Brochure - emergency planning for

Basic Emergency
Planning for
Check for emergency information on local Families
radio stations, websites and newscasts. Don’t call emergency responders unless you have an emergency. Fol ow direc-tions; be prepared to “shelter in place until conditions change or further notice; avoid using phone lines; and help your neighbors when you can. For More Information:
Federal Emergency Management Agency U.S. Fire Administration U.S. Centers for Disease Control U.S. Department of Homeland Security U.S. Weather Service U.S. Environmental Protection Agency American Red Cross Southern Berkshire Regional
Emergency Planning
Southern Berkshire Regional
Emergency Planning Committee
c/o Fairview Hospital SBREPC Phone: 413-854-9645 Basic Emergency
Items to add as you go out the
Planning for
Go Bag with ID tag – What to have in
your Hand.
Important Documents – electronic or paper Household Disaster Plan—
copies in a water tight plastic bag. Include
birth and marriage certificates, insurance
What to have in your Head.
cards, deeds, photo IDs, titles; valuable Emergency Supplies – What to
Exits – Make sure everyone knows multiple,
items, recent family and pet photos, bank have in your Home.
Meeting Place - Decide where your family
Money – at least $50 in small bills along with Ready-to-eat dry and canned foods for at Bottled water and energy bars for each person Flashlight, portable radio and extra batteries First Aid Kit, medicines and prescriptions Whistle, water proof marker, paper, water- Communications – Make sure everyone
tance friend or relative to act as a con- “Leatherman” type multi tool (pocket knife Flashlights, battery operated radios and Space blanket, 2 garbage bags, plastic drop Plastic sheets, duct tape, matches, candles Water filter and/or iodine water purification Special Needs Planning– Your family may
Personal products like soap, feminine hy- include small children, seniors, a physi- N95 “dust” type mask, vinyl gloves and hand non-English speakers, animals, etc. (Note pets will not be accepted at most shelters. First Aid Kit (disinfectant, band aids, aspirin, Keep a Pet Go Bag with leashes, immuniza- sunscreen, hat, insect repellant, epi pen, tion records, toys and snacks for your pets with a list of shelters or friends that have Sanitary supplies, toothbrushes, toothpaste, Emergency Plans – Write down your
Camp clothing (including sturdy shoes, warm plans. Include how to turn off your water, gas, furnace, and electricity. (This may Contact information (family, friends - emer- relatives and friends. Post a copy in your Child Care supplies (toys, diapers, books, mu- Iodine tablets or one quart of unscented bleach and an eyedropper (for disin-fecting water if directed to do so by Community Emergency Plans – Ask to
Pet papers, carriers and supplies (Red Cross see a copy of your schools’, workplaces’, and Shelters cannot accept pets. Please have community’s Emergency Plans. Be familiar with the emergency information procedures.


Microsoft powerpoint - st10.ppt [kompatibilitätsmodus]

 Wir betrachten den Anteilswert (Prozentsatz) für ein interessierendes Ereignis in zwei verschiedenen Grundgesamtheiten ( ,  ) Ziel: Auf der Basis von Stichprobenerhebungen zu entscheiden, ob die beiden Grundgesamtheitendie gleichen Anteilswerte aufweisen oder sich unterscheiden Frage: Wie ist die Differenz der Stichprobenanteile  Wir betrachten 2 unabhängige Stichproben v


Médicaments : le grand gaspillage Par SYLVIE LOGEAN - Mis en ligne le 17.08.2011 à 14:27 Dates de péremption trop courtes, mauvais suivi du traitement par les patients, psychoses sécuritaire et juridique. Les médicaments sont l’objet d’un gaspillage exorbitant. Chaque année, des centaines de millions de francs partent à la poubelle. Enquête. Entre 500 millions et 1,4 milli

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