GENDER MEDICINE/VOL. 7, NO. 4, 2010 Commentary Sex, Gender, and Pharmaceutical Politics: From Drug Development to Marketing Jill A. Fisher, PhD1; and Lorna M. Ronald, PhD2 1Center for Biomedical Ethics & Society, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee; and 2Interdisciplinary Studies Program,John Jay College (City University of New York), New York, New York Background: Biological sex differences and sociocultural gender norms affect the provision of health
care Copyright Excerpta Medica, Inc, 2010
has been little explicit analysis of the impact of sex differences and
gender norms on the regulation of pharmaceutical development and marketing. Objectives: This article provides an overview of the regulation of pharmaceuticals and examines the
ways that regulatory agencies account for sex and gender in their review of scientific data and marketing materials.
Methods: The primary focus is on the US context, but information is also included about regulatory
models in Europe, Canada, and Japan for comparative purposes. Specific examples show how sex differ-ences and gender norms influence scientific and policy decisions about pharmaceuticals. Results: The United States and Canada were found to be the only countries that have explicit require-
ments to include women in clinical trials and to perform sex-based subgroup analysis on study results. The potential influence of politics on regulatory decisions may have led to an uneven application of stan-dards, as seen through the examples of mifepristone (for abortion) and sildenafil citrate (for erectile dys-function). Three detailed case studies illustrate the importance of considering sex and gender in pharma-ceutical development and marketing: Phase I clinical trials; human papillomavirus quadrivalent vaccine; and tegaserod, a drug for irritable bowel syndrome. Conclusions: Sex and gender play important roles in pharmaceutical regulation, from the design of
clinical trials and the approval of new drugs to advertising and postmarketing surveillance. However, regulatory agencies pay insufficient attention to both biological sex differences and sociocultural gender norms. This disregard perpetuates inequalities by ignoring drug safety problems that predominate in women and by allowing misleading drug marketing that reinforces gender stereotypes. Recommendations have been made to improve the regulation of pharmaceuticals in regard to sex and gender. (Gend Med. 2010;7:357–370) 2010 Excerpta Medica Inc. Key words: pharmaceutical regulation, drug development, marketing, direct-to-consumer advertising,
Phase I trials, HPV quadrivalent vaccine, tegaserod, mifepristone, sildenafil citrate.
Accepted for publication August 2, 2010.
2010 Excerpta Medica Inc. All rights reserved.
scription drugs is permitted. DTCA frequently
Pharmaceuticals are an important topic through
blurs the line between healthy and unhealthy,
which to explore sex and gender in health care.
frames health in gendered ways, or minimizes the
This article explores the interplay of gender and
severity of disease or treatment regimens.4–15 For
pharmaceutical regulation to illustrate how sex
example, advertisements for the birth control
and gender differences in drug development and
pill Seasonale®* offer women “freedom” from
marketing emerge from biology and politics. The
menstruation, by promising only 4 periods a year
concept of “pharmaceutical politics” highlights
(1 every 3 months).16 As another example, prior to
the complex interaction of regulatory agencies
a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warn-
with sociocultural and economic interests to shape
ing letter sent on April 27, 2001, some antiretrovi-
the medicines that are available and our knowl-
ral drugs were advertised in gay magazines with
edge about them. To begin with, sex differences
hypermasculine images of men participating in
and gender norms affect both drug development
sports, such as mountain climbing, which are mis-
and marketing. By “sex,” we mean the biological
leading pictures of what can be a grueling medica-
characteristics or differences between men and
tion regimen for HIV/AIDS patients.9,12,17
women. By “gender,” we mean the social and cul-
Gender has also been incorporated into the
tural norms associated with masculinity and femi-
industry technique of rebranding existing drugs as
ninity. Specifically, some pharmaceuticals are
new therapies. To extend the patent protection on
designed for only one sex, such as hormonal con-
the chemical comprising its blockbuster anti-
traceptives for women and erectile dysfunction
depressant, Eli Lilly repackaged Prozac®† as a pill
medications for men. Other pharmaceuticals are
named Sarafem® to treat premenstrual dysphoric
approved for use only in one sex, such as drugs to
disorder (PMDD) in women.18 Although premen-
treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in women.
