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The 7th ISoP Annual Meeting took place in It was almost impossible for the judges to decide Bournemouth, England from 21-24 October 2007.
which posters were best among almost 180 posters, as It was attended by over 250 delegates from all over all were interesting and valuable! The winners who received a one-year electronic subscription to the presentations and discussions. Prof Saad Shakir and his team from the Drug Safety Research Unit were ✫ FIRST PRIZE: C Guy et al. ‘Azathioprine and warmly congratulated on organising a smooth- Pharmacogenetic Testing: Implication in clinical ✫ SECOND PRIZE: F Salvo et al. ‘Providing Reliable We are also happy to announce that the Western- Pharmacovigilance Information via the Web: the Pacific chapter of ISoP was officially launched during Experience of an Italian Website’ (P. 112) ✫ THIRD PRIZE: S Reid et al. ‘Evaluation of an Adverse Reaction (AR) Reporting Educational Most of the presentations and winning posters are now on the website of the Society. The password to Undergraduate/Graduate Students Studying a allow access to them is sent with your renewal The judges also highly commended two posters forimportance and originality: G Moses for ‘Sleep-Driving, Sleep-Eating and Consumers Demonstrating Their Valuable Role in of t J Yothapitak for ‘ADRs Prevention in Patient Undergoing Myelogram: A Multidisciplinary er Priz Thanks and congratulations to all authors and others e Co who have presented their work which contributed to the high scientific success of this Annual Meeting.
ttee wit Pharmacogenetics and drug safety h Gera This ISoP training course will take place on 17 & 18 ldine March 2008 in Chaophya Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand (co-ordinator: N Moore). In parallel a The General Assembly in Bournemouth approved unanimously the amendment to Article 17 of the constitution regarding the liquidation of assets. Prof Nicholas Moore and the Executive Committee proposed the nomination of Prof Ralph Edwards as The AGM minutes are now available on the website or visit our Strategies for developing pharmacovigilance If you would like your country to host the 2010 Annual Meeting, please contact the Administration There is no better time to come visit this amazing Office and ask for guidelines for your bid (which metropolis, and all are welcome to the 8th ISoP should be received by 1st March 2008).
Annual Meeting hosted by the Argentinean Society Renewal forms are on their way to you, if not already received! Only members who are paid-up will have access to ISoP incentives. This year membership fees have been frozen and students, retired and emerging countries will be able to subscribe online to the journal Drug Safety for the Two training courses will precede the conference.
A limited number of reduced-fee memberships are Scientific programme topics proposed include: available to potential members from emergingcountries (as defined by the World Bank List) working directly in pharmacovigilance. Those who may be eligible should apply to the Applications ★ Risk Management Plans and Risk Minimization committee c/o ISoP Administration before 30th ★ Pharmacovigilance of Special Drug Categories ★ Pharmacovigilance in Special User Groups Do visit our brand new website regularly to get informed about ISoP and its activities! We are exploring the possibility to have ‘Pages for members ★ Pharmacogenetics, Drug Interactions and Therapeutic only’ and a ‘Wikipedia’ approach for members to ★ Harmonization in regulatory aspects of definitions (in collaboration with the journal Drug Closing date for submission of oral and poster This year the society offered 3 bursaries to young Further information will be available on the researchers in pharmacovigilance from Indonesia, India and Uruguay to attend the Annual Meeting in Bournemouth and the training course in Budapest.
More information: Reims, France (45 minutes north from Paris) will play host to the ISoP Annual Meeting from 6th to 9th The local organiser is Thierry Trenque, director ofthe Centre Régional de Pharmacovigilance Reims Champagne-Ardenne. More details in due course on the conference website (available


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Curriculum vitae format

CURRICULUM VITAE __________________________________________________________________________________________ FULL NAME AND DEGREE/S: EDUCATION: Institution ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS: 1995-1996 Research Assistant, M .S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, India 1996-1999 Teaching Assistant, School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, McGill University, Canada 1999-2000 Res

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