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Translating the SLIM diabetes preventionintervention into SLIMMER: implications for theDutch primary health care
Geerke Duijzera,*, Sophia C Jansenb, Annemien Haveman-Niesa,b,Rykel van Bruggenc, Josien ter Beekb, Gerrit J Hiddinkdand Edith J M Feskensa
aDivision of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University; Academic Collaborative Centre AGORA, Wageningen, bGGD Gelre-IJssel (Community Health Service), Academic Collaborative Centre AGORA, Apeldoorn, cHuisartsenzorg Regio Apeldoorn,Apeldoorn, dDepartment of Social Sciences, Sub Department of Communication Sciences, Communication Strategies, Wagenin-gen University, Wageningen and eDivision of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands. *Correspondence to Geerke Duijzer, Wageningen University, Division of Human Nutrition, PO Box 8129, 6700 EV, Wageningen,
The Netherlands; E-mail: [email protected] 28 April 2011; Revised 29 September 2011; Accepted 1 October 2011.
All over the world, prevalence and incidence rates of type 2 diabetes mellitus are rising rapidly. Several trials have demonstrated that prevention by lifestyle intervention is (cost-) effective. This
calls for translation of these trials to primary health care. This article gives an overview of thetranslation of the SLIM diabetes prevention intervention to a Dutch real-life setting and discussesthe role of primary health care in implementing lifestyle intervention programmes. Currently,a 1-year pilot study, consisting of a dietary and physical activity part, performed by three GPs,three practice nurses, three dieticians and four physiotherapists is being conducted. The processof translating the SLIM lifestyle intervention to regular primary health care is measured bymeans of the process indicators: reach, acceptability, implementation integrity, applicabilityand key factors for success and failure of the intervention. Data will be derived from programmerecords, observations, focus groups and interviews. Based on these results, our programme will
be adjusted to fit the role conception of the professionals and the organization structure in whichthey work.
Keywords. Implementation, lifestyle intervention, prevention, primary health care, type 2 dia-betes mellitus.
groups with pre-diabSeveral international trialshave demonstrated a 29–67% reduction in the inci-
All over the world, prevalence and incidence rates of
dence of T2DM for adults with IGT who participated
type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are rising rapidly.
in lifestyle interventions targeting dietary behaviour
This trend is also seen in the Netherlands. It is ex-
and activity pattern.–The potential for cost savings
pected that the number of people with diagnosed dia-
due to such interventions is also considerable. Rou-
betes will double to 1.3 million in 2025, accounting for
men et al.concluded in their review that, in general,
8% of the total population.This rising problem con-
the implementation of lifestyle intervention as a ther-
tributes to a large disease and economic burden. In
apy to prevent and postpone T2DM and its complica-
2005, the costs for diabetes care amounted to a total
tions looks promising, and cost-effectiveness seems
of 813.8 million Euros, accounting for 1.2% of the to-
tal health care costs in the Netherlands.In addition,
The Dutch SLIM study (Study on Lifestyle inter-
30% of the Dutch population aged >60 years suffers
vention and Impaired glucose tolerance Maastricht)
from pre-diabetes [impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)
was designed to investigate whether a combined diet
and/or impaired fasting glucose] and approximately
and physical activity intervention programme could
one-third to two-thirds of them are expected to
improve glucose tolerance in subjects with a high risk
for developing T2DM. In total, 147 subjects with IGT
Theoretically, over 50% of the expected increase in
were randomly allocated to either the intervention or
the number of diabetes patients can be avoided by
control group. The intervention programme, based on
prevention, especially when focussing on high-risk
the Diabetes Prevention Study (DPS), was developed
Family Practice—The International Journal for Research in Primary Care
in 1999, using a combination of theories, such as
self-management, followed by a post-core adherence/
Stages of Change modeland the Theory of Planned
maintenance phase. The DPP showed a 58% risk re-
and tools such as motivational interview-
duction at 2.8 years mean follow-uFurthermore,
and goal setting. The intervention group received
the lifestyle intervention showed to be cost-effective
personal dietary advice by a skilled dietician, trained
from both a health system and a societal perspec-
in motivational interviewing and goal setting, based
on the Dutch guidelines for a healthy diet, during
Although diabetes prevention studies are available,
a 1-hour counselling session every 3 months. Addition-
they are not easily applicable in public health practice.