strual symptoms are unheard of in many parts
These often did not start out as single-sex products,
of the world, in the United States they became
but clinical trial data showed efficacy in just one
framed as a medical matter of malfunctioning
sex. Beyond the drug approval process, many phar-
female biology.19 Like earlier psychopharmaceuti-
maceuticals exhibit marked sex differences in their
cals dubbed “mother’s little helpers,” Sarafem
effectiveness or adverse-effect profiles that emerge
advertisements drew on gendered imagery of
during clinical use.1 For instance, some drugs seem
marital discord and frazzled motherhood that sug-
to work better in one sex. This is the case for selec-
gested the drug could be a pharmaceutical solu-
tive serotonin reuptake inhibitors, a class of drugs
tion to women’s domestic problems.20 This mar-
utilized primarily to treat depression, which tend
keting campaign led to the FDA issuing a warning
to be more effective in women than in men.2
letter to Eli Lilly on the grounds that the advertise-
Other drugs cause more adverse drug reactions in
ments blurred the line between clinically normal
women than in men. Specifically, the US Gov-
and abnormal behavior and trivialized PMDD.21
ernment Accountability Office (GAO) published a
This article begins with an overview of the regu-
report in 2001 which found that of the 10 prescrip-
lation of pharmaceuticals. While our primary
tion drugs withdrawn from the market between
focus is on the United States, we also include
1997 and 2001, 8 drugs “posed greater health risks
information about regulatory models in Europe,
for women than for men” and 4 drugs “had more
Canada, and Japan. We describe the ways in which
adverse events in women even though they were
sex, gender, and politics become woven into phar-
widely prescribed to both women and men.”3
maceutical regulation, especially with the inclu-
In addition, social and cultural assumptions
sion of women in clinical trials and sex-based
about gender shape how pharmaceuticals and medical conditions are marketed to patients. This
*Trademark: Duramed Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Pomona, New
is especially true in the United States, where
direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) of pre-
†Trademark: Eli Lilly and Company (Indianapolis, Indiana).
analysis of study results. In addition, we describe
tory process in an incremental way that ensures
the potential influence of politics on regulatory
their eventual new drug applications will be com-
decisions that may have led to an uneven applica-
plete. This has led to the criticism that the FDA
tion of standards, as seen through the examples of
treats the pharmaceutical industry, instead of the
mifepristone (for abortion) and sildenafil citrate
American public, as its partner or client, leading to
(for erectile dysfunction). Next, we provide 3 de-
weaker enforcement of existing regulations.23
tailed case studies that illustrate the importance
The United States is 1 of only 2 developed coun-
of sex and gender in pharmaceutical development
tries (the other is New Zealand) that allow con-
and marketing: Phase I clinical trials; human pap-
sumer advertising of prescription drugs, and the
illomavirus (HPV) quadrivalent vaccine; and tega-
FDA is also the agency responsible for regulating
serod, a drug for IBS. Finally, we conclude by sum-
all industry marketing campaigns. In its oversight
marizing problems with and proposing solutions
of DTCA, the FDA follows regulations written in
for the current system of pharmaceutical oversight
the 1960s which state that advertising must be
fairly balanced and neither false nor misleading.24 Since 1997, when it changed its guidelines to
facilitate DTCA, the FDA has enforced advertising
regulations by sending warning letters that ask
pharmaceutical companies to stop or alter unbal-
Because the United States is the leading market
anced or misleading advertising campaigns.25
for the consumption of prescription drugs world-
However, these letters are usually sent several
wide, the pharmaceutical industry often prioritizes
months after advertisements have already been
its drug development and marketing strategy
according to the rules and guidelines outlined by
Although drug development and marketing are
the FDA. The FDA regulates how clinical trials are
regulated as separate processes, pharmaceutical
conducted, which drugs are approved for clinical
companies often blur the line between the two.23,26
use, and how pharmaceuticals are marketed. For
Through postmarketing trials, physicians receive
pharmaceutical companies to bring their products
financial incentives to give their patients new
to market, they must engage in lengthy research
drugs and ask them to fill out surveys.27 Unlike
and development to prove that those new phar-
more robust Phase IV surveillance studies that
serve to generate important information about the
The process for transforming chemical molecules
safety and effectiveness of drugs newly released on
into pharmaceuticals happens in the laboratory
the market, the data generated from these post-
through bench and animal research as well as in
marketing studies have limited scientific value,
the clinic through human experimentation. As
but companies know that patients often continue
products advance through the stages of testing,
taking the same drug after the trial has ended and
companies submit data and proposed protocols to
that physicians prescribe the drug to other pa-
the FDA to ensure that the research complies with
tients.23 More broadly, the market potential of
regulations and will generate the information the
prospective new pharmaceuticals strongly influ-
FDA eventually needs to approve the products. For
ences the therapeutic areas in which companies
instance, pharmaceutical companies need suffi-
invest their drug development resources.28
cient data from animal studies before they can begin human testing. In addition, companies must
