J . M a t h e r RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS Nuclear Medicine must concentrate on its unique strengths if it is to continue to prove clinically useful and survive into the new century.
People undertake research in Cancer imaging;
chemistry, such as the development of the
development and a survey of the literature
potentially ‘useful’ new products, but few,
avenues for clinical exploitation in years
the ability to distinguish true infection
radiolabelled white cells. In cancer, the
characterised by the clinical application of
naturally occurring radioactive salts such
individual tailoring of patient therapies.
following the introduction of technetium-
possibilities become available, it will be
essential to determine ways of identifying
99mTc-pyrophosphate for bone scanning.
those patients who will benefit from such
The period up to the early 80’s pursued
pharmaceuticals that were taken up by the
therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals – such as
different mechanisms – colloids for liver
lymphoma, radiolabelled octreotide analogs
clinical utility. This has stimulated further
research into other therapeutic applications
and even the use of ‘new’ radionuclides
such as the beta-emitter Lu-177 and alpha-
imaging is to translate the successes of the
bind to receptors in vitro, have been
developed, their application in-vivo
label white cells in-vivo in whole-blood
neuropeptides such as somatostatin analogues
thereby removing the need for manipulation
specificity for infection rather than sterile
of the blood ex-vivo. Perhaps the most widely
inflammation, the target to background ratios
expression of their receptors on the surface of
their use has not yet been pursued in the
fragment which binds to the NCA-90 epitope
clinic. By contrast, the use of 99mTc labelled
millennium and is likely to do so for the
on white cells. Although developed with the
ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic,
foreseeable future. The increasing availability
has been studied in almost 1,000 patients with
of strong competing imaging modalities such
circulating white cells which subsequently
encouraging results. In fact, ciprofloxacin is
migrate to the site of infection, it appears that
this is not its real mechanism of action. The
antibiotics that have been labelled with the
strengths if it is to continue to prove clinically
uptake is due in part to ‘non-specific’
aim of infection imaging. More developments
extravasation of the labelled antibody at the
can be expected in this field as antibiotics,
site of infection followed (perhaps) by binding
with more specific bacterial interactions and
to local white cells in the vicinity. Other
more favourable patterns of biodistribution,
Nuclear Medicine are (i) the use of very high
ligands, such as cytokines and chemotactic
are identified. Of particular interest is the use
specific activity tracers which permit the
peptides, which recognise different markers
on different populations of white cells, are
infections. Antibiotics specific for fungal or
mechanisms in-vivo and (ii) the therapeutic
currently being explored and may find wider
parasitic infections may be very valuable in
application of targeted radionuclides. The
the context of adventitious infections in
knowledge that non-specific mechanisms can
developments in the future will arise from the
contribute to imaging of inflammation has led
application of these strengths to the solution
several research groups to pursue entirely
of real clinical problems. Thus the directions
non-white cell mediated solutions to this
Cancer imaging
of radiopharmaceutical research will tend to
problem. Among the most successful has been
radiopharmaceuticals in the management of
functional assessment of tissues, from targets
(HIG) and liposomes. These can be labelled
on the outside of cell membranes to those
with a variety of radioisotopes, in particular
buried deep within the cytoplasm and cell
nucleus, from ‘passive’ imaging in the
therefore have the potential for use in imaging
both the same day and for several days after
interventional applications in the operating
administration. Clinical trials with these
theatre and from the diagnosis of disease to its
agents have demonstrated high sensitivity in
the detection of inflammation but neither has
The reality is that socio-economic issues,
achieved widespread use. Perhaps the main
as well as clinical realities, mean that Nuclear
mainly in the following areas of research:
cause for this is that, for a variety of reasons,
Medicine is unlikely to play a significant role
in either screening or primary diagnosis. But
the product, obtained market authorisation and
it can play an increasingly important part in
made it universally available. Without this
radiopharmaceutical, however ‘good’, is
likely to remain an item of purely academic
Inflammation imaging
The issues in inflammation imaging lie in the
sensitivity and high specificity. In recent
years it has been recognised that 18FDG can
investigation – labelled white cells, and also in
source of the inflammation. The important
deliver at least the first two of these attributes
question is whether or not to continue the use
and clinical PET centre development is now
