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Treatment Strategies for Co-Occurring ADHD and
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The American Journal on Addictions, 16: 45–56, 2007Copyright # American Academy of Addiction PsychiatryISSN: 1055-0496 print / 1521-0391 onlineDOI: 10.1080/10550490601082783
Treatment Strategies for Co-Occurring ADHDand Substance Use Disorders
John J. Mariani, MD, Frances R. Levin, MD
New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, New York;Division on Substance Abuse, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a
Describe treatment scenarios in ADHD that
common co-occurring mental disorder among patients with
are most likely to lead to SUD, exacerbate
substance use disorders (SUD). Clinicians must be cogni-
ongoing SUD, or minimize risks of SUD.
zant of the complicated nature of diagnosis and treatmentof ADHD when comorbid with SUD. Pharmacotherapy
Provide an overview of psychosocial treatments
remains the mainstay of treatment for ADHD, although
for ADHD and co-occurring SUD that can help
complementary psychotherapeutic approaches have been
optimize long-term treatment effectiveness.
developed. Psychostimulant medications are the most com-monly used medications to treat ADHD, but many clini-cians are reluctant to prescribe stimulants to patients with
SUD. Recommendations for treatment planning and clinicalmanagement for patients with co-occurring ADHD andSUD are discussed. (Am J Addict 2007;16:45–56)
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is
a syndrome characterized by persistent patterns of
Downloaded By: [UAJA - American Journal on Addictions] At: 11:56 5 May 2007
inattention and=or impulsivity and hyperactivity that isinappropriate for a given age or developmental stage.
ADHD is the most common mental disorder in child-hood,1 with an estimated prevalence in the United States
Upon completion of this activity, participants should
of 5–10%.2,3 It is estimated that up to 60% of childhood
cases of ADHD will continue to have clinically significant
Identify typical challenges in clinical diagnosis
symptoms of ADHD as adults,4–7 and the prevalence
of ADHD in adults with co-occurring SUD.
of adult ADHD in the United States is estimated to be
Explain how different types of ADHD phar-
2–5%.8–11 ADHD symptoms result in a large individual
macotherapies affect the risks of SUD in speci-
and public burden; it is estimated that consequences of
ADHD result in the loss of 120 million days of annual
Distinguish between primary symptoms and
lost work in the U.S. labor force, which is equivalent to
Large-scale epidemiologic surveys in the United States
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
have reported that substance use disorders are associated
non-stimulant medications in patients with
with increased rates of comorbid psychiatric disor-
ADHD and co-occurring SUD, including sec-
ders,9,13–16 including mood, psychotic, anxiety, personal-
ity, and other classes of disorders. While it is clear thatsubstance use disorders are associated with increased
Received August 29, 2006; revised September 20, 2006;
rates of comorbid psychiatric disorders as compared to
the general population, the converse is true as well: indi-
Dr. Levin has current or past research support from Ortho-
viduals with substance-independent psychiatric disorders
McNeil Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly & Company, Shire, Astra
are at an increased risk of having a substance use disor-
Zeneca, and UCB Pharma, and serves or has served as a consul-
tant to Shire Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca, Ortho-McNeil
reported that among individuals with any lifetime mental
Pharmaceuticals, and Cephalon=Alkermes.
Address correspondence to Dr. Mariani, 1051 Riverside
disorder diagnosis, 28.9% had a lifetime substance use
Drive, Unit 66, New York, New York 10032. E-mail:
disorder, as compared to a rate of 13.2% for those
respondents who had no history of a mental disorder.
The ECA found that having a lifetime history of any men-
As the development of SUD is also linked to dopa-
tal disorder was associated with more than twice the risk
mine,38 there may be common factors that lead to the
of having an alcohol disorder and more than four times
development of ADHD and co-occurring SUD. By defi-
the risk of having a drug use disorder.
nition, ADHD is present before the age of 7, and SUDs
The association of ADHD and SUD has become an
often develop during adolescence and early adulthood,
increasing focus of investigation over the past decade. Stu-
so it is likely that the increased association of ADHD
dies of clinical samples of individuals with SUD seeking
and SUD is the product of a developmental interaction
treatment have demonstrated that ADHD is a common
with ADHD symptoms (eg, impulsivity or behavior dys-
co-occurring mental disorder,17–19 although historically,
regulation) and the consequences of ADHD (eg, poor
community-based studies have not included adult ADHD
academic performance), creating an increased opportu-
among the disorders surveyed.13,14,16 However, the
nity for the development of a SUD. Emerging evidence
recently published National Comorbidity Survey Replica-
suggests that psychostimulant treatment of ADHD dur-
tion (NCS-R) included ADHD in its survey and estimated
ing childhood reduces the likelihood of developing a
the prevalence of adult ADHD to be 4.4%.8 With regards
SUD,39 although the exact mechanism of this risk reduc-
to the rate of co-occurrence of ADHD and SUD, the
tion is not known. The risk of initiation of substance use
NCS-R found that 15.2% of individuals with adult
in adolescents is related more to symptom severity (eg,
ADHD met DSM-IV criteria for a SUD, as compared
aggression or impulsivity) than the status of meeting cri-
to 5.6% of individuals without ADHD, resulting in a sig-
teria for ADHD,40 suggesting that the risk of SUD devel-
nificant odds ratio of 3.0.8 Complimentary to these find-
opment in adolescents with ADHD is dimensional, rather
ings, the NCS-R found that among individuals with
than categorical. In adolescents, the severity of atten-
SUD, 10.8% met criteria for adult ADHD, as compared
tional symptoms may be a more important risk factor
to a prevalence of 3.8% in individuals without SUD.
