Erectile Dysfunction and Constructs of Masculinity and Quality of Life in the Multinational Men’s Attitudes to Life Events and Sexuality (MALES) Study
Michael S. Sand, PhD, MPH,* William Fisher, PhD,† Raymond Rosen, PhD,‡ Julia Heiman, PhD,§ andIan Eardley, MD¶
*Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Wuppertal, Germany; †University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada;‡New England Research Institutes, Watertown, MA, USA; §The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA;¶St James’s University Hospital, Leeds, UK
A B S T R A C T Introduction. The Men’s Attitudes to Life Events and Sexuality (MALES) study assessed the prevalence and correlates of erectile dysfunction, and examined men’s attitudes and behavior in relation to this dysfunction. Aim. To report on the attitudes of men, with and without self-reported erectile dysfunction, concerning masculine identity and quality of life. Methods. The MALES Phase I study included 27,839 randomly selected men (aged 20–75 years) from eight countries (United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Mexico, and Brazil) who responded to a standardized computer-assisted telephone interview. Main Outcome Measure. Perceptions of masculinity and quality of life in men with and without erectile dysfunction. Results. Men’s perceptions of masculinity differed substantially from stereotypes in the literature. Men reported that being seen as honorable, self-reliant, and respected by friends were important determinants of self-perceived masculinity. In contrast, factors stereotypically associated with masculinity, such as being physically attractive, sexually active, and successful with women, were deemed to be less important to men’s sense of masculinity. These findings appeared consistently across all nationalities and all age groups studied. For quality of life, factors that men deemed of significant importance included good health, harmonious family life, and a good relationship with their wife/partner. Such factors had significantly greater importance to quality of life than concerns such as having a good job, having a nice home, living life to the full, or having a satisfying sex life. Of note, rankings of constructs of masculinity and quality of life did not meaningfully differ in men with or without erectile dysfunction, and men with erectile dysfunction who did or did not seek treatment for their sexual dysfunction. Conclusions. The present findings highlight the significance of partnered relationships and interpersonal factors in the management of erectile dysfunction, and empirically challenge a number of widely held stereotypes concerning men, masculinity, sex, and quality of life. Sand MS, Fisher W, Rosen R, Heiman J, and Eardley I. Erectile dysfunction and constructs of masculinity and quality of life in the multinational Men’s Attitudes to Life Events and Sexuality (MALES) study. J Sex Med 2008;5:583–594. Key Words. Erectile Dysfunction; Quality of Life; Masculinity; Gender Identity Introduction
of masculinity, and their subjective quality of life. In addition, men’s help seeking and treatment
A lthough the epidemiology, risk factors, utilization for erectile dysfunction have only
pathophysiology, and treatment of erectile
recently been investigated [9–11], and the poten-
dysfunction have been rigorously investigated in
tial for factors such as masculine identity and
recent years [1–8], no large-scale studies have
quality of life considerations to influence treat-
investigated the association between men’s expe-
ment seeking for erectile dysfunction remains to
rience of erectile dysfunction, their perceptions
2008 International Society for Sexual Medicine
Current discourse on help seeking and mascu-
structs and attitudes toward help seeking rather
linity has focused largely on differences between
than help-seeking behavior per se [16,24,25].
the sexes. Available research has highlighted
In the context of sexual dysfunction, it has been
well-recognized sex differences such that men seek
estimated that up to 70% of men with erectile
professional help less frequently than women of
dysfunction do not seek treatment [8]. Male
comparable age, nationality, race, and ethnicity;
gender role socialization theory suggests that
men visit general practitioners and specialists less
men with erectile dysfunction might avoid seeking
frequently than women do; and—when they do
treatment, because to do so would conflict with or
consult with a physician—men ask fewer questions
threaten masculine self-concepts, which hold that
and play a more passive role in the physician–
having an “active sex life” and “success with
patient relationship than women do [12–16].
