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Year 7 Revision Booklet - Summer Term 2010 Outline Timetable (subject to slight changes) French Listening will take place in period 1 on Friday for all of Year 7. Revision times and French orals are also worked into the timetable. Here are some general points to help you with revision. 1. Know what is needed: Your subject teachers have produced these Revision Lists for you. They show which topics need to be learned. Use KEYWORDS and UNDERLINING to pinpoint weaker areas that need more study or practice. Check through your exercise books for any gaps, where work is unfinished or missing. Do this now so that photocopies can be provided. Do not leave this to the last minute! 2. Use your time sensibly. Believe it or not, work sessions of between 20 and 30 minutes are better than 2 hour slogs! It is good to go back over what you did the next day; your brain then retains information better. You may want to use a revision timetable: your Form Teacher or Tutor can help with this. Planning ahead is really important. 3. Make revision ACTIVE. Don’t just sit and read through your notes –DO SOMETHING! Write Key Words, use tape recordings, make essay plans, do sample questions, make mind maps or draw pictures –to help you remember. 4. Keep a balance. Make sure you have a balance between revision and relaxation. You also need to eat well and sleep well so that you can concentrate properly during Revision and Examination periods. 5. Don’t Panic! If you have done your best, then that is the most that can be asked of you! OR
How to Avoid Making Your English Teacher Cry Paper 1: The Comprehension
1. Read the passage/s at least twice. 2. Read the questions twice and make sure you answer the question ‘and nothing but 3. Answer in full sentences unless asked to do otherwise.
4. Never begin a sentence with a conjunction (and, but, because…)
5. Make sure your sentences are not too long otherwise your meaning will become
6. Do not use abbreviations (aren’t, it’s, doesn’t etc). 7. Use formal language: ‘The author writes about stuff’, will obviously bring tears to 8. Avoid writing vague, general statements: ‘The description of London really creates a picture in my head’. More tears from your poor, suffering English teacher. 9. For top marks always ensure you have a good PE when answering the questions. P
= Point. E = Example. Write down your point first and then back it up with an example. If you only make your point you will not get full marks: ‘The writer makes the house appear mysterious and sinister’ – half marks. ‘The writer makes the house appear mysterious and sinister because there is only one ‘dull light’ on when the girl first sees the house.’ – full marks. 10. Make sure you use quote marks correctly: use single inverted commas (‘serendipity’); place a comma or a colon (:) before you open inverted commas; do not quote large chunks of text (it’s a waste of your precious time); make sure the quote supports the point you are making; A-grade candidates manage to ‘weave’ a quote into their answer: ‘The one ‘dull light’ aglow creates a menacing atmosphere.’ 11. If you are asked to comment on setting and character (which you inevitably will be in a comprehension) then keep these two questions at the forefront of your mind:
‘What does the writer want me to feel towards this character/about this
setting?’ What words/images/pdf/figures of speech have they used which show
the writer wants the reader to feel and think?
Paper 2: Creative Writing
1. Choose a title quickly. 2. Choose a descriptive/narrative/personal title that allows you to show off your 3. Plan quickly.
4. BME: Beginning, middle, end.
5. Think of an ending first.
6. Keep it simple: no unicorns, murders, monsters, three-headed aliens,
broomsticks, moving trees, fights with sharks, fights with giant bananas, disarming terrorist missiles with a toothpick, climbing Everest in a tutu…. 7. TLC: Time/Location/Character
8. Problem: something simple – you lose grandfather’s watch, you’re having a
brace fitted, you want to watch the match but you can’t, you’ve moved school, people are picking on your friend, you’re visiting ‘Aunt Marge’, you’ve had an embarrassing haircut, you’re lost on holiday, you don’t want to come back from your holiday… 9. ‘Show don’t Tell’: ‘Theseus went through the tunnel’ – not good! ‘Sweat poured
from Theseus’ furrowed brow as he inched nervously through the rancid-smelling, bone-strewn labyrinth’ – better. 10. Start your writing either with description, action or dialogue (double inverted commas, new speaker=new line, don’t overuse ‘said’) 11. Empathy writing: get inside your character’s head: ‘Theseus’ outward
