Water Fluoridation:a Review of Recent Research and Actions
antifluoridation activists of promoting water fluoridation as a
Joel M. Kauffman, Ph. D.
method of toxic waste disposal.2,3 Information concerning the ABSTRACT
quantities of the waste and the proportion used in fluoridation hasbeen unobtainable. The purported value of fluoridation for dental
Fluoridation of drinking water began 60 years ago in the United
health has, however, served to mitigate concerns about the toxicity
States, and it continues in 60% of public water supplies in the
country today. Much of Australia, Canada, Ireland, and New
The Manhattan Project made use of uranium hexafluoride gas,
Zealand have fluoridated water, but most developed non-English
fluoroorganic lubricants for metal bearings, and other fluorine-
speaking countries have rejected this practice as nonbeneficial and
containing materials. Aluminum production, which increased
greatly in World War II, utilized cryolite (Na AlF ). Zinc and
Current fluoridating agents, sodium hexafluorosilicate and
fluorocarbon production also soared with emissions of fluoride ion
hexafluorosilicic acid, which replaced sodium fluoride by 1980,
differ from the calcium fluoride in naturally fluoridated water, which
An Alcoa-sponsored biochemist, Gerald J. Cox, fluoridated
was the basis for claims of tooth decay prevention in early
some laboratory rats in a study and concluded that fluoride reduced
epidemiologic studies. Studies reported in the past 15 years
support only possible slight benefits from water fluoridation for the
cavities, writing that: “The case should be regarded as proved.”
deciduous teeth of 5-year-old children, although topical fluoride
On Sept 29, 1939, at a meeting of the American Water Works
Association in Johnstown, Pa., “…Cox proposed that America
Harmful effects may include bone and tooth fractures and
should now consider adding fluoride to the public water supply.”
In the 1940s, certain major figures in the Manhattan Project and
Complex legal maneuvers have been used in an effort to
in fluoride-waste-producing industries succeeded in using some
prevent or stop fluoridation. The case against it has been weakened
epidemiologic studies, now discredited,5 to allow public water
by opponents’ condemnation of all organofluorine compounds.
supplies to have sodium fluoride added in order to prove that 1 ppm
Individuals can use several methods to remove fluoride from
of fluoride ion would “prevent tooth decay in children.” None of
these or later studies followed other dental or medical outcomes offluoride consumption over long periods, a flaw that remains in
Essential Chemistry
many medical trials to this day.6
Henry Trendley Dean, D.D.S., a U.S. Public Health Service
Fluorine (F or F—F) is element #9 in the Periodic Table. The
researcher, at first opposed the addition of fluorides to city water
supplies because of toxicity. He later changed his mind, perhaps
accompanied by a cation such as sodium (Na ),
believing that mottled teeth were a small price to pay for less decay,
- or NaF). Other inorganics, such as liquid hydrofluoric acid
or perhaps for other reasons. He later became the first Director of
(HF, often called hydrogen fluoride as a gas), hexafluorosilicic acid
the National Institute of Dental Research (NIDR), and then, in
(H SiF ), and compounds with a P—F bond, such as the sodium
1953, a top official of the American Dental Association (ADA), two
monofluorophosphate (Na PO F) used in toothpaste, as well as
organizations that remain unshakably committed to fluoridation.
organics, such as methansulfonyl fluoride (CH SO F) and acetyl
They claim the credit for the drop in tooth decay in the United States
fluoride (CH COF), also form F- in water or alkali.
The trifluoromethyl group (CF —) or the fluorophenyl group
Once opposition by professionals was overcome, largely
(FC H —) are often incorporated into drug molecules to make them
through the ADA and NIDR, the selling of fluoridation to the public
more resistant to being metabolized. Organic polymers (Teflon)
was aided by hiring Edward L. Bernays, often called “the father of
and refrigerants with —CF — groups are usually extremely stable
public relations,” who had been hired earlier by the tobacco
industry to persuade women to take up smoking.
Fluoridation with sodium fluoride (NaF) was begun in the
Brief History of Fluoridation
United States in 1945. Today, fluoridation uses hexafluorosilicicacid (H2SiF6) and its sodium salt (Na2SiF6) almost exclusively.