show that the products are safe in a limited number
While the United States may indeed be the
of humans before they can commence larger stud-
pharmaceutical industry’s most lucrative market,
ies to test the products’ effectiveness. FDA oversight
other regions of the world are important for its
aims to protect human subjects, but it also assists
profits, so companies must navigate multiple reg-
pharmaceutical companies throughout the regula-
ulatory systems. Pharmaceutical companies can
either apply to the European Medicines Agency
Although the FDA is often described as the most
(EMA), or they can apply to a member country for
rigorous regulatory agency in the world, it focuses
their drugs to become available throughout Europe
its review of new drug applications exclusively on
by means of mutual recognition agreements. In
safety and efficacy. In contrast, European nations
general, approval times are faster for new drugs in
and Canada also take into account comparative
Europe than they are in the United States. However,
effectiveness and the cost of products when decid-
Europe also has a higher rate of market withdraw-
ing whether to use drugs in their national health
al of drugs than does the United States, for exam-
systems. While these measures do not keep drugs
ple, 12% in Great Britain compared with 3% in the
off the market, they do limit their adoption by
United States.29 This suggests that accelerating pa-
health care providers. Prioritization of cost control
tients’ access to new pharmaceuticals leads to more
and comparative effectiveness means that new
safety issues, and regulatory agencies must bal-
drugs are evaluated against preexisting products,
helping to determine their clinical utility rather
Canada, in contrast, historically has had a more
than relying on the free market to do so.32 In 2009
conservative approach to drug regulation, approv-
as part of the American Recovery and Reinvest-
ing drugs more slowly than the United States and
ment Act, the United States earmarked significant
therefore withdrawing fewer from the market for
sources of new funding for comparative effective-
safety reasons. However, Canada’s regulatory agen-
ness research through the Department of Health
cy, the Therapeutics Products Directorate, has re-
and Human Services, especially the National Insti-
cently adopted aspects of both the American and
tutes of Health and the Agency for Healthcare
European models, requiring pharmaceutical com-
Research and Quality. It will be interesting to trace
panies to pay user fees (like the United States) and
how this investment of research dollars might influ-
harmonizing its requirements with the EMA. This
ence future health care policy in the United States.
change is facilitated by the International Confer- ence on Harmonisation, which emphasizes speed-
ing up the approval process even when safety
National efforts to regulate drug development are
beginning to include explicit attention to biologi-
Japan’s Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices
cal differences between men and women. In the
Agency (PMDA) is the most conservative pharma-
1980s, influenced by the women’s health and HIV/
ceutical regulatory agency worldwide because of
AIDS movements, the US regulatory apparatus
its compensation scheme and ethnicity require-
began not only to lift restrictions on women’s par-
ments. Starting in 1979, the original purpose
ticipation in clinical trials, but also to incorporate
of drug oversight was to compensate victims; the
requirements for medical research to include diverse
government pays medical expenses, disability
populations and document differences based on
compensation, and death benefits for injuries and
sex and race/ethnicity.33 Whereas federal funding
deaths resulting from prescription drug use.30 In
mandates the inclusion of women and minorities
addition, to market their products in Japan, phar-
in clinical research, private-sector research is regu-
maceutical companies were required until 2007
lated primarily through applications to the FDA for
to complete all their clinical studies in Japan on
marketing new drugs or devices. Changes to FDA
ethnic Japanese subjects. Now, the PMDA allows
requirements were made in the late 1980s and early
pharmaceutical companies to complete small-
1990s that lifted restrictions on women’s participa-
scale “bridging studies” using ethnic Japanese sub-
tion in clinical trials and obliged companies to
jects worldwide to confirm that Japanese bod-
analyze clinical trial data by sex. Moreover, these
ies metabolize the drugs similarly to original trial
requirements apply to marketing as well as to prod-
subjects’ bodies.31 This recent change is expected
uct labeling, which must include any sex-based
to speed up drug approval times dramatically in
differences that might influence the prescription
decisions physicians and patients make.1 Despite
these requirements, pharmaceutical companies often
because this pharmaceutical has the potential to
fail to include information on sex differences in
increase the availability of abortions.37 To address
their new drug applications, and the FDA fails to
this concern, the FDA mandated that mifepristone
enforce its requirements before approving new
would not be available through a prescription at
drugs.34 This effectively means that potential sex
pharmacies but only through specially qualified
licensed physicians, effectively limiting its use.36
Canada is the only other country to have a
For the past 20 years, mifepristone has remained a
regulatory approach to sex-based analysis of data
politically controversial drug. There have been
from clinical trials which is similar to that of the
numerous (unsuccessful) bills proposed that would
United States. Beginning in 1996, it has required
pass laws banning or restricting the use of mifepris-
the inclusion of representative numbers of women
tone, and its approval and oversight have been the
in clinical trials followed by subgroup analysis.
