HAS 9 Education Outside the Classroom Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) Safety Management procedures for Kapanui School Rationale
• Children learn by safely experiencing and enjoying their environment. These
experiences should be appropriate to their needs and prior experience.
• Children should have the opportunity to explore the world safely outside the
• E.O.T.C is defined as all those events that occur outside the classroom.
• The Kapiti / Wellington area is rich in EOTC opportunities that will add value to
Kapanui students learning and development.
• To enhance learning through a variety of well designed first hand experiences.
• To increase knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the Kapiti Coast /
• To increase knowledge, understanding and appreciation of areas that may differ in
• To further the skills of observation, recording, reporting and organisation.
• To develop a sense of adventure and an attitude of responsibility particularly towards
General Information and Requirements Summary
• The Risk Management Matrix must be completed for all Category 2 and 3 events –
• All trips out of the Kapiti region i.e. camps must have a minimum ratio of 1:6, water
1:3. All trip forms must be completed as well as a risk management matrix for such trips. Local trips of lower risk should have at least two adults. The whiteboard in the staffroom should state where a particular class are when they leave the school.
• The annual EOTC permission collected from parents only gives permission for category 1 trips within the school and local community and where the risk factor is low, this can include the regular trips to the swimming pool and Gym Fun – Parents still need to be notified that these trips are occurring.
• All teachers planning E.O.T.C. must consult with the Principal to ensure that the
approval criteria are met and that a risk management matrix has been completed and filed.
• Where parents are transporting children, private vehicles must display a current
warrant of fitness, registration and seat belts, must be worn.
• E.O.T.C. activities are considered as part of the curriculum and as such participation
by students is expected except if otherwise stated by the school.
• It is desirable that no student shall be excluded from E.O.T.C. on the grounds of
• A camp for Yr7/8 children will take place once every two years.
• Parent helpers will be covered in the cost of the outing for overnight camps if funds
• The school’s non-smoking and shady schools policies apply to any school trip.
• Alcohol and non-prescription drugs are not permitted to be taken on school trips by
• To use school buildings for sleepovers / camps the school must – have approval from
the local council. Have an evacuation scheme / an early warning system (automatic fire detection) / emergency lighting (temporary form may suffice)
• For guidelines for planning school trips and camps refer the following MOE web site support documents EOTC guidelines for Good practice - TKI - EOTC Resources EOTC - Frequently Asked Questions - TKI - EOTC Resources Specific Guidelines and Detail
EOTC activities have been identified as the following categories
• Category 1 – School environment and short walking areas of Waikanae. They require
• Category 2 – Off site events within school hours e.g. pool visit, triathlon, local sports.
They require parental consent and management approval
• Category 3 – Events longer than normal school hours, over night and/or high risk
activities. They require parental consent and both management and B.O.T approval
• The B.O.T have permitted management to be responsible for category 1 and 2
• The B.O.T is to be consulted in regard to out of school time activities and those
• The designation of an event according to category is to be approved by the principal.
If any doubt the B.O.T. Health and safety person and/or E.O.T.C. adviser are to be consulted. Adequate time needs to be allowed to seek this.
Parental Consent
• Risk must be disclosed to the parent/caregiver so as they can give informed consent.
This is best done by attaching a signed school approved Risk Analysis and Management System (RAMS) or Safety Action Plan (SAP) form
• Blanket consent is acceptable for a series of events with similar risks. To be decided
by the principal. E.g. Weekly visits to the Pools or Gym Fun
The following list should be used when requesting consent for category 3 events.
1. Date, Name, Date of event, start and finish times. 2. Group and individuals involved. 3. Venue address / phone numbers / description. 4. Curriculum objectives, purpose, transport arrangements, staff involved with relevant qualifications and experience. 5. Cost, clothing and equipment. 6. Rules for school and event. 7. Contingency plans 8. Date of return consent. 9. Health profiles and other relevant information. 10. Signed by the teacher in charge and principal.
• Competent staff must lead events. The principal is responsible for decisions around
• Parents, Contractors, Volunteers must be screened for their suitability to be involved.
• Parents, Contractors, Volunteers must be briefed by the teacher in charge regarding
the objectives, specific roles, responsibility and risk management and it is to be clear as to who is in charge.
• Outside providers contracted into a supervisory and/or instructional role. must be
written up and agreed upon by signature.
