
Facebook Settings
Facebook offers a multitude of configuration options. It’s not always easy to keep track of all the various set-

tings offered and to select the best settings for your purposes. Our checklist is meant to assist you to protect
your account and all your published information in the best possible way.
We have tried to draw up as universally applicable a set of instructions for private users as possible. Neverthe-
less, the individual configuration options and settings may differ in specific cases. This checklist refers to the Facebook settings available as at 4th February 2014.
The «OK» column provides an option to tick all settings you have already checked and adjusted. To display the Facebook account settings, click the cogwheel icon in the page header, and select the «Account General – General Account Settings
Our recommendation
Use a free address without any indication of your identity (e.g. Use a secure password. You can find out more about how to ge- Security – Security Settings
Our recommendation
You should activate secure browsing (use https) Select «Email notifications are enabled» Manage your passwords outside of Facebook, for instance using a password manager (https://www.ebas.ch/tools).
List is automatically created by Facebook.
List is automatically created by Facebook.
Privacy – Privacy Settings and Tools
Our recommendation
Limit the audience for posts you’ve Limit past posts (default Who can send you friend requests? Everyone Whose messages do I want filtered Basic filtering (default email address you provided?Who can look you up using the pho- Friends ne number you provided?Do you want other search engines to Off Timeline and Tagging – Timeline and Tagging Settings
Our recommendation
your timelineWho can see posts you've been tag- Only me ged in on your timeline?Who can see what others post on How can I manage tags people add Review tags people add to your own On Facebook?When you're tagged in a post, who Only me if they aren't already in it?Who sees tag suggestions when www.ebankingbutsecure.ch
Blocking – Manage Blocking
Our recommendation
Different options to block friends, You can block people or applications depending on your require- Notifications – Notification Settings
Our recommendation
Mobile – Mobile Settings
Depending on your requirements
Followers – Follower Settings
Depending on your requirements
Apps – App Settings
Our recommendation
Adverts – Facebook Adverts
Our recommendation
Payments – Payments Settings
Our recommendation
Required for certain games and activities. Encryption and secu- rity are of good quality in accordance with the PCI DSS V2 stan- Support Dashboard
No settings possible.
This document has been produced for information purposes only and is for the sole use of the recipient. No guarantee can be given as to the reliability or completeness of this document, and no liability can be accepted for any losses incurred as a result of its use.
Copyright 2014 Hochschule Luzern - Wirtschaft. All rights reserved.
«eBanking – but secure!» is offering helpful security hints for e-banking users
You will find further practical information on measures and approaches required to ensure that e-banking applications are used securely under www.ebankingbutsecure.ch. The use of this website is free.

Source: https://www.ebankingbutsecure.ch/images/stories/merkblaetter/ChecklisteFB_en.pdf

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