subject of Congressional investigation.38
In contrast, the European Union and Japan have
The case of sildenafil citrate (Viagra®*) is quite
no such mandates. The Medicines and Health-
different. The FDA classified the drug to treat
care Products Regulatory Agency in the United King-
erectile dysfunction as “a major advance in treat-
dom explicitly encourages, but does not require, the
ment” so that it was eligible for priority review.
The FDA granted approval of the product in 1998, less than 6 months after it received the applica-
tion, at a time when most drugs took well over a
Like most government activities, the approval of
year to receive approval. By the end of the year,
new drugs is a political process.35 Despite the insti-
the adverse-effect profile of sildenafil citrate was
tutional infrastructure and scientific processes in
becoming increasingly a cause for concern, and
place at the FDA, broader politics, including gen-
the FDA required the manufacturer to issue a
der politics, can influence the outcome of drug
warning letter to physicians. Within just several
applications. The most striking cases are mifepris-
months of the drug’s availability on the market,
tone and sildenafil citrate, which together tell
242 deaths were linked to the drug, 130 of which
quite different stories about the FDA approval of
were in the United States.39 Moreover, the approved
FDA label for sildenafil citrate has changed sub-
Mifepristone, initially known as RU-486, is a
stantially between the years 1998 and 2008 to
pharmaceutical that induces abortion. Evidence
include passages from postmarketing experience
that mifepristone was both safe and effective was
about the possibility of heart failure as a result of
available in the late 1980s when it was approved
taking the drug. Simultaneously, marketing for
in France, but the FDA requested that additional
sildenafil citrate has broadened the drug’s use
studies be conducted.36 After these data were sub-
from an impotence treatment to erectile enhance-
mitted, the FDA deemed in 1996 that the drug was
ment.40 While there are serious risks of taking
both safe and effective, but delayed approving it
sildenafil citrate and the health benefits of this
by stipulating that additional label and manufac-
drug for this condition are limited, drug therapy
turing information was necessary before the prod-
for erectile dysfunction is not politically contro-
uct could go to market.37 An additional 3-month
versial, and there has been little political will to
delay occurred when the supplier of the bulk
restrict the use of sildenafil citrate or to remove it
material changed, and the FDA requested supple-
mentary data to ensure the stability and quality of
These 2 cases illustrate how sociocultural norms
the product. Mifepristone eventually received
about gender can determine the availability of
pharmaceuticals. Regardless of how innovative,
Given the political clout of antiabortion groups
safe, or effective the 2 products are, politics pre-
in the United States, mifepristone was seen by many members of Congress as very threatening
*Trademark: Pfizer Inc. (New York, New York).