• Supervision Ratio – must be part of RAMs
• A ratio shows the number of skilled/experienced supervisors compared to the number
of novices – at times adults may be novices. It is important that the ratio ensures a high quality learning experience and safe event. Ratios for E.O.T.C. are hard to prescribe as they can vary according to student needs, age group, activity, location, experience of group and competence of staff. If in doubt be conservative and seek professional advice.
• A list of students and parents must be left at the office along with the RAMS form.
• In line with the Professional Development Policy appropriate Professional
Development will be encouraged to develop teacher EOTC skill.
Risk Analysis and Management Systems RAMs
• All E.O.T.C. events must have an approved Kapanui School RAMS, and this must be
signed by the AP or Principal. B.O.T approval of the RAMS/SAP is necessary for Category 3 activities.
• To assist in the writing of RAMS staff are referred to the existing examples on the
MOE website which has specimens, templates and Guidelines for those writing RAMS. The Ministry Safety and E.O.T.C –A good practice guide for NZ schools is also a valuable resource.
• Appropriate equipment for emergency evacuation and first aid shall be available at
events and en route e.g. first aid and cell phones. Every person must have access to a first aider.
• Staff must be familiar with the environment where activities are to take place.
• Staff must take action to eliminate, isolate and minimise and ensure that students are
informed of hazards, management strategies and contingency plans.
• In the case of water events, staff are to check that the children’s swimming
competency is appropriate for the activity. Further, there must be one competent person able to monitor the whole event.
• Each student must have a safety belted seat. If bus is being used then check
suitability of bus i.e. safety belts. The teacher must have a complete transport list. Any changes to this list have to made with consultation through the teacher in charge. The office or delegated school contact person has a complete transport list as well.
• Driver licence, W.O.F and registration must be current.
• Children who suffer car sickness are to be identified and placed appropriately in the
• The accident register must be filled out following any accident/incident or near miss
• The principal must be informed where there has been harm to a student and/or adult /
• Accidents / Incidents and near misses will be reported to the Board of Trustees in line
• An annual review of the accidents / incidents and near misses will be reported to the
Board of Trustees in line with the Health and Safety.
• Activities and circumstances requiring equipment will be identified by the teacher in
• Safety equipment / clothing must be worn and instructions given.
• Usage will be logged and regular checks carried out and recorded.
• School first aid kits must be carried. A list of items used must be forwarded to the
• Facilities must be checked prior to the event.
• The Board of Trustees through the principal will monitor and review all events.
• Students must follow Kapanui School’s code of behaviour (Classroom Management
• Staff are required to obtain agreement from the students to follow the code of
• Student’s experience is ‘challenge by choice’ (they are not forced to participate)
Contingency Plans References
• The Ministry of Education Safety and E.O.T.C –A good practice guide for NZ schools
(published 2002) contains sections on EOTC programme Goals and Outcomes, programming principles, governance and management responsibilities, safety management systems, staffing band supervision, legal requirements, codes of practice and accepted best practice, definitions, environmental care code and instructor code of professional practice, and a large number of tools to assist schools in the documentation of their EOTC events
• Water Safety NZ has guidelines. See www.watersafe.org.nz
Appendix to EOTC Policy and Procedures
Contingency Plans The following plans have been established as guidelines to assist Kapanui staff, Board Members and the community deal with a range of events which could possibly occur both on- and off-site. The school will be supported in such events by the community emergency and social services, and the Ministry of Education’s regional Group Special Education (GSE). ACCIDENT RESPONSE SEQUENCE Someone is injured Steps1 to 7 are a sequence.
