MINUTES: June 22, 2011

Diane Schleicher, Mary Hogan, Ethan Imhoff, Chantel Morton, Pete Ryerson, Joe Wilson, Jennifer Wittendorf GUEST(S)

Bob Bryson, Tybee Island Chief of Police

Bill called the meeting to order at 9:00am. APPROVAL OF MINUTES

Paul made the motion to approve the May 25, 2011 Parking Committee minutes. Wanda seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS
Towing as an Enforcement Option
Chief Bryson reported that he spoke with several towing companies. They do not tow on
what they perceive to be private property, but will if it involves enforcing the law. City
rights of way are area they do not typical y get involved with due to liability and logistics.
Sapp Towing is not necessarily involved, but will help the police department in cases of
enforcement (i.e. blocking roadway / property access, public safety in general) as requested
at a fee. Parking Services would need to assist a towing company if towing is necessary.
Diane confirmed the City does not have a towing policy. Towing is an option if it is a public
safety issue or emergency. Towing signs are not necessary unless there is a public safety
issue or access issue. If a resident cal s the police to have a car towed, it wil be up to the
resident to call the towing company. Wanda made a motion that the Parking Committee
make a recommendation to City Council that towing only be considered in cases of public
safety, access and emergency in city rights of way and a private land owner has the option
to call a towing company to tow from their private property. Paul seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Discussion ensued regarding parking near stop signs. Mary confirmed curbs need to and will
be better painted.
Stickers for Pay and Display Meters
Jennifer reported that she has ordered stickers that say “Pay receipts from pay machines are
valid only in designated spaces and parking lots”. The stickers will go on all three sides of
pay and display machines within ten days. They wil be on before July 4 weekend.
Parking Lot Status on Facebook and Twitter
Mary reported that the pilot project started Friday. Updates are posted everyday at 10am,
12pm, 2pm, and 4pm to help people plan where they wil park and when they wil come to
the Island. Facebook and Twitter posts refer to the website. There is a one to twenty nine
minute delay to show on FB and Twitter. Savannah Morning News has relayed the
information and others are sharing on their FB pages. Chantel will contact the Tourism Council and Savannah Visit to help spread the word. Diane will work with Michael on a press release. Chantel presented the map she worked on with the print company which shows where public parking is available on the Island. She and Jen reviewed the map yesterday to make sure the locations are correctly depicted. A text box wil be added about Tybee regarding the Island is a pay to park community, listing the main parking areas and explaining parking is available along the main corridor and beach side streets. Mary confirmed that only the webpage should be mentioned in the text box. The bike lanes are also shown on the map and the legend will include bike rack availability. Paul corrected where the parking is near the police department. Mary suggested that only City landmarks be shown on the map. Bill suggested highlighting the parking along beachside streets on the map. Chantel reported that she has pricing for ads in SMN and that Tom Barton and Eric Curl will hopefully help get the word out before July 3. Effingham and Bryan Counties are important to reach and she has pricing for ad space targeting those areas. Discussion ensued regarding listing businesses that provide “shuttle” service on the Island. Ethan confirmed that the cleaner the map is showing parking the better and there is a risk of leaving someone off. The committee agreed to have Diane and Chantel advertise the parking map. Wanda inquired about businesses soliciting business. Bil confirmed this topic is within the ordinance being presented at the next City Council meeting and it can be discussed then. Possible Additional Coastal Regional Coaches for 4th of July Weekend and

Fort Pulaski as a Parking Options
Chantel reported that she is working with her representative at Coastal Regional Commission (CRC) and the City of Savannah for additional shuttles and times. Savannah may have a vacant lot to use as a pickup/drop-off location for the weekend prior to July 4. She spoke with the Superintendent of Ft. Pulaski and he said, after meeting with his staff, using their location would not be doable because they are historical y busy that weekend and they close at 5pm. Discussion ensued regarding the Wal-Mart parking lot. Chantel will discuss with her CRC representative. Mary inquired about who is riding the Coaches currently. Chantel and Diane confirmed they are people coming from Savannah as visitors and / or locals to visit Tybee and see what is here. Supply and Demand Parking – Weekend Pricing
Diane sent an email regarding weekend pricing. She reported that Mary obtained a price
from the company to reprogram the pay & display not the regular meters. It would cost
approximately $2,000. They could be reprogrammed to $2 or $3 on the weekend based on
supply and demand. Paul and Wanda confirmed this would be a PR nightmare. Mary stated
that a year ago pricing was $1.50 at pay & display machines (i.e. beachfront) and $1 at
meters. The meters were updated to $1.50 because of public concerns with the difference.
Pete confirmed that people want to be near the pier and wil continue looking for a space
there. Parking Service staff encourages people to park at Memorial Park and the majority
still wants to go near the pier. The committees agreed to not make any changes right now,
but leave the topic open for discussion later. Diane commented that south of 14th Street
parking could be priced slightly higher in the future since that is the area that is in more
demand. Pete confirmed the designated two hour parking on the South End is working wel .
Different Color and Numeration of Decals for Resident versus Visitors for Identification
and Parking Districts for the Future
Diane reported that Dana Braun talked about resident parking and how to distinguish deals
given to residents versus paid for parking decals. She asked if when the decals are provided,
the ad valorem decals could be one color and the purchased ones be a different color. This
would be a proactive approach in dealing with residential parking zones in the future. She
and Ethan have discussed residential districts. Bill mentioned, in the meantime, a
differentiating stamp could be used. Bill confirmed a map of the island is needed to show
what type of parking is al owed on the various streets. Ethan mentioned that the decals
could be coded according to zone. Pete stated the simpler the better for enforcement.
Proposal to Add Additional Designated Parking Spaces in City ROW Next to