By the early 1900s it was noticed that inhabitants of some areas
These are not pure, but recovered in crude form by scrubbing the
of the United States, especially parts of Colorado and Texas, had
gaseous emissions from the treatment of phosphate ores with
mottled teeth (dental fluorosis), and that children with fluorosis
sulfuric acid. They contain variable amounts of lead, arsenic,
tended to have fewer cavities.1 Usually the natural mineral fluorite,
beryllium, vanadium, cadmium, and mercury.1 Because of this
calcium fluoride (CaF ), is the source of fluoride ion.
change in fluoridation agents, old studies based on the use of
Industries that produced large quantities of fluoride byproducts
natural calcium fluoride or on chemically pure sodium fluoride are
were especially interested in this effect and have been accused by
irrelevant, even had they been done correctly. Calcium is a strong
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 10 Summer 2005 Children % ppm Fluoride Figure 1. Tooth decay rates in 5-year-old children (left scale) vs. water Figure 2. Study of tooth decay in 29,000 elementary schoolchildren in
fluoridation percentage (right scale) and fluoride toothpaste percentage
Tucson, Ariz., vs. fluoride content of their drinking water. Reprinted from
(right scale). From Colquhoun,9 cited in Groves,1 reprinted with permission. 5 with permission.
antagonist of fluoride, reduces its concentration in plasma, and
While the ADA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
inhibits its absorption from the intestine.7
(CDC), and the NIDR of the National Institutes for Health (NIH)
Fluoridation at 1 ppm fluoride reached its current extent by
still support fluoridation, some 17 U.S. organizations have
1965. The proportion of fluoridated public water supplies is about
withdrawn their support since 1990, including the American
60% in the United States, 66% in Ireland, 55% in Canada, and 10%
Academy of Allergy and Immunology, the American Academy of
in England. Australia and New Zealand also use fluoridation
Diabetes, the American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes
extensively. At present almost none of the public water supplies in
Association, the American Nurses Association, the American
Austria, Germany, Luxemburg, Denmark, Finland, Norway,
Psychiatric Association, the National Kidney Foundation, and the
Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Italy, Belgium,
Society of Toxicology.1
Switzerland, Spain, Hungary, Portugal, Greece, Japan, and China
Discussion of the scientific studies on fluoridation, as presented
are fluoridated. About half of these countries tried fluoridation, saw
in the following sections, has been neglected by most of the media
no benefit, and stopped it.1
in the United States. The unique journal Fluoride is not covered by
U.S. studies on the toxicity of fluorine compounds, not
PubMed. Michael Easley, M.P.H., national spokesman on
necessarily the ones used to fluoridate water, have reportedly been
fluoridation for the ADA, posted the following on the internet for
suppressed, classified, censored, and removed from the National
dentists in 1996: “.anti-fluoride cultists will not be dissuaded by
Archives.2 Some of this activity has been traced to Harold
the truth.… Let them spew their garbage, ignore them, and go on
Carpenter Hodge, Ph.D., a biochemist and toxicologist at the
with your discussions as if they weren’t there…. [T]heir twisted
University of Rochester, where he supervised experiments for the
minds have accepted the notion that it is OK to lie, slander, libel,
Manhattan Project involving the injection of unsuspecting
exaggerate, misquote.… [S]ee what kooks they really are.”1 Some
hospital patients with uranium and plutonium compounds. He
of the purported “lies” are presented in the next sections.
later became chairman of the National Research Council’s
Committee on Toxicology and the leading promoter of
Does Water Fluoridation Prevent Tooth Decay?