The rates of ADHD co-occurrence in studies of treat-
Given the common co-occurrence of ADHD with
ment-seeking clinical samples of individuals with SUD
SUD, clinicians working with patients with SUD must
are higher than the community-based NCS-R, with the
be proficient in the identification and treatment of
reported prevalence of adult ADHD ranging from 10–
ADHD. Due to the evolving understanding of the clinical
24%.17–19 In addition, it is estimated that more than
manifestations of adult ADHD42 and the relatively recent
25% of substance-abusing adolescents meet diagnostic
recognition of the elevated risk of ADHD among adults
Downloaded By: [UAJA - American Journal on Addictions] At: 11:56 5 May 2007
criteria for ADHD.20–22 This disparity in rates of co-
with SUD,8 clinicians working with SUD patients are
occurring ADHD and substance use disorders between
often unfamiliar with the assessment and management of
community-based and clinical studies is likely due to
ADHD. Further, because the primary treatment for
Berkson’s bias,23 which is the phenomenon that patients
in clinical treatment settings are more likely to exhibit a
an inherent abuse potential, the treatment of ADHD in
higher degree of association between two disorders. A
patients with SUD is both complex and controversial.
practical outcome of this phenomenon is that clinicians
This article discusses treatment planning and clinical man-
in SUD treatment settings will frequently encounter co-
agement of patients with co-occurring ADHD and SUD.
While the exact cause of ADHD is unknown, the avail-
able evidence supports the theory that dopamine neuro-transmission dysfunction is at least partly responsible
The diagnosis of ADHD in children and adults remains
for the characteristic symptoms of ADHD. Evidence sup-
a clinical diagnosis—there are no neuropsychiatric or
porting dopamine involvement in ADHD symptomatol-
laboratory tests that alone have been shown to have clin-
ogy includes pharmacotherapy studies, which show that
ical utility in diagnosing ADHD. In adults, the clinical
stimulant medications that increase dopamine levels effec-
diagnosis of ADHD remains challenging, particularly in
tively treat ADHD symptoms,24–27 genetic studies, which
patients with co-occurring SUD, as there is a lack of con-
have linked dopamine genes to ADHD,28–30 and imaging
sensus on diagnostic criteria,42 symptoms overlap with
studies, which have shown abnormalities of dopamine
other psychiatric disorders, and there is a need for a
function and structural abnormalities in regions of the
retrospective diagnosis of childhood ADHD. The criteria
brain with concentrations of dopamine-producing neu-
for ADHD in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
rons.31–33 The therapeutic effects of psychostimulants on
Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR)43 were developed for
ADHD symptoms are thought to be due to their ability
diagnosing ADHD in children and are currently used for
to increase extracellular dopamine,34,35 particularly in
adults as well, although the validity of the criteria set is
the striatum.36 Volkow and Swanson37 have postulated
that psychostimulant-induced extracellular dopamine
Diagnosing ADHD in patients who are actively using
release in the striatum improves attention by the enhance-
substances or who recently initiated abstinence is challen-
ment of task-related neuronal cell firing.
ging. Substances of abuse have many acute and chronic
Co-Occurring ADHD and Substance Use Disorders
effects that mimic the symptoms of psychiatric disorders,
including ADHD. For example, the use of stimulantscan lead to changes in attentional capacity and activity level
Given the ongoing controversy over the diagnostic cri-
both during intoxication and recovery, and chronic mari-
teria for ADHD in adults and the complicated clinical
juana use may lead to deficits in attention. In addition,
issue of using ADHD pharmacotherapy in patients with
many patients are unable to describe recent periods of absti-
SUD, a reasonable starting point in discussing treatment
nence from substance use, making the distinction between
strategies is to ask, How important is it to treat ADHD in
primary and substance-induced symptoms difficult.
