Congratulations on having been selected to join Raleigh International’s expedition in Sabah. These joining instructions will give you all the information you need to ensure that you arrive atthe right place at the right time with the right clothes. Please read them carefully and try to bringeverything on the kit list. Raleigh International will try to help if you have difficulties obtainingcertain items. Attached is: Section A
Clothing and equipment for the expedition
Medical FormSwimming FormCommunity Work FormSection E
There will be approximately 60Venturers and 30 staff on the expedition mainly from the UK. They are currently fund-raising to reach their fund-raising targets. I hope you will try to do somefund-raising too. Your target is set by the RI support group and they will be able to advise youbetter on the fundraising target. I look forward to hearing how this is progressing. Do contactthe Support Group if you need ideas on fundraising activities.
Drew BoshellCountry DirectorRaleigh International Malaysia
There will be a two-day induction for Malaysian participants on expedition before the Venturersfrom the UK arrive. The staff party will have been in Sabah for over two weeks and they willtake you through a two-day induction programme. This will cover areas that the UK participantswill already have worked on at home. You will also assist the staff in setting up the inductionsite for the arrival of the UK Venturers.
At the beginning of the expedition on the insert date, you will be split into your project groups,with approximately 10 Venturers and 2-3 staff. You will all have the opportunity to spendapproximately three weeks on three project sites, each will be very different. The mainexpedition dates are outlined below, I would like to point out to you that there will be noopportunity for you to return home or to leave the expedition unless in the event of anemergency.
Malaysian Venturer induction(meet at 2pm in front of Kota Kinabalu Post Office)
Venturers from the UK arrive and you join your first project team
Phase OneChangeoverPhase TwoChangeoverPhase ThreeWash-up period
Your contact address throughout the expedition, for receiving mail is as follows: Your name Expedition 04M RALEIGH INTERNATIONAL PO Box 14182 88848, Kota Kinabalu Sabah The Expedition Field Base will forward mail to your project sites as quickly as possible but delays are inevitable especially in the case of the more remote sites. Please tell your family and friends not to send you any parcels as our PO Box does not have the facility to take parcels.
During the expedition, the normal method of communication between you and home will be bymail. However, in the event of an emergency, urgent communications must come throughRaleigh Fieldbase Tel 088 712 134. Please make sure that this is understood by your friends andfamily. BEHAVIOUR All members of the expedition are expected to behave in a manner which is not offensive to either the host country or to other expedition members. Standards of behaviour are expected to be high. The Country Director will send home anyone who behaves unacceptably. DRUGS You were warned about alcohol on expedition and drugs during the introduction weekend. Alcohol is not permitted on expedition and the possession or use of narcotics or any non- prescribed drugs is strictly forbidden. Anyone breaking these rules will be subjected to local law and penalties are very severe. You will also be sent home. MONEY The Support Group will be able to advise you on what amount of pocket money they suggest you bring on expedition with you. The amount of personal money you spend is entirely your decision, as Raleigh International covers all your necessary living expenses. Raleigh International will not be able to forward or advance any extra money. We advise that you try to fund-raise from local business/family and friends by offering to do jobs for them to raise this money. PASSPORT PHOTOS Please bring two passport photos with you. DIET Your diet will consist largely of dehydrated and tinned food. This will be supplemented periodically by fresh food. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee to cater for vegetarians on this expedition. All food on expedition will be halal. REPORTS You will receive a report from the Country Director on headed paper at the end of the expedition. These will be posted to your home address on your return. SECTION C MEDICAL INFORMATION You should note that each project group usually has its own doctor or nurse who will administer any emergency treatment necessary, but please bring your own regular medication where applicable, particularly anti-malarial tablets (as below) as you will be in areas at risk from malaria. VACCINATIONS The Venturers coming from other parts of the world are recommended to have the following. Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Rabies.
The following are essential: Tetanus, Polio, BCG
MALARIA There is a risk of malaria in Sabah, particularly in the remote areas we visit. It is important that you take the following precautions:
Wear long sleeved shirts and trousers from dusk.
Use insect repellent on exposed skin.
Sleep under a mosquito net at night.