fluoridation in the United States during the Cold War. In 1953, Hodge, using data from a European study,1 estimated that the
Dean ran the first trial of fluoridation in Grand Rapids, Mich., in
amount of daily fluoride intake for 10-20 years that would not
1945, declaring it a success in comparison with nonfluoridated
cause crippling skeletal fluorosis was 20-80 mg/day. It was later
Muskegon, Mich. Since that time, he twice confessed in court that
found that he had confused mg/kg with mg/lb. An American
statistics from the early studies were invalid.1
antifluoride campaigner, Darlene Sherrell, used the same
Newburgh, N.Y., next to be fluoridated in 1945, was compared
European study from 1937 to estimate that skeletal fluorosis might
with Kingston, N.Y., as a control. Early reports were favorable. But
be avoided with intakes of no more than 10-25 mg/day.1
by 1989 workers at the New York State Department of Health found
In 1975, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
a difference of less than 1 fewer teeth decayed in 7-14–year-old
explicitly designated fluoride as “not generally recognized as safe”
children in Newburgh, favoring fluoridation. And by 1995
and permitted no fluoride whatsoever to be added to food or to over-
children’s teeth in Kingston had slightly less tooth decay and half as
the-counter dietary supplements. Nevertheless, the Department of
much damage from fluoride.1 This negative result was possibly
Health, Education and Welfare (now Health and Human Services)
caused by a change in the fluoridation agent, or possibly by more
exempted fluoridated water from this ban, including fluoridated
water used to process food.1
North Shields, England, has no natural fluoride in its water,
In 1985, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) set 4
while South Shields has 1.4 ppm. While children of the same age
ppm (up from 2 ppm) as the safe level for fluoride in drinking water
had fewer decayed teeth in fluoridated South Shields, it was noticed
and prevailed in a lawsuit challenge.1
that the onset of decay was merely delayed 3 years.1 This finding Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 10 Summer 2005 Children Decay increase with 1ppm fluoride increase = 7% Children ppm Fluoride ppm Fluoride Figure 3. Study of tooth decay in 22,000 Japanese schoolchildren vs. Figure 4. Study of tooth decay in 400,000 Indian schoolchildren vs. fluoride
fluoride content of their drinking water. Reprinted from Judd,5 with
content of their drinking water. Reprinted from Judd,5 with permission.
may invalidate the early Michigan and New York trial results and
4). The percentage of children with decay was 23% at 0.0 ppm F-;
confirm the findings by Yiamouyiannis8 that fluoride lowers decay
35% at 0.7 ppm; and 75% at 2.75 ppm.5, 7 Other studies over a 30-
year period prompted Teotia and Teotia to write: “.dental caries
A favorable report on fluoridation from New Zealand was
were caused by high fluoride and low dietary calcium intakes,
found to be biased by the deliberate choice of the nonfluoridated
separately and through their interactions.… The only practical and
communities with the highest tooth decay rate in comparison with
effective public measure for the prevention and control of dental
the two fluoridated communities with the lowest decay rates. When
caries is the limitation of the fluoride content of drinking water to
all decay rates for all children in that area of New Zealand were
<0.5 ppm, and adequate calcium.(> 1 g/day).”7
compared, there was no difference with respect to fluoridation.9
Over a 20-year period from 1965-1985, the average number of
Also, in New Zealand the number of decayed teeth per 5-year-old
decayed, missing, or filled teeth (DMFT) in 12-year-old children
child has decreased steadily from 12 teeth in 1930 to 3 teeth in 1990.
dropped by 50% in the United States. Proponents of fluoridation
Neither the introduction of fluoridated water nor fluoridated
and vendors of fluoridated dental rinses and toothpastes took credit
toothpaste changed the downward slope of the graph of decay (see
for this. However, the following nonfluoridated countries had even
Figure 1). Because of this, John Colquhoun, appointed to promote
greater reductions in DMFT during similar 20-year periods: the
fluoridation in New Zealand, now opposes it.9
Netherlands, 72%; Sweden, 82%; Finland, 98%.5,10 No adjustments
According to World Health Organization (WHO) figures, the
were made for some of the obvious confounders, such as
most fluoridated country in the world, Ireland at 66%, does not have
consumption of refined carbohydrates and the other mineral
the least tooth decay. The five countries with less tooth decay
contents of water supply.5,7 Native Americans on reservations in this
(Finland, Denmark, UK, Sweden, and the Netherlands) had little or
country have by far the most decay of any ethnic group in the United
no water fluoridation (the rate was 10% in the UK).1
States, despite forcible fluoridation of their water and free dentistry
Chile began fluoridating water in 1985, but stopped it when the
for more than 50 years.5
average of 6.0 decayed teeth per 12-year-old child, which dropped
There was an overall increase in children 5-17 years old
to 5.3 by 1991, increased to 6.7 in 1995.1
(median age 13) with tooth decay after initiation of water
A study of 29,000 elementary school children in Tucson, Ariz.,
fluoridation. The tooth decay rate of children living in
showed much more tooth decay when the fluoride level in the
nonfluoridated American cities with average decay rates was 65%
drinking water was higher (see Figure 2).5 The extremes ranged
with natural fluoride levels of 0.4 ppm fluoride. This increased to
from 6% of children with some decay in areas with water
67% with fluoridation to 1 ppm. In high-decay cities, the decay rate
containing 0.0 ppm fluoride to 40% of children with some decay in
of 71% with 0.4 ppm fluoride increased to 75% with fluoridation to
areas with water containing 1.0 ppm fluoride.
