Microsoft word - sheffrin cv - july 2013

Meera Sheffrin
Geriatrics Fellow, University of California San Francisco
University of California, San Francisco

Fellowship in Geriatrics, T32 Research Fellow
Stanford University Hospital and Clinics

Charles Dorsey Armstrong Award for Clinical Excellence in Caring for Patients by a Senior Resident
Julian Wolfshon Award for Outstanding Performance in Internal Medicine and Neurology.

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Nominated to Alpha Omega Alpha and the Arnold P. Gold Humanism Honor Society.
Wellesley College
Cum Laude with Honors in the Major. Nominated to Sigma Xi Honor Society.
Charles Dorsey Armstrong Award for Clinical Excellence in Caring for Patients by a Senior Resident
Julian Wolfshon Award for Outstanding Performance in Internal Medicine and Neurology Charles G. Watson Chapter of the Arnold P. Gold Humanism Honor Society 2009 Morris H. and Gertrude M. Harris Foundation Merit Scholarship 2007- 2009 Jean V. Crawford Wellesley College Senior Prize in Chemistry Wellesley College First-year Award for Excellence in Chemistry Wellesley College First-Year Distinction

1. Sheffrin M, Driscoll HC, Lenze EJ, Mulsant BH, Pollock BG, Miller MD, Butters MA, Dew MA,
Reynolds CF 3rd. Pilot Study of Augmentation With Aripiprazole for Incomplete Response in Late-Life Depression: Getting to Remission. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2009. Vol 70 (2):208-13 2. Olmstead MM, Sheffrin M, Jiang FL. Di-[mu]-bromo-bis[(methyl isocyanide-[kappa]
C)(triphenylphosphine-[kappa] P)silver(I)]. Acta Cryst. 2004. E60, m1142-m1143 Invited Articles and Other Publications 1. Lenze EJ, Sheffrin M, Driscoll HC, Mulsant BH, Pollock B, Dew MA, Lotrich F, Devlin B, Bies R,
Reynolds CF. Incomplete Response in Late-Life Depression: Getting to Remission. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, Volume 10, Number 4, 2008. 2. Sheffrin M. Using ex vivo ¹H NMR spectroscopy to study brain metabolite ratios in choline
supplemented Mecp2lox mice. 2006. Honors thesis--Wellesley College Wellesley College, Dept. of Chemistry. Published Abstracts and Presentations to Scientific Groups: 1. Kok R, Sheffrin M, Whyte E, Mazeh D, Reynolds CF 3rd. Managing Treatment Resistant Depression
in the Elderly. Panel presentation: International Psychogeriatric Association 14th International Congress. Montreal, Canada. 2009. 2. Sheffrin M, Driscoll HC, Lenze EJ, Mulsant BH, Pollock BG, Miller MD, Butters MA, Dew MA,
Reynolds CF. The Use of Aripiprazole Augmentation for Incomplete Response in Late-Life Depression. Poster presentation: University of Pittsburgh Institute on Aging Research Poster Day. Pittsburgh, PA. 2007. 3. Sheffrin M, Markham J. Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to Understand Brain
Chemistry in Rett Syndrome. Panel presentation: Ruhlman Conference. Wellesley, MA. 2006. 4. Nag N, Yang R, Yerby B, Sheffrin M, Kolodny N, Berger-Sweeney J. The Effects of Dietary Perinatal
Choline Supplementation on the Behavioral Phenotype and Brain Chemistry of MeCP2 Mutant Mice. Poster presentation: 6th Annual RSRF Rett Syndrome Symposium. Chicago, IL. 2005. 5. Yerby B, Sheffrin M, Nag N, Berger-Sweeney JE, Kolodny NH. “Ex Vivo and In Vivo Localized 1H
NMR Spectroscopy of Brain Metabolites in the Study of MECP2 Mutant Mice.” Program No. 564.18. Poster presentation: Society for Neuroscience. Washington, DC. 2005. 6. Yerby B, Sheffrin M. Of Mind and Manner: Understanding Brain and Behavior, Can Chemistry
AnswerQuestions about Neurological Disorders? Applying Magnetic Resonance to Rett Syndrome. Panel presentation: Ruhlman Conference. Wellesley, MA. 2005.

Stanford Physician Wellness Committee
Pacific Free Clinic and Arbor Free Clinic Students And Latinos United Against Disparities (SALUD)

Wellesley College Pforzheimer Learning and Teaching Center
Wellesley College Pforzheimer Learning and Teaching Center


Microsoft word - fabrizzi_curriculum2011.doc

Curriculum dell’attività scientifica e didattica   Federica Fabrizzi  Formazione agosto 2010: vincitrice di concorso a Ricercatore a tempo indeterminato nel settore disciplinare IUS 09 (Istituzioni di diritto pubblico) presso la facoltà di giurisprudenza dell’Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno; da novembre 2007: dottoranda di ricerca in Teoria dello Stato e

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SCIENTIA PLENA VOL. 5, NUM. 11 Efeito de inseticidas organossintéticos na atividade alimentar de Podisus nigrispinus (DALLAS) (Heteropera: P.C. Dantas1; J.C.M Poderoso2 ; A. França-Santos³ ; M.E. Correia-Oliveira4; G. 1Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, 49100-000, São Cristóvão - SE 2 Programa de Pós-graduação em Entomologia da Universi

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