Manish Goswami, Suhas H. Mangoli and Narendra Jawali
Different types of biochemical and physiological factors (including commonly used cellular anddietary antioxidants) affect the activity of therapeutic antibiotics. The findings from our lab haveshown that the presence of glutathione, N-acetylcysteine or ascorbic acid in the growth mediumdecreases the bacterial susceptibility towards fluoroquinolone and aminoglycoside antibiotics. Howeverthe mechanism behind the antioxidant mediated protection against these two groups of antibioticscould be different. In addition, presence of glutathione increased antibacterial activity of β-lactamantibiotics showing that glutathione could act as a differential antibiotic susceptibility modulator forbacteria. Our data therefore demonstrate that therapeutic effectiveness of antibiotic treatment couldbe modulated by the dietary intake and cellular level of these antioxidants.
In our lab, we are studying the effect of dietary andcellular antioxidants on antibacterial effect of
Antibiotics are natural or synthetic compounds with
commonly used antibiotics. Dietary supplements
selective bactericidal or bacteriostatic effects that
eliminate pathogens or slow their growth such that
E (α-tocopherol), having antioxidant properties, are
host defense mechanisms can clear the infection.
prescribed many a times by the physicians along
The mechanisms of antibiotics actions are well
with antibiotics during the course of treatment of
studied, particularly in relation to their targets
an infection. Besides antioxidants such as
interactions. Majority of the commonly used
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) are used as auxiliary
antibiotics fall into following groups: DNA damage-
medication in certain pathological conditions along
causing agents, inhibitors of protein synthesis,
with the antibiotic therapy (NAC is used as a
inhibitors of cell wall biosynthesis and metabolic
mucolytic agent in combination with clinically
inhibitors. Antibiotics are weapons of choice in fight
relevant antibiotics for treatment of lower respiratory
against infectious bacterial diseases, however, their
tract infection). Therefore it is important to
overuse and misuse has contributed significantly to
understand the effects of antioxidants on the
the growing problem of antibiotic resistance and
antibacterial action of commonly used antibiotics.
emergence of superbugs such as Methicillin
We are actively working to understand how different
Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and New
antioxidants affect the action of diverse antibiotics
Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase-1 (NDM-1) isolates.
under in-vitro and in-vivo conditions and what are
Therefore knowledge about molecular mechanism
the mechanisms operating behind the observed
of antibiotic action, related bacterial response and
effect. The overall aim of our studies was to
factors modulating antibiotic activity could be of
understand the effect of commonly used antioxidants
used for development of improved antibacterial
on antibacterial efficacy of therapeutically relevant
substances and therapeutic regimen, which could
antibiotics. It was followed up by understanding
help us in keeping pace with remarkable adaptability
the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the
antibacterial action of antibiotics which displayed
42 I ISSUE NO. 323 I NOV. - DEC. 2011 B A R C N E W S L E T T E R F E AT U R E A R T I C L E
reduced effectivenessin presence of the antioxidants.
We have used wild type E. coli K-12 strain MG1655as the model test organisms for our study. Duringthe course of our studies we have examined theeffect of a number of antioxidants viz. glutathione,ascorbic acid, histidine, mannitol, sodium pyruvateand α-ketoglutarate on susceptibility of MG1655against antibiotics such as streptomycin,chloramphenicol, tetracycline, ampicillin, penicillinand ciprofloxacin etc. After initial rounds ofstandardization 10 mM of antioxidant concentrationwas chosen for further studies (depending on theirmaximum achievable intra-cellular concentrationand toxic side effects). The major findings of ourstudies are abridged under following sub-headings:
Fig. 1: Decreased susceptibility of MG1655 towards
ciprofloxacin in the presence of 10 mM glutathione
(GSH) or Ascorbic acid (ASC). C-1, C-2, C-3 and C-4correspond to 40, 200, 400 and 2000 ng ofciprofloxacin spotted on the Whatman disk.