patients with SUD? An initial approach this question is to
While some authorities recommend evaluating patients
consider the impact of ADHD on individuals who do not
after a period of prolonged abstinence,44 this is not possi-
have SUD. Adults with ADHD have less educational
ble in many cases. Often a careful clinical history of symp-
attainment, increased dismissals from their jobs, more
toms during past periods of abstinence or prior to the
traffic accidents and car license suspensions, more
onset of substance use problems is the best available
psychosocial problems with social deficits, and a greater
method to assess whether inattention and hyperactivity
frequency of divorce.12,50 The next step is to consider
symptoms represent a primary disorder or are sub-
the evidence that ADHD affects the development and
stance-induced. Symptoms that occur during periods of
course of substance use disorders: individuals with sub-
active substance use are difficult to interpret, because if
stance use disorders and ADHD have an earlier onset
they occur exclusively in the context of active substance
of substance abuse than those without ADHD, a greater
use, a diagnosis of ADHD is inappropriate. Furthermore,
likelihood of having continuous problem if they develop
in adults, the clinical diagnosis of ADHD remains chal-
substance dependence, a reduced likelihood of going
lenging, because there is a lack of consensus on diagnostic
into remission, and a tendency to take longer to reach
criteria, particularly regarding the requirement that symp-
remission.51 Despite having more treatment exposure,
toms be present prior to the age of 7.42 However, because
individuals who have ADHD seem to do less well with
retrospective diagnoses of childhood ADHD in adults
SUD treatment,51,52 although this may reflect that indivi-
made on the basis of self-report tend to overdiagnosis
duals with more severe symptoms are more likely to
ADHD,45 a conservative approach must be maintained.
receive SUD treatment. Also, both adolescents and adults
A practical approach when working with adults with a
are less likely to progress well in treatment or remain in
SUD might be to consider ADHD likely if symptoms
treatment.53–55 Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment
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can be recalled as having been present since early adoles-
of ADHD in patients with SUD seems to be essential to
cence, but unlikely if the symptoms appeared simulta-
achieve the best possible clinical outcome.
neously or subsequently to the development of theSUD. Collateral information from family or review of
objective data (eg, school performance reports) can be
very useful in determining whether symptoms were pre-sent during childhood.
The most commonly used pharmacotherapies for
While the diagnosis of ADHD is ultimately clinically-
childhood ADHD are two psychostimulants, methylphe-
based, there are structured instruments and interviews
nidate and analogs of amphetamine. In turn, methylphe-
that can assist in the evaluation of a patient for ADHD.
nidate and amphetamine analogs have been the most
A comprehensive diagnostic battery, such as might be
widely studied pharmacotherapies in adult ADHD,
employed in a research setting, would include, in addition
although non-stimulant medications, including tricyclic
to a comprehensive psychiatric interview, the Struc-
antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
tured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID)46 and the
(SSRIs), bupropion, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, aty-
Conners Adult ADHD Diagnostic Interview for DSM-
pical antipsychotics, clonidine, atomoxetine, and venla-
IV (CAADID),47 which systematically assesses adults
faxine have been studied as well. Modafinil, a novel
for both childhood and adult symptoms. However, in
wake-promoting agent that is chemically and pharmaco-
many clinical settings, performing a SCID and CAADID
logically distinct from other psychostimulants, has also
is not feasible. A more practical approach is to use a semi-
been investigated as a potential treatment for ADHD.
structured clinical interview using the DSM-IV TRcriteria for ADHD as a guide (ie, review symptoms in
criteria set with patient). The ADHD Rating Scale-IV48
Amphetamine is a potent CNS stimulant of which the
and the DSM-IV SNAP checklist49 can also be useful in
effects are thought to be due to the stimulation of the cortex
screening for ADHD symptoms. In any setting, it is
and the reticular activating system.56 Amphetamine’s
essential to gather data from other informants (eg, part-
mechanism of action is primarily due to promoting dopa-
ner, parent, or close friend) to better understand the
mine release, although it blocks dopamine reuptake as well.
nature and severity of the symptoms and their impact
Amphetamine analogs, a first-line treatment for childhood
ADHD, have also been shown to be effective for the
treatment of ADHD in adults.57 In the United States,
both methylphenidate and amphetamine analogs demon-
amphetamine analogs are used primarily for ADHD and
strate characteristics associated with abuse potential.
also for narcolepsy. Commercially available amphetamine
Methamphetamine, which is a commonly abused sub-
analogs include methamphetamine, dextroamphetamine,
stance,59 has been shown to be a positive reinforcer (ie,
and mixed amphetamine salts (MAS). Methamphetamine
individuals exposed to the substance are likely to choose
is available only as an immediate release preparation and
to be exposed again) in humans,63 providing further evi-
is rarely used due to abuse and diversion concerns. Dex-
dence for its abuse potential. In contrast to the data
troamphetamine is available in immediate and sustained
described above, a laboratory study of methylphenidate
release preparations. MAS is a fixed-combination amphe-
in cocaine-dependent patients receiving treatment did not
tamine composed of equal amounts of dextroamphetamine
increase cocaine craving nor ratings associated with abuse
saccharate, dextroamphetamine sulfate, racemic ampheta-
potential,64 suggesting that the context of use, in this case
mine aspartate monohydrate, and racemic amphetamine
therapeutic, may influence subjective effects and abuse
sulfate. It is available in immediate and sustained release
potential.37 Because the reinforcing effects of stimulants
preparations. Side effects most commonly associated
are associated with rapid changes in serum concentra-
with amphetamine administration include insomnia, emo-
tions37 and sustained-release preparations of methylpheni-
tional lability, nausea=vomiting, nervousness, palpitations,
date (which slow the rate of onset of the drug’s effect) are
elevated blood pressure, and rapid heart rate. Rare, but
associated with less stimulant-like drug effects (eg,
serious adverse effects include severe hypertension, sei-
increased ratings of ‘‘good effects’’) in healthy volun-
zures, psychosis, and myocardial infarction.
