Via L. Muratori, 627029 VigevanoItalyMobile: 333 5903167Fax: +39 0381 84343Email: [email protected]
Corsico Piccolino A. Paola owner of Linguaperfect
Technical, logistics, software/hardware, electronics, law, European Union documentation, economics and medical translator (Dutch, English, French> Italian) Italian mother-tongue SW/HW localization projects. Start of the translation activity (1999-2008) 1 3 years of experience in the translation field (start of the activity: 1996)
Most recent projects (2006-2009): Various lengthy projects for ABC Translate Dublin concerning scripts about Business conduct in the workplace (business procedures, regulations…)Zimmer projects (re-sterilization tools)Normstahl-Crawford (23.000 word project about garage doors Dutch and English into Italian)Law projects for Telelingua and Capaldi Traductions (Bruxelles)Air filter media for Startrans (Jacques Pelgrom. Nederland) -
Versele Laga pet food (NL>IT) for Tradas Bruxel es -
English into Italian: Photo cameras technical manuals (Pentax project - 2008) - An entire instruction manual for a Sanyo digital camera (28.000 words) (project accomplished Aug. 20th 2003) Squared Financial services (forex market project for the localization of the Company site) Honda Civic 2001 technical manual (final client: Honda Motor Europe Ltd) Bridgestone/Firestone Europe: newsletters and contracts
Denon DVD readers (Aug. 2003)Kodak press releases (Kodak Advantix, Kodak Preview cameras.)Philips DVD devices and flat screen technology;Komatsu operation manual (Aug. 2003)The management of waste electrical & electronic equipment (a guide) (Aug. 2003)Hage fittings (products catalogue)Brother sewing machines project Measurement devices, oscilloscopes (regular assignments/on-going project) (lengthy revision work)Packaging project of about 20.000 wordsPackaging articles (10.000 words)Euromate air cleaning systems
Environment technology (draining systems)ISO-compliant procedures (Quality control: English and Dutch into Italian)Software-hardware documentation (English and Dutch into Italian) Auction Services User Guide explaining how to use Commerce One Auction Services to administer an auction Website. Medical Equipment Manuals, Medical Reports, Articles from Medical Journals, Medical Procedures, Clinical Trial ProtocolsLive blood cell analysis (screening tests for hematological status/microscopic blood analysis)(12.000 words) Thermo-respiratory device (24.000 words) optical coherence tomographer (24.000 words) "Sequential use of teriparatide and raloxifene HCL in the treatment of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis" Medical: US Surgical (various endosurgery product inserts and instructions for use)Management (two manuals): approximately 20.000 wordsReaping machines, combine harvesters, rice harvesters and the relative components, harvesters for water management: about 10.000 wordsFilters (industrial applications)Business integrity interactive course (script format)
utch into Italian: Latest project done for Elan Lanugages (end of Feb. 2008): 65.000 words localization into Italian of a Logistics software. Animal food Videogames (2007), web-based educational games for children Maatschappelijke statuten (regular jobs) Installatie-Gebruikers-en Servicehandleiding van een gasgestookte open boiler (A.O.Smith water products company) Aandrijvingen Transportkettingen Continu Sterilisator (34,000 words project) (delivery date: June 23rd 2003)
EFBH material (forestry, wood industry reports) on-going job with a Belgian translation agencyFord project: 70.000 words from Dutch into Italian Stocks managementSeveral law texts and contractsPyro ovens geotextiles (Dutch and French into Italian); 1 environmental impact assessment form Software/hardware documentation (Adobe documentation; printers, modems, etc.). Book translation (Dutch into Italian) about the port of Antwerp's expansion (Eurologos, BXL)Wood cleaners;StovesSealants, foam cleaners Registratiebewijzen (horse registration documents including horse descriptions);one market report within the shoe-making sector from Dutch into Italian. supersnelreagerende lijmen, bescherming van metalen, oplossingen tegen roest, smeermiddelen, ontvetters…one technical manual (Pallet systems) + Nationale Beoordelingsrichtlijn (afvalzakken). Quality control (NEN, ISO norms…)Arts articles (painters and sculptors introductory material for books)