ally, subjects were advised to increase their level of
This is due to the fact that experimental trials are de-
physical activity to at least 30 minutes a day for at
signed to answer scientific questions on the relation
least 5 days a week. A body weight loss of 5–7% was
between lifestyle and diabetes. They are designed to
the objective. Moreover, subjects were encouraged to
secure a high internal validity, not to achieve a high
participate in a combined aerobic- and resistance exer-
external validity. They are therefore carried out under
cise programme at an intensity of at least 70% of
strictly controlled conditions that do not resemble ev-
their maximal peak oxygen consumption (VO2max).
eryday real-life. Thus, implementing these interven-
Control subjects were only briefly informed about the
tions in daily practice may require changes in, e.g.
beneficial effects of a healthy diet and physical activ-
subject screening and selection; intervention frequency
ity, whereas no individual advice was provide
and duration; intervention strategy and materials and
The SLIM study was effective in improving dietary
skills of professionals who deliver the intervention.
composition, increasing VO2max and reducing diabe-
These changes do have implications for the interven-
tes risk by 47% over a mean period of 4.1 years at
In this article, we give an overview of the translation
Internationally, more examples of diabetes preven-
of the SLIM diabetes prevention intervention to
tion interventions are available. The Finnish DPS was
a Dutch real-life setting, with special attention for the
the first large, well-controlled long-term lifestyle inter-
roles of GPs and other professionals in implementing
vention to prevent diabetes. A total of 522 middle-
lifestyle intervention programmes in primary health
aged, overweight subjects with IGT [based on two oral
care. We will discuss what is known from literature
glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs)] were randomly allo-
about translation of trials to primary health care, and
cated to either a control or intervention group. The
the role conception of professionals working in pri-
control group received only general advice about
mary health care; how the SLIM lifestyle intervention
healthy lifestyle at baseline. The intervention group
will be translated into the SLIMMER intervention
had seven individual sessions with a study nutritionist
in order to be applicable in a Dutch primary health
during the first year and a session every 3 months
care setting and what the role of primary health care
thereafter aimed at reducing weight by consuming
professionals is in implementing lifestyle interventions.
a healthy diet. Intervention subjects were also guidedindividually to increase their physical activity. Aftera mean follow-up time of 3.2 years, the risk of diabetes
Translating trials into primary health care
was reduced by 58% in the intervention group. Afteran extended follow-up time of in total 7 years, the rel-
Recently, all over the world, diabetes prevention trials
ative risk reduction was still 43%.Furthermore, the
are being implemented into daily practice. One exam-
lifestyle intervention was estimated to be cost saving
ple is the translation of the Finnish DPS to several
for the health care payer and highly cost-effective for
Finnish and Australian primary health care, commu-
nity and workplace settings. The Finnish ‘National
The US Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) com-
Program for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes’
pared the efficacy of an intensive lifestyle intervention
(FIN-D2D), based on the DPS, has been implemented
(intervention group) with standard lifestyle recommen-
in health care centres and occupational health care
dations (control group). A total of 3234 high-risk sub-
outpatient clinics.Altogether 2798 individuals at
jects with IGT and slightly elevated fasting plasma
high risk for diabetes were identified in the general
glucose (FPG) were recruited. Lifestyle intervention in
population by nurses with the Finnish diabetes risk
this study was primarily undertaken by case managers
score (FINDRISC; scoring >15 points). High-risk
called lifestyle coaches. The main goal of the DPP was
individuals underwent an oral glucose tolerance test;
to achieve and maintain a 7% weight reduction by con-
the nurse or GP referred eligible individuals to a life-
suming a healthy, low-calorie low-fat diet and to engage
style intervention that focussed on weight manage-
in physical activities of moderate intensity >150 mi-
ment and physical activity. Several intervention
nutes/week. The lifestyle intervention commenced with
alternatives were provided, like group intervention,
a 16-session core curriculum with basic information
individual intervention and self-initiated actions. The
about nutrition, physical activity and behavioural
lifestyle interventions were delivered mostly by public
Diabetes prevention in Dutch primary health care
health nurses in collaboration with local multi-profes-
updated to reflect current standards.The findings
sional teams. After 1 year of follow-up, the study
show improvements in dietary and physical behaviour
showed beneficial changes in cardiovascular disease
that are comparable to those achieved in the DPP.
risk factors and glucose tolerance in both sexes.
