 2002;161(1):26-30
Ellis T, Gambardella L, Horcher M, Tschanz S, Capol J, Bertram P, Jochum W, Barrandon Y,
Busslinger M. The transcriptional repressor CDP (Cutl1) is essential for epithelial cell differentiation of the lung and the hair follicle. Genes Dev 2001;15(17):2307-19
Djonov V, Schmid M, Tschanz SA, Burri PH. Intussusceptive angiogenesis: its role in
embryonic vascular network formation. Circ Res 2000;86(3):286-92
Duebener LF, Takahashi Y, Wada H, Tschanz SA, Burri PH, Schafers HJ. Do mature
pulmonary lobes grow after transplantation into an immature recipient? Ann Thorac Surg 1999;68(4):1165-70.
Makanya AN, Maina JN, Mayhew TM, Tschanz SA, Burri PH. A stereological comparison of
villous and microvillous surfaces in small intestines of frugivorous and entomophagous bats: species, inter-individual and craniocaudal differences. J Exp Biol 1997;200 ( Pt 18):2415-23.
Kalenga M, Tschanz SA, Burri PH. Protein deficiency and the growing rat lung. II.
Morphometric analysis and morphology. Pediatr Res 1995;37(6):789-95.
Kalenga M, Tschanz SA, Burri PH. Protein deficiency and the growing rat lung. I. Nutritional
findings and related lung volumes. Pediatr Res 1995;37(6):783-8
Tschanz SA, Damke BM, Burri PH. Influence of postnatally administered glucocorticoids on
rat lung growth. Biol Neonate 1995;68(4):229-45
Books / Reviews Tschanz SA, Burri PH. Morphologie der Lunge und Entwicklung des Gasaustauschapparates,
in Pädiatrie. 3. Auflage, Lentze et al. (ed.). Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2007
Tschanz SA, Burri PH. Prä- und postnatale Entwicklung und Wachstum der Lunge, in
Pädiatrische Pneumologie. 2. Auflage, Rieger,C. et al. (ed.), pp. 3-15. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004
Tschanz SA. Strukturelle Aspekte der prä- und postnatalen Lungenentwicklung.
Pneumologie. 2007 Jul;61(7):479-81 (Review)
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