Servicio Navarro de Salud / OsasunbideaPlaza de la Paz, s/n - 31002 PamplonaT 848429047 - F [email protected]
VOL 19, No 2 MARCH-APRIL 2011 Could it be your medicine?
Objective: to offer the physician a list of common symptoms that de-
tn rive from adverse drug reactions and a relationship between com-
c mon drugs or classes of drugs that are most frequently implica -
ted. Material and methods: clinical physicians, pharmacists and
physicians working for the Department of Information Systems and
s Clinical Management were asked to identify the most common pro-
b blems encountered in their daily practice and in which medications
could be at the root of these effects. This issue was also presented toan internet forum on Family Medicine and Primary Care. A bibliogra-phical search was carried out in UpToDate® and MEDLINE updated on
April 2011. Only review articles were included. We also searched theTRIP database and BOT Plus database which registers informationon the Summary of Product Characteristics reports. Results andconclusions: we provide a list of common symptoms that can derivefrom adverse reactions to drugs, and a relationship between the
JAVIER GARJÓNDrug Prescribing Service, Navarre Regional Health Service. Spain
drugs or classes of drugs most frequently implicated. The listcould represent a helpful tool for the e-prescribing software of theelectronic medical record. Key words: adverse reactions, drug indu-ced symptoms, pharmacovigilance.
Clinical case
While completing the study, the patient discontin-ued treatment with pregabalin on her own, as it
In July 2009, a 78 year old woman presented at
was the most recent novel therapy she had start-
the consultancy with a 4-day history of sudden ca-
ed. Symptoms disappeared once pregabalin was
cosmia. She explained that she went to bed feel-
stopped. To date she remains asymptomatic.
ing fine and in the morning she woke up with asense of bad odour around. She cleaned up the
The drug information leaflet of pregabalin indi-cates numerous undesirable effects on the nerv-ous system, among them ageusia. The alterationsin taste and in smell are related and can be pro-duced by different drugs from the class of antie -pileptic1. It is important to notify the Center for
Hipothyroidism. Spondyloarthrosis. Episodes of
Pharmacovigilance to enable a better comprehen-
sciatic pain due to L4-L5 segment affectation. sion of the safety profile of all medications. The problem
An important part of the population is under
chronic treatments. We should not forget that
when prescribing a drug to achieve clinical bene-
fit, the treatment also affects the functioning of pa-
Calcium+vitamin D: 1000 mg-880 IU b.i.d.
tient’s organism. It should therefore not be surpris-
ing that adverse reactions represent an important
Behind the undesirable effects, which are the ob-jective of warnings issued by regulating bodies and
the characteristic reactions that appear in pharma-cological texts, there lies the danger of complica-
A general and neurological examination was per-
tions that produce symptoms that are frequently
formed with no findings. Nasal corticoid and an-
unclearly defined and can cause confusion with the
timicrobial treatment was initiated with a suspicion
underlying disease or simulate any other disease.
of acute sinusitis, and the patient was referred to a
These reactions deteriorate the patients quality of
neurologist and an otolaryngologist to rule out
life, make diagnosis and management of the pa-
cortex, hypophysis or sinus affectation.
tient’s diseases difficult, and can lead to what isknown as “prescription cascade” that is, treatment
The patient was examined by the otolaryngologist
of the undesirable effect of a drug by another drug.
who recommended clonazepam and intramuscu-lar betametasone. She presented poor tolerance
To attribute the cause of a symptom to a drug can
to clonazepam and it was discontinued. A sinus
be difficult and often is not done until suspension
CT scan was carried out which was normal. After
of the drug produces improvement in health. It
evaluation by a neurologist, where an electroen-
should be taken into account that any symptom
cephalogram was performed which was normal, a
can be caused by medications even those symp-
cranial MRI was carried out which also turned out
toms which have yet not been documented as ad-
Special attention should be given to new medica-
Management were asked to identify the problems
tions because their safety profiles are often not
they most frequently encountered in their daily
known when they become available on the mar-
practice and which could be caused by medica-
ket. Medications are often commercialised with
tion. The issue was also presented to a internet fo-
identified adverse effects, but it is also admitted
rum on Family Medicine and Primary Care (MED-
that there is still information lacking. This is reflect-
ed by the fact that new medications are accompa-nied by a risk management plan (that includes
During a meeting of the Editorial Board of the Drug
known and potential risks). To mark out new
& Therapeutics Bulletin of Navarre, brainstorming
drugs, and therefore to indicate the existence
techniques were applied to propose symptoms.