women” are central to their core sense of mascu-
Research has also found that men seek psychiatric
linity [26–28]. Following this, it may be hypoth-
and counseling services less often than women
esized that men with erectile dysfunction who seek
with comparable emotional problems [17,18],
treatment for their sexual dysfunction would differ
and demonstrate lower rates of help seeking for
from men with erectile dysfunction who have not
such diverse conditions as cancer and depression
sought treatment in their endorsement of the
[19,20]. The male disinclination to seek medical
importance of these constructs to their masculine
help is not indicative of better health: on average
and across most nationalities, men suffer higher
The Men’s Attitudes to Life Events and Sexu-
mortality from heart disease, higher rates of
ality (MALES) study was a large, multinational
suicide and trauma, and higher rates of alcohol and
two-phase investigation that was conducted in part
substance abuse [21]. Investigators have proposed
to assess erectile dysfunction-related variations in
a number of mechanisms to account for these
perceptions of masculinity and quality of life, and
differences. One such proposition uses a social
to examine the relationship of erectile dysfunction
constructionist/feminist perspective to suggest
treatment-seeking practices with these factors.
that health-related beliefs and behaviors are a
The initial MALES research report documented
means of demonstrating masculinity. Men adhere
the prevalence of erectile dysfunction and its asso-
to cultural definitions of masculinity and actively
ciation with other common comorbid diseases
reject what is feminine: in practice, they adopt
of men [29]. Further studies have established that
riskier behaviors (than women) and are less
perceived erectile dysfunction severity, beliefs
inclined to seek help when health problems are
about erectile dysfunction medication, and refer-
encountered [22]. However, we remain largely
ent influences are strongly correlated with erectile
uninformed about male-specific within-group
dysfunction treatment-seeking behavior [11,30].
variations in psychological and cultural factors thatmay influence men’s patterns of help-seeking
behavior, and we have little understanding of whysome men seek treatment for a given condition
The current research assessed constructs of mas-
culinity and quality of life in the large, multina-
Models of gender role socialization suggest
tional MALES sample in an effort to understand
that men (and women) learn gendered attitudes
how these constructs may differ between men with
and behaviors from prevailing societal values and
and without erectile dysfunction, and to define the
norms—strongly represented and reinforced in
relationship between men’s help-seeking behavior
popular media—about what it means to be a man
for erectile dysfunction and their construction of
or a woman (for a review of psychological concepts
and measures of masculinity, see Smiler [23]). Assuggested by Addis and Mahalik [16], many of the
tasks associated with help seeking—e.g., admissionof the need for help and reliance on others—are in
The MALES Phase I study sample consisted of
conflict with men’s socialization concerning the
27,839 adult men, aged 20–75 years, from eight
importance of self-reliance and emotional control.
countries (United States, United Kingdom,
Much research in the area of gender and help
Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Mexico, and Brazil)
seeking has been conducted in convenience
who participated from February 2001 to April
samples, often college undergraduates, and has
2001. Men were recruited via random digit dialing
focused on the association between masculine con-
(80% of the sample) or via e-mail following a
Constructs of Masculinity and Quality of Life
random selection of names from a list of men who
men who self-reported having or not having erec-
had previously agreed to participate in a study of
tion difficulties, as compared with a wide variety of
men’s health issues (20%). Reported findings were
other common male health-related concerns. Full
weighted to represent the general male population
details of the self-report instrument used to assess
by age within each national sample. Weighted N
erectile dysfunction in the study have been previ-
values for each country were as follows: United
States, 9,284; United Kingdom, 2,053; Germany,
In the context of the MALES telephone inter-
3,040; France, 2,053; Italy, 2,130; Spain, 1,453;
view, men were also asked for their views of the
importance of a number of potential constituents
A standardized questionnaire was administered
of male identity. Men were asked to rate the
in the course of the computer-assisted telephone
importance of each of the following survey items
interviews, which lasted for approximately 15
in regard to male identity: having a good job,
minutes. Interviews were conducted by both
having financial stability, being seen as a man of
female and male interviewers. The questions
honor, having success with women, coping with
assessed general demographic information (age,
problems on your own, having an active sex life,
marital/relationship and economic status, size of
being in control of your own life, being physically
household) and overall health ratings. The survey
attractive, and having the respect of friends. Par-
also assessed the prevalence of selected diseases
ticipants were asked to rate each item on a 7-point
and conditions; current use of medication for
Likert scale (from 1, not at all important to the
selected diseases and conditions, and for erectile
male identity, to 7, very important to the male
dysfunction per se; attitudes to medical consulta-
identity) from a personal perspective; they were
tion and medical treatment; awareness, trial, and
also asked how they thought the general public
continuing use of several prescription drugs; and
would similarly evaluate each construct. Res-
attitudes toward male identity and quality of life.