1) Approach the victim safely/look out for danger and take charge of the situation 2) Check responsiveness. Talk to Victim 3) Determine extent of injury by performing a rapid initial assessment (survey) where one checks: Airway (A), Breathing (B), Circulation (C). 4) If necessary Act to stabilise the patient by performing the urgently needed first aid. That is, as is needed, open the airway; perform either CPR or resuscitation, stop/control bleeding 5) Treat for Shock 6) Check for other injuries by carrying out a thorough body search (Secondary survey) 7) Act on what you find to make the patient comfortable 9) Hand over to medical/emergency people 10) Look after self and any other people. Treat for shock. 11) Record the vital signs throughout- and post- the emergency 12) Fill out Accident/Incident form. In the case of serious harm OSH will need to be informed. 13) Inform the principal 14) Principal talks to Board, GSE, parents, staff, other students and media 15) Activate trauma plan if needed with help of GSE RESCUE PLAN Someone needs to be rescued from further harm All of the following should occur simultaneously if possible 1) Take charge 2) Look after yourself (and the group by way of delegation) 3) Assess the environment, the victim and your options 4) Set up the site where the victim is to be placed 5) Stabilise the victim if required 6) Move the victim THE FATALITY PLAN The order of the steps may vary 1) Look after the group: shelter, fluids and food 2) Cover the body & create a no-go zone 3) Contact the TIC, the Principal & Police
4) Allow for grieving (the language of death is sometimes an issue. It is accurate and no less caring to use the term ‘died’) 5) Abandon the activity 6) Principal informs the Board, GSE, parents, staff, other students and media 7) Activate trauma plan with help of GSE
THE EVACUATION PLAN Someone needs to be moved to medical care which is some considerable distance away
1) Assess the patient for stability 2) Assess the resources you have (personnel and equipment) 3) Assess the environment (easy terrain?) 4) Action either by preparing the patient and carrying them (Action A) or call for a helicopter via the Police (Action B) Action A will be appropriate if 1, 2 and 3 are in your favour. The steps are: construct or go get stretcher; prepare the stretcher and the patient for the trip; select the route; prepare the team; carry the patient to a pick-up point and/or medical care; and at all times look after the group. Action B will be necessary if any one of 1, 2 and 3 is unfavourable. The steps are: send out a message (written message with two runners preferable) or call the Police on 111 requesting a helicopter; prepare the heli site (anchor things down); care for the patient and the group; attract the helicopter to your site. SEARCH PLAN Someone is missing from your group out in the bush/hills or missing from the school environs and you need to act in an appropriate way to get an early find. 1, 2, 3 and 4 are sequential 1) Question witnesses to establish the circumstances of loss and the Point Last Seen 2) Look in possible hiding places to eliminate these first 3) Alert the police and principal 4) Compile clues from any witnesses to the time leading up to the discovery that the person is missing 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 can be concurrent depending on the resources you have 5) Check point last seen 6) Check areas of high probability (what excited/intrigued the person?) 7) Set up confinement/”road blocks” 8) Check paths of least resistance 9) Deploy attraction such as calling out their name, lighting a fire, shining a torch 10) Evaluate the situation. If you have found them be positive. Give TLC.
If the subject is still missing…call up the police who will activate their SAR team and contact the principal who will contact parents, other students and staff, the Board and deal with media. FOLLOW UP Some useful steps following any event
1) All cases of serious harm must be reported to OSH immediately 2) Contact with parent(s)/caregiver(s) must be immediate 3) Develop a support plan for the group, the staff and your relationship with the victim and family, and implement that plan (MOE, GSE will help) 4) Keep in contact with all parties including the media 5) Look after your own welfare 6) Investigate the incident and report to the BOT
TRAUMA PLAN A The school Trauma team meets to
1) Establish the facts 2) Establish/confirm the support systems already in place 3) Undertake a needs analysis decide on the actions required (refer to B below)
B The school Trauma team actions as appropriate the following
1) Look after those involved e.g. students, staff trauma team, families directly and indirectly involved 2) Oversee the involvement of the media, police & other services 3) Maintain a clear paper trail 4) Staff the phones 5) Contact of GSE (Group Special Education) 6) Control of information 7) Convene progress meetings 8) Prepare communiqués 9) Make available an appropriate/separate space 10) Monitoring of the Trauma Team 11) Debrief/evaluate actions 12) Identify areas of ongoing support 13) Acknowledge the contributions of those involved 14) Identify any Professional Development needs
SPECIAL NOTES for any event Investigation…… The school’s incident investigation plan would be activated after any incident. Recording…. All incidents/accidents including near misses relating to students, staff, contractors and volunteers must be recorded in the OSH document held in the school office. Communication: It is good practice to send out a written message with at least two runners if radio/phone is not appropriate. The principal is the only staff member authorised to talk to the media. The BOT spokesperson is the chairperson.
El tipo de sangre que tenemos sería la causa de una predisposición a preferir y sintetizar mejor ciertos alimentos. Un manejo adecuado de este dato podría ayudarnos a bajar de peso de manera A fines de la década de 1970, James D´Adamo, un médico naturista estadounidense, advirtió que los tratamientos dietéticos que aconsejaba a sus pacientes presentaban resultados muy dispares. Lo que
Health Information Patient Name: Have you experienced any of the following? Y N Angina/Chest Pain Frequent Cough Pain in Jaw Joints Breathing Problems Frequent Diarrhea Recent Weight Loss Bruise Easily Frequent Urination Sinus Problems Difficulty Swallowing Hives or Rash Swollen Joints Excessive Thirst Jaundice