
Drugs that have been used in treating domestic skunks* *The information listed here has been gathered from data collected from various skunk owners.
Do not presume that these drugs are safe for you individual skunk. Adverse long term effects are unknown and are a risk. Always use caution when administering steroids. A lways consult a veterinarian before a dministrating medications to your skunk. INGREDIENT
For the temp orary relief of nasal cong estion du e to colds, ha y fever or other upper respiratory allergies, or associated with sinusitis. Shrinks swollen nasal Treatment of sulfadimethoxine-susceptible bacterial infections.
Treatment of infections caused by susceptible strains of organisms as follows: respiratory tract (tonsillitis, tracheobronchitis) caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus species, Escherichia coli, and Proteus mirabilis; genitourinary tract (cystitis) caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus species, Escherichia coli, and Proteus mirabilis; gastrointestinal tract (bacterial gastroenteritis) caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus species, Escherichia coli, and Proteus mirabilis; bacterial dermatitis caused by Staphyloco ccus aureus , Str epto coccus speci es and Proteus mirab ilis; and soft tissues (abscesses, lacerations, and wounds) caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus species, Escherichia coli, and Proteus mirabilis. This medication may be used in either dogs or cats to combat different types of infections, especially those involving Pseudomonas. Enrofloxacin is also active against Staphylococci, and thus is commonly used for infections of the INGREDIENT
Treatment of skin and soft tissue infections such as wounds, abscesses cellulitis, 6.25 milligrams (equivalent to 5 milligrams superficial/juvenile and deep pyoderma due to susceptible strains of beta-lactamase amoxicillin and 1.25 milligram s clavulanic (penicillinase) producing Staphylococcus aureus, non-beta-lactamase acid per pound body weight) twice daily. Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus species Streptococcus species, and E. coli. For treatment of periodontal infections due to susceptible strains of aerobic and Treatment of inflammation and related disorders in cats; treatment of allergic and dermatologic disorders in cats; and as supportive therapy to antibacterial The drug is indicated as an anti-inflammatory agent For removal of feline cestodes Dipylidium caninum (tapeworm) and Taenia Tapewor ms, hookwo rms, as carids, whipworms For removal of large roundworms (T. canis and Toxascaris leonina) and Equivalent to 2.27 or 4 .54 milligrams of hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum and Uncinaria stenocephala).
pyrantel base per pound of body weight.
Antihistaminic, emollient, anti-itch shampoo A laxative and lubricant for hair ball removal and prevention INGREDIENT
For removal of large roundworms (T. canis and Toxascaris leonina) and hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum and Uncinaria stenocephala).
Destroys b acteria. F or cleaning ora l wounds, s crapes, sores For control of large strongyles (Strongylus edentatus, S. equinus, S. vulgaris), small stron gyles, pinwor ms (Oxyuris equi), a nd ascari ds (Pa rascaris equorum) in horses . For trea tment of encysted mucosa l cyathostome (sma ll strongyle) larvae including early third stage (hypobiotic), late third stage, and fourth stage It is used for conditions requiring an anti-inflammatory agent For the removal and control of infections from the following mature parasites: Large strongyles (Strongylus vulgaris Strongylus edentatus, Strongylus equinus ), small st rongyles pinwo rms (Oxyuris ), and larg e roundworms For the relief of chronic nonproductive cough associated with tracheo-b ronchitis , tracheit is tons illitis, laryngitis, and pha ryngitis as sociated with inflammatory conditions of the upper respiratory tract. Used to relieve anxiety, muscle spasms, and seizures Vitamins/herbs
Used to prevent bleeding. Given for accidental rat out", and unconsciousness, being ‘far Impatiens: For ir ritabili ty, tension and Skin and Coa t Conditioning, Redu ce Inflammation Major anti-oxidant nutrient; retards cellular aging due to oxidation; supplies oxygen to the blood which is then carried to the heart and other organs; thus alleviating fatigue; aids in bringing nourishment to cells; strengt hens the cap illary walls & p revents the red blood cells from destructive poisons; prevents & dissolves blood clots; has also been used by doctors in helping prevent sterility, muscular dystrophy, calcium deposits in blood walls and heart conditions. Vitamins/herbs