confidence disappeared like the sunlight as he entered the death-black maze.’ 12. The Five Senses: of these sight and sound are the most important to the
13. When writing about setting and character have this question at the forefront of your mind: ‘What do I want the reader to feel at this point in my writing?’ Use the right sorts of words, images and figures of speech which will achieve this. 14. Make sure you finish with a good five minutes left in order to check:
Vocabulary; Does that word get across exactly what I mean? Have I used
‘suddenly’ too many times?) Meaning; is that a proper sentence or just a
phrase/subordinate clause? Do too many of my sentences start with the same
word/the subject? Punctuation: full stop there or a comma? Paragraphs: A
must; Spelling: try your hardest!
The English Department – Summer Term, 2010
The exams that you will be sitting comprise 3 papers. These are similiar to 13 + Common Entrance papers. Paper 1 - non calculator – 60 minutes Paper 2– calculator – 60 minutes ( Please ensure you have a scientific calculator for this A mental maths paper – 15 minutes (this will be done on Friday 28th May in your Maths Below are topics that you should revise in preparation for your exams. You will also find a list of websites that will suppplement your revision. Please ensure you make thorough use of your CE pocket notes . Any pupils wanting help with revision can come along to the Maths Surgery in Room 18 on a Tuesday from 1.30pm. • Four rules associated with +, -, x, ÷ To carry out a range of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division sums using different methods • Properties of numbers – multiples, primes, factors, and square numbers • Estimation and rounding (significant figures, decimal places and nearest whole • Fractions, decimals, percentages • Sharing quantities in a given ratio • Bearings • Constructing triangles • Algebra – simplifying expressions, substitution • Transformations of 2 D shapes and enlargement • 3-D shapes and their Nets • Probability • Area and perimeter • Prime factor form • Averages- calculating the mean, mode and median • Conversion and straight line graphs • Area & circumference of circles • Speed, distance and time graphs and calculating information from pie charts Websites to help you revise: Login : 12100041 password: rh14qj Login : hawthorn password: mile (please ensure you have your own username and pasword to access tasks set by your teacher) The Maths Department
You will have two science exams, both 40 minutes long. One will cover all the Chemistry you have learnt this year and the other will cover all the Physics and Biology you have learnt this year. These are the main topics which will come up although it is important you do look back over the rest of the topics too. - two-way switches (SPDT switches) - the key words e.g. solvent, solute - current in parallel and series - breathing, respiration and exercise - acid rain and fossil fuels You should use your exercise book and your textbook to revise these topics. Revision list for Exam – May 2010 We have set out below the revision for the exam. The exam will test Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening skills based on the topics of Shopping, Cinema & TV, Meeting people, Tourist Information, Health, Holidays and Hobbies. You will need the 7 topic booklets for revision. You need to know the vocabulary relating to the above topics for these tests. This is all in the relevant sections of your vocabulary booklet. a. You will have to write 5 sentences based on the topics that we have covered b. You will be asked to write about a) your favourite TV program OR favourite film b) your hobbies c) a school trip - You will give a presentation on Mes loisirs et mes vacances (My Hobbies and my Holidays) - You will do a role-play which will be on ONE of the following topics: Shopping, Tourist information, Health, Meeting people - You will be asked some questions on the topic of Cinema and TV. YEAR 7 GEOGRAPHY REVISION LIST – SUMMER 2010
Case Studies – Rio de Janeiro / London
a. Origin of Settlement – very important for O.S. Mapping
b. Settlement Hierarchy – services, function, range, threshold & influence
c. How cities grow & problems of rapid growth in LDCs.
d. Push & Pull factors – city growth, rural decline.
e. Compare Cities in MDCs with LDCs.
Case Studies – Sustainable Primary Ind – BRFC Croydon, Malaysian Plantations.
Globalisation in Secondary Industry -GAP Fashion Co.
Tertiary – Tourism Industry & the environment National Parks in LDC’s MDC’s

