Pfizer Support to European and International Patient Organisations in 2012

The below list contains information on the support Pfizer has provided to European- and
international-level patient organisations in 2012, and services contracted from them (e.g. speaker
fees). It follows the standards set out in the EFPIA code of practice governing relationships between
the pharmaceutical industry and patient associations. Information on European- and international-
level patient organisations relevant to other countries is cross-referenced.
Atrial Fibrillation Association (AFA)
Organisation Description
The Atrial Fibrillation Association (AFA) is an international charity which provides information,
support and access to established, new or innovative treatments for Atrial Fibrillation (AF).
€ 4,670.07
Funding Description
In 2012, Pfizer Ltd, as part of the BMS-Pfizer Alliance, contracted services from AFA as a consultant
in non-promotional activity as a member of the steering committee of Action for AF, and
attendance at the 2nd advocacy forum in Paris, March 2012. Expenses and honoraria were paid for
both. Payments shown above are the total of Pfizer’s contribution to the Pfizer-BMS alliance, and
are 50% of the total paid.
This information is also declared, with further details on expenses and funding for UK-focused
work, on .

Alzheimer Europe (AE)

Organisation Description
Alzheimer Europe is a non-governmental organisation aimed at raising awareness of all forms of
dementia by creating a common European platform through co-ordination and co-operation
between Alzheimer organizations throughout Europe. Alzheimer Europe is also a source of
information on all aspects of dementia.

€ 40,000
Funding Description
A charitable donation by Pfizer Ltd to support the core funding of Alzheimer Europe.
Information on this support provided to Alzheimer Europe is also mentioned on the Pfizer Belgium websitelease be aware that the format may differ to follow Belgian transparency rules. AntiCoagulation Europe (ACE)
Organisation Description
ACE is a UK registered charity founded in the year 2000. ACE works with patients, healthcare
professionals, NHS trusts, Industry, Governments, other charities and patient groups and a wide
range of other organisations. Its aims are: the prevention of thrombosis; the provision of
information, education and support; the promotion of independence - supporting people to take
an active part in their own healthcare.
€ 2,283.29
Funding Description
In 2012, Pfizer Ltd, as part of the BMS-Pfizer Alliance, contracted services from ACE as a consultant
in non-promotional activity as a member of the steering committee of Action for AF, and
attendance at the 2nd advocacy forum in Paris, March 2012. Expenses and honoraria were paid
for both. Payments shown above are the total of Pfizer’s contribution to the Pfizer-BMS alliance,
and are 50% of the total paid.
This information is also declared, with further details on expenses and funding for UK-focused work, on . European Federation of Allergy and Airways (EFA)

Organisation Description
The European Federation of Allergy and Airways combines the forces of national patient
associations on asthma, allergy and COPD for results at European level. The organisation seeks to
improve the health and quality of life of people in Europe with those diseases and facilitates
collaboration, sharing of knowledge and experiences.


Funding Description
A charitable donation by Pfizer International Operations to support the core funding of EFA.
Information on this support provided to EFA is also mentioned on the Pfizer Belgium website
(). Please be aware that the format may differ to follow Belgian transparency rules.
European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA)
Organisation Description
The European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA) brings together European umbrella
organisations of neurological patient advocacy groups, to work with other associations in the field
of neurology, in what has been termed a ‘Partnership for Progress’. EFNA engages in activities,
which contribute to the advancement of neurology and related areas with a view to improving the
quality of life of people living with neurological conditions, their families and carers.
Funding Description
A charitable donation by Pfizer Ltd to support core funding.
Information on this support provided to EFNA is also mentioned on the Pfizer UK website
(lease be aware that this will differ in format as it follows UK transparency

European Gaucher Alliance (EGA)

Organisation Description
The EGA is an umbrella organisation that supports and represents national Gaucher associations
on a pan-European level. It has provided patient focused guidance, support and advice to industry,
healthcare providers, governments, the EU, developing patient organisations, scientists and
physicians and all other stakeholders in the Gaucher Community.

€31.000 + £25.000

Funding Description
Pfizer International Operations supported EGA with €21,000 in support of EGA's core activities
2012, €10,000 for the 'Go With Gaucher' project, and £25,000 for ongoing activities.
Information on this support provided to EGA is also mentioned on the Pfizer UK website
(lease be aware that this will differ in format as it follows UK transparency

European Haemophilia Consortium (EHC)

Organisation Description
The European Haemophilia Consortium (EHC) is a European patient group representing national
member organisations from 43 countries in Europe including members in all 26 EU Member States
and the 2 candidate countries Croatia and Turkey. The EHC is working to reduce the burden of the
disease on both the individual and on society. Its mission is to improve the quality of life of people
with Haemophilia in Europe.
Funding Description
Pfizer Italia SrL provided EHC with project grants of €33,000 for Roundtable of Companies
sponsorship and €33,000 for conference sponsorship, and a grant of €15,000 towards the cost of
meeting with the Steering Committee.
Information on this support provided to EHC is also mentioned on the Pfizer Belgium website
(). Please be aware that the format may differ to follow Belgian transparency rules.