In short, international studies translated clinical dia-
Furthermore, the Finnish ‘Good Ageing in Lahti Re-
betes prevention trials to a specific context, taking the
gion’ (GOAL) study, also based on the DPS, was im-
health care system of the country concerned into ac-
count, as recommended by the IMAGE evidence-based
primary health care centre, patients with already-
guidelines on type 2 diabetes preventioHowever,
identified risk factors were referred to the study
although international and Dutch effective studies exist,
nurse. Risk status was screened with the FINDRISC
translation to Dutch practice is still lacking.
score; patients with a score >12 points were recruitedto the trial.The intervention consisted of sixsessions of task-oriented socio-behavioural group
counselling by public health nurses over a period of8 months. The study showed that a significant risk
In the Netherlands, a project has been started to
reduction at 12 months in weight, body mass index
implement the SLIM intervention in a real-life setting.
and serum total cholesterol was maintained at 36
This project is called SLIMMER (SLIM iMplementa-
months.A comparable lifestyle intervention, based
tion Experience Region gelre-ijssel) and consists of
on the Finnish GOAL study, was conducted in
three steps: (i) translation of the SLIM intervention to
Australian primary health care setting: the Greater
practice, together with professionals from prevention
Green Triangle (GGT) Diabetes Prevention Project.
and primary health care, (ii) implementation of the
Patients were opportunistically screened by study
modified intervention in a 1-year pilot study by three
nurses at local general practices with the FINDRISC
general practices, guided by process evaluation and
score (scoring >12 points). The intervention was
(iii) extension of the SLIMMER intervention in pri-
delivered by trained study nurses, dieticians and
mary health care, guided by effect evaluation and
physiotherapists and found reductions in risk factors
approaching those observed in clinical The
In this article, we focus on the second step. The first
DPS was also implemented in a Finnish airline com-
step will be described in detail in a separate article
pany. Finnair employees were invited for an annual
currently under construction. In short, a modified Del-
health examination, including physical examinations,
phi technique was used with the aim of reaching a con-
laboratory tests, questionnaires and counselling by
sensus between SLIM researchers and local health
an occupational health nurse or physician.The
care professionals on the adaptations needed to make
FINDRISC score, fasting blood glucose and/or glu-
the SLIM intervention applicable in a Dutch real-life
cose tolerance test were used to classify participants
setting. In three rounds, key elements of the SLIM in-
as having a low, increased or high risk of T2DM.
tervention were identified, rated for applicability and
Those with an increased or high risk were referred
to a diabetes nurse or a nutritionist for individualcounselling. Results of the effectiveness are not yet
Pilot implementation, guided by process evaluation
In the second step, we will test the adapted SLIM-
Also the US DPP lifestyle intervention has been
MER intervention for its actual applicability in
translated to a variety of settings, including YMCAs
a Dutch primary health care setting. For this, a 1-year
(Young Men’s Christian Associations), churches, pri-
pilot study is currently being conducted in three
mary care practice settings and health care settings.