The effects of antioxidants on the antibioticsusceptibility of MG1655 were first analyzed by the
MG1655 in LB-agar in presence and absence of
antibiotic disk diffusion method, in which zone of
either antioxidant as per the clinical laborarory
inhibition around the antibiotic disk placed on the
standard institute (CLSI) guidelines and our results
bacterial cell lawn reveals antibiotic susceptibility
showed that the protective effect against
of the bacteria under study. Reduction in the zone
ciprofloxacin is more pronounced with GSH than
of inhibition around the ciprofloxacin disks indicated
for ASC. The MIC of ciprofloxacin increased 3 fold
that the presence of 10 mM glutathione (GSH) or
in the presence of ASC and >10 fold in the presence
ascorbic acid (ASC) in the growth medium leads to
of GSH as compared to the control (Table 1).
reduced ciprofloxacin susceptibility of MG1655 cells
Ciprofloxacin is a representative member of
(Fig. 1). The action of antibiotics such as
fluoroquinolone group of antibiotics, which act by
chloramphenicol and tetracycline was not visibly
affected due to presence of these antioxidants. Other
topoisomerase IV activities. It was further found that
antioxidants, such as histidine, mannitol (scavengers
GSH gives protection against other fluoroquinolones
specific for singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radicals
as well such as ofloxacin, norfloxacin and
respectively), sodium pyruvate and α-ketoglutarate
gatifloxacin (please see table 1 and reference 3 for
did not alter MG1655 susceptibility towards any of
the antibiotics (data not shown) suggesting thatonly nonspecific antioxidants (capable of neutralizing
different types of ROS) having low redox potential
ciprofloxacin could be through scavenging of ROS
could provide protection against ciprofloxacin.
generated in the presence of antibiotic. Consequently effect of mutations in oxidative stress
Quantitative estimates of the protection offered by
defense genes viz. superoxide dismutases (sodA,
GSH and ASC were made by measuring minimum
sodB & sodC), catalases (katE & katG) and alkyl
inhibitory concentration (MIC) of ciprofloxacin for
hydro peroxide reductase (ahpCF) on ciprofloxacin
Table 1: Susceptibility of MG1655 towards different
exhibited slightly increased ciprofloxacin
antibiotics in the presence and absence of 10 mM
susceptibility (3). Furthermore E. coli cells having
any of the multi-copy sod genes showed better
survival in comparison to wild type parent strain at
low ciprofloxacin concentration (3). Our genetic data
therefore suggested that the antibacterial action of
ciprofloxacin involves ROS, such as superoxide
anions and hydrogen peroxide and antioxidant
mediated protection against ciprofloxacin could be
Like in case of ciprofloxacin, GSH and ASC were
susceptibility of MG1655 was studied. These genes
found to protect E. coli cells against streptomycin
encode enzymatic defense system against ROS,
as well. Streptomycin belongs to aminoglycoside
regulating their intracellular steady-state level.
group of antibiotics, which act by interfering with
Besides effect of multi-copy sod genes on
bacterial protein synthesis machinery. GSH was
ciprofloxacin susceptibility of MG1655 was also
found more effective as compared to ASC, since
examined. Among different single and multiple
MIC of streptomycin increased by 2.5 fold in the
mutants of katE, katG & ahpCF studied, katG ahpCF
presence of ASC and more than 30 fold in presence
double mutant (JI374) and the katE katG ahpCF
of GSH as compared to the control (Table 1). Both
triple mutant (JI377) strains having severely
GSH and ASC were found to inhibit the antibacterial
exhibited significantly increased ciprofloxacin
kanamycin, gentamycin and spectinomycin, please
susceptibility in comparison to MG1655 (Fig. 2).
see table #1 for details). During the course of our
Similarly E. coli cells carrying sodC mutation also
studies we also investigated whether this antioxidant-mediated protection against streptomycin is specificto MG1655 or it can be seen across diverse E. colistrains such as W3110, Xl-1 blue and DH5á. Ourresults showed that GSH and ASC were effectiveagainst streptomycin in the above mentioned strainsas well. It implies that, irrespective of the geneticbackground, GSH and ASC interfere with a stepthat is crucial for antibacterial action of streptomycinin E. coli.
