Yeast infection

Yeast Infection
(Monilia, Candida, Fungus Infection)
What is a yeast infection?
How is it treated?
Yeast is a very common fungus (candida albicans) that There are many ways to treat yeast infections. Vaginal normally lives on the skin and inside the body (most creams and suppositories (ovules) such as Monistat, commonly the digestive tract). When this fungus Gynecure or Canesten can be bought at most drug stores overgrows in the vagina, it is called a yeast infection and without a prescription in 1, 3 or 7 day doses. If these do can cause uncomfortable symptoms. Yeast is not not work, a doctor may need to give you a prescription considered a sexually transmitted infection (STI). for stronger cream or pills. If men have symptoms, they A healthy vagina is slightly acidic, and has some helpful can apply the same cream to the affected area of the bacteria, protecting against harmful bacteria or fungus. Yeast likes to live and grow in the dark, warm, moist Do not have sex during treatment and for the next week environment of the vagina. It also likes estrogen, which so you can heal properly. Many of these creams reduce is why yeast infections are more common in women, the effectiveness of latex condoms and diaphragms especially during the second half of the menstrual cycle, during treatment and for 3 days after use. while taking birth control pills, during pregnancy or if taking antibiotics (antibiotics can reduce the helpful Home remedies to treat or prevent vaginal yeast
bacteria, allowing yeast to overgrow.) Overweight or infections
diabetic women may also have more yeast infections. • Buy refrigerated lactobacillus acidophilus capsules at a health food store. The capsule can be swallowed or What are the symptoms?
crushed/opened to mix with a small amount of water to Normal vaginal discharge is clear, milky white or make a paste. Insert the paste into the vagina on the end yellowish in colour with a musky odour. Sometimes of a clean finger or with an applicator from a there are no symptoms. For those who do get symptoms, contraceptive foam or yeast cream package. This can help build the healthy bacteria in the vagina. • Eat plain unsweetened yogurt containing lactobacillus. • mild to severe vaginal itching and burning It can also be inserted with an applicator directly into the • white, thick, dry, clumpy vaginal discharge • red, sore and sometimes swollen labia (vaginal lips) • Peel the skin from a clove of garlic, wrap it in • pain and/or burning when urinating (peeing) and cheesecloth or gauze and attach dental floss for string. Make sure the string is reachable and insert into the vagina at bedtime. Remove the garlic in the morning and • irritation, redness or dry, flakey skin at tip of the throw it all in the garbage. Odourless garlic capsules are penis or under the foreskin (if not circumcised) also available to make a paste as above or to take by • Add a few drops of tea tree oil, 1 cup of vinegar or How is yeast diagnosed?
some baking soda in a shallow bath to soak your genital A vaginal swab is taken and sent to a lab for testing. Yeast can also show on a Pap test. It is important to see • Place a cold compress or ice pack (such as a bag of a doctor and have a swab taken to know you don’t have frozen peas or a frozen juice can wrapped in a tea towel) more serious infections that can have similar symptoms. to the vulva to cool the burning and itching. For men, yeast is diagnosed by examining the penis. How to prevent yeast infections?
Vaginal health is very important to prevent infections and irritations. See other side for vagina health For more information, call Peel Public Health 905-799-7700 and ask for Sexual Health Information
Vaginal Health
What is Normal?
5. 5. Douching. This can dry out the mucous Understanding how the vagina protects itself against walls and upset the natural balance. There is The vagina keeps itself healthy and clean by the 6. Pad and tampon use. If tampons are left in mucous in the cervix and the acid/alkaline balance (a too long, germs can start to grow. Super- balance between acidity and alkalinity of all body absorbent tampons can dry out the vagina. fluids must be maintained). A healthy vagina is Pads with plastic lining or perfume can also slightly acidic, keeping many kinds of bothersome carbohydrates such as pop, fruit juices, Mucous produced by the cervix moistens and alcohol, donuts and other sweets. Cells in lubricates the vagina and also plugs the cervical the vaginal walls contain sugar and this is a opening. This helps to keep germs out of the uterus. perfect place for germs and yeast fungus to Normal vaginal discharge has a mild odour and can be yellowish, pasty white or clear and stringy, like egg 8. Stress, anxiety and lack of sleep can lower white. It often leaves a yellow-white stain on underwear. The amount of vaginal discharge is affected by hormones and is different for every What Can Be Done to Prevent Vaginal
Causes of Infections
Infections and Irritations?
• Wear cotton underwear. Do not wear thong • unprotected sexual contact, when sexually underwear, except for short periods of time. transmitted germs can be passed from one • Don’t wear underwear to bed; try boxers or • an uneven balance of the fluid in the vagina, • Wash genitals with warm water only and always wash/wipe from front to back. This prevents There are many situations which may cause the fluid transferring germs from the anus (bum) to the imbalance in the vagina, making it easier to grow • Never put anything in your vagina that has first 1. Less acidity and more alkalinity in the vagina during a menstrual period. Therefore, infections • Avoid all bubble baths, perfumed soaps and 2. Being on the birth control pill or being pregnant. Hormonal change increases the alkalinity and the Do not use strong detergents and fabric softeners 3. Being on antibiotics. These drugs kill the bad germs but also can destroy the good germs in the Never use anyone else’s wet towel, washcloth or vagina. This lets harmful bacteria overgrow in the bathing suit. Change damp gym clothes or 4. Unprotected sex. Semen is alkaline and this helps certain infections to grow. Unprotected sex can bring other germs into the vagina. For more information call Peel Public Health 905-799-7700
and ask for Sexual Health Information or visit


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