pondents were then asked to cite which of the
Questions on sexual orientation were not asked.
characteristics of male identity listed was the
The survey gathered self-report information only
most important. Only men’s personal ratings were
and no attempt was made to validate responses
reported here; their ratings for what they believed
with medical records, physician or partner reports.
the general public perceives were not reported.
Men were considered to have a certain medical
Respondents were subsequently queried about
condition if they reported being diagnosed and/or
constructs central to their perception of quality of
receiving treatment for the condition.
life. Using a 7-point Likert scale (from 1, not at all
As sexual dysfunction is a sensitive topic
important, to 7, very important), the following
deemed potentially susceptible to selection factors,
aspects of quality of life were rated: harmonious
an indirect measurement approach was employed
family life, satisfying work life or career, good rela-
in an effort to minimize subject self-selection. Spe-
tionship with partner/wife, having a nice home,
cifically, men were invited to participate in a survey
having a satisfying sex life, being in good health,
of men’s health concerns—not of erectile dysfunc-
and enjoying life to the fullest. Respondents were
tion per se—and the survey protocol covered a
then asked to cite which of these constructs of
number of men’s health content areas prior to the
quality of life was the most important. Using a
specific question about erectile dysfunction. The
similar scale (from 1, not satisfied at all, to 7, com-
questionnaire included the following item among
pletely satisfied), men were then asked how satis-
others: “The health conditions I have just men-
fied they were with each aspect of quality of life.
tioned are all very common in men, but some men
The Appendix contains the exact phrasing of the
do something to treat or improve them while
questions posed to assess constructs of masculinity
others do not. I will read out each of the conditions
again. For each one, please tell me if you have: (A)Seen a doctor, pharmacist or therapist about it; (B)
Main Outcome Measures
Tried any kind of remedy, with or without pre-scription; (C) Not done anything about it; or (D)
Perceptions of masculinity and quality of life in
Never had it.” Men were asked this question for
men with and without erectile dysfunction were
occasional headache, weight problems, rapid hair
determined. For purposes of this analysis, we
loss, feeling overstressed, erection difficulties,
grouped men who self-reported erectile dysfunc-
hemorrhoids, and feelings of anxiety or depres-
tion into two categories on the basis of physician
sion. Thus, our study assessed the proportion of
visits and treatment-seeking behavior: treatment
seekers (men who responded “yes” to having
population have been published previously [29].
erectile dysfunction and who sought professional
The prevalence of self-reported erectile dysfunc-
help by either seeing a physician or counselor, or
tion increased with increasing age as follows:
actively sought treatment with either prescription
20–29 (8%), 30–39 (11%), 40–49 (15%), 50–59
or nonprescription drugs; N = 2,207) and treat-
(22%), 60–69 (30%), and 70–75 years (37%).
ment non-seekers (men who reported having erec-
These data are consistent with other community-
tile dysfunction and who did not seek any form of
based studies that report increased erectile dys-
professional help or treatment; N = 2,215).