general practices. A process evaluation is included, in
Prevention screening assessments included collection
order to assess reach, acceptability, implementation
of medical and family history, fasting lipid and glucose
integrity, applicability and key factors for success and
levels, blood pressure, height, weight and waist cir-
failure of the intervention. Elaborated information
cumference. The goals and key learning objectives of
and data will be given in a forthcoming article on the
the DPP curriculum have been maintained, but modi-
results of the pilot study. Therefore, here subjects and
fications to the DPP lifestyle intervention on imple-
mentation were made, including offering groupdelivery rather than individual delivery, reducing the
number of core-curriculum sessions from 16 to 12,
Participants for the pilot were recruited by three GPs in
concentrating on healthy-food choices rather than the
the municipality of Apeldoorn from their pa-
food pyramid specifically, emphasizing initially on fat
tient registration database in August and September
intake and calories instead of fat intake only and in-
2010. Apeldoorn has been selected as pilot municipality
troducing pedometer use during core sessions instead
because it can be considered as an average, middle-
of during maintenance phase. The manual was also
sized Dutch city (population 156 000), representative
Family Practice—The International Journal for Research in Primary Care
Details of the SLIMMER lifestyle intervention programme
Lifestyle intervention programme—1 year
Six times/year individual nutrition advice by dieticianBased on Dutch dietary guidelinesOne group session on label readingGoal: 5–10% weight reduction
Weekly group sessions by physiotherapistCombined aerobic- and resistance exercise programmeIndividual advice on physical activity in daily lifeGoal: increase physical activity to at least 30 minutes/day on at least5 days/week
per visit; in total 4 hours/year per participant) based
on the Dutch guidelines for a healthy diet 2006.Indi-vidual consults instead of group-based consults areused because this is in accordance with the Dutch reg-ular primary health care. The Dutch guidelines for
Map of the Netherlands with pilot municipality
a healthy diet refer to a carbohydrate intake of >50%of energy consumed (E%), a total fat intake of 30–35
for Dutch real-life setting in general. The three selected
E%, a saturated fat intake of <10 E%, a fibre intake
GPs were assumed to be representative for their profes-
of >30 g/day and a protein intake of 1.2 g/kg body
sional group in Apeldoorn and are considered as local
weight per day. Topics that are being discussed during
pioneers in the field of diabetes prevention. Each GP
visits are the Dutch guidelines for a healthy diet, artifi-
selected a sample of patients aged 40–65 years with im-
cial sweeteners and special occasions, e.g. a party. If
paired fasting glucose (fingerprick fasting capillary
desired, spouses can join the visits. In addition, the di-
blood glucose >5.6 and <6.0 mmol/l or fasting venous
etician organizes a group session aimed at sharing ex-
plasma glucose >6.1 and <6.9 mmol/l). Exclusion crite-
periences, motivating each other and discussing the
ria were: not being able to speak the Dutch language;
topic of label reading. Subjects are being encouraged
cognitive dysfunction or any co-morbidity that made
to quit smoking, and if necessary, drink less alcohol.
participation in a lifestyle intervention impossible.
A body weight loss of 5–10% is the objective. Further-
The GPs sent all eligible patients a letter and flyer
more, the dietician encourages subjects to increase
to inform them about the SLIMMER programme and
their physical activity level to at least 30 minutes
to invite them for an information meeting. Two weeks
a day for at least 5 days a week. The dietician uses mo-
after sending the invitation letter, practice nurses
tivational interviewing to assist individuals aiming to
called the patients to invite them again for the infor-
achieve a positive attitude towards changes in diet
mation meeting and to motivate them to participate if
and physical activity. Goals for behavioural change
necessary. A short non-response survey was conducted
are being set every visit, evaluated in the next visit
in case patients were not willing to participate. Finally,
an information meeting was organized by the practice
The physical activity part consists of a combined
nurse in collaboration with the GP, a dietician and
aerobic- and resistance exercise programme at the
a physiotherapist. During this meeting, patients were
physiotherapist’s practice, in which subjects participate
given all details of the programme. They were also
at an intensity of at least 60–90% of their maximal
introduced to the professionals involved in the pro-
peak oxygen consumption (VO2max). The training
gramme. After the information meeting, patients gave
sessions with a duration of 1 hour are group-based
and supervised by a physiotherapist. Subjects havefree access to these training sessions and are stimu-
lated to participate for at least 1 hour/week. In addi-
The adapted SLIMMER intervention resembles the
tion, the physiotherapist gives individual advice on
SLIM intervention (described in the introduction). In
how to increase daily physical activity (walking,
short, the programme consists of a dietary and physi-
cycling, swimming or running), based on the PACE
cal activity part (Six times per year, a skilled
questionnaire (adapted version based on van Sluijs
dietician gives personal dietary advice (30–60 minutes
Diabetes prevention in Dutch primary health care
Furthermore, semistructured interviews will be held
Process evaluation will be performed to investigate
with some of the professionals and participants to
how the intervention was implemented, what activi-
obtain more in-depth information on acceptability, im-
ties occurred under what conditions, by whom and
plementation integrity, applicability and key factors
with what level of effort. Process measures, among
for success and failure. An item list will be developed
others based on the indicators as defined by Nut-
to guide the interviews, covering topics like expecta-
tions, experiences and suggestions for modifications. One of the researchers will guide the interviews.
Reach: did the programme reach all of the target
Measures of health effects are also included in the
pilot study to evaluate whether the measurements will
Acceptability: is the programme acceptable to the
be acceptable to the patients in the effectiveness study
target population and the health professionals
(Step 3 in the translational process). The following
measurements are included: body weight, waist and
Implementation integrity: was the programme im-
hip circumference, FPG values, blood pressure, medi-
cal history, aerobic fitness (SteepRamp test), motiva-
Applicability: does the programme fit into the
tion for physical activity (PACE questionnaire) and
health care structure, the social and cultural envi-
dietary behaviour. Other effect measures, like glucose
ronment, the organizational system of local health
and cholesterol, are not included because measuring
and welfare organizations and professional work-
these indicators is not the aim of the pilot study.
Data of the process evaluation will be used in order
Key factors for success and failure.
to optimize the programme for the Dutch real-life set-ting. Finally, the intervention will be expanded, guided
To investigate programme reach, programme records
with an effect evaluation and cost-effectiveness analy-
are used to assess the number of implemented activities
ses, including all the above-mentioned health indica-
and the number of attending participants. Dropouts
tors (this is Step 3 of the translational process).
and unreached eligible subjects are examined to assesswhether this group differs from those participating andto identify reasons for non-participation.
To assess acceptability, implementation integrity
and applicability, multiple methods will be used: ob-
Primary health care professionals have an important
role in implementing lifestyle intervention programmes.
groups. Key factors for success and failure will be de-
Hiddink et recognized that GPs are trusted sources
rived from all methods used in the process evaluation.
of nutrition information by adults because they had
Based on literature and observation methods used in
a high referral score, high perceived expertise and they
other interventions, a structured observation method
reached nearly all segments of the population. This view
has been developed. The following activities of the pilot
is shared by the Heelsum Collaboration on Nutrition in
intervention will be observed: the information meeting
Primary Care, as described by van Weel: ‘opportunity
for patients and the visits to the practice nurse, dieti-
through regular contacts with patients (continuity of
cian and physiotherapist. The following aspects of these
care), central position in the health care system and
activities will be studied: accessibility and appropriate-
trust with ‘‘their’’ patients’.Over the last years, a ten-
ness of the location; the use of materials; course of the
dency can be seen for the GP as nutrition counsellor to-
meeting or visit (which parts were discussed, when and
wards gatekeeper of the health care system, working
how well?); involvement, communication and skills of
together with other professionals from primary health
the professionals; enthusiasm, motivation and apprecia-
care and public health–Generally, GPs have an in-
tion of participants and the mood and feelings of the
terest in nutrition and perceive themselves as being able
to give dietary advice in the treatment and prevention
In addition, focus group sessions will be used to as-
of coronary heart disease.However, GPs experience
sess acceptability of the intervention to professionals as
barriers for giving nutrition guidance to their patients,
well as participants and implementation integrity of the
most importantly not being trained in nutrition, lack of
intervention. Focus group sessions will be held with
time to address nutrition issues and GPs perception that
participating professionals (GPs and practice nurses, di-
patients lack motivation to change lifestyle and/or die-
eticians and physiotherapists) and participating patients
tary patterns.,These main barriers were also found
separately. An item list will be developed to guide
by Kushnerand HelmanTherefore, a promising
these sessions. Questions relate to experiences with sev-
possibility is to transfer the dietary and/or physical activ-
eral parts of the intervention, the use of materials, com-
ity advice to other disciplines in primary health care in
munication, barriers and facilitators. An experienced
order to alleviate the responsibilities of the GP as is
focus group leader will guide the focus group sessions.