inflammation caused by underlying infection
of antibiotics. Thus attempts are being made
the most rapidly developing application of
from that caused by other causes. The widely
to develop radiopharmaceuticals that interact
Nuclear Medicine in the developed world. At
not with the body’s own defence mechanisms
able to compete with FDG in this arena is not
facilities and carries the risk of needle-stick
themselves. Among the current candidates of
infection from blood-borne infections such as
hepatitis and HIV. Attempts to overcome this
problem have included the use of tracers that
spectrum of bacteria. Although these have
specificity of FDG. Among the most widely
process, researchers have labelled a variety of
arises when cell surveillance systems detect
substrates for cell metabolism including a
high levels of DNA damage which, if the cell
radiolabelled neuropeptides. Although their
number of different nucleotides and amino-
was allowed to divide normally, would lead to
acids. One of the most widely studied is 18F-
a risk of inherited mutations in the genetic
specific diseases in which expression of the
3’-deoxy-3’-fluorothymidine (FLT). PET
code. One of the effects of apoptosis is a
imaging with FLT delineates the major sites
refolding of the cell membrane resulting in
pharmaceuticals do have the potential to fill
of normal cell proliferation, in particular the
the exposure on the outside of the cell of
this current deficiency in cancer staging. To
efficiently image many tumours albeit with
surface. These elements can be used as targets
peripheral neuroreceptor imaging remains the
for radiopharmaceuticals which aim to image
family of somatostatin receptors. However,
likely to be just one of the forerunners of a
the apoptotic process as a measure of tumour
because of its success, this application is also
response to therapy. The most well developed
approach is the use of radiolabelled annexin-
administered before and after a cytotoxic
drug, would be able to provide a quantitative
receptor imaging, but will have broader utility
measure of drug response. However, to justify
components exposed during the early stages
across the field of neuropeptide receptor
the clinical use of such tracers, it is important
of apoptosis. Annexin-V has been labelled
targeting. Examples include the development
to validate their mechanism of uptake and
with technetium-99m and studied in a number
of improved methods for labelling peptides
retention and FLT represents a good model
with technetium-99m. Thus, the combination
for such studies. FLT diffuses across the cell
membrane into the cytosol where it is trapped
and validated in animal models, in fact some
technetium coordination has been shown to
kinase1. Thus, the uptake of FLT by a tissue
will depend upon the level of TK1 activity
acquired in ‘natural’ apoptosis such as, in
performance of these tracers for imaging and
therein. In order to determine if TK1 activity
myocardial infarction. Although uptake of
is related to proliferation, Rasey and co-
producing the tri-carbonyl, tri-aqua reactive
workers (Rasey J.S, Grierson J.R, Wiens L.W,
Kolb P.D, Schwarz J.L., paper in Journal of
degree of uptake is very varied and the quality
Nuclear Medicine, 2002; 43: 1210-7)
compared the cellular uptake of FLT with the
certainly a number of reasons for this; not
characteristics. The horizon will see the
number of dividing cells and the TK1 level
least that apoptosis is a transient phenomenon
application of this new chemistry to a range
and found a linear relationship with both
unpredictable. However a contributory factor
proliferation. However, in a transformed cell
substrate for radiopharmaceutical application.
It is a relatively large protein that clears only
substrates such as thymidine, situations may
cancer are highly toxic and one of the major
also arise in which TK1 levels are elevated
proteins, diffuses only slowly into tumours.
deficiencies in the current management of
independently of proliferation since this
patients is our inability to identify whether
would provide a survival benefit. Wagner and
achieved are therefore sub-optimal. It seems
co-workers (Seitz U., Wagner M., Neumaier
likely that annexin-V will be a paradigm for a
particular combination of drugs. The classical
B., Wawra E., Glatting G., Leder G., et al.,
new generation of radiopharmaceuticals for
paper in European Journal of Nuclear
only able to provide information some time
Medicine Molecular Imaging, 2002; 29:
after the patient has received a course of often
1174-81) studied the levels of TK1 (and other
debilitating therapy. An investigation which
enzyme) activity is a variety of pancreatic
primarily to conventional established cancer
therapies, radiopharmaceuticals also have a
effectiveness of a particular therapy, even
varied independently of cell proliferation.
potential use in defining the role of newly
after one dose, could be very valuable and
Many such studies will be performed over the
save not only a lot of money but also a lot of
next few years to validate the use of markers
angiogenic therapies have little immediate
unnecessary toxicity by patients who will not
of proliferation before their routine clinical
effect on tumour size, and their effectiveness
benefit significantly from their treatment.