of less information on their safety profile, in Spain
Once completed, all the information recollected
it is compulsory to include in all advertising materi-
was re-evaluated to prioritize those symptoms to
al for health professionals the yellow pictogram
’), for a period of 5 years from the time of the
Another problem was the enormous amount of in-formation to be managed. Our objective was to fo-
Summaries of Product Characteristics contain a
cus on commonly used drugs in primary care and
lot of information on adverse reactions, but do not
the most common and validated reactions. Med-
always respond to the needs of the clinician. The
ications restricted to hospital use including anti-
data may derive from clinical trials carried out in
neoplastic agents or HIV antiviral therapy were ex-
controlled conditions, in selected populations and
A bibliographical search was carried out in the
Therefore, the real frequency of adverse reactions
electronic book UpToDate® and MEDLINE using
remains unknown in common daily conditions of
the following strategy: “problem/chemically in-
use. Moreover, it is necessary to review all the
duced”[Mesh] or (“problem” [Mesh] AND “Diagno-
drug information lists of all the medication a pa-
sis, Differential” [Mesh].” Only review articles were
tient may be taking which would take consider-
selected. A search was also made in the TRIP
database and the BOT Plus2 database which rec-ollects information on the Summary of Product
Besides the symptoms caused by medications,
Characteristics of all medications. As our selec-
consideration should be given to those effects
tion was reviews, recently marketed drugs were
that result from the withdrawal of drugs, especially
not included, and so the Summary Product Char-
if withdrawal is sudden (table 2). Good communi-
acteristics reports of the most commonly em-
cation between doctors and patients is essential
ployed medications marketed over the last 5 years
to tackle the problem. If we want to detect drug-
related symptoms, it is necessary to ask and lis-ten actively to our patients.
Conclusion Our objective
This article offers the physician a list of the com-mon symptoms that could cause adverse reac-
The aim of this article is to provide the physician
tions to drugs, and a relationship between drugs
with a list of the most common symptoms that
or classes of drugs that are most frequently impli-
could be caused by adverse reactions, and a rela-
cated. The result is only a starting point which can
tionship between the drugs or classes of drugs
be completed and updated, and even included as
a helpful tool for the e-prescribing software of theelectronic medical record. Methodology
Physicians require better information on drugsafety in real conditions of use. This can only
The first difficulty encountered was to make a se-
come through spontaneous notifications of the
lection of symptoms. Practically any symptom
suspicion of adverse reactions (Yellow Card
that a patient could present can be caused by
Scheme) and more and better pharmacoepidemi-
medications. To address the problem, practising
ological studies. The adequate codification of
physicians, pharmacists, and physicians from the
symptoms and treatments in the electronic med-
Department of Information Systems and Clinical
ical record is essential to carry out such studies.
