Bacteriological Quality Hussen Ali, Ketema Bacha and Tsige Ketema ORIGINAL ARTICLE Bacteriological Quality and antimicrobial susceptibility of some isolates of Well Waters Used for Drinking in Jimma Town, Southwest Ethiopia
Hussen Ali, B.Ed, Ketema Bacha, PhD, Tsige Ketema, MSc ABSTRACT Well waters could be polluted with fecal materials due to inadequate protection, depth of wells, distance and position relative to latrine house, unhygienic practice at the source and poor environmental sanitation. The objectives of this study were to assess the current bacteriological safety of well waters being used for drinking and other domestic uses; and also to evaluate the antibiotic susceptibility patterns of bacterial species isolated from some of the wells in Jimma town, southwestern Ethiopia. Accordingly, bacteriological quality and safety, as well as physico-chemical properties of water samples collected from 30 purposively selected wells were assessed following the standard microbiological methods. Pure isolates were characterized to species level using API 20 E kit and evaluated for resistance patterns towards ten antimicrobial agents being used for human medication. The finding of the study showed that the mean pH (6.64- 6.8) of all the studied well water samples was within acceptable range (pH= 6.5-8.5), while the mean temperature was not. Likewise, the mean microbial counts (cfu/ml) of the samples were beyond the value recommended by World Health Organization. Accordingly, the mean count (cfu/ml) of aerobic mesophilic bacteria (AMB) was 908 (360 – 1490), while those of Entrobacteriaceae and coliforms were 332 and 234, respectively. A total of 15 representative bacterial species including Aeromonas hydrophilia (3), Enterobacter cloacae(1), Serratia liqueofaciens(1), Enterobacter sakazaki(1), Serratia marcesense(1), Klebsella orithinolytica(4), and Escherichia coli(1) were identified to species level. All isolates were sensitive to Amikacin (AK), Norfloxacin (Nx), Kanamycin (K), Bacitracin (B) and Tetracyclin (T). On the other hand, all isolates were resistant to Methicillin (M) and Pencillin G (P). Stains of Klebsella ornithinolytica showed the highest resistance against most of the antibiotics tested. In general, the well water samples analyzed in this study were found in unacceptable condition in terms of bacteriological quality. Moreover, the identification of Escherichia coli in some of the wells indicates the safety problem of the water for human consumption. Therefore, it calls for proper disinfection and monitoring of the water sources besides awareness creation to the well owners. Key words/phrases: Antimicrobial sensitivity, Bacteriological safety, Jimma, Well water
1Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Jimma University, P. O. Box 378, Jimma, Ethiopia *[email protected] Tel: +251917800789
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 6 No 2
of children in Ethiopia are communicable
Well water is one of the potential sources
( html).
Bureau, 2008). In developing countries, the
health risk associated with drinking water
share of well water could be even higher.
Thus, it is necessary to make a regular test
the safety status of water being used for
(Balk et al., 2003). However, improperly
constructed or poorly maintained wells and
indicators of trouble: bacteria, nitrate, pH,
keratoconjunctivitis, respiratory infections,
and hepatitis are associated with viruses,
availability of pipe lines for tap water in the
including groundwater, surface water, and
costal water (Borchardt et al., 2003,
water in a very intermittent condition. The
Borchardt et al., 2004; Xagoraraki et al.,
poor access to safe water could be due to
inconsistency in water supply and/or total
Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., pathogenic
lack of access to treated water for one or
Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Yersinia
many reasons. Therefore, some population
enterocolitica, Campylobacter jejuni, and
Campylobacter coli can contaminate a
drinking water via fecal material, domestic
and industrial sewage and agricultural and
various purposes such as cleaning utensils,
pasture runoff (Geldreich, 1991: Wiggins,
washing clothes, bathing and drinking. This
1996). If water used for drinking or bathing
contains sufficient numbers of pathogens
magnitude of risks associated with frequent
such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
dependence on well water. To this effect,
species of Flavobacterium, Acinetobacter,
Klebsiella, Serratia, Aeromonas and certain
bacteriological quality and safety of well
antimicrobial sensitivity patterns of the
membranes of the eye, ear, nose and throat
et al. (2009) showed the possible isolation
MATERIALS AND METHODS Description of the study area
inadequate sanitation and use of polluted
located 353 km southwest of Addis Ababa.