1 ppm, according to a 1990 study of 39,207 children, aged 5-17, in
Fluoridation was forced on parts of Japan during its occupation
by the United States. A study reported in 1972 on 22,000
schoolchildren (median age 13, range 5-17) showed 90% with
1986-1987 study by dentists trained by the NIDR showed that the
some tooth decay at 0.0 ppm fluoride. This high number was
decay rate of deciduous teeth in 5-year-olds was significantly lower
attributed to the absence of calcium in the water. A minimum in
in fluoridated areas (1.5 teeth per child) than in nonfluoridated
decay (38% of children) occurred with 0.3 ppm fluoride and more
areas (2.0 teeth per child), as shown in Figure 5. However, the
calcium content. This increased to 44% at 1.0 ppm fluoride and
decrease was no longer significant in 6-year-olds, and did not exist
further to 55% with decay at 3.0 ppm fluoride and still more
in children age 7 or older. Moreover, decay rates in permanent
calcium (see Figure 3). Japan subsequently reduced the maximum
teeth in children aged 5-17 did not differ significantly at any age in
allowed fluoride level to 0.05 ppm.5
areas with no, partial, or total fluoridation of water supplies (see
The largest study on fluoridation and tooth decay involved
Figure 6).8 Earlier, widely accepted claims of caries reduction of
400,000 students (median age 13, range 5-17) in India (see Figure
60% by fluoridation, published in the Journal of the AmericanJournal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 10 Summer 2005 Medical Association and the Journal of Dental Research using datafrom the same source, were not substantiated by Yiamouyiannis.
On the basis of observational studies, Hardy Limeback, B.Sc.,
Ph.D., D.D.S., head of the Department of Preventive Dentistry for
the University of Toronto and President of the Canadian
Association for Dental Research, announced a reversal of his
earlier profluoridation views. In an April 1999 interview,
Limeback, once the primary promoter of fluoridation, stated:
“Children under three should never use fluoridated toothpaste or drink fluoridated water. And baby formula must never be made up using Toronto tap water. Never.” He remarked that “Vancouver, never fluoridated, has a lower cavity rate than Toronto, which has been fluoridated for 36 years [through 1999].”11,12
In a recent article in the Journal of the American DentalAssociation, Featherstone wrote that: “Fluoride incorporated
Figure 5. Decay of deciduous teeth in 39,207 white children in 84 areas in
during tooth development is insufficient to play a significant role in
the United States. F, fluoridated; PF, partially fluoridated; NF,
caries protection.”13 In fact, fluoridation of municipal water
nonfluoridated areas. Reprinted from Yiamouyiannis,8 with permission.
supplies increases tooth decay overall in some studies and has notbeen demonstrated to be effective in prevention of decay in themost convincing studies, such as those of Colquhoun, Kalsbeek,and Yiamouyiannis, he concluded.
The effects of fluoridation were praised in a 2004 book,
Fluorides in the Environment: Effects on Plants and Animals by L.H. Weinstein and A. Davison, but expert reviewers considered the book to be blatantly biased.14 Fluoride Supplements and Topical Application
No adequate evidence for the effectiveness of fluoride
supplements as pills or drops, or topical application of fluoride by
means of toothpaste or dental rinses, had ever been presented.1
Colquhoun’s study concluded there was also no benefit from fluoridated toothpaste.9
“Until recently, the rationale for most caries preventive
programs using fluoride was to incorporate fluoride into thedental enamel. The relative role of enamel fluoride in cariesprevention is now increasingly questioned, and based on rat
experiments and reevaluation of human clinical data, it appears to be of minor importance…”.15 In fact, “…the prevalence of dental caries in a population is not inversely related to the concentration of fluoride in enamel, and a higher concentration of enamel fluoride is not necessarily more efficacious in preventing dental caries.”16 Limeback found on reexamining the literature that topical effects of fluoride on newly erupted teeth were more likely
to explain any benefit of fluoride than swallowing it in water or
pill form.13 In vitro experiments showed that topical fluoride
might protect tooth enamel by inhibition of bacterial metabolism,
limiting acid generation.17 Is Fluoridation Safe for the General Population?