German into Italian: Die Europäische Holzwerkstoffindustrie (15.000 words) European Union documentation Contracts Several technical documentation, user manuals Hardware documentation French into Italian: Several technical and European Union texts. Substances classification for the Solvay Group (European regulations); Chaudières murales à gaz ; Spécialiste dans les systèmes de stockage et de la logistique, transpalettes, chariots, rouleurs forte charge, conteneurs, transporteurs à rouleurs motorisés, manutention dynamique, levage, emballage, mobilier d’atelier, équipements de protection individuelle, lubrifiants, outils coupants, serrage, outillage à main, outillage portatif, rangement outillage, poignées, serrures, charnières, nettoyage, propreté, sécurité, signalisation dans les usines, mobilier/équipement collectif, mobilier bureaux de direction, panneaux d’affichage, etc. Catalogue Manutan 2003,: plus de 300 pages (30-40 lignes par page) de traduction technique. Fiches techniques. English>Spanish Various technical (Euromate air cleaners), medical, IT translation assignments thanks to the collaboration of my colleagues supporting my work. Education 1986-87: High SchoolDiploma in foreign languages (5 year study cycle), Liceo Linguistico L. da Vinci in Vigevano (Italy) 1990-91: Pavia University (Italy): degree in foreign languages, full marks: English, French and Spanish languages and literatures. 1993-96 (Feb.) School for Interpreters and Translators of the municipality of Milan (Piazza Cantore, 10, Milano, Italy): Degree-level certificate in conference interpreting: English/French/Italian. Deelcertificaat Nederlands als Vreemde Taal (Elementaire, Basis en Uitgebreide Kennis). Qualifying exam for teaching in the Italian state schools (full marks 80/80) HARDWARE Hardware: Pentium IV, 3500+ AMD Athlon processor, 2,20 GHz + one laptop computer, Canon S520x color printer, one Dual Core computer, 2 fax machines, one high resolution scanner. SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows XP/Vista- Adobe Acrobat Writer 5.0 - Microsoft Office 2000 (Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, Front Page)- Microsoft Word 2000 -WinZip 8 - PageMaker 5.0 – Quark Express 5.0 - Norton Antivirus regularly updated ADSL connection CAT Tools Trados 7 (Workbench, MultiTerm, TagEditor, WinAlign). (Milan . Dec. 2008) On-site Seminar on Trados Synergy SDL Passolo seminar Clients: Elan Languages, Heusden-Zolder (Belgie) A.I.T. Franco Pellegrini Bruxelles - Maurizio Capaldi Traductions Bruxelles - Creapro (Den Haag, The Netherlands) - Concorde Vertalingen (The Netherlands) - Datatranslations (Belgium) - Wordbank (London - UK) - Eurologos (Bruxelles)- Startrans (NL) - Tradas (Bruxelles) – Crestec (Amsterdam) – Elan Languages (Belgium) - Dewachter Vertaalbureau (Antwerpen - Belgium) - BCV Copywriting en Vertaling cvba (Mortsel, Belgium) -The Total Translation Company Ltd., Hertford (United Kingdom), Ad Litteram (France), LCS Language and Content Solutions AG, Effretikon (Switzerland), Alden Translations (Oxford - GB), ABC Translate (Ireland), Mylemans Vertaalbureau Antwerpen (BE), Wilsens Vertaalbureau Antwerpen, Parole Vertaalbureau Antwerpen, ABC Translate Dublin.
Report to the Heritage Agency of Denmark Merete Sanderhoff, project researcher, Statens Museum for Kunst Image sharing and mobile strategies Research visit at US cultural heritage institutions Pulje 5 – International erfaringsudveksling og kompetencegivende efteruddannelse [International exchange of experience and competence providing training] List of content Field of
For immediate release Media Release HONG KONG, 9 June 2011 Tricor, Equiniti and Link Market Services Form Global Share Alliance Tricor Investor Services Limited, Hong Kong’s leading share registration and investor services provider and part of the Tricor Group (“Tricor”), announced today that they have formed a strategic alliance with Equiniti, a UK company, and Link