water (Epstein et al. 1994). Similarly,
about three-quarter of the health problems
located at 07o39’ latitude, 36o50’longitude,
Bacteriological Quality Hussen Ali, Ketema Bacha and Tsige Ketema
Preliminary survey Purification and floral assessment
population and the current status of wells
After colony counting, 10 to 15 colonies
administration of pre-designed structured
MacConkey agar, and Violet Red Bile agar
(VRBA) plates for further identification.
ended questions) and interview. Well water
nutrient broth for repeated purification on
purposely and a total of thirty well waters
nutrient agar (Oxoid). The pure culture of
were assessed in this study. The study was
aerobic mesophilic bacteria, coliforms and
Enterobacteriaceae were streaked on slants
of nutrient agar and kept at 4oC for further
Sample collection and processing Characterization of isolates
using sterile flask of 250 ml capacity. From
using API 20E kits. The preliminary tests
included microscopic observation for cell
Physico-chemical analysis
production of catalase enzyme, cytochrome
Isolates were further characterized using
Microbiological Analysis
From appropriate dilution (1:10), 0.1ml of
Marcy I’Etoile, France). The strips were
aliquots were spread plated in duplicate on
pre-dried surfaces of plates of Violet Red
referring to the reading table provided by
the manufacturer. The biochemical profiles
obtained for the isolates were interpreted
the counts of coliforms, aerobic mesophilic
Enterobacteriaceae, respectively. Colonies
Antimicrobial susceptibility test
32oC for 24 hours. Purplish red colonies
surrounded by reddish zone of precipitated
susceptibility to different antibiotics on
Mueller–Hinton agar (Oxoid) following the
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 6 No 2 antibiotic discs; Ampicillin (A, 10µg),
30µg), Methicilin (M, 5 µg), Norfloxacin
Inoculation of test plates
Pre-sterilized Mueller–Hinton agar (Oxoid)
Preliminary information
was swabbed with the standardized culture
investigated well waters
standard) using sterile cotton swab. The
respect to the purpose of using well water,
associated risks, and hygienic practices are
dispensed onto surface of the inoculated
presented in Table 1. Accordingly, all the
(Oxoid, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test
System, UK). After 24hrs of incubation at
clothes and utensils, and bathing. Some of
30 to 32 oC, diameter of inhibition zones
was measured. The strains were classified
alternative, though it was not accessible on
as sensitive or resistant based on the cut-off
regular basis and used only intermittently.
Concerning the age and depth of wells, the
majority of wells (70%, 21/30) had age of 0
Laboratory Standards). For the purpose of
interpretation, those intermediate cases
18/30). Likewise, 70% (21/30) of the wells
were considered sensitive (NCCLS, 2000).
distance of 11-15 meter from latrine and
found on equal altitude to the latrine houses
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 6 No 2 Table 1. The status of some well waters found in Jimma town, February, 2010 S.
Position of the well relative to latrine · uphill from latrine
Physio-chemical property of well water The mean pH and temperature of the well waters were 6.71±0.08 and 21.46±1.45, respectively (Table 2). The variation in temperature and pH values of the well water samples was not significant (CV<10%). Table 2. pH and temperature of well waters, Jimma town, February, 2010 Parameters
Microbial count of well waters The total aerobic mesophilic bacterial count of all the samples analyzed was 907.86 cfu/ml (360 - 1490). Similarly, the mean count of total coliforms was 234.5 cfu/ml. Moreover, the mean count of Enterobacteriacea was also high (332 cfu/ml) (Fig. 1). Bacteriological Quality Hussen Ali, Ketema Bacha and Tsige Ketema Fig. 1. Microbial load of some well water samples collected from Jimma town, February, 2010 Where, AMB, aerobic mesophiliic bacteria
A total of 15 representative gram-negative bacterial isolates were further characterized to species level using API 20E kit. The bacteria isolates were Aeromonas hydrophilia, (3), Enterobacter cloacae (1), Serratia liqueofaciens (1), Enterobacter sakazaki (2), Serratia marcesense (1), Klebsella orithinolytica (4), and Escherichia coli (3) (Table 3).
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 6 No 2 Table 3. API 20 E profiles of some representative bacterial species isolated from well water used for drinking, Jimma town, February, 2010 Biochemical Tests for utilization of different substrates Isolates Isolates identity
ONPG= ß-galactosidase production, ADH= arginine dihydrolase, LDC= lysine decarboxylase, ODC= ornithine decarboxylase, URE= urease, TDA= tryptophane deaminase, CIT= Citrate, H2S= production of hydrogen sulphide, and IND= indole, GLU= glucose, MAN= mannitol, INO= inositol, VP= Vogus prausker (acetoin production), GEL= Gelatin liquefaction, SOR= sorbitol, RHA= rhaminose, SAC=saccharose, MEL= melibiose, AMY= amylase, and ARA=arabinose, + = positive, - = negative, V = variable, Ju = Jimma University.