Warning: as explained earlier we have focussed on the most common problems of the mostfrequently employed medications. We do not present a comprehensive list of medications thatcould produce an undesirable effect. Moreover, the sources do not always coincide whenattributing an adverse reaction to a class of drugs. There are much more relations betweenadverse reactions and drugs than those presented here. If there is any suspicion of an adverseeffect then the physician should consult the Summary of Product Characteristics or consult thePharmacovigilance Centre or the Drug Information Centre. Acknowledgements We thank Dr Clint Jean Louis, of the Emergency Department of the Navarre Regional Health Service in Spain, for translating the original manuscript into English. Table 1. Common symptoms (ordered according to ICPC or ICD-9 codes) and the medication implicated (ordered according to therapeutic group ATC). (ICPC, ICD-9)* Medication Observations Asthenia3,4
RanolazinAntihypertensive agents: betablockersmost frequently implicatedOpioidsBenzodiazepinesAntidepressantsH1 Antihistamine agents
H2 antihistamine agents MisoprostolProton pump inhibitorsMetforminAcarbose, miglitolExenatide, liraglutideCilostazoleDigoxinAntiarrythmic agents AliskirenNicotinic acid/laropiprantEzetimibeAntibioticsNSAIDsStrontium ranelateCarbamazepineSSRI, duloxetin, agomelatineTeophilineRoflumilast
(ICPC, ICD-9)* Medication Observations Constipation5-7
H2 Antihistamine agents Proton pump inhibitorsSucralfateLaxatives (chronic use)Calcium supplementsIron supplementsAmiodaroneRanolazinDiuretic agentsBetablockersCalcium channel blockersCholestiramine, colestipolOral contraceptive agentsUrinary antispasmodic agents NSAIDsBisphosphonates Opioids
Prescription should beaccompanied by preven-tive measures, includinglaxatives
AntipsychoticsAnticholinergic agents for Parkinson diseaseLithiumTricyclic antidepressants, duloxetine, venlaxafin H1 Antihistamine agents
AminoglycosidesNSAIDsAcetylsalicylic acid
Muscle cramps9
Dihydropiridine calcium channel blockers
StatinsNicotinic acid/laropiprantRaloxifene, bazedoxifenePenicilamineAntipsychotics: phenothiazinesBeta 2 adrenergic agonists
Muscular pain10,11
Evaluate risk of rhab-domyolysis. Precautionwith interactions.
CorticoidsQuinolonesColchicineBisphosphonates Quinine, chloroquin
(ICPC, ICD-9)* Medication Observations Due to acute exposure
CilostazoleNitroglicerineIvabradine, ranolazineBetablockers Calcium channel blockers Nicotinic acid/laropiprantSildenafil, vardenafilNSAIDsTheophyllineRoflumilast
Due to abuse of medication Due to chronic use
CorticoidsThyroid hormoneIndomethacinLithium
Acute dystonia13 Tremor14
domperidone. Watch forsigns of parkinsonism
Consider hyperthyroi-dism, reduce dose to200 mg daily. Consider a betablocker
Reduce dose. Change toanother antiepileptic drug
Watch for signs of par-kinsonism (see table 4). Withdraw. Change toanother of lower risk
Precaution due to possi-ble serotoninergicsyndrome (see table 3)
Adrenergic agonists: efedrine, phenyl-propanolamine, pseudoephedrineBeta 2 adrenergic agonists.
(ICPC, ICD-9)* Medication Observations Alterations in taste (ageusia) or smell1,15
PropaphenoneAmiodarone, dronedaroneNitroglicerinDiuretics: acetazolamide, amyloride,hydrochlorothiazide, spironolactoneCalcium channel blockersACE inhibitor and ARBsStatinsAntifungal agents: terbinafine, griseofulvinCorticoidsThyroid therapy: levothyroxine, carbimazole, tiamazoleAntimicrobials: ampicillin, azithromycin,ciprofloxacin, clarithromycin, etambutol,metronidazole, ofloxacin, sulphametoxa-zole, ticarcillin, tetracyclineAntiviral agents: aciclovir, amantadine,interferon, osetalmivirPenicillamineColchicineTriptansAntiepileptic agentsAntiparkinson agentsLithiumSedatives and hipnotics: alprazolam, fluracepam, buspirone, zolpidemAntidepressants: tricyclic, SSRI, duloxetin, venlafaxine, bupropionH1 Antihistamine agents
Dizziness/ unstability8,16