vailed in keeping mifepristone off the US market
The underrepresentation of women in Phase I
for more than a decade. On the surface, it appears
clinical trials has several causes. Historical modes
that it is simply abortion politics that influenced
of paternalism assumed women needed additional
mifepristone’s slow progress through the FDA
protection in medical research. For example, from
approval process. At a deeper level, it can be read
1977 to 1993, the FDA banned “women of child-
as gender politics, because gender norms con-
bearing potential” from early-phase clinical tri-
struct promiscuity as problematic in women, but
als.42 The ban’s purpose was to protect fetuses
not in men. Mifepristone, similar to hormonal
from exposure to investigational drugs that car-
contraceptives, raises alarms that it will enable
ried unknown risks, especially those that might be
women’s promiscuity.36 In contrast, sildenafil
teratogenic. While limiting the participation of
citrate did not raise alarms about men’s promis-
pregnant women in clinical trials may certainly be
cuity. Gender politics thus allowed for the rapid
an appropriate way to minimize harm to the fetus,
approval of sildenafil citrate for the US market.40
the broader ban on women’s inclusion was based
In other words, these cases show that gender
on the model that women are always potentially
politics do not operate only in the assessment of
pregnant. Historically, the protection of hypo-
risks, benefits, and value of a product designed
thetical fetuses took priority over scientific knowl-
for women, but also in the review of a therapy for
edge about possible sex differences in the safety of
Today, companies often explicitly exclude
women who are taking hormonal contraceptives
from participation in Phase I studies. At times, this
prohibition is linked to the companies’ desire to
include only healthy subjects who are not taking
The first stage of testing new pharmaceuticals in
any prescription medications, but frequently there
humans is referred to as Phase I clinical trials. These
is a specific concern that contraceptives could
trials usually commence after sufficient data have
change the absorption of the investigational drug
been generated from animal studies to indicate to
or its adverse-effect profile. Men, in spite of their
researchers that an investigational product is rea-
naturally occurring hormone cycles, are consid-
sonably safe and appears promising as a therapeu-
ered to be biologically static, and therefore are
tic. The purpose of these studies is to test the safety
treated as the norm in science and medicine.43
of the drugs and to establish appropriate doses that
Another important contributor to the low par-
can be given to humans. Establishing dosage for
ticipation of women in Phase I studies is the struc-
each drug is usually predicated on the idea that
ture of the clinical trials. Because these are safety
the dose should be as high as the human body will
studies in which the effects in humans are un-
tolerate—before the adverse effects become too bur-
known, the protocols are predominantly in-patient
densome or dangerous for the majority of subjects.
confinement studies.44 Although some of these
Multiple Phase I trials in which doses are sequen-
studies are completed in a weekend, others require
tially escalated are necessary for companies to have
human subjects to check in to the testing facility
enough data to understand the adverse-effect pro-
for up to 4-week stints. These studies are simply
file of each drug and to settle on the dose of the
not compatible with many women’s lives, given
drug to be used in the next stage of clinical testing.
that women tend to be the primary caretakers of
Phase I studies are also known as First-in-Man clinical
children and elderly parents. Thus, women may
trials. Although this term employs the word “man”
be excluded from studies because they cannot
in a universal way to indicate the move from animal
devote the same amount of time to participation
to human testing, its gendered connotation is apt.
The vast majority of human subjects in these safety
Regardless of the factors creating a gender im-
balance in the enrollment rates of men and
women in Phase I studies, the effects of it are strik-
clinical knowledge that the medical community
ing, especially as they reverberate beyond drug
has about new drugs is dangerously limited.
development to everyday clinical practice.45 For
Conducting dosing studies on men skews the
instance, women are 1.6 times more likely to devel-
established dose of pharmaceuticals to amounts
op adverse drug reactions than are men, based on
that may not be as well tolerated by women’s bod-
how drugs are absorbed, metabolized, and elimi-
ies. The issue, however, goes beyond a simple one
nated; in addition, women’s reactions tend to be
of sex; clinical trials need to include a diverse spec-
more severe and serious than are men’s.46,47 Many
trum of human participants so that the adverse-
researchers attribute these differences to women’s
effect profiles of new drugs can be known accord-
lower body weight, smaller organ size, and higher
ing to sex, age, body weight, and other important
factors.49,50 The goal of the FDA should not be to
According to the FDA, differences in reactions
work with pharmaceutical companies to bring
to pharmaceuticals that occur between the sexes
their products to market as quickly as possible, but
are relatively uncommon, with only 20% of the
to provide and enforce policies to ensure that
drugs the agency reviews indicating physiological
medical providers have a robust knowledge base
differences between men and women.1 However, a
to draw from when making decisions for their
2001 GAO report criticized the FDA for poor en-
forcement, citing evidence that almost 40% of the studies submitted to the FDA fail to reveal the sex
Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent Vaccine
of participants and 33% fail to present available
HPV is the most common sexually transmitted
safety data according to sex.34 The GAO found
infection worldwide, contracted by most women
this oversight particularly troubling in light of an
shortly after the beginning of sexual relations. In
earlier investigation which revealed that 8 of the
the United States, HPV infects as many as four
10 drugs removed from the market due to safety
fifths of women as well as two thirds of men dur-
concerns between 1997 and 2000 posed greater
ing their lifetime.51 Most cases of HPV are benign
for those with fully functioning immune systems,
Safety concerns like these emerged only after
but both women and men can suffer serious con-
the drugs had been approved by the FDA and were
sequences of HPV infection. HPV is responsible for
widely available to patients. This points to the
genital warts and various cancers, most famously,
need to more thoroughly understand the effects
cervical cancer, but also oral, anal, and penile can-
on men and women while these drugs are still
cers (Table I).52
under development. Because women are under-
The connection between HPV and cervical can-
represented in Phase I studies, the scientific and
cer was shown in the early 1980s.53 Although
Table I. Worldwide cancers attributable to human papillomavirus infection.