Bacteriological Quality Hussen Ali, Ketema Bacha and Tsige Ketema Results of the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of isolates showed that all of the isolates were sensitive to Amicacin (Ak), Norfloxacin (Nx) and Tetracyclin (T) (Table 4). In addition, 96.4% (14/15 isolates) were sensitive for Kanamycin (Ka) and Bacitracin (B). On the other hand, all isolates were resistant to Methicillin (M), Pencillin G (P) and cephaloxin (Cn) (except Serratia marcesense). Among the isolates, Klebsella ornithinolytica and Aeromonas hydrophilia showed the highest resistance to most antibiotics used (seven of the ten antibiotics). It has about 25% of resistance to Ampicillin, Bacitracin, Erytromicin and Kanamycin. Whereas, Serratia marcesense was sensitive to almost all antibiotics tested except for Methicillin and Pencillin G. Potentially pathogenic Escherichia coli identified in this study was sensitive to most of the antibiotics including Amikacin, Bacitracin, Cephaloxin, Erytromycine, Kanamycin, Norfloxacin, and Tetracyclin. Table 4. Antibiotic susceptibility pattern of isolates identified from well waters used for drinking in Jimma town, February, 2010 Antibiotics and number of isolates resistant or sensitive to the antibiotics Isolates
Where: A, ampicillin; Ak, amikacin ; B,bacitracin; Cn, Cephaloxin; E, erytromycine; Ka, kanamycin; M, methicilin; Nx, norfloxacin; P, pencillin G; T, tetracycline; R, Resistant; S = Sensitive
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 6 No 2 A total of seven multiple drug resistance (MDR) patterns were observed. The highest MDR observed was A/B/Cn/E/Ka/M/P (resistance to ampicillin, bacitracin, cephaloxin, Erythromycin, kanamycin, methicillin and penicillin G) (Table 5). Table 5. MDR pattern of bacteria isolated from well water, Jimma town, February, 2010 No of drugs in MDR patterns Number of Percentage (%) resistant isolates Where: MDR, Multiple drug resistance ; A, ampicillin; B,bacitracin; Cn, Cephaloxin;
E, erytromycine; Ka, kanamycin; M, methicilin; P, pencillin G
area. The distance of wells from latrine is a
determining factor for contamination with
The majority of private well water owners
fecal coliforms. The presence of latrines
have been using the water directly without
within a radius of 50 m in the vicinity of
pumps or wells was identified as being a
expose them to infection with water borne
risk factor for virus detection in Benin,
West Africa (Verheyen et al., 2009).
major public health problems, increasing
mortality rates among highly susceptible
compromised patients) besides its effect on
importance of appropriate decision support
related non-productive time (Verheyen et
systems in these socioeconomic prospering
Pollution Prevention Information (2000),
The closeness of the well waters to latrine
depth less than 20 ft, age greater than 50
(majority of them) on equal altitude to the
years and dug types are at risk. In our case,
latrine houses along with short depth were
although all the wells were younger than
the major risk factors observed in the study
the afromentioned risk ranges, the fact that
Bacteriological Quality Hussen Ali, Ketema Bacha and Tsige Ketema all the wells were made by digging along
well owners observed during field survey
with the practice of utilizing water without
waters the possible source of contamination
depth from the surface, quality for drinking
The microbial counts (cfu/ml) of all the
water varies from place to place. Generally,
the deeper the well, the better the ground
907) and found beyond the specification set
water will be for drinking. The amount of
new water flowing into the area also affects
guideline (WHO, 1993), the total bacterial
counts of a given drinking water should not
microbial contaminants, ground water may
contain some natural impurities, even with
study, the total aerobic mesophilic bacterial
cfu/ml) was also above the guideline set for
(Environmental Protection Agency, 2002).
