For the first time in 30 years the tissue market in Europe is starting to falter,especially at the consumer level. So European tissue makers, in an effortto win back market share, are looking at innovative ways to enticeconsumers, even to the extent of producing pricey toilet tissue in a varietyof colors.
By David Price In the January/February issue of this magazine,
P&G in a corporate press release blamed “ .slow
Harold Cody wrote how well the U.S. tissue market was per-
growth and fierce competition from private labels.” The
forming. Over here (Europe) things are changing. The Away-
company has stated that its future will be in higher margin
From-Home (AFH) market is sound due to corporate and pub-
businesses like health care and beauty. But Citigroup
lic purchasing policies, but consumer grades are not. What’s
analyst, Wendy Nicholson, wonders what this decision will
more, the European tissue market is losing its U.S. players. P&G
mean for the remainder of P&G’s tissue and towel business.
has sold or licensed its European operations to SCA for EUR
The market is tough due to the usual suspects: high input
500 million, and Koch is planning to sell GP’s businesses in the
costs, high energy prices, retailer competition and customer
That special feeling. Portuguese tissue maker Renova produces toilet paper rolls in four colors, which are said to be soft and silky, and cost enough to make you feel special.
below the company’s 23.5% benchmark. In contrast, SCA is
changing table and the EasyMeal, a disposable bib. The most
happy with a margin of 12%, but would prefer to notch it up
exotic response is an up-market toilet tissue by Renova of
Portugal, who has produced an embossed black tissue roll, to
be followed by orange, green and red brands.
The manager of K-C’s European operations, Alberto
P&G’s partial withdrawal from Europe is also accompa-
Cappellini, was more specific. He said, “Consumers’ needs in
nied by its willingness to work with private equity (PE)
Europe are getting more complex as demographics rapidly
firms. Clayt Daley, P&G’s CFO, told the Times of London
change and people take increasing personal control of their
(8 March ‘07) the company could team up with PE to
lives.” In plain language European consumers are prepared to
complete what he calls a “standalone” acquisition. “If a
go for lower quality if the Euro goes further. But the retailers
“Consumers’ needs in Europe are getting more complex as demographics rapidly change and people take increasing personal control of their lives.”
to Eastern Europe, Russia and China.
A few days later, Thomas Falk, CEO of K-C, also spoke to
demand in E. Europe and Russia will reach 7%, while China
the Times (11 March ‘07). Falk made the point that K-C has
will see 8%. Western Europe will be a modest 3% and North
three global brands with a billion dollar status: Huggies,
Andrex and Kleenex. He said the company is moving into toi-
Admittedly, these emerging markets start from a low base
letries—right onto P&G’s lawn. But like all tissue makers, K-
rate, but as expectations and living standards rise, growth will
C is locked into a desperate drive for innovation as commod-
ity suppliers nibble at its margins and profits dip. “I don’t
David Price is a contributing writer for PaperAge. He can be
sleep well at nights unless I see the next three generations of
our products. We are trying to bring innovation to all our cat-
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