European Institute of Women's Health (EIWH)
Organisation Description
Founded in 1996, The European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH), is a non-governmental
organisation based in Dublin established to promote gender equity in public health, research and
social policies across Europe. The EIWH strives to make the health and well being of women and
the family, a priority for the European Commission and EU Member States.
Funding Description
Pfizer European Service Centre provided an educational grant (project) supporting the EIWH 2011
work plan.

This information is also mentioned on the Pfizer Ireland website ). Please be aware
that the format may differ to follow Irish transparency rules.
European Men's Health Forum (EMHF)
Organisation Description
The European Men’s Health Forum (EMHF) is the only European organisation dedicated to the
improvement of men’s health in all its aspects, and a platform for the collaboration of a wide
range of stakeholder groups in Europe. It aims to promote collaboration between interested
individuals and organisations on the development and application of health policies, research,
education and prevention programmes. In addition, EMHF strives to raise the profile of men’s
health issues across Europe, develop Europe-wide policies and support the establishment and
development of men’s health organisations that pursue similar objectives in each European
Funding Description
Pfizer European Service Centre provided EMHF with €10,000 of project funding towards EMHF's
role in the organisation of the Danish Presidency-backed conference on Gender & Health Through
Life in June 2012. Pfizer Ltd provided EMHF with €40,000 in a contract for services provided in
support of the 'It is In Your Hands' campaign. Pfizer Service Company prospectively provided EMHF
with €10,000 of project funding to support the production of a report on their roundtable on
men’s access to primary care services, to take place in 2013.
Information on this support provided to EMHF is also mentioned on the Pfizer Belgium website
(). Please be aware that the format may differ to follow Belgian transparency rules.
European Patients' Forum (EPF)
Organisation Description
The European Patients’ Forum (EPF) is the umbrella patients’ organisation at EU level. It brings
together a broad range of leading European and national patients’ organisations in different
disease areas. Representing over 150 million patients, the EPF is a key interlocutor with European
institutions, and promotes patients’ rights, participation and involvement in EU healthcare
Funding Description
Pfizer European Service Centre provided EPF with an educational grant (project) supporting EPF
work plan
Information on this support provided to EPF is also mentioned on the Pfizer Belgium website
(). Please be aware that the format may differ to follow Belgian transparency rules.
European Organisation for Rare Diseases (EURORDIS)
Organisation Description
EURORDIS is a patient-driven alliance of patient organisations and individuals active in the field of
rare diseases. EURORDIS’ mission is to build a strong pan- European community of patient
organisations and people living with rare diseases, to be their voice at the European level, and -
directly or indirectly - to fight against the impact of rare diseases on their lives.
Funding Description
Pfizer International Operations provided €25,000 funding for ERTC (EURODIS round table of
companies), €20,000 funding for the RareConnect project, and €5.000 for participations in the
EURORDIS gala dinner in Brussels.
Information on this support provided to EURORDIS is also mentioned on the Pfizer France website
(). Please be aware that the format may differ to follow French transparency rules.
International Diabetes Federation European Region (IDF Europe)
Organisation Description
As the only European advocate for people with diabetes and their healthcare providers, the
International Diabetes Federation European Region works together with its member associations
and other diabetes stakeholders to enhance the lives of people with diabetes. Many of IDF
member associations are made up of people with diabetes and health care professionals. The
mission of the International Diabetes Federation is to promote diabetes care, prevention and a
cure worldwide.

Funding Description
A charitable donation by Pfizer Ltd.
Information on this support provided to IDF Europe is also mentioned on the Pfizer Belgium
websitelease be aware that the format may differ to follow Belgian
transparency rules.
European Federation of the Elderly (EURAG)
Organisation Description
EURAG is a non-profit and non-religious European organisation independent of any political
parties. Its purpose is to promote the quality of life of elderly people in society, at all social and
political levels

Funding Description
Pfizer Corporation Austria GmbH supported the founding of a platform for patients with chronic
pain (branding of the platform, patient website, informational and educational events, political
lobbying to give the patients a voice, media coverage, etc.)
Information on this support is also mentioned on the Pfizer Aust) and Pfizer
Belgium websit). Please be aware that the format may differ to follow national
transparency rules.
International Federation of Psoriasis Organisations (IFPA)
Organisation Description
IFPA is a non-profit organization made up of psoriasis associations from around the world. IFPA
unites psoriasis associations so that their global campaign for improved medical care, greater
public understanding and increased research will improve the lives of people who live with
psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and explore the challenges psoriasis presents to the international
psoriasis community.

Funding Description
Project sponsorship - Corporate supporter of IPFA and World Psoriasis Day.
International Dupuytren Society (IDS)
Organisation Description
The International Dupuytren Society is a non-profit organization where patients and medical
experts cooperate. Goals are: informing about Dupuytren's Disease and about available therapy
options, supporting research across medical faculties to better understand this disease, to
improve therapy options and to ultimately find a cure, supporting patients who suffer from this
disease and supporting local country organisations with similar or compatible goals.

Funding Description
Pfizer Deutschland GmbH provided project sponsorship for the International Dupuytren Award
Information on this support is also mentioned on the Pfizer Germany website ().
Please be aware that the format may differ to follow national transparency rules.
Appendix I: SAATI Pfizer provided financial support to participants in Supporting Active Ageing Through Immunisation (SAATI), a voluntary and consensus-based partnership. A compensation of €1,600 was provided to each participant for their time, in addition to travel and accommodation arrangements for a two day meeting and telephone interview. Participants included Daphne Holt (Confederation of Meningitis Organisations [CoMo]), Christine Rolland (European Federation of Allergy and Airway Diseases Patients Association [EFA]), Hildrun Sundseth (European Institute of Women’s Health [EIWH]), Dr. Ian Banks (European Men’s Health Forum [EMHF]), and Katharina Braun (Die Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen [BAGSO]). Appendix II: EPPOSI Founded in 1994, EPPOSI is an independent, not-for-profit, partnership-based multi-stakeholder think tank based in Brussels, committed to making the EU-2020 strategic vision work through the health and well being of its citizens. EPPOSI's Goal is to work at the "cutting edge" of European
health policy-making providing its members and the wider public with high-quality independent
research, capacity building, knowledge exchange and dissemination with the aim of bridging the gap
between innovation and improved public health outcomes. EPPOSI is open to members from EU-
facing patients’ organisations, economic actors, research institutes, professional and business
federations, trade unions, diplomatic missions, regional bodies, as well as NGOs representing a broad
range of civil society interests, foundations, international and religious organisations. In 2012, Pfizer,
a member of EPPOSI, made a contributed €2,000 to EPPOSI's fellowship fund, which supports the
participation of patient organisations and academics in EPPOSI's expert meetings by funding travel
costs. It is declared here for the purposes of transparency.
Appendix III: Funding to organisations engaged in some work with patients.
Pfizer provides funding to a number of organisations that are not considered patient organisations,
but which do perform some work related to patients. As such, they are listed here for the sake of
Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL): Founded in 1980, The Association of European
Cancer Leagues (ECL) is a pan-European umbrella organisation of national and regional cancer
leagues in the extended Europe, from Iceland to Turkey. It provides a unique and important platform
for cancer societies, facilitating their collaboration, and aims at influencing EU and pan-European
policies. ECL’s vision is to be a visible and effective player in cancer prevention, control and care, in
particular in Europe, by identifying and promoting common strategies in cancer control towards
achieving health equity in cancer prevention, treatment and services.
Agency Double Helix, working on behalf of Pfizer, donated €1,200 to ECL as a charitable contribution
in lieu of participation fee for Luc Joosens at a Pfizer advisory board. Pfizer also provided support, in
the form of employee time, in the organisation of a flash mob and poster competition in European
schools to raise awareness on the European Code against Cancer.
Information on this support provided to ECL is also mentioned on the Pfizer Belgium website
lease be aware that the format may differ to follow Belgian transparency rules.
Fungal Research Trust: The UK-based Fungal Research Trust supports education, scientific research,
and patient information on fungal diseases. In 2012 Pfizer Ltd provided a charitable donation of
This information is also declared on
Pain Alliance Europe (PAE): A multi-stakeholder alliance that aims to improve the quality of life of
people living with chronic pain in Europe, by promoting awareness of chronic pain and promoting a
European policy on chronic pain, in order to reduce the impact of chronic pain on all areas of
European society. Pfizer Ltd provided PAE with a charitable donation to support core funding of
€25,000; this payment was booked in December 2012 and paid in January 2013.


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