teers,65,66 it is likely that delayed-release stimulant prepara-
tions have lower abuse potential than immediate-release
widely used in the United States for the treatment of
stimulant preparations. An additional characteristic of
ADHD. Methylphenidate is a piperidine derivative that
delayed-release preparations that make diversion and
is structurally related to amphetamine.56 The mechanism
abuse less likely is that they are more difficult to use via
of action of methylphenidate is primarily due to blocking
a non-oral route (eg, injected or insufflated intranasally).
dopamine reuptake in the striatum. Methylphenidate has
The use of stimulants and non-stimulant medications
been one of the first-line treatments for ADHD in chil-
has been studied in patients with co-occurring adult ADHD
dren for decades and has been demonstrated to be effec-
and SUD. Methylphenidate has been shown to be effective
in uncontrolled trials in reducing ADHD symptoms and
Downloaded By: [UAJA - American Journal on Addictions] At: 11:56 5 May 2007
Methylphenidate is available in multiple immediate and
cocaine use.67,68 A three-arm double-blind placebo-con-
sustained release preparations, using a variety of strate-
trolled trial of bupropion and methylphenidate for the
gies for delaying absorption. The most common side
treatment of ADHD in cocaine-dependent patients receiv-
effects of methylphenidate are insomnia, nervousness,
ing methadone maintenance treatment for opioid depen-
tachycardia, and hypertension. As with amphetamines,
dence found no benefit of bupropion or methylphenidate
rare but serious adverse effects include severe hyperten-
on ADHD symptoms or cocaine use outcomes.69 A dou-
sion, seizures, psychosis, and myocardial infraction.
ble-blind placebo-controlled trial of methylphenidate inthe treatment of adult ADHD patients with comorbid
cocaine dependence found that methylphenidate improved
Methylphenidate and amphetamine analogs are widely
ADHD symptoms on some measures but not others, and it
used in the treatment of ADHD; however, concern exists
did not show a reduction in cocaine use.26 Consistent with
with respect to their abuse potential, particularly in
this, Levin et al.70 found that sustained-release methylphe-
patients with SUD. The phenomenon of nonmedical use
nidate did not demonstrate an improvement in cocaine use
of stimulant medications has been documented in large-
in cocaine-dependent individuals with ADHD. An uncon-
scale survey studies; according to the National Survey
trolled trial of bupropion for the treatment of cocaine
on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 8.8% of Americans
dependence and adult ADHD in 11 patients reported that
aged 12 years or older reported having used prescription-
ADHD and cocaine use symptoms decreased signifi-
type stimulants non-medically at least once in their life-
cantly.71 In none of the trials using stimulants was abuse
time.59 Therefore, the risks of using these potentially abu-
of prescribed stimulant medication reported.
sable medications in a vulnerable population must be
Additionally, psychostimulants, including amphetamine
analogs, methylphenidate, and modafinil, have been studied
There is a limited body of laboratory and clinical evi-
for the treatment of cocaine dependence. The results of these
dence to consider when assessing the risks of using stimu-
studies have been mixed with regard to the effects on cocaine
lant medications in patients with SUD. In a laboratory
use outcomes, with the most consistent effects reported for
double-blind choice procedure, individuals with ADHD
dextroamphetamine.72,73 Dextroamphetamine has also been
significantly chose methylphenidate over placebo,60 while
studied for the substitution treatment of amphetamine
other measures of abuse potential were not elevated. In
dependence74,75 and this approach has been found to be
laboratory studies of patients with61 and without62 SUD,
feasible. Despite concerns that psychostimulants use may
Co-Occurring ADHD and Substance Use Disorders
lead to increased craving and cocaine use, this has not been
Modafinil, a novel wake-promoting agent that is FDA-
reported in controlled clinical trials.26,69,70,72,73,76
approved for narcolepsy and shift work sleep, has recently
In summary, while stimulants are clearly diverted for
been shown to be effective for the treatment of ADHD in
nonmedical use, clinical data suggest that the use of
children and adolescents,87–89 and more limited evidence
delayed-release preparation and the context of therapeu-
suggests that it may be effective for adult ADHD as well.90
tic risk may reduce the potential for abuse.