Our genetic data suggested that unlike ciprofloxacin,mitigated streptomycin susceptibility of E. coli cellsis not due to antioxidant mediated scavenging ofROS. None of the single and multiple mutants of
Fig. 2: Graph showing increased ciprofloxacin
susceptibility in katG ahpCF double mutant (JI374) and
streptomycin susceptibility. Similarly mutated or
the katE katG ahpCF triple mutant (JI377) strains incomparison to the wild type parent strain MG1655.
multi-copy sod genes also failed to alter the bacterial
44 I ISSUE NO. 323 I NOV. - DEC. 2011 B A R C N E W S L E T T E R F E AT U R E A R T I C L E
streptomycin susceptibility levels. Our genetic data
both cysteine and NAC exhibited protection against
was further corroborated by the NBT reduction
antibacterial action of fluoroquinolones and
values which demonstrated that streptomycin
aminoglycosides (please see reference 2 for details).
treatment does not lead to induction of oxidative
The extent of protection was found to be higher
stress in E. coli, whereas ciprofloxacin indeed
with NAC in comparison to cysteine. Apart from E.
increases the ROS levels in bacterial cells (4). It
coli, NAC had profound effect on other bacteria
implies that the mechanism by which antioxidant
such as Klebsiella aerogens, Klebsiella pneumoniae,
mediated protection is brought about against these
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in terms of their
two classes of antibiotics is not same. Our data
survival and antibiotic susceptibility modulation.
therefore also emphasized that other than ROS
Besides, NAC also augmented the action of β-lactam
scavenging process, additional and alternate
antibiotics. Our studies therefore suggest that
mechanisms operate behind antioxidant-mediated
administration of aerosolized NAC as a mucolytic
protection against various antibiotics.
agent during the course of antibiotic therapy forrespiratory tract infection could modulate the
Glutathione can act as bacterial antibiotic
outcome of therapeutic process depending on the
target bacterial pathogen and antibiotic being usedfor the therapy. Taken together our data furtherindicates that GSH and its precursors in general act
An important observation made during the course
as crucial determinant of antibiotic activity against
of our study was that GSH not only reduces theantibacterial action of above mentioned antibiotics
but it also augments the efficacy of β-lactams suchas penicillin and ampicillin (1, 5), since E. coli cells
were found to be more susceptible towards themin presence of GSH (Table 1). However, we foundthat this effect was specific to GSH, as the presenceof ASC did not make any difference to the antibioticsusceptibility of MG1655. Therefore our studiesdemonstrate that GSH can act as an importantmodulator of antibiotic susceptibility for bacteria(Fig. 3).
Fig. 3: Biochemical functions associated with
glutathione inside bacterial cells (according to Masip
et al., 2006). The function indicated in red color isassigned by us on the basis of results from our lab(1,5).
GSH is a naturally occurring tri-peptide (glutamicacid-cysteine-glycine) and its biosynthesis is limited
On the basis of our studies it can be concluded that
by the amino acid l-cysteine. N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
antibacterial action of therapeutically relevant
is acetylated derivative of the amino acid cysteine.
antibiotics could be either diminished or augmented
It is used as an important antioxidant and precursor
by the presence of antioxidants like GSH, NAC and
of GSH in higher organisms. Since we have
ASC. Our study adds to the knowledge that apart
demonstrated that GSH is an important antibiotic
from existence of other antibiotic activity modulation
susceptibility modulator, therefore it is of interest
factors, dietary and cellular antioxidants also play a
to study the effect of GSH precursors on antibiotic
critical role in determination of bacterial antibiotic
susceptibility of bacteria. Consequently the effect
susceptibility. Although detailed mechanism(s) of
of cysteine and NAC supplementation on bacterial
antioxidant mediated modulation of antibiotic
antibiotic susceptibility was determined. Like GSH,
activity are yet to be fully understood, these findings
are of immense value. Dietary supplements such as
vitamin C (ASC), cystiene rich foodstuffs andauxiliary medication like NAC, which have
antioxidant properties, are prescribed sometimes
Glutathione mediated augmentation of beta
along with antibiotics during the course of treatment
of an infection. The therapeutic effectiveness of
Escherichia coli. J. Antimicrob. Chemother.
antibiotic mediated treatment under such conditions
might be altered due to increased dietary intakeand cellular levels of these antioxidants. Hence,
further investigations surrounding the intake of
antioxidants on antibacterial effect of different
bacterial antibiotic susceptibility. Antimicrob.
antibiotics for treatment of various infections are
warranted in future. Currently, we are working inthis direction to understand the real time effects of
Goswami, M., Mangoli, S. H. and Jawali M.
antioxidