Microsoft word - pti1 pii v5 manual quickref.doc

PipeTech inspection interface 5.x QuickRef
Switches the display of a preset work order on and off. Functionality is similar to displaying the Switches the display of the static zone on and off. The static zone statically displays user definable Pressing Mode Key + F5 will display a utility on the information about the current inspection. The screen. Follow the instructions displayed on the zone also displays the current date and time. PipeTech® inspection interface
5.x Quick Reference Guide – PTI1 Manual Mode Using the Ctrl or Shift mode key, press F5 to Pressing this button toggles the entire overlay preset the distance. If Ctrl is pressed, the mainline distance will be preset (similarly, if Shift is pressed, the lateral distance will be preset). If In order for Manual Mode functions to be no function key is pressed, the relevant distance operable, the following conditions are necessary: will be preset (i.e. if in lateral mode, pressing F5 This allows you to toggle the foreground color of • Manual Mode switch on front must be ON. If Manual Mode is OFF, Scan will communicate the text overlay between white and black. This works with or without a solid background: • A keyboard with PS2 connector must be Pressing Shift + Ctrl + F5 will preset the grout plugged in the front or back keyboard port. In Manual Mode, PipeTech® Scan does not communicate with the Pii, or vice versa, to Pressing Alt + F5 or Alt + Ctrl + F5 will bring up determine current state of toggle functions. the pressure and inclination calibration utilities, To use the Hotkeys, press a combination of the This toggles the background between colored and Input Mode Keys and the relevant Function key. Switches numerical display on and off, when used transparent. Based on the foreground color, the in conjunction with the appropriate Mode Key. background will be either white or black Toggle Distance Direction (Mainline/Lateral only) A full list of the Hotkeys is on the last page of this Toggles the distance encoder to count forwards or backwards, when used in conjunction with the appropriate Mode Key. If Mode Key is not pressed, the relevant distance will be reversed. PipeTech inspection interface 5.x QuickRef
PipeTech inspection interface 5.x QuickRef
(Ctrl + ESC will return numerical displays to Some features listed may not be present or may differ in previous versions of the hardware and firmware. If installed modules of the Pii are not required momentarily, they can be disabled and enabled with F8, when used in conjunction with the Displays the main manual mode menu. On this PipeTech® inspection interface
Switches between displaying English and Metric labels for the relevant input. Note: You can use the encoder calibration utility to calibrate an encoder to count in proper units. Press ‘Alt + m’ Pressing Ctrl + [0-9] will display one of the ten hotkey incidents on the screen. This will remain on the screen for one to nine seconds (depending on user preference set in the manual mode menu system). The incident will display at the bottom Switches the cursor on and off. This enables or of the screen in a fashion similar to incidents disables the ability to type on the screen. Refreshes the overlay screen. This will not clear Calibrate the active distance encoder. To calibrate the mainline encoder, make sure the Pii is in mainline mode and press the action key listed above. An onscreen menu will guide the user through the process of calibrating their The arrow keys move the cursor if it is visible. Prior to contacting the Peninsular Technologies support staff Moves the relevant numerical display across the check the Peninsular Technologies web page for information and updates pertaining to the PipeTech® inspection interface.
Peninsular Technologies web site: Whenever possible use email to contact the support staff. When email is unavailable, contact us at 1-800-262-7817. The Escape key erases all text from the active screen. Refreshes the display and resets the PipeTech® Scan version 5.X.X – February 2009 PipeTech inspection interface 5.x QuickRef


Funk-Raumfühler rel. Feuchte/TemperaturWireless Room Sensor Humidity/Temperature DE - Datenblatt Technische Änderungen vorbehaltenStand 21.11.2008 EN - Data Sheet Subject to technical alteration Anwendung Application Batterieloser Funk-Raumfühler zur Temperatur- und Lüftungsregelung inBattery-less radio room sensor for temperature and ventilation control inVerbindung mit den Em

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Early the next morning, a plumber’s truck parked near the Pitzker Antiquities shop. The driver was a man in overalls and a painter’s cap. He climbed out of the cab, a wrench in his hand, and “Hi, Marta,” he said. “Are they open?” “Not yet.” Also dressed in worker’s overalls, she was staring through a small telescope that she had pressed against the wall of the truck. “Oh,

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