a. Industrial Classification. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary & Quaternary. b. Ensure that you have knowledge of a case study for Primary, Secondary & Tertiary. c. Where do Industries locate? Why do industries grow? Why do industries decline? d. Employment Structures in LDCs & MDCs e. The effect of Globalisation upon industry worldwide. f. Sustainable industries – their importance. 4. GLOBAL LOCATION (Throughout the syllabus)
a. Global Location.
Mr. Duggan, May 10
Year 7 History revision Summer 2010

The Paper

The exam will be worth 50 marks and last for one hour. It will consist of two parts.
1. evidence questions (20 marks)
2. essay (30 marks)

The evidence questions in this exam will be on King John.
There will be a choice of three essay titles and you will need to write one essay.
REMEMBER each essay has two parts you need to answer BOTH PARTS!
You will need to spend 25-30 minutes on the evidence questions and 30-35 minutes on the

REMEMBER- you do not need to revise for the evidence questions. You have been give
examples of them to do during lessons or for homework.
To prepare for the essay you will need to learn two topics well. You need to learn two just in
case you find that one of your choices has a hard title.
Topics to choose from
1. The reign of King John
2. Monks and Monasteries
3. The Battle of Hastings
You will be able to use your exercise books to revise from and some revision sheets that you
have made in class or for homework.
Good luck- if you have any questions please see Mrs Taylor Make sure that you revise the following topics - Saludos (greetings) - Números del 1 al 100 (numbers from 1 to 10) - El alfabeto (the alphabet) - Los días de la semana (the days of the week) - Los meses del año (the months of the year) - Fechas (dates) - Los colores (colours) - The following questions ¿Cómo estás? muy bien, gracias. ¿ y tú? ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? Mi cumpleaños es el dos de ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo catorce años ¿Qué día es hoy? Hoy es el trece de febrero ¿Cuántos hermanos tienes? Tengo dos hermanos - La familia (the family) - Descripción de personas (description of people) - Los animals (animals) y descripción de animals - Mi colegio (my school). - Las horas (the time) - El plural de las palabras (the plural of the words) - Free time, sports and hobbies (infinitives) - Holidays (vacaciones) - The conjugation of the verbs: jugar (to play) e ir (to go) Revision sheet Year 7 Latin CE Set
Make sure you revise the following points for the exam: The present tense of the verbs of the first, second, third, fourth and mixed Grammar concepts: person, number, gender, cases, subject and objects The first and second declensions (masculine and neuter) Myths: The War of Troy and Odysseus Important: this is just an overview. Revision sheets that include practice questions
will be given out in class.

Make sure that you revise the following points:
Book I (Ab Initio)
All the vocabulary in this book
The present, imperfect and perfect tenses of any verbs and sum
The first declension
The second declension masculine
The second declension neuter
Grammar questions and concepts
Book II (Ab Initio) until chapter 33 inclusive:

All the vocabulary in the blue squares (from page 6 to 60)
The third declension (masculine, feminine and neuters)
The future tense of any verb
The future tense of sum
The verb eo (I go)
Quamquam and ubi clauses
The demonstrative adjective: hic, haec, hoc (this/these)
The demonstrative adjective: ille, illa, illud (that/those)
The third person pronoun: is, ea, id (he, she, it, that)
The declension of the personal pronuns ego, tu, nos and vos.
The pluperfect tense
Grammar questions and concepts
Myth: Troy

RS : Year 7 revision list – Summer exam 2010
• Holy books / Symbol / Founder • Place of worship and its features • Holy city and focal country • Reform and Orthodox Jews and how they differ • 3 key beliefs • Sabbath • Food laws • Jewish Artefacts • Festivals – Purim (Esther), Hanukkah, Rosh Hashanah, Passover, Yom Kippur, • Religious leader • Life ceremonies • What was the holocaust? • Current conflict in Israel is between which 2 groups of people? • Moses’ life and the 10 Plagues • The Ten Commandments • Holy book / Symbol / One god • Place of worship and its features • Holy city • Life of Muhammad • Jesus in Islam • 5 Pillars – in detail • Religious leader • Women in Islam • Life ceremonies • Food laws • Festivals – Id ul Adha, Id ul Fitr • Key beliefs


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