cervical cancer is an outcome of HPV, it is by no
Table II. Cervical cancer attributable to human papil-
means the case that HPV in women inexorably
leads to cervical cancer. In fact, healthy women largely fight off HPV as well as the precursors to
cervical cancers, lesions known as cervical intra-
epithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1, 2, and 3. When the
body’s immune system does not fight off the
lesions, Pap screening (Papanicolaou smear) can discover them and they can be removed. However,
without adequate access to health care, women in developing countries and poor (often minority)
that would benefit most from administration of a
women in the United States still suffer from cervi-
prophylactic HPV vaccine.”56 Even though the
cal cancer that could have been prevented by reg-
main efficacy studies did not, in this case, include
ular screening (Table II).52
boys and men, this Merck researcher also argued
Men can also be affected by HPV infection and
in favor of vaccinating both girls and boys. The
its related ailments. In particular, men who have
reasons he provided were that “vaccine coverage
sex with men (MSM) suffer disproportionately
in girls is going to be incomplete” and “men trans-
from anal cancer, which is predominantly caused
mit HPV to women.” Drawing on the example of
by HPV infection. Indeed, in the United States, the
rubella, he suggested that gender-neutral vaccina-
rate of anal cancer in MSM rivals the rate of cervi-
tion will more effectively reduce the rates of cervi-
cal cancer seen in women prior to the introduc-
cal cancer. Other researchers have agreed that men
tion of routine Pap screening in 1960.54 Currently,
should be vaccinated as an additional means to
men do not have access to screening tests, and
prevent disease in women.57 Yet, this rationale does
many are reluctant to utilize available health ser-
not take into account the risks that HPV infection
vices, which may be amplified in the case of anal
poses to men, especially MSM who are at height-
examination because of the fear of stigma for
ened risk of HPV-related anal cancer. In late 2009,
Merck sought and obtained FDA approval to mar-
Despite the broader risks of HPV, when Merck &
ket the vaccine to males (aged 9–26 years) for the
Co., Inc. introduced the HPV quadrivalent vaccine
prevention of genital warts caused by HPV; none-
to the United States in 2006, it was marketed pri-
theless, Merck has not yet promoted its cancer
marily as a cervical cancer vaccine for girls and
young women.55 The clinical trials did not use
Gender politics surrounding the HPV quadriva-
cervical cancer as an end point, however, but
lent vaccine are most visible when examining how
instead used CIN lesions. This end point was
it has been marketed as Gardasil* to the US public.
approved by the FDA in November 2001 for 2 rea-
Avoiding depictions and discussion of sex and
sons: not only would demonstrating effectiveness
sexual transmission, the vaccine has primarily
against cervical cancer require a lengthy trial, but
been marketed by mobilizing female empower-
it would also mean denying patients the standard
ment rhetoric about cancer prevention. In the
of care, because CIN lesions are removable.56
advertisements, young women in their twenties
Because of the focus on cervical cancer, the main
stand confidently, declaring that they want to be
efficacy studies included 16- to 26-year-old girls
“one less” incident of cervical cancer and explain-
and women. The safety studies included both
ing “I chose to get vaccinated because…” As is
sexes but limited the age of subjects: female par-
frequently the case with empowerment rhetoric
ticipants were aged 9 to 26 years, whereas male
employed in health care contexts, “empower-
participants were aged 9 to 15 years.
Merck’s head researcher on the project argued
* Trademark: Merck & Co., Inc. (Whitehouse Station, New
that these ages were chosen on the basis of “those
ment” seems to be achieved solely as the result of
ity does not exist in all other parts of the world, as
medical choices.58 In this example, the message is
Table III shows.64 The sex gap in the United
that girls should protect themselves from cervical
States and Europe has made it difficult to recruit
cancer with the vaccine—not through sex educa-
men as research participants and to perform stud-
tion or practicing safer sex. Though it is marketed
ies that assess the extent to which the different
as a cervical cancer vaccine, it has brewed contro-
incidence in men and women is due to biological
versy in the United States because the vaccine
factors or the gendered nature of the disease.67
cannot be separated from debates about sex educa-
Likewise, it has been difficult to prove drug effi-
tion,55 and this will likely intensify with the mar-
cacy in men without sufficient male clinical trial
keting of the vaccine to prevent genital warts in
males. While Merck was perhaps aiming to avoid
Along with the management of IBS through
this controversy, by not tackling it head on the
dietary restrictions and stress reduction, several
company neglected key issues of public health.