done in SLIMMER. In addition, we see a movement
Family Practice—The International Journal for Research in Primary Care
towards synergy between primary health care and public
The tendency towards an alliance between primary
health over the last years.This has been expanded in
health care and public health especially fits to the Dutch
the sixth Heelsum International Workshop themed
health care system. Currently, the Dutch primary health
‘Practice-based evidence for weight management: alli-
care sector and prevention sector are two different worlds
ance between primary care and public health’
since they are based on separate laws and financial sys-
Within combined lifestyle interventions, it is impor-
tems. However, one of the main topics of the Dutch Pub-
tant that one professional has the lead and the over-
lic Health Act is to join forces of primary health care and
view over the programme. This is indicated as case
public health, so that prevention is incorporated in the
management. The case manager should work together
health care syAlso Greendescribed the urgent
with all the professionals involved in the alliance
need for an alliance between primary health care and
between primary health care and public health. Which
public health. Avendonk et described how the Dutch
professional should have the role of case manager in
College of General Practitioners evaluated the situation
combined lifestyle interventions is a matter of discus-
and published the guidelines for obesity. Therefore, we
sion. In a Dutch lifestyle intervention, the Beweeg-
consider the accomplishment of an alliance between pri-
Kuur programme, the lifestyle advisor is the pivot of
mary health care and public health, such as established
the intervention. Often the lifestyle advisor is a prac-
in the SLIMMER intervention, as a promising develop-
tice nurse, who is designing an individual exercise pro-
ment and a necessary step in diabetes prevention.
gramme and providing coaching and supervision.Also in the UK Counterweight programme, it is thepractice nurse who plays a key role in the delivery of
the lifestyle intervention, with initial guidance, train-
Several trials, such as SLIM, DPS and DPP, have dem-
ing and facilitation by weight management advisors
onstrated that prevention of diabetes by lifestyle inter-
(all state-registered dieticians, who are proactive, crea-
vention is (cost-) effective. However, translation of
tive and specially trained in health promotion and
diabetes prevention trials to Dutch real-life setting is
obesity management).In the US DPP, the interven-
lacking. Therefore, the SLIMMER project was devel-
tion is undertaken by lifestyle coaches. The majority
oped in order to translate the SLIM intervention into
of these lifestyle coaches are registered dieticians, reg-
Dutch daily practice, together with professionals from
istered nurses and diabetes educators but also social
prevention and primary health care. Currently, the
workers, exercise specialists, pharmacists, physicians,
adapted SLIMMER intervention is being implemented
psychologists and emergency services techniciIn
in a pilot study and guided with a process evaluation in
the SLIMMER intervention, it is the GP who acts as
order to assess reach, acceptability, implementation in-
a spider in the web, given his/her role as gatekeeper
tegrity, applicability and key factors for success and
of the health care system, and works together with
failure. Based on these results, the programme will be
allied forces. GPs select eligible subjects and refer
optimized to fit the role conception of the professionals
them to dieticians because they are one of the most
and the organization structure in which they work. Es-
important nutritional information sources for GPs.
pecially in the Dutch health care system, we consider
In addition, GPs refer the subjects to physiotherapists
collaboration between professionals from primary
for physical activity advice and support. GPs have the
health care and public health needed now more than
final responsibility for the quality of the delivered
ever to combat the rising problem of diabetes.
care, but practice nurses are the case managers in theSLIMMER intervention. They motivate subjects toparticipate in the intervention programme and they
are in contact with the dieticians and physiotherapists. Which professional is in the best position of being
Funding: The Netherlands Organization for Health
a case manager depends on several factors like type
of lifestyle intervention activities, time, money, inter-
20400.7003); Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation
Regarding the collaboration between primary health
Ethical approval: Medical Ethical Committee of Wa-
care professionals and public health, both the commu-
nity health service and local authorities are important
partners within the last profession. The communityhealth service may act as coordinator of the lifestyle in-tervention programme and has the health promotion
expertise that is needed. The local authorities can bring
several partners, from different disciplines and profes-
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PL Detail-Document #280801 −This PL Detail-Document accompanies the related article published in− PHARMACIST’S LETTER / PRESCRIBER’S LETTER Equianalgesic Dosing of Opioids for Pain Management Equianalgesic doses contained in this chart are approximate, and should be used only as a guideline. Dosing must be titrated to individual response. There is often incomplete cr
Tappa 4 - Da Granges di Pragelato a Balziglia (15,8 km) Si parte dall’Hotel Passet di Pragelato in direzione dei Trampolini del Salto, lungo la strada asfaltata, fino al ponte. Da qui si imbocca la sterrata che corre lungo la sinistra orografica del Chisonetto e la si percorre fino ad arrivare al ponte successivo, costruito per le Olimpiadi Invernali del 2006. Hanno inizio i campi da golf