One of the most valuable measures of drug
structural imaging. Tracers, which target
response would be its effect on tumour cell
proliferation. In order to try and image this
markers of drug efficacy in clinical trials of
neuroreceptor imaging radiopharmaceutical
determinants of effective therapy. We employ
must show high stability (in solution, in
As well as indicating responses to therapy
a variety of different radionuclides with a
serum and in-vitro), high in-vitro binding
range of different physical decay properties
affinity, good in-vitro binding selectivity,
help to identify those patients which will
acceptable brain uptake and specific receptor
benefit from a particular type of therapy. It
uptake in-vivo. While the first three
has long been known that tumours, which are
requirements are achievable, combining these
hypoxic, are less responsive to external beam
much about the mechanism of action of low-
dose targeted radiotherapy. Is it the same as
presents a real problem. To date, effective
oxygen levels. This has prompted a search for
high-dose external beam therapy, i.e.
radiopharmaceuticals — the uptake of which
primarily double-stranded DNA cleavage, or
is determined by tissue oxygen levels. The
most widely explored class of compounds are
the nitroimidazoles. These are preferentially
parameters. At the same time, it has been
reduced and consequently bound in hypoxic
argued that irrespective of the underlying
The underpinning technology, which links all
tissues and, if radiolabelled, can potentially
of the clinical applications described in this
be used to image the distribution of oxygen
studies are in-vivo trials of efficacy either in
review, is radiopharmaceutical chemistry. An
patients or animal models. For such studies,
understanding of the coordination chemistry,
organs such as the heart. Nitroimidazoles
availability of the radioisotope rather than its
mode of decay. In recent years the number of
relationships between this chemistry and the
behaviour of the radiotracers in biological
with technetium-99m. Several of these are in
increased with several sources of yttrium-90
environments, is essential if developments in
clinical trials although their role, and the
and, more recently, lutetium-177 appearing.
radiopharmaceutical design are to continue.
This is likely to lead to a significant increase
The ability to manipulate the stability, charge,
in the ability of researchers to undertake
size and lipophilicity of bifunctional chelates
in particular will allow us to generate new
degrees of retention in hypoxic or normoxic
Neuroreceptor imaging
properties that translate into novel patterns of
generation of radiopharmaceuticals beyond
semithiocarbazone tracers is reduction of
preserve of specialist PET chemists. As a
consequence of their work, a large number of
shown that varying the substituents on the
radioligands with affinity for a variety of
reduction potential of the copper core and by
developed but the application of these tracers
widely used then, either more centres will
need to develop access to the technology (a
Cancer therapy Since 2001, Dr. Stephen Mather has been
As suggested at the beginning of this review,
clinical PET) or analogues of these tracers
Professor of Radiopharmacy, St Bartholomew’sand Royal London Hospitals School ofMedicine and Dentistry, University of
radionuclide therapy and recent years have
significant number of iodine-123 labelled
London. He is also Head, ICRF Nuclear
seen a resurgence of interest in this field. The
compounds has now been established and at
stimulus for this has been the development of
Bartholomew’s Hospital. He is author of more
two new indications for targeted therapy –
than 100 peer-reviewed publications and
expense and limited availability of iodine-123
invited reviews, and more than 150 publishedconference abstracts and also the editor of
technetium-99m labelled receptor ligands is
two books. For a full listing of references,
neuroendocrine cancer. A major difficulty in
still the goal of several research groups but its
this area of research is the lack of basic
E-mail: [email protected]
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Cours de terminologie médicale – AUTEUR : Dominique HérenPréparation au concours de secrétaires médicales en ligne MODULE DE PSYCHIATRIE Sommaire : • Liste des maladies psychiatriques • Les bouffées délirantes • La boulimie • Confusion • Démence • Délire • Dépression • Etats confusionnels • Les névroses • Paranoïa • Par