Because there is limited evidence that modafinil may havepotential as a treatment for cocaine dependence,91 it is
deserving of further study in the treatment of co-occurring
Nonstimulant pharmacotherapies for ADHD include a
ADHD and SUD. Although modafinil has some stimu-
heterogeneous group of medications, which with the
lant-like properties (eg, promoting wakefulness), it has
exception of atomoxetine are off-label and typically
minimal abuse potential, so for the purposes of discussion
considered second line treatments. However, there are
it is being grouped with non-stimulants.
certain instances where non-stimulant medications wouldbe considered first line, such as if a motor tic disorder is
Choice of Pharmacotherapy for Co-Occurring
present or in the case of cardiovascular disease.
Atomoxetine is a recently FDA-approved nonstimu-
The treatment of adult ADHD in patients with SUD
lant agent for the treatment of ADHD in children, adoles-
has been controversial, as the primary pharmacotherapy
cents, and adults. Atomoxetine is a noradrenergic
for ADHD is psychostimulants and, historically, there
reuptake inhibitor with efficacy for treating the symptoms
has been reluctance on the part of clinicians to use these
of ADHD.77,78 The effects of atomoxetine are more gra-
medications in patients with addictive disorders. How-
dual than those experienced with stimulant medications.
ever, although non-stimulant medications have been
Common side effects of atomoxetine include sedations,
shown to have efficacy for ADHD, these agents have
appetite suppression, nausea, vomiting, and headache.
not been demonstrated to have comparable efficacy to
Rare but serious side effects reported in children and
the psychostimulants.92 Some authorities93,94 have pro-
adolescents include increased suicidal ideation and
posed approaches that emphasize medications with a
hepatotoxicity. Atomoxetine has no known abuse poten-
lower risk of abuse, such as antidepressants or clonidine,
tial, so it is an attractive candidate medication for study
before using traditional stimulant medications such as
in the treatment of ADHD in patients with substance
methylphenidate or amphetamine analogs. However, clin-
Downloaded By: [UAJA - American Journal on Addictions] At: 11:56 5 May 2007
use disorders, though published studies are presently
ical trials of methylphenidate26,67,70,95 and dextroamphe-
The antidepressants are off-label and considered sec-
dependence or ADHD in patients with co-occurring
ond-line treatments for ADHD. Tricyclic antidepressants,
SUD have shown that stimulant medications can be used
which block the reuptake of norepinephrine in addition to
safely in patients with SUD and have a relatively low risk
other neurotransmitters, have some efficacy in reducing
of abuse under monitored conditions.
ADHD symptoms, but are considered less effective than
While the treatment literature for ADHD in patients
the stimulant medications.79 The dopaminergic antide-
with SUD is not well developed, the emerging trend is
pressant bupropion has been reported to be effective in
that medications effective for adult ADHD may be effec-
the treatment of ADHD,80–82 although when studied in
tive for adults with ADHD and co-occurring SUD, but
patients with SUD, it offered no benefit over placebo.69
the therapeutic benefit may be less or non-existent if sub-
Venlafaxine, a norepinephrine-serotonin reuptake inhibi-
stance use is ongoing.82 Several possible causes of this
tor antidepressant medication, has limited evidence of
efficacy in ADHD in uncontrolled clinical trials.83,84Monoamine oxidase inhibitors have been shown to have
patients with ongoing SUD do not reliably
efficacy for ADHD, but the potential for hypertensive
crises associated with tyramine-containing foods and
patients with SUD may require higher doses
medications (both illicit and prescribed) limit their utility,
(ie, higher tolerance) than administered in clin-
and should be considered contraindicated in patients
ongoing SUD makes detection of a therapeutic
Clonidine, a noradrenergic alpha-2 agonist antihyper-
tensive agent, is effective for the treatment of ADHD,particularly among adolescents with hyperactivity and
As in children, the available evidence supports the use
aggressiveness.85 Side effects includes sedation, dry mouth,
of stimulant medications over non-stimulant medications
depression, confusion, electrocardiographic changes, and
for adult ADHD, although direct comparisons are lack-
hypertension with abrupt withdrawal. Guanfacine, also a
ing. While stimulant medications, such as methylpheni-
norepinephrine alpha-2 agonist, has limited evidence sup-
date and amphetamine analogs, have the potential for
porting its efficacy as a treatment for ADHD.86
abuse, which is a heightened clinical concern in patients
with comorbid SUD, the available evidence suggests that
considerably between patients, and needs to be assessed
this risk is relatively low under monitored conditions, such
clinically rather than be defined categorically. Factors
as in clinical trials. However, it should be expected that a
such as ongoing substance use, prior history of misuse
proportion of patients with ADHD comorbid with SUD
of stimulant medication, other co-occurring psychiatric
will misuse, abuse, or divert stimulant medications,96–98
disorders, and overall clinical stability should be taken
particularly in less structured treatment settings. A related
into account. For a patient who is abstinent from sub-
clinical concern, that stimulant treatment would worsen
stance use and has good social functioning, a trial of sti-
SUD outcomes, has not been observed in clinical trials,
mulant medication probably represents a low risk
and in children, stimulant treatment of ADHD has been
intervention, whereas if a patient is using substances or
associated with reduced risk of developing SUD.39
is otherwise clinically compromised, the use of stimulant
The primary approach to the treatment of ADHD
pharmacotherapy must be approached more cautiously.
remains pharmacotherapy; thus, a rational treatment plan
The individualized risk assessment should also dictate
for a patient with ADHD co-occurring with ADHD will
other elements of clinical management, such as the fre-
most likely include pharmacotherapy. For patients without
quency of office visits or urine toxicology testing.