function prevalence with increasing age [1,31–33]. Constructs of Masculinity as a Function
Constructs of masculinity deemed most important
varied substantially across countries in the over-
A total of 27,839 men were recruited for Phase I of
all sample (Table 2), although mean importance
the MALES study. The age distribution of the
scores were considerably more homogeneous
study population in each country was generally
(Table 2). “Being seen as a man of honor” was cited
representative of the male population; the propor-
as the most important attribute of masculine iden-
tion of men recruited in each age group corre-
tity in Spain, Brazil, Mexico, United States, and
sponded with the census-based age breakdown of
France, while “being in control of your own life”
that country. The demographic data are summa-
was the most important in Germany, the United
Kingdom, and Italy. Contrary to popular stereo-types of masculinity and across all countries
Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction
sampled, attributes involving social respect, e.g.,
The overall prevalence of self-reported erectile
“being seen as a man of honor” and “having the
respect of friends,” were overwhelmingly more
Phase I study population, and was highest in men
often cited as the most important constructs of
from the United States (22%) and lowest in Spain
masculinity than were attributes focused solely on
(10%). Full data for erectile dysfunction preva-
sexuality, e.g., “having success with women,”
lence by country in the MALES Phase I study
“having an active sex life,” and “being physicallyattractive,” Although sexuality-focused attributeswere not often cited as the most important con-structs of masculinity, mean importance scores
Baseline demographic data of study population
expressed on the 7-point Likert scale showed that
men still considered them important. Constructs of Masculinity as a Function of Age and
Stratifying the data regarding the most important
constructs of masculinity according to age did not
substantially alter the overall pattern of findings
(Table 3). The effect of being in a partnered rela-
tionship was also negligible, although “being seen
as a man of honor” was considered the most
important by married men or men with partners,
while single men considered “being in control of
your own life” the most important construct of
Constructs of Masculinity as a Function of Erectile
In contrast to expectations, constructs of mascu-
linity did not vary significantly between men witherectile dysfunction and men without erectile
*Weighted to represent the general male population by age within eachsample selected.
dysfunction (Table 4). In addition, constructs of
Constructs of Masculinity and Quality of Life
Constructs of masculinity as a function of erectile dysfunction and treatment seeking
Data shown are the percentage of men citing each attribute as the “most important.” Data for the construct cited as the most important within each group arehighlighted in bold.
masculinity were similar between men with erec-
the percentage of men citing this construct in-
tile dysfunction who were treatment seekers and
creased consistently with increasing age (Table 6).
men with erectile dysfunction who did not seek
No other factor showed a similar trend. “Being in
good health” was also cited as the most importantin single men, although subjects who were
Constructs of Quality of Life as a Function
married/living with partner cited “harmonious
family life” and “good relationship with a partner/
Across the nationalities sampled, the most impor-
tant construct of quality of life showed significantvariation; mean importance scores, however, were
Constructs of Quality of Life as a Function of Erectile
similar across national samples (Table 5). “Having
a good relationship with a partner/wife” was cited
As was the case for constructs of masculinity, com-
as the most important by men in the United States
paring the cohorts of men with and without erec-
(35%) and the United Kingdom (33%), but was
tile dysfunction, men with erectile dysfunction
ranked third by men in Germany (23%), France
who actively sought treatment, and men with
(20%), Spain (19%), Mexico (15%), Italy (13%),
erectile dysfunction who do not seek treatment
and Brazil (10%). In contrast, “being in good
revealed no meaningful differences in constructs of
health” was cited as the most important by men in
quality of life (Table 7). However, when men were
Brazil (43%), Italy (39%), Germany (33%), Spain
asked to rate their current levels of satisfaction
(33%), and France (32%); this contrasted with the
with these elements of quality of life, a consistent
United States, where it ranked third (19%). Inter-
pattern emerged; men with erectile dysfunction
estingly, a “harmonious family life” was cited as the
described lower rates of personal satisfaction on
second most important attribute in all countries
all quality of life attributes compared with men
except Mexico, where men narrowly rated it as the
without erectile dysfunction, particularly regard-
most important attribute (30%). In addition, the
ing satisfaction with their sex life and overall
overall study population least often cited “satisfy-
ing sex life” (2%) and “having a nice home” (2%)as the most important constructs of quality of life. Although men variously considered factors such as
good health, a harmonious family life, and a goodrelationship with their wife/partner as the most
The MALES study provides the first large, age-
important determinants, mean importance scores
representative, multinational assessment of men’s
for all constructs of quality of life—including
constructs of masculinity and quality of life, and
“satisfying sex life”—were Ն5.3 across all nation-
the first examination in this broad population of
alities, indicating that all measured constructs
the relationship between erectile dysfunction,
were deemed important to quality of life.