drug therapies have been developed that alleviate
Not addressing sexual activity means leaving out
the symptoms of IBS. Recently, researchers have
all the risks of HPV to both male and female part-
explored the connections between the brain and
ners, regardless of their sexual orientation.
the gut and, following new understandings about the role of serotonin in both, 2 drugs were devel-
oped in the 1990s for IBS. First, alosetron was
IBS is a chronic condition that causes abdomi-
developed for diarrhea-predominant IBS in women.
nal pain along with persistent diarrhea, constipa-
This is the more common form of IBS in men, but
tion, or both. Its symptoms prevent sufferers from
the drug was not found to be effective in this sub-
everyday activities, as they feel the need to limit
group. Alosetron was approved by the FDA in
the foods they eat and remain close to a lavatory.
February 2000, undeterred by the agency’s aware-
Foods that act as triggers include heavy, fatty
ness that it may cause ischemic colitis, an enlarge-
foods; chocolate; alcohol; and carbonated drinks.
ment of the large intestine.68 It was voluntarily
In addition, stress can worsen IBS symptoms. Relatively little is known about what causes IBS, but the facts that women’s symptoms worsen dur-
Table III. Worldwide prevalence and gender distribution
ing menstruation and that men are diagnosed less
often than women have led some experts to point
to hormonal causes.59–63 In particular, estrogen
and progesterone may increase abdominal pain, and testosterone may have a protective effect. This
fits with the idea that IBS is a “woman’s disease,”
a common misconception that is reinforced by
the development and marketing of IBS drugs for
women than men in the United States and Western
Europe.64 One explanation for this difference lies
in the general unwillingness of men to access
health services or to let others know they are expe-
riencing pain or discomfort.65 However, recent
research indicates that men may suffer equally
and even access health services for IBS symptoms
* Indicates an estimate derived from author’s discussion of overall
at the same rate as do women, but do not receive
IBS diagnoses from their doctors.66 This sex dispar-
withdrawn from the market in November 2000
there was a substantial increase in doctor visits
following reports of severe gastrointestinal adverse
events, including the death of 5 women taking the
In March 2007, less than 5 years after the FDA
drug.69 In June 2002, the FDA approved its reentry
approved tegaserod, the agency asked Novartis to
to the market under restricted conditions. Critics
remove the drug from the market. A Swiss govern-
have suggested that the FDA’s willingness to return
ment meta-analysis of 29 trials had found an in-
the drug to the market shows the extent to which
creased risk of adverse events—specifically, 13 cases
the agency serves the interests of industry.23,69
of heart attacks, stroke, and angina.74 Although
In July 2002, the FDA approved another drug
tegaserod is a chemical that can bind to receptors
for women to treat IBS with constipation. Tegaserod
not only in the gut but also in the heart, clinical
(Zelnorm®) had been developed by the Swiss phar-
trials had not shown any cardiac adverse effects.
maceutical company Novartis International AG.
In the larger population, however, the drug had
The Swiss drug regulatory agency, Swissmedic, had
increased the risk of heart attacks. Given the fact
approved tegaserod in 2001. Lacking sufficient
that it did not consider IBS to be a serious condi-
data for its safety and efficacy in men, both Swiss-
tion, the FDA decided, along with other regulatory
medic and the FDA approved tegaserod for IBS with
agencies including Health Canada, that the risk of
constipation in women only. Later, the FDA allowed
for its extension to men for the related condition of chronic constipation. This was based on 2 clinical
trials in which 86% and 90% of the respective study
Sex and gender play a role in every stage of phar-
populations were female.70 Notably, some questions
maceutical regulation, from the design of clinical
were raised during FDA hearings about the appro-
trials and the approval of new drugs to advertising
priateness of approving tegaserod for men with
and postmarketing surveillance. However, regula-
chronic constipation, given the paucity of male
tory agencies pay insufficient attention to mean-
clinical trial subjects and concern about extrapolat-
ingful differences between women and men in
ing study results from females to males.70,71
terms of both sex and gender. This disregard, in
After the US approval of tegaserod, Novartis
our view, perpetuates inequalities by neglecting
began an intensive marketing campaign that fea-
drug safety problems that predominate in one sex
tured women’s bare abdomens with words written
and by allowing misleading drug marketing that
in black marker such as “Yes, there’s help,” “I’m
reinforces gender stereotypes.34,75 Clinical trials,
feeling better,” and “Ask your doctor.” The adver-
for example, frequently lack an even composition
tising thus steered clear of the unsavory aspects of
of men and women. The first stage of testing drugs
the condition by focusing instead on attractive
on humans, Phase I, is described as “First-in-Man,”
young female bodies. Although IBS with chronic
a phrase that is often literally true. Although some
constipation is common among all age groups—
steps have been taken to include women, most
and can worsen during menopause—these adver-
drugs are tested for safety primarily on men, which
tisements featured attractive young bodies of thin,
is problematic because women often experience
primarily white, women in their twenties. In addi-
more severe adverse effects and may require lower
tion, newspaper advertisements were designed
doses. Pharmaceutical companies should be required
that included disease promotion campaigns for
to include representative populations in Phase I
IBS itself, which gave information that “her pain
studies so that the drugs that are brought to mar-
and suffering are over … in just three days,” and
ket are safer for the patients consuming them.