SUD, stimulant medications are the first line treatment
When the decision to use stimulant pharmacotherapy is
choice; however, given the risk of misuse and diversion
made, the choice of formulation should be considered
of stimulant pharmacotherapy, which may be heightened
carefully. Most clinicians experienced in the treatment of
in patients with SUD, the decision to use stimulant medica-
ADHD in patients with SUD would likely recommend
tions must be undertaken carefully. In some cases, nonsti-
the use of sustained-release preparations of stimulants to
mulant pharmacotherapy would be more a more desirable
reduce the potential for misuse, although clinical data are
alternative. The decision to use stimulant pharmacother-
lacking to support this approach. Novel delivery systems
apy in a patient with ADHD and co-occurring SUD
such as the crush-resistant shell of Concerta (Alza Corpora-
requires an individualized risk-benefit assessment.
tion, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, USA)99 or the
The assessment of risk in using stimulant pharma-
recently FDA-approved methylphenidate skin patch, are
cotherapy in a patient with SUD is a broad consideration
more resistant to abuse and may be desirable alternatives
of the patient’s clinical condition, past history, and overall
in patients with co-occurring ADHD and SUD.
functional status. A conservative approach for treating
A final consideration regarding choice of medication is
co-occurring ADHD and SUD would be to begin treat-
that of combination pharmacotherapy. While there is very
Downloaded By: [UAJA - American Journal on Addictions] At: 11:56 5 May 2007
ment with a non-stimulant pharmacotherapy, but if an
minimal data to guide choices with regard to combina-
adequate response is not obtained, stimulant pharma-
tions of ADHD pharmacotherapies, nonetheless, clini-
cotherapy should be considered. While this approach
cians will often be faced with clinical situations that call
would minimize the risk of diversion and the misuse of
for the consideration of combination pharmacotherapy.
stimulants, given that nonstimulants do not appear to
These clinical situations can broadly be categorized into
have equivalent efficacy to stimulants, this increased
four groups: partial response, dose-limiting side effects,
assurance in terms of misuse may come at the expense
associated disorders, and comorbid diagnoses. Potential
of ADHD symptom response. The available evidence
approaches to these clinical situations include combina-
does not support differing degrees of risk based on type
tions of stimulants and non-stimulant medications, combi-
of SUD (eg, cannabis dependence vs. cocaine dependence)
nations of non-stimulant medications, and combinations
or even current substance use, because, as discussed
of immediate- and delayed-action stimulants.
previously, stimulant pharmacotherapy has been usedsuccessfully in patients with active cocaine depen-
dence.26,67,69,70,72–74,76,95 Perhaps the only absolute con-
traindication to stimulant pharmacotherapy in a patientwith SUD would be current abuse of prescription stimu-
Although pharmacotherapy is the cornerstone of treat-
lants or a clear indication that the patient would sell or
ment for ADHD, a variety of psychosocial treatments can
be employed in combination with medication to optimize
While it would be desirable to provide clear-cut recom-
the long-term management of this chronic disorder.
mendations or an algorithm (eg, when patient has charac-
Unfortunately, little controlled research has been under-
teristic X, give drug Y), the data are lacking to provide
taken on psychosocial treatments for adults with ADHD.
such guidance. Instead, clinicians must consider all of
Data on treatments for children are not likely to be
the available clinical information and make the best initial
directly relevant, given that those interventions typically
decision, with the understanding that the treatment
emphasize parent training100 and, in some cases, show
plan may need to be modified over time. The known
no additive benefit of psychosocial treatment to patients
efficacy of psychostimulants must be balanced against
the risk of diversion or misuse, and although this risk is
An important element of the treatment of ADHD is
likely heightened in patients with SUD, it likely varies
psychoeducation. Having the patient learn about the
Co-Occurring ADHD and Substance Use Disorders
disorder and its pervasive effects on their functioning can
The use of psychostimulants in patients with substance
help to set the stage for developing an effective therapeu-
use disorders requires careful monitoring, including urine
tic alliance. Providing educational literature or referrals
toxicology testing. Relapse or worsening of substance use
to community education=support groups, such as Chil-
may necessitate re-assessing the appropriateness of stimu-
dren and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder
lant pharmacotherapy. Careful documentation of all
(CHADD; or the Attention Def-
prescriptions must be maintained in order to monitor the
icit Disorder Association (ADDA;,
amount and frequency of the drug being prescribed.
can be very useful for patients and families in gaining
Repetitive requests to replace ‘‘missing,’’ ‘‘lost,’’ or ‘‘stolen’’
medication should be cause for concern, as should similar
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to
requests for dose increases when not clinically supported.
be effective in reducing symptoms of adult ADHD.102
Delayed-release preparations are preferred to reduce the
Modifications of CBT such as structured skills training103
rate of change of drug blood levels, which is less reinforcing,
or cognitive remediation104 have also been shown to be
as well as to discourage non-oral use. Patient visits should
effective. However, in patients receiving CBT for SUD,
be frequent. Despite all mechanisms in place to reduce the
there is evidence that cognitive deficits, such as those
risk of diversion, misuse, or abuse of stimulants, it should
associated with ADHD, are associated with low treat-
be expected that a small percentage of patients with ADHD
ment retention,105 suggesting that retaining patients with
comorbid with substance use disorders will do so, and that
cognitive deficits in CBT-based SUD treatment is diffi-
careful clinical monitoring will detect such nontherapeutic
cult, and that individualized treatment strategies may
use early and minimize its adverse effects.
Rating scales, such as the Conners Adults Attention-
Additional behavioral strategies for ADHD that are
Deficit Rating Scale,106 can be useful for monitoring
used clinically but not studied in controlled trials in adults
symptom severity over time in response to prolonged
include coaching and behavior modification. Coaching is
abstinence or ADHD pharmacotherapy. One important
a collaborative relationship between the patient and a
caveat is that ADHD rating scales administered to
professional to develop strategies for managing problems
patients who have not yet achieved a prolonged period
such as procrastination, time-management, and organiza-
of abstinence will capture substance-induced symptoms
tion. Behavior modification is a technique used mainly for
of inattention and hyperactivity in addition to possible
children where desired behaviors are positively reinforced
symptoms due to ADHD. In such cases, sequential rating
Downloaded By: [UAJA - American Journal on Addictions] At: 11:56 5 May 2007
scale administration over time can help resolve the diag-nosis; substance-induced symptoms should improve with
abstinence, whereas symptoms due to ADHD will be
stable in the absence of treatment. Rating scales help pro-vide benchmarks from which the efficacy of therapy can
The management of patients with co-occurring ADHD
be measured, particularly if multiple trials of medications
and SUD requires a comprehensive approach to assessing
are required to achieve a clinical response.
symptom burden and functional impairment. The simulta-
Assessment for malingering is an important component
neous treatment of both conditions is likely to be the opti-
of managing a patient with co-occurring ADHD and
mal approach because ADHD symptoms (eg, impulsivity,
SUD, given that the mainstay of treatment for ADHD
poor planning) will interfere with SUD treatment, and sub-
are stimulants that are potentially abusable. Because inat-
stance use will limit the benefit of ADHD treatment.
tention symptoms tend to predominate in adults with
When using psychostimulant pharmacotherapy for
ADHD and symptom assessment is almost entirely based
ADHD in patients with SUD, careful attention to the
on self-report, the potential for patients with substance use
clinical frame and boundaries of treatment needs to be
disorders attempting to mislead clinicians in an effort to
made. It should be discussed explicitly with the patient
obtain stimulants is always present. Efforts to obtain col-
that the use of stimulant medication carries an inherent
lateral data from family and other sources should be
risk of misuse or abuse, and that if evidence of such devel-
made, including childhood school records.
ops, the appropriateness of stimulant use will be reconsid-ered. Emphasis should be placed on the adherence to the
prescribed medication regimen, and that medicationshould not be taken on an ‘‘as needed’’ basis. It should
ADHD and SUDs frequently co-occur, particularly in
be made clear to the patient, and ideally the family, that
SUD treatment settings. The etiology of the increased
if it becomes apparent that prescribed stimulant medica-
association of ADHD and SUD is unknown, although
tion is being misused, abused, or diverted, that there is
one possible cause is that substance use represents an
no obligation on the part of the physician to continue
attempt to ‘‘self-medicate’’ ADHD symptoms. Untreated
treatment. Fortunately, stimulant medications can be dis-
ADHD leads to significant consequences and may
continued abruptly without dangerous sequelae.
impair a patient’s ability to benefit from SUD treatment.
Pharmacotherapy remains the mainstay for the treatment
function of reporting source and definition of disorder. J Abnorm
of ADHD, and psychostimulants continue to be first-line
7. Kessler RC, Adler LA, Barkley R, et al. Patterns and predictors of
treatments. Several non-stimulant medications have
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shown promise for the treatment of ADHD, but their role
results from the national comorbidity survey replication. Biol
for patients with co-occurring SUDs has not yet been
determined. While stimulant medications have the poten-
8. Kessler RC, Adler L, Barkley R, et al. The prevalence and correlates
tial for abuse and must be used cautiously in patients with
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substance use disorders, the available evidence suggests
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that stimulant medications administered under monitored
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conditions can be safe and effective in patients with sub-
ders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Arch Gen
stance use disorders. However, ongoing substance use can
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10. Weiss M, Murray C. Assessment and management of attention-def-
icit hyperactivity disorder in adults. CMAJ. 2003;168:715–722.