In a report authored by Perry D. Cohn, Ph.D., M.P.H., for the
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the NewJersey Department of Health, the rates of bone cancer in fluoridated
and nonfluoridated areas were compared. Both by counties or bymunicipalities, males under the age of 50 had 3 to 7 times as many
Figure 6. Decay of permanent teeth in 39,207 white children in 84 areas in
bone cancers in the fluoridated areas. Males 10-19 years old fared
the United States. F, fluoridated; PF, partially fluoridated; NF, nonfluoridated areas. Reprinted from Yiamouyiannis,8 with permission.
the worst.18 An external review panel found no serious flaws with the study. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 10 Summer 2005
Cancer rates in the ten largest fluoridated cities in the United
propellants, and many drugs. Drugs that contain fluorine include:
States and in the ten largest nonfluoridated cities were found to be
fluoxetine (Prozac), ciprofloxacin (Cipro), flunitrazepam
the same before fluoridation began. After 20 years, the ten
(Rohypnol), fluconazole (Diflucon), fluticasone (Flixonase or
fluoridated cities had 10% more cancer deaths than the
Flixotide), trifluoperazine (Stelazine), flucoxacillin (Floxapen),
nonfluoridated cities. The cancers were found in the tongue, mouth,
cerivastatin (Baycol), cisapride (Propulsid), astemizole
pharynx, esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, pancreas, larynx,
(Hismanal), and fenfluramine (Pondimin). In fact, none of these
bronchi, and lungs.1
materials either contain fluoride ion or are metabolized to generate
Hip fractures in two cities in Utah were compared: fluoridated
any significant amount of fluoride ion. All contain the very stable
Brigham City and nonfluoridated Cedar City. In the fluoridated (1
carbon-fluorine bond in the form of trifluoromethyl (CF3—),
ppm) city, the hip fracture rate was twice as high as in the
difluoromethylene (—CF2—), fluoroalkane (—CHF—), or
nonfluoridated city, in women around age 75. Men aged 80-85 also
fluorophenyl (FC6H4—) groups. The fluoro groups are chosen for
had twice the hip fracture rate in fluoridated Brigham City.19 The
the drugs to retard their metabolism, increasing the duration of
insidious nature of fluoride toxicity is that it does not cause bone
effective drug levels in the body. Judd, a chemist, did not make the
density loss as found in osteoporosis by bone scans, but causes an
mistake of confusing fluorine with fluoride in his book.5
increase in bone density with no clinical benefit. Fluoride makes
For Teflon, the maximum continuous service temperature is
both bones and teeth more brittle.1,20 Early reports of supposed
listed as 260°C or 500°F in the Chemical Rubber Co. Handbook of
benefits of fluoridation to bone were quoted without citing later
1976-1977. Overheating Teflon may produce an irritant, perhaps
corrections or retractions.20
perfluorooctanoic acid, but the irritant is unlikely to be fluoride ion.
Dr. A. K. Susheela of the India Institute of Medical Sciences in
Asked for evidence on the toxicity of Teflon, the scientific advisor
New Delhi found that fluoride severely disrupts formation of bone
to one of the antifluoridation groups sent citations to four papers on
matrix, inhibiting the hardening of bones. She found that about 20
the decomposition of Teflon by ionizing radiation. Clearly this is
countries in the world have serious health problems due to excess
irrelevant to ordinary use in cooking.
fluoride. Her work showed that high levels of fluoride in drinking
Fluorocarbon refrigerants and propellants such as R12, and
water were associated with birth defects, stillbirths, and early
flourine-containing general anesthetics such as halothane and
infant mortality.1
methoxyflurane, are metabolized very slowly or not at all.
Excess fluoride may also have detrimental neurologic effects.