thus overstated the efficacy of tegaserod.72 Because
In contrast to most Phase I trials, the examples
of limitations to FDA enforcement of advertising
of the HPV quadrivalent vaccine and tegaserod
regulations, however, the warning letter was issued
show that some clinical trials for effectiveness
3-1/2 months after the appearance of the adver-
(known as Phase III) use few male subjects. In the
tisements it referenced. During these 3 months,
case of the HPV vaccine, studies initially focused
on cervical cancer precursors rather than the range
politics in sales and marketing (Table IV). Ideally,
of conditions that HPV causes. For marketing rea-
this should include a critical understanding of the
sons, one particular cancer in women took prece-
way that pharmaceutical companies use gender to
dence over other HPV-caused diseases, which are
construct disease and disease markets. As the
less prevalent in men and women but nonetheless
Sarafem example at the outset of this article shows,
significant.52 The preponderance of data about the
the current system of pharmaceutical regulation
drug’s effects on women and the virtual absence of
allows for companies to create new brands with-
data about effects on men hinder public health ef-
out inventing new products.19,23 Critical attention
forts to tackle HPV. Similarly, tegaserod was approved
to gender could help to reveal contestations be-
for IBS in women only. In this case, the rationale
hind disease categories like PMDD and strengthen
was not that men are unaffected by IBS or that the
the FDA’s ability to evaluate advertising.
drug was ineffective in men, but simply that it was
Fundamental challenges remain, however. In-
difficult to find male research subjects.71 Although
adequacies with current drug regulation restrict
the drug was subsequently approved for chronic
the possibilities of making pharmaceutical over-
constipation in both sexes, it is interesting to note
sight fair and effective for everyone. FDA oversight
that there was discussion within the FDA regarding
of pharmaceutical advertising has little value
the applicability of women’s trial results to men.
because of the delay between the start of a market-
This indicates a double standard that is operating,
ing campaign and the sending of a warning letter.
wherein regulators do not question the generaliz-
Current standards for proof of safety and efficacy
ability of data derived from male participants but
neglect to compare investigational products against
question the applicability of data from women to
the standard of care, which means that new drugs
men. To enable both men and women to benefit
may be no more effective and possibly more harm-
safely from new pharmaceuticals, standards need to
ful than the existing treatment options. Both
be applied symmetrically so that one sex is not con-
women’s and men’s health are more likely to be
sidered the norm to which the other is held.
endangered when regulatory bodies fail to engage
Beyond representation in clinical trials, regula-
these issues. Meaningful change, therefore, requires
tory institutions need to attend to sex and gender
that government agencies prioritize public health
Table IV. Attending to sex and gender at every stage.
Actors Who Need to Pay Attention to Sex and Gender
Together, these actors must pay attention to sex and gender in the design and implementation of each stage of the pharmaceutical life cycle, as well as to the
policies governing each stage. Crucially, these policies must also be enforced.
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Strategies for the Design and Fabrication of Improved Transparent Conducting Oxide Thin Films via the use of In-situ Growth Monitoring and the Exploitation of Photonic Band Gap Materials Martyn E. Pemble1, Justin C Costello1, Ian M Povey1, Dimitra Vernardou2* and David W Sheel2 1Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Lee Maltings, Prospect Row, Cork, Ireland Email: mailto:mart
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