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11. Murphy K, Barkley RA. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
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13. Regier DA, Farmer ME, Rae DS, et al. Comorbidity of mental
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States. Results from the National Comorbidity Survey. Arch Gen
tively; however, careful monitoring during treatment is
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Co-Occurring ADHD and Substance Use Disorders
TREATMENT STRATEGIES FOR CO-OCCURRING ADHD AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERPost-testPlease select only one answer for each question. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct answer on the answer form on the back page.
1. Retrospective diagnoses of childhood ADHD in adults made on the basis of self-reports tend to ______________
a. Underdiagnose ADHDb. Overdiagnose ADHDc. Confuse ADHD with bipolar disorderd. Never be done
2. The therapeutic benefit of medications for adult ADHD is more effective when the SUD is ongoing
3. Compared to the community-based National Comorbidity Survey Reports, clinical samples tend to report____________of co-occurring
ADHD in individuals with SUDa. A lower rateb. The same ratec. A higher rate
4. Which of the following has NOT been shown in individuals who have both ADHD and SUD compared to SUD cases without ADHD?
a. Earlier onset of SUDb. Better response to SUD treatment in adults compared to adolescentsc. Reduced likelihood of going into remissiond. Longer time to reach remission
5. The effects of atomoxetine in treatment of ADHD are more gradual than those with stimulants
6. Although clinical data are lacking, it is rational to assume that medication misuse in ADHD patients with SUD would be least likely with:
a. Immediate-release stimulantsb. Intravenous stimulant formulationsc. Sustained-release stimulants
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7. Which of the following is the most rare adverse effect associated with amphetamine treatment of ADHD?
a. Emotional labilityb. Severe hypertensionc. Nausea=vomitingd. Insomnia
8. The mechanism of action of methylphenidate is primarily due to blocking dopamine reuptake in the striatum
9. Which of the following types of antidepressant is contraindicated in patients with SUD?
a. Norepinephrine-serotonin reuptake inhibitorsb. Dopamine=norepinephrine reuptake inhibitorsc. Monoamine oxidate inhibitorsd. Tricyclics
10. Most controlled trials have shown that methylphenidate use for ADHD does not reduce cocaine use in those with comorbid cocaine dependence
11. Based on clinical studies, which of the following has been most effective in treatment of cocaine use?
a. Methylphenidateb. Dextroamphetaminec. Bromocriptined. Atomoxetine
12. When treating with stimulants, an important component of managing a patient with co-occurring ADHD and SUD is:
a. Polypharmacyb. Sequential rating scale administrationc. Assessment of malingeringd. Self-reports
TREATMENT STRATEGIES FOR CO-OCCURRING ADHD AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERSuccessful completion of the posttest examination (at least 75% correct) and activity evaluation is required to earn a maximum of one (1) AMA PRACategory 1 CreditTM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Statements of Credit willbe awarded upon successful completion of the posttest and evaluation.
please mail or fax this completed form to:
Please circle the appropriate rating in answer to the questions that follow:
Extent to Which this Activity Met the Identified Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
1. Identify typical challenges in clinical diagnosis of ADHD in adults
There is no fee for certificate processing.
2. Explain how different types of ADHD pharmacotherapies impact
the risks of SUD in specific patients types.
3. Distinguish between primary symptoms and substance-induced
(Circle the correct answer to each question)
4. Discuss the pros=cons of non-stimulant medications in patients with
ADHD and co-occurring SUD, including second-line medications.
5. Describe treatment scenarios in ADHD that are most likely to lead to
SUD, exacerbate ongoing SUD, or minimize risks of SUD.
6. Provide an overview of psychosocial treatments for ADHD and co-
occurring SUD that can help optimize long-term treatment effectiveness.
To receive credit, you must answer 9 of the 12 post-test questions
correctly, complete all forms, and submit them by January 31,
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4. Will help me improve patient care.
5. Stimulated my intellectual curiosity.
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Co-Occurring ADHD and Substance Use Disorders
Leitlinie: Aktinische Keratose Inhaltverzeichnis Definition, Ätiologie und Epidemiologie Klinik und Histologie Diagnostik Therapie 4.3. Kürettage mit oder ohne Elektrodesikkation Prävention Verfahren zur Konsensbildung Definition der Evidenzebenen Literaturverzeichnis Leitlinie Aktinische Keratose 09/2004 Prof. Dr. med. Eggert Stockfleth, Berlin Pro
The following reader/author exchange refers to the article an NSAID prior to surgery to supplement anesthesia, provide titled “NSAIDs and Delayed Healing” by William Trattler, MD, analgesia, and minimize pain postoperatively. A suggestion and Juan Carlos Abad, MD. The article appeared in our March for surgeons using NSAIDs postoperatively is for them tomake certain the flap has fully ad