Läkemedelsföretagen tvekar ofta inför att satsa på ny antibiotika för att det inte är tillräckligt lönsamt, men de ska nu ges ekonomiska morötter antibiotika-sverige.com Ofta fås en bättre/snabbare absorption när läkemedel tas på fastande mage men för vissa läkemedel är det önskvärt att minska risken för biverkningar från mag-tarmkanalen genom att läkemedlet tas tillsammans med föda.
Share the News NEW Doing Business During a Pandemic:
The University of Minnesota's Center for Infectious Disease
Research and Policy (CIDRAP), in collaboration with the
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), and
with contractual financial support from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has released a new
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If you received this e-mail as a forward,
The toolkit, designed for organizations of all sizes, is
Guidance for Employers
Help human resource (HR) professionals new topandemic planning come up to speed quickly on
high-priority HR issues related to operating during
Provide concrete ways that organizations canimplement federal guidance
Offer new ideas that can be used to improve
Serve as a reference for benchmarking. The guide is available online:
Employers who have already stockpiled antiviral drugs in
anticipation of a severe pandemic should maintain their
stockpiles in accordance with state pharmacy regulations
and federal laws and regulations. Currently the level of
severity of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic does not warrant the
use of antivirals for pre-exposure ("outbreak") prevention
Current CDC guidance recommends using antivirals only for
rapid treatment of ill persons and for post-exposure
or for exposed healthcare personnel, public
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has urged
organizations with stockpiled antiviral drugs (Tamiflu and
Relenza) that are at or nearing their expiration date to
consider keeping supplies while the Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) evaluates options, including
those that may allow for their use if needed during the
More information:
CDC's Dr. Joe Bresee explains the nature of antiviral drugs
Communications Tools Seasonal and H1N1 Vaccine Q&A for Businesses: Vaccine Supply Q&A:
Vaccine Safety:
The five key priority groups that should be vaccinated first
are pregnant women, healthcare workers, people who care
for infants under the age of 6 months, all people from 6
months to 24 years of age, and people ages 25 through 64
To find out where seasonal and H1N1 flu vaccine is offered
Resources for Parents Learn More
For the latest information on novel H1N1and seasonal flu:
The CDC Foundation helps CDC domore, faster, by forging effectivepartnerships between CDC andcorporations, foundations andorganizations to fight threats to healthand safety. Through programs such asthe , the Corporate/CDCRoundtable on Global Health Threatsand the the CDC Foundation isconnecting CDC and other governmentalpublic health organizations with partnersand resources in the private sector toaddress emerging health threats like thenovel H1N1 flu pandemic.
This email was sent by: The CDC Foundation 55 Park Place, Suite 400 Atlanta, Georgia, 30303, USA
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Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit Teen Mission 2012 – Sample Itinerary (subject to change) Day 1 – Wednesday, July 4 / Our Journey Begins • Airport welcome & begin travel to Jerusalem • Overnight: Jerusalem Young Judea Youth Hostel Day 2 – Thursday, July 5 / Biblical Days to the 1st Temple • Neot Kedumim and Shepherding program • Overnigh
Sandoz ensures continued supply of levothyroxine sodium in Japan Tokyo, Japan, April 01, 2011 – Sandoz K.K. is pleased to announce that it has recently started importing levothyroxine sodium to meet the needs of Japanese patients, following the disruption of the product’s supply by the devastating effects of the natural disaster. The earthquake and tsunami that occurred on March 11