erectile dysfunction treatment seeking, and con-structs of masculinity and quality of life. A
Constructs of Quality of Life as a Function of Age
number of important findings in this regard were
The most important construct of quality of life
As is often the case, systematic data collection
among all age groups was “being in good health”;
and analysis is inconsistent with widely held but
Constructs of Masculinity and Quality of Life
Constructs of quality of life as a function of erectile dysfunction and treatment seeking
Data shown are the percentage of men citing each attribute as the “most important.” Data for the construct cited as the most important within each group arehighlighted in bold.
empirically unexamined stereotypes. Although all
masculinity. Despite the fact that it could be
constructs of masculinity were considered impor-
contended that different nationalities perceive
tant (as evidenced by mean importance scores),
“honor” in different ways, placing divergent
men of all nationalities in this sample and across all
emphases on component aspects such as honesty,
age ranges identified being seen as honorable, self-
respect (of peers or family), and integrity or fair-
reliant, and respected as more important to their
ness, it remains true that across national samples,
perception of masculinity than being seen as physi-
perceptions of masculinity most often centered on
cally attractive, sexually active, and successful with
the less sexual aspects of the masculine construct.
Similarly, men of all ages and across nationalities
Overall, being seen as honorable was con-
far more frequently ranked good health, harmoni-
sidered to be the most important construct of
ous family life, and good relationship with their
Figure 1 Personal satisfaction with constructs of quality of life in men without erectile dysfunction and men with erectile dysfunction. Data shown represent the percentage of men pro- viding a score of 6 or 7 when asked to rate their degree of satisfaction on a 7-point Likert scale (where 1 equals “I am not at all satisfied” and 7 equals “I Constructs of Masculinity and Quality of Life
wife/partner as the most important to their quality
included. As the proportion of gay/bisexual men is
of life compared with material (e.g., “satisfying
unknown (and likely varied across countries and
work life or career,” “having a nice home”), self-
age brackets) and may have influenced survey find-
fulfilling (e.g., “enjoying life to the full”), or purely
ings, results have to be taken in the context of
sexual (e.g., “satisfying sex life”) concerns.
this limitation. Similarly, masculine constructs and
help-seeking behavior are heavily influenced by
contributions to our understanding of masculinity,
occupational and socioeconomic status; indeed, a
quality of life, and erectile dysfunction. Specifi-
number of reports suggest that occupational status
cally, we found that men with and without erectile
is a greater predictor of help-seeking behavior
dysfunction, men with erectile dysfunction who
than gender alone [14,38,39]. Therefore, future
actively sought treatment, and men with erectile
analyses of constructs of masculinity, erectile
dysfunction who do not seek treatment reported
dysfunction, and help-seeking behavior should
identical rankings of the importance of sexual and
include parameters designed to assess the impact
nonsexual elements of quality of life. We also
of sexual orientation and socioeconomic status.
noted that the experience of erectile dysfunction
Further avenues of research might also include
neither increased nor decreased the importance
how body image and the degree of alexithymia
men placed on “having an active sex life” or
(the extent to which individuals have deficiencies
“having success with women,” compared with
in understanding, processing, or describing emo-
the cohort of men without erectile dysfunction,
tions) exhibited by participants influence their per-
although understandably, men with erectile dys-
ception of masculinity, the importance attached to
function reported less satisfaction with their sex
various aspects of quality of life, and help-seeking
life than did men without erectile dysfunction.