Ivabradin, ranolazineAntihypertensive agentsNicotinic agents/laropiprantAlpha blockersNSAIDsAntiepileptic agentsBenzodiazepinesAntidepressantsAntivertiginous agents (chronic use)
BenzodiazepinesAntidepressants: tricyclics, SSRI, dulo-
Adrenergic agonist: ephedrine, phenyl-propanolamine, pseudoephedrineRoflumilast
(ICPC, ICD-9)* Medication Observations Insomnia18
Calcium channel blockersCorticoidsAntidepressants: tricyclics, SSRI, dulo-xetin, venlafaxine, bupropion, agome-latineMethylphenidate, atomoxetineAdrenergic agonists: ephedrine, phenyl-propanolamine, pseudoephedrineBeta 2 adrenergic agonistsTheophylline
Betablockers Urinary antispasmodic agents
Anticholinergic effectsare an important cause of confusion in elderlypatients
CorticoidsBetalactamicsQuinolonesNSAIDsOpiodsAntiepileptic agentsAntiparkinson agentsAntipsychotic agents
Anticholinergic effectsare an important cause of confusion in elderlypatients
BenzodiazepinesTricyclic antidepressants
Anticholinergic effectsare an important cause of confusion in elderlypatients
Precaution with possibleserotoninergic syndrome(see table 3)
are an important cause of confusion in elderlypatients
DigoxinBetablockersCorticoidsClarithromycinOpioidsDopaminergic antiparkinson agonists BenzodiazepinesAntidepressantsMethylphenidate Adrenergic agonist: ephedrine, phenyl-propanolamine, pseudoephedrine
(ICPC, ICD-9)* Medication Observations Mania23,24
AntidepressantsMethylphenidate, atomoxetine
BetablockersACE inhibitors, ARBsContraceptivesCorticoidsInterferonsNSAIDsAntiepileptic agentsBenzodiazepinesCalcium channel blockers: flunarizine Roflumilast
Sexual hormonesBetalactamicsMacrolidsQuinolonesTamoxifenNSAIDsAlopurinolOpiodsAntiepileptic agentsAntipsychotic agentsAntidepressants Antimalarial agents
NSAIDs: Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. ACE: Angiotensin converting enzyme. ARBs: Angiotensin II receptor blockers. SSRI: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.
(*) These include ICPC and ICD-9 codes of diseases that can be related to an adverse reaction but may not necessarily be the correct code of the problem.
Table 2. Problems related with the abrupt withdrawal of commonly used drugs in primary care2,28. MEDICATION
Rebound hypertension Symptoms of sympathetic hyperactivity
Adrenal insufficiency: fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness,hypotension, muscle pain
Convulsions, anxiety, insomnia, pain, nausea, diarrhoea, flu-like syndrome, nervousness,depression, sweating and dizziness
Flu like syndrome, insomnia, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, agitation sensory disorders, tremor
RelapseCholinergic rebound: nausea, anxiety, insomnia, agitation, dyskinesia
Table 3. Serotoninergic syndrome13,32. SYMPTOMS Autonomous
Tachypnea, dispnoeaDiarrhoeaHypotension or hypertension
Neurological Implicated medications Antidepressants: SSRI, tricyclics, MAO inhibitor, bupropion, trazodone, nefazodone, venlafaxine, duloxetine, hypericum. Triptans. Opioids: fentanyl, tramadol, pentazocine, meperidine, dextrometorphan. Selegiline, sibutramine, lithium, ondansetron, granisetron. Frecuently this syndrome is caused by the interaction of various of these drugs. Table 4. Main extrapiramidal reactions related to antipsychotic agents2,13. YATROGENIC EPISODE CHARACTERISTICS
Rigidity, bradikinesia, tremor, characteristic gait.
Muscle spasm in tongue, face, neck and back. More common in young patients.
Motor agitation, without psychological symptoms
Facial movements of mastication and sucking, involuntary movements in the legs, trunk dystonia. More common in elderly patients.
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NOTES ON PEDIATRIC SOAP NOTES Sick Child Visit Always chart the following in the Subjective part of the SOAP on a sick visit under Associated Manifestations: = Eating 24 hr. diet recall with amts. fluid intake with specific amts. how is it? changes? Indicate if no changes say what it is/are? changes? Indicate if no changes If caretaker does not know, ask questions to determine i
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