Clinically, tau rine has b een used with v arying degrees of success in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions, including: cardiovascular diseases, hypercholesterolemia, epilepsy and other seizure degeneration, Alzheimer's disease, hepatic disorders, A natural antibiotic and healing agent.
Also used for its anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.
A powerful nervine, stimulant, carminative and The drug allays p ain and p romotes sleep Works as an intestinal cleanser. Also helps prevent fungus, diverticulosis, acne, and bad breath. It helps in absorption of calcium as well as other minerals.
This an ti-oxida nt is als o believed to h elp lower Contains Choline & Inosit ol which are essential for the breakdown of fats and cholesterol. It helps prevent congestio n, helps d istrib ute body weight , increases immunity to virus infections, cleans the liver and Vitamins/herbs
An herbal remedy for asthma a nd coughs related to inflammation or allergies. . Ginger has been used to treat na usea, indige stion, cramps, migraine headaches and to lower blood cholesterol and as a Builds and maintains bones and teeth; regulates heart rhythm; eases insomnia; helps regulate the passage of nutrients in & out of the cell walls; assists in normal blood clotting; helps maintain proper nerve and muscle function; lowers blood pressure; important to normal kidney function and in current medical research reduces the incidence of colon cancer, and Necessary for the synthesis & breakdown of amino acids, the building blocks of protein; aids in fat and carbohydrate metabolism; aids in the formation of antibodies; maintains the central nervous system; aids in the removal of excess fluid of premenstrual women; promotes healthy skin; red uces muscle sp asms, leg cramps, hand numbness, nausea & stiffness of hands; helps main tain a p roper ba lance of sodium & Vitamins/herbs
Helps in the formation & regeneration of red blood cells, thus helping prevent anemia; necessary for carbohydrate, fat & protein metabolism; maintains a healthy nervous system; promotes growth in children; increases energy; needed for Calcium absorption. A "free amino acid" which has been found to improve fat metabolism in the heart and other organs and reduces Trig lyceride and cholesterol levels, improves heart muscle tolerance, prevents irregular heartbeat and angina, provides more energy for the heart and helps including reduction of premenstrual and menopause syndrome symptoms, weight loss without dieting, hypertension, improved lipids, rheumatoid arthritis, Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids are known to play important roles in the formation of prostaglandins.
Pros taglandi ns are imp ortant cellular r egulators w hich processes in the body. Flax seed oil, which contains large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and useful amounts of omega-6 fatty acids, may be a helpful adjunct in protocols which deal with Cardiovascular disease, Hypertensi on, Arthri tis and other inflammatory disorders, Psoriasis and other skin problems , Cancer, Diab etes and K idney disease.
Necessary for protein synthesis; wound healing; vital for the development of the reproductive organs, prostate functions and male hormone activity; it governs the contractility of muscles; important for blood st abilit y; maintains the body's a lkaline bala nce; helps in normal tissue function; aids in the digestion Feline, Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital New Jersey

Source: http://www.rdwarf.com/pipermail/skunks/attachments/20020220/d3cbf18d/attachment.pdf


✟✡✠☛✄✝✆✞☞✌✁✎✍✏✁ DRY MOUTH (XEROSTOMIA) what is it, what causes it, how to avoid or to remedy it? What do I need to know about dry mouth ? The dry mouth is known, in the health area , as xerostomy - it is caused by the decrease in the saliva production. It attacks, with intensity and variable duration, a great number of people and its causes can v

Microsoft word - na-3rd ed-index 11_08.doc

INDEX Abducent neurons Anatomy 135 Clinical signs 137 Diseases 139 Function 135 Abiotrophic sensorineural deafness 438 Abiotrophy 100, 363 Auditory 438 Cerebellar cortical 363 Motor neuron 100 Nucleus ambiguus 159 Peripheral vestibular 336 Abscess-Brainstem 330 Caudal cranial fossa 343 Cerebellar 344 Cerebral 416, 418 Pituitary 162 Streptococcus equi 418 Abyssian

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