Gesundheitspraxis SanaVital
Syncrometer Test for ________________________, ________________________, ________________________ on ______________ 200_
Explanation: Usually a toxin or pathogen is looked for in general before narrowing it down to a specific organ tissue. That would be an “overall positive” or “overall negative”. If it is positive it is then looked for in the organs where the toxin or pathogen is suspected. If it is overall negative it will usually be negative for all organs; it can be positive in an organ though if the trace is very small. >> The toxin or pathogen found is marked. Metals:
Aluminum – overall
Copies and reprints can be obtained by Gesundheitspraxis SanaVital GmbH, Berne, Switzerland.
Environmental toxins:
Asbestos – overall Solvents:
Benzene – overall
Hydrochloric Acid – stomach positive/negative (should be positive)
Copies and reprints can be obtained by Gesundheitspraxis SanaVital GmbH, Berne, Switzerland.
Malonic Acid – overall
Borrelia Burgdorferi – overall
Copies and reprints can be obtained by Gesundheitspraxis SanaVital GmbH, Berne, Switzerland.
DAB yellow – overall
Copies and reprints can be obtained by Gesundheitspraxis SanaVital GmbH, Berne, Switzerland.
If you have any questions about this test, do not hesitate to ask.
Sincerely Yours Thomas Pfulg Dr. Clark Syncrometer Therapist, cant. appr. Naturopath
Our results are based on Syncrometer testing. It is our goal to help patients on their way back to health. For that reason we also test products. We are making no legally relevant statements about the quality of products. Only a lab can provide such results, using methods recognized by legal authorities. According to the statements of Dr. Hulda Clark, the Syncrometer can detect small traces of pollutions. That means that the traces could be too small to be found in a laboratory. The Syncrometer makes no quantitative statements about the substances contained in a product. That also can only be done by a laboratory. Saliva testing or testing of persons does not constitute medical diagnosis. It could be called bio energetic testing. These measurements are not related to orthodox western medicine and have therefore no relevance with regard to such procedures. The Syncrometer can be replaced by other well-known Bioresonance Test devices .
Copies and reprints can be obtained by Gesundheitspraxis SanaVital GmbH, Berne, Switzerland.
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