These findings question the very widely held view
Many critics in the current discourse about
that erectile dysfunction strikes at the very core of
male sexuality, particularly erectile dysfunction
men’s masculine self-concept. Similarly, these
therapy, have legitimately argued that too little
findings do not support the view that men’s
attention is paid to the context in which men and
unwillingness to confront a threat to their mascu-
their partners experience sexual concerns. The
line identity accounts for avoidance of treatment.
current findings emphasize that men across cul-
These results question the opinion that erectile
tures and ages value couple relationships over
dysfunction therapies appeal to men with a phal-
purely sexual pleasure, and indicate that men are
locentric concern for their own pleasure and/or
particularly concerned about their partnered rela-
tionships, whether or not they report erectile dys-
Along with the strengths of this research come
function. These findings converge with a body of
certain limitations that are shared with most large-
previously reported research that has indicated the
scale surveys. In particular, the current analysis was
importance of the partner in defining sexual activ-
based on self-reported identification of erectile
ity functioning and satisfaction [40–42]. Such work
dysfunction, and while there is extensive evidence
has demonstrated that men’s experience of erectile
of the validity of self-reports in sexuality research
dysfunction is associated with the deterioration of
[34–36], direct measurements of erectile function
female’s sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, and satis-
were not undertaken in this study. A number of
faction [40]; and that treatment of men’s erectile
other factors that may affect how masculinity is
dysfunction results in the restoration of these erec-
constructed were not examined in this survey.
tile dysfunction-induced impairments of female
Notably, participants were not questioned as to
their sexual orientation, and the language used in
The current findings have a number of impli-
the survey was implicitly heterosexually oriented.
cations for clinical practice. Given that erectile
Consistent with a social constructionist theory of
dysfunction is prevalent, inconsistently treated,
men’s health, it has been demonstrated that gay
and has a detrimental impact on sexual quality of
and bisexual men hold more traditional beliefs
life, this and related research underscore the need
about masculinity than young men who describe
to develop strategies to encourage men to seek
themselves as exclusively heterosexual [22,37].
help for this condition. The quality of life aspects
Although it may be assumed that the majority of
of our findings suggest that within the context of
survey participants were heterosexual, the very
treating erectile dysfunction, greater prominence
nature of the survey may have meant that a dispro-
should be placed on the couple’s relationship, and
portional number of nonheterosexual men were
that involvement of partners should be encouraged
throughout the process, from initially seeking
Statement of Authorship
professional help to participation in physician con-
sultations. The findings that men value their
(a) Conception and Design
health above other aspects of quality of life, and
Michael S. Sand; Raymond Rosen; William Fisher;
that being considered honorable, self-reliant, and
respected are central to male perceptions of mas-
(b) Acquisition of Data
culinity, could also be harnessed to encourage men
Michael S. Sand; Raymond Rosen; William Fisher;
to seek medical help with respect to erectile dys-
function. The prevailing paradigm needs to be
(c) Analysis and Interpretation of Data
challenged such that seeking medical help is per-
Michael S. Sand; Raymond Rosen; William Fisher;
ceived to be a responsible act undertaken by
respected, honorable men who feel empowered totake their health into their own hands for the sake
of their families and their relationships with their
(a) Drafting the Article
partners. Once professional help is sought, of
Michael S. Sand; Raymond Rosen; William Fisher;
course, a formal medical and sexual history should
be taken to identify the primary cause of erectile
(b) Revising It for Intellectual Content
dysfunction. As being of good health is considered
Michael S. Sand; Raymond Rosen; William Fisher;
to be of central importance, a medical history
should not be seen as a catalogue of health “fail-ures” but a means of improving that aspect of life
that is held in such esteem. Whether lifestyle
(a) Final Approval of the Completed Article
changes are advocated, counseling endorsed, or
Michael S. Sand; Raymond Rosen; William Fisher;
treatment prescribed for the treatment of erectile
dysfunction, the support and involvement of thepartner is crucial. Finally, and perhaps mostimportantly, the current findings strongly suggest
that clinicians should reconsider conceptualizing
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of 1 (not at all important) to 7 (very important),
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Respondents were then asked to cite which ofthese constructs of quality of life was the mostimportant. Appendix
“On a scale of 1 (not satisfied at all) to 7 (com-pletely satisfied), how satisfied are you with the
Extracts from the MALES survey, previously
“We are going to talk about the stereotypes
people have about the male identity, or, in other
words what makes a ‘real man’. I will read a list of
items, which some people think are important to
the male identity. For each one, I’ll first ask you
about what you feel personally, and then what you
believe the general public thinks. From a scale of 1
• Your overall contentment or happiness.”
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