Take anti malarial tablets. We recommend Lariam (also called Mefloquine) - 1 x 250mg
tablets once a week on a Sunday. You should start taking the tablets one week before the start ofthe expedition. Alternatively you could Doxycycline which is a daily tablet. Clarify with DoH ifany is given out free – are we happy with that they use?DENTAL A dental problem during expedition can be painful and difficult to treat. It is suggested that you see your dentist for a check-up and any necessary treatment well before the expedition starts. GENERAL FITNESS It is important that you get as fit as possible before you go on expedition. This will mean you get more out of the expedition and are less likely to get injured. If you have any problems with your feet (e.g. ingrown toenails) we recommend you get them treated before you come. INSURANCE You are covered by Raleigh International’s medical insurance during the expedition. Any medical expenses are therefore covered by this insurance so long as they are not caused by an injury or illness that you had prior to joining the expedition. It is very important that you tell us of any medical problems prior to joining the expedition as you may invalidate the insurance if you do not give us full information on your medical form. SECTION D - CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT This list is designed to make sure that you have the correct clothing and equipment to enable you to operate effectively for the duration of the expedition. You will be spending the whole expedition sleeping and living out of doors in a hammock. Stoves, fuel, food and all specialist equipment will be provided by Raleigh International. Please refer to attached list RALEIGH INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL FORM (IN CONFIDENCE WHEN COMPLETE) Expedition_____________________________ Family Name:_________________________First Name:________________________ Date of Birth(Day/Month/Year):__________________________ Age ________ Address:______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number : Daytime________________Evening________________ 1. Personal Medical History: Have you ever suffered from a psychiatric or mental disorder?
Have you ever suffered from fits, seizures or severe head injuries?
Have you ever had an operation under general anaesthetic?
Have you been hospitalised within the last 12 months?
Do you suffer from any allergies? (including drugs, hayfever, etc)
If 'YES' to any of the above then please give details and dates on this form or on a separate sheet: Please also give details of any family history of the above. 2. Have you ever suffered from asthma? If so,
a) When was the last time you needed hospital treatment?b) When was the last time you needed steroid tablets?c) What medication / inhalers do you use?
3. Current Health: Do you currently use any form of medication regularly? (including birth control pills)? If so, please give details:
If yes, name which ones:Did you have any problem/side effects?
4. Do you have any physical or other disability?
If so, please give details and dates. Use a separate sheet if necessary: any old injuries/illnessesthat are not declared and reoccur whilst on expedition will not be covered by Raleigh’sinsurance. 5. Vaccinations: Please arrange and give details of vaccinations already received or dates you are due to receive. See your medical instructions for recommendations specific to the expedition.
This health history is correct to the best of my knowledge.
In the event of illness or accident on my expedition, I hereby give permission for RaleighInternational medical or other expedition Staff to initiate medical treatment and inform my nextof kin in case of hospitalization. Candidate’s Signature:____________________________ Date:______________ This section is to be completed by Family Doctor/Physician who has access to patient's medical history:
The above named person will be participating in a Raleigh International expedition of ten weeksduration, during which he/she will be subject to basic living conditions, harsh physical andmental stress as well as extremes of climate.
These demands in more detail will involve being able to carry weights of up to 20kg, backpacking and be fit enough to trek in conditions which will involve possible extremetemperatures, climate, altitude changes and rough terrain. Projects will vary from on the move tostatic project sites. These will provide very basic facilities, such as long drop toilets and primitivewashing facilities, and they will be living under canvas or the stars.
The diet provided will be dehydrated food and fresh vegetables or fruit, when available, thisbeing cooked on open wood fires. Raleigh International aims to provide a Medic (Doctor/Nurse)on each project site to give immediate first aid and ensure high hygiene standards are taught andmaintained. The project site can be a considerable distance from any hospital back up.
With the above information, if there are any matter of which you feel the Medical Staff should be aware,
please supply on a separate sheet. If you have questions please call Drew Boshel , Country Director on
I have read the above and agree that the candidate’s medical details are correct. In my opinion this patient is fit and healthy, mentally and physically, and able to participate in a Raleigh International expedition.
Doctor's Name:_______________________________ DOCTOR’S STAMPAddress:_______________________________________________________________
Additional information on above patient should be attached securely to this sheet. SWIMMING CERTIFICATE Expedition: Malaysia 04M Full name: _______________________________________________________ I certify that the person named above can swim at least 200 metres unaided and that he/she has done so in my presence. I am in no way related to him/her. Witness Signature____________________________DATE_______________ (Lifeguard, Water Safety Instructor or Raleigh Staff) Witness Name ____________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________
Please Note: For very real reasons, the person named must be able to swim unaided the distance indicated. His/her life and the lives of others could depend on this. COMMUNITY WORK FORM Before joining the Expedition you must complete three days community work in your home community. This can be done alone or with friends and could take the form of a clean up or anything else as long as the community will benefit from your efforts. This is to be done on trust and I ask that you write details of the work done below and ask a parent or other adult to counter sign.
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