However, some of the fluorine in the general anesthetics enflurane,
Rats given sodium fluoride in their drinking water at a concentration
desflurane, and isoflurane is metabolized to fluoride ion.26
producing a plasma level of fluoride equivalent to that found in
Asked for evidence on the toxicity of fluorinated drugs, the
humans consuming water with 4 ppm of fluoride developed
scientific advisor to one of the antifluoridation groups provided
symptoms resembling attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. 21
citations to 13 papers. Ten of the 13 were published in 1952 or
Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D., lists 113 ailments reportedly caused by
earlier. Some concerned analytical methods and methods of
fluoride, all with literature citations to studies, of which 13 were
synthesis of fluorine-containing compounds. Citations from the
double-blinded.5 So far, there are no known naturally occurring
1930s showed the toxicity of sodium fluoride from its interference
compounds of fluorine in the human body.22 Fluorine is not listed as
with thyroid hormone biosynthesis.27 Another from 1949 showed
even a trace element in whole body assays,23 showing that there is
that that 3-fluoro-5-bromo(or iodo)tyrosine was toxic in mice, and
five other fluorophenyl compounds less so.28 The toxicity of 3-
Water fluoridated to 1 ppm fluoride is not safe in the general
fluorotyrosine and 3,5-difluorotyrosine was confirmed, including
population. How much of the toxicity results from the arsenic and
in humans,29-31 but this is a special case in which these amino acid
heavy metal contamination in the newer fluoridating agents is not
derivatives interfere with thyroid hormone biosynthesis.
yet known. Additionally, certain populations such as patients with
Ciprofloxacin, like all drugs, is associated with some
diabetes or renal impairment are at increased risk, especially if they
toxicity—but not from fluoride. The scientific advisor to one of the
drink more than average amounts of water.24 A study comparing 25
antifluoridation groups cited a report showing elevated serum and
young adults with fluorosis against 25 matched controls showed
urine levels of fluoride in children after administration of this
very significant impairment of glucose tolerance in those with
drug.32 The actual elevation of fluoride in serum was from 0.08 to
fluorosis, which, however, was reversible when water with low
0.21 ppm in 12 hours, and could not account for more than a fraction
fluoride levels was given.25
of the fluorine (23 mg) in the 400 mg doses used of ciprofloxacin;moreover, there was no follow-up measurement. The elevation of
How Antifluoridationists Have Weakened Their Case
fluoride in urine from 0.97 to 1.12 ppm after a week was notstatistically significant. The authors did not try to measure
Groups such as Parents for Fluoride Poisoned Children (PFPC),
fluorinated metabolites or unchanged drug, and after MRI scans
based in British Columbia, Canada, and the National Pure Water
and about 2 years of follow-up by physical examinations, they
Association Ltd. in the UK justifiably attempt to prevent
pronounced short courses of ciprofloxacin safe in children.
fluoridation of water. Unfortunately, they suffer from
Although ciprofloxacin liberates fluoride under UVB illumination
chemophobia, which is not only a fear of all “chemicals,” but a fear
in vitro, it is metabolized in vivo mostly by hydroxylation and N-
of consulting with chemists. As a result, they list any material that
sulfation, not by loss of fluoride ion.26
contains fluorine in any form as a danger by claiming that it
The risk of rhabdomyolysis, the major toxicity of the statin
contains “fluoride,” and certain book authors and many website
drugs, is about the same with atorvastatin and pravastatin, which
authors opposing fluoridation repeat this unsound assertion. The
contain fluoro groups, and simvastatin, which does not.33 A group at
list includes Teflon and Tefal non-stick pan coatings, fluorocarbon
Duke University Medical Center searched the literature from
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 10 Summer 2005
November 1997 to February 2002 to find 60 cases of statin-induced
Since fluorides have been shown in some studies to increase the
memory loss, of which 36 were due to simvastatin, 23 to
risk of cancer, addition of any of them in any amount to water
atorvastatin, and 1 to pravastatin.34 Clearly, there is no correlation
violated the Delaney Clause of the 1958 Amendment to the Food,
with the presence of a fluoro group.
Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938.37 The Delaney Clause was
Thus, the scientific evidence presented by members of certain
repealed in 1996 with passage of the Food Quality Protection Act. A
antifluoridation groups and by others does not support their
stronger argument based on the cancer issue is that adding fluoride
assertion that all fluorinated organic compounds are toxic because
violates the EPA policy on setting drinking water standards under
they contain fluorine. The case against fluoridation needs to be
the Safe Drinking Water Act. Under this provision, the Maximum
made solely on the basis of the effects of fluoride ions and their
Contaminant Level Goal (a pure health-based standard) for
carcinogens is zero, so adding any fluoride should be banned. Thisis apparently why the 1990 National Toxicology Program bioassay
Who Benefits from Fluoridation?
on sodium fluoride was “revised” so that the findings went from“clear evidence of carcinogenicity” to “equivocal” evidence.
Groves’s book does not explain how water fluoridation can be
Without that change, the fluoridation program would have been
continued despite all the evidence against it. Bryson’s book,
unsustainable under law. Bottled water in a local supermarket
however, suggested that many corporations benefit. These
sports an FDA-style food label, making it a food under the law. The
included: US Steel, DuPont, Alcoa, Alcan, Reynolds Metals, Kaiser
FDA position that fluoride is neither an essential nor probably
Aluminum, Pennsalt Chemicals (now ELF Atochem), Allied
essential nutrient and is not safe at any level is inconsistent with its
Chemical, and the Florida phosphate fertilizer industry.
allowing fluoride to be added to a food.1
Philadelphia, Pa., obtains its hexafluorosilicic acid from Solvay
Fluoride in water is also a medication that is forced upon people
Fluoride. A dozen other manufacturers of hexafluorosilicic acid are
who do not want it. This is arguably a violation of law, because in the
listed on an antifluoridation website sponsored by the Fluoride
United States, people may not be medicated without their
Action Network Pesticide Project. It is stated that industry is able to
permission. Fluoridation is different from chlorination of water
profit by selling 155,000 tons of fluoride byproducts per year for
because the chlorine is used to kill microbes, not to medicate people.
water fluoridation instead of having to dispose of them as toxic
In India, the government constructed defluoridation plants and
waste at great expense.2 Another consideration might be avoiding
attempted to end sales of fluoridated toothpaste, based on
enormous tort liability that could be incurred if toxicity were
Susheela’s work on the toxicity of fluoride.1 Unfortunately, in the
officially recognized (especially in the absence of the EPA’s “safe”
United States, class-action lawsuits may be the only way to
influence municipal authorities, who are operating on the basis ofold, erroneous information on which legal precedent rests. How Can Fluoridation of Water Be Stopped? Removal of Fluoride Ion from Tap Water
Despite evidence for negligible benefit and considerable risk,
the ADA, the American Medical Association (AMA), the CDC, the
Since prevention or ending fluoridation of public water supplies
NIDR, the British Fluoridation Society, the WHO, and others have
is so difficult, your patients may wish to remove fluoride ion from
not retreated from their support for fluoridation. Because
their drinking water. Filters do not work because the diameter of a
opposition has been marginalized, primarily by ignoring it, the only
fluoride anion is 0.064 nm. Activated carbon “filters” are not
route to change appears to be through litigation.
effective, nor are water-softeners based on cation exchange resins
Had there been only one or two failed lawsuits over the years,
designed to take out calcium, magnesium, and iron, not anions. It
one might conclude that the antifluoridation cause is hopeless. In
might be possible to make effective anion exchangers.
fact, lawsuits have met with some success. Antifluoridation
There are three effective methods: use of a cartridge containing
lawsuits were argued by attorney John Remington Graham in non-
activated alumina adsorbent, the most expensive because the
jury trials in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1978; Alton, Ill., in 1980; and
cartridge must be changed so often; reverse osmosis; and
Houston, Tex., in 1982. In all cases, the judges found for the
distillation, the least expensive method. Distillation costs about 7
plaintiffs and issued injunctions against fluoridation on the grounds
cents per liter for electricity and about 2 cents per liter for
that it caused cancer and other ailments in humans. Based on the
depreciation of a distiller costing $135 at Sears, assuming a 5-year
injunction in the Pittsburgh case, the Province of Quebec, Canada,
life. Distilled water is often passed through an activated carbon
stopped fluoridating. However, all three cases were overturned on
filter to remove volatile organics, and aerated for flavor.38,39
appeal on trivial legalistic grounds. In spite of the appellate actions,however, the judicial findings of fact, namely that fluoridation is an
unreasonable risk to public health, remain on the record andunchallenged. After the Alton case, an attorney for the ADA, who
Artificial fluoridation of drinking water by municipalities at 1
was a member of the Rules Committee of the Illinois Supreme
ppm of fluoride ion probably does not reduce tooth decay, except
Court, told an audience that he was the one who had secured a stay
for a minor effect on deciduous teeth. Hexafluorosilicic acid and its
of the execution of the nonfluoridation injunction.35
sodium salt, which contain other toxic substances because they are
There have been five lawsuits resulting in judgments against
not purified, certainly have no significant benefit.
fluoridation: two in Pennsylvania and one each in Indiana, Ohio,
Proponents of fluoridation have censored most media, ignored
and Missouri. None were decided on the merits of fluoridation, only
intelligent discussion of fluoridation, slandered most opponents of
on legal technicalities.36
fluoridation, and overturned legal judgments against fluoridation in
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 10 Summer 2005
a manner that demonstrates their political power. Many published
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recommendations for usingfluoride to prevent and control dental caries in the United States. MMWR
studies that had conclusions favoring fluoridation were later found
16 Fejerskov O, Thylstrup A, Larsen MJ. Rational use of fluorides in caries
There is evidence that fluoridation increases the incidence of
prevention: a concept based on possible cariostatic mechanisms. Acta
cancer, hip fractures, joint problems, and that by causing fluorosis it
Odontol Scand 1981;39: 241-249.
damages both teeth and bones. Other medical problems may also
Vanloveren C, Buijs JF, Tencate JM. Protective effect of topically applied
fluoride in relation to fluoride sensitivity of mutans streptococci. J Dental
Antifluoridationists compromise their credibility by
18 Cohn PD. An Epidemiologic Report on Drinking Water and Fluoridation,
unwarranted assertions that many stable fluorine-containing
New Jersey Department of Health, November 1992. 19 Danielson C, Lyon JL, Egger M, Goodenough GK. Hip fractures and
The EPA should set the enforceable Maximum Contaminant
fluoridation in Utah’s elderly population. JAMA 1992;268(6):746-748.
Level at 0.4 ppm fluoride in drinking water. 20 Lee JR. Editorial: fluoride and osteoporosis. Fluoride 1990;22(2):51-53. 21
The FDA should reverse its position on permitting sale of
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Fluoridation of municipal water should cease. Defluoridation
23 Minoia C, Sabbioni E, Apostoli P, et al. Trace element reference values in
of naturally fluoridated water down to 0.4 ppm of fluoride should
tissues from inhabitants of the European Community I. A study of 46
be mandated. Individuals should remove fluoride from their tap
elements in urine, blood and serum of Italian subjects. Sci Total Environ
water if fluoridation cannot be stopped. 24 Connett M. Letter to J Natl Cancer Inst. Fluoride 2004;37(3):231-232. 25 Joel M. Kauffman, Ph.D., is Professor of Chemistry Emeritus at the
Trivedi N, Mithal A, Gupta SK, Godbole MM. Reversible impairment of
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, 600 S. 43rd St., Philadelphia, PA,
glucose tolerance in patients with endemic fluorosis. Diabetologia
19104-4495. E-mail: [email protected]. Acknowledgements: Frances Eleanor Heckert Pane, M.S.L.S., and Alayne
Williams DA. Drug metabolism. In: Foye WO, Lemke TL, Williams DA, eds.
Yates, M.D., edited the manuscript and provided key references, as did
Principles of Medicinal Chemistry. 4th ed. Media, Pa.: Williams & Wilkins;
Michael A. Pane, Jr., J.D., LL.M, and Leslie Ann Bowman, A.M.L.S. Certain
reviewers made important contributions.
Kraft K. Beiträge zur Biochemie des Fluors. I. Über den Antagonismus
Potential conflicts of interest: The author has no financial interest in
zwischen Fluor und Thyroxin. Hoppe-Seyler’s Zeitschrift der Physiol
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Case Report Central Retinal Vein Occlusion in a Patient After Being Commenced on Sildenafil Citrate for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Lancelot M. Pinto, Sunil Morekar and Ashok A. Mahashur Department of Pulmonology, P.D. Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Mumbai(Maharashtra), India ABSTRACT A 75-year-old female was commenced on sildenafil for the treatment of pulm
Greater Manchester, East Cheshire & High Peak Form C Neonatal Network Transport Service Antenatal Transfers Transfer Ref No: Indication for transfer (please circle): Maternal: Threatened or actual prem labour / PET / Maternal medical condition / other (specify) Foetal: specify EDD: Gestation (weeks): Condition at Referral Was patient contracting/ in lab