Commercial Properties
Bil suggested the committee adopt the list Diane provided of spaces in city rights of way to be metered. The locations for metering discussed are as follows: - Sting Rays (est. 9 spaces) @ 14th Street and Lovell - McElwee’s (est. 12 spaces) on Lovell - AJ’s (est. 15 spaces) along 14th Street - Dunes Inn (est. 15 spaces) on Lovel - Laundry Mat / Accountants on Tybee (est. 8 spaces) on the eastside of 2nd - Hunter House (est. 7 spaces) on Butler Wanda confirmed that this is being done for consistency island wide. Diane confirmed she will talk with the impacted businesses. Discussion ensued regarding surveying the listed locations to confirm they are city rights of way if SAGIS is not clear. Wanda presented a list she prepared as she drove around with a couple of individuals last weekend. The list is of suggested areas for additional parking to be primarily used on weekends and holidays. Parking on Butler Avenue in front of the bike shop was reviewed. Diane confirmed curbing will be added during the Historic Butler Median project which will clean-up the area and additional parking will be available. Bill inquired about a yellow curb at Sugar Shack and Wanda inquired about vision issues when turning left onto Butler from 2nd. Pete will look at those areas again. Mary confirmed meters are budgeted. They will be installed and they will continue to go up Butler as planned. Everyone wil review Wanda’s list and provide comment at the next meeting. Old Business:
Signage for Parking in Designated Areas and for No-Parking Areas
Ethan confirmed that the sign ordinance states signs are prohibited in the city rights of way
that are not placed there by the city or the state for traffic control purposes.
Private “No Parking” Signs and “Resident Only Parking” Signs in City ROW
Bill inquired if an ordinance addressing this topic exists. Diane reported that Ethan, Joe, the
City Marshall and she met regarding signage in the City Rights of Way. There are 51 signs
posted by residents referring to no parking in city rights of way. Joe confirmed that the
ordinance states you cannot build, erect, nor plant on city rights of way, but it has not been
enforced. He requested committee direction for a designated residential parking district
between 14th and 18th which can be a starting point for a rights of way parking zone that can
be enforced. Bil acknowledged that some residents have beautified areas that may be in rights of way and this is a hard decision. Private Parking Lots and ROW Issues
Discussion ensued regarding some private parking lot license holders that need to come into
compliance and license holders allowing people to park in city rights of way.
Bill provided a synopsis of “Old Business” as follows: - Signage for parking in designated areas and for no parking areas will need continue to be addressed. A map needs to be developed to depict areas that are pay to park, residential parking only and undesignated areas. - Bill asked about enforcement regarding no parking signs in city rights of way or wait. Diane suggested the enforcement be postponed until a good designated parking location is determined, owners are notified by certified mail regarding moving signage with the code section noted, and that there is a uniform, island wide plan. - Private parking lots using rights of ways are enforced by the City Marshall. Diane confirmed she is working with Parking Services and Mary to meter those areas being used as overflow parking. Ethan confirmed Hodad and he met about private parking lots. All private parking lots are being reviewed for compliancy. Mary requested clarification for Parking Services staff during the weekend of July 4. Wanda suggested that Diane or the Mayor make an announcement at the Council meeting that the committee is working on long term solutions, but for July 4 weekend parking will be status quo. Bill confirmed Diane and he wil develop a statement. Policy for highly populated weekends (i.e. July 4 weekend, Labor Day weekend) will be discussed at a later meeting. Paul made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45am. Wanda seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.



International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2007) 99, S172–S177a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o mw w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / i j g oMisoprostol for the termination of pregnancy up to 12completed weeks of pregnancyA. Faúndes a,⁎, C. Fiala b, O.S. Tang c, A. Velasco da Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, State University of C

Microsoft word - csteel-updatebleederseiph-june07-edited.doc

An update on “Bleeders” and that reported in Japan, Britain and South Africa, and less than that reported in Singapore, Hong Kong Defining a “bleeder”. and the USA. definition of a “bleeder” in various world. In Australia, bleeding is defined as the appearance of blood indicate that some degree of EIPH at both nostrils, irrespective of the ma

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