condition for the proliferation of aerobic
Aeromonas hydrophila were encountered at
mesophilic bacteria and, thus, contributed
to the high microbial counts observed. pH
and temperature are among the factors that
liqueofaciens (1), Enterobacter sakazaki
determine microbial growth (LeChavallier
(2), and Serratia marcesense (1). Likewise,
et al., 1996). According to the guide line
Aeromonas hydrophila are reported to be
set by the World Health Organization, the
pH of any drinking water should be in the
north-east Scotland (Gavriel et al., 1998),
other hand, the temperature should also be
metropolitan water supply (Burke et al.,
between 10 to 16oC. With reference to the
1984) where it was found contributing to
above specifications, the pH of all well
infections of skin and soft tissue (Gold and
waters was in acceptable range. However,
Salit, 1993). Aeromonas hydrophila are
the recorded mean temperature was beyond
frequently associated with fish infection
being common pathogen of fish although it
is one of the most important factors for
(LeChavallier et al., 1996), the rise in
recommendation to the current 21.46±1.45
Except potentially pathogenic Escherichia coli, all bacteria species identified in this
aerobic mesophilic microbes by shortening
their lag-phase (Fransolet et al., 1985).
Moreover, the absence of microbiological
1993). In terms of the degree of severity,
control system of the wells together with
the diseases caused by these isolates are
poor sanitation, and unhygienic practice of
relatively benign when compared to other
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 6 No 2 pathogenic bacteria such as Shigella,
and failure to use disinfection are among
Salmonella and Vibrio cholera. However,
prevalence of contaminants. In addition to
microbial contaminants, ground water may
waters investigated (this study) are used for
contain some natural impurities, even with
various infections of skin and the mucous
E. coli is a type of fecal coliform bacteria
Relatively low resistance to Ampicillin by
E. coli was observed in this study. Previous
animals and humans. Thus, the isolation of
reports by Ahmed et al. (2000) revealed
E. coli in well water is a strong indication
that Escherichia coli, isolated from urinary
of sewage or animal waste contamination.
tract of patients were highly resistant to
Infection due to E. coli often causes severe
Ampicillin. Although all the isolates were
sometimes the infection causes non-bloody
diarrhea (Environmental Protection Agency
resistance to antibiotics (seven out of the
elderly, infection with E. coli can also
antibiotics important in human medication
control infectious disease, especially in
cells are destroyed and the kidneys fail
developing countries. Resistance to more
/library/prevention/ blecoli1.htm). About 2-
7% of all infections lead to this type of
isolates possible natural resistance to some
hemolytic uremic syndrome is the principal
cause of acute kidney failure in children,
syndrome are caused by E. coli O157:H7.
On bases of criteria set by WHO, the well
routes of transmission of E. coli is mostly
direct animal contact or the consumption of
range both in physico – chemical property
identification of potentially pathogenic
uncooked vegetables (Jay et al., 2005). In
bacteria such as E. coli was good indicators
general, the possible factors that expose
of safety problems. The risk of well water
well water sources for contamination with
contamination is unavoidable. Therefore,
bacterial pathogens could be construction
defect, lack of fence, inadequate depth and
periodic evaluation of the safety of their
distance of wells from the latrine, lack of
Furthermore, lack of regular supervision
Bacteriological Quality Hussen Ali, Ketema Bacha and Tsige Ketema suggested
Borchardt, M. A., Haas, N. L. and Hunt, R.
Awareness development training should be
protecting well water from any source of
contamination and on the depth, distance
and position of well with respect to latrine.
Borchardt, M. A., Bertz, P. D. Spencer, S.
In addition, responsible bodies should pay
intermittence of potable drinking water in
provision of alternative safe water sources.
Although not analyzed in this study, some
ground water naturally contains dissolved
elements such as arsenic, boron, selenium,
breakdown of radioactive uranium in soil.
present, these natural contaminants could
further study on the current status of well
waters of the study area with respect to the
material and chemical support given by the
Epstein P, Ford T, Puccia C. and Possas,
Department of Biology, College of Natural
Fransolet, G., Villers, G., Masschelein, W.
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 6 No 2 Geldreich, E.E. (1991). Microbial water
Gold, W.L, Salit, I.E. (1993). Aeromonas hydrophila infections of skin and
review. Clin Infect Dis. 16:69–74.
and total coliforms. Appl Environ
Hawaii’s Pollution Prevention Information
Aeromonas species in foods. J.
LeChavallier, M. W., Welch, N.J., Smith,
Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests,222 Approved Standard M2-Bacteriological Quality Hussen Ali, Ketema Bacha and Tsige Ketema Xagoraraki, I., Kuo, D. H. Wong, K.,
Wong, M.and Rose, J. B. (2007). Occurrence of human adenoviruses at two recreational beaches of the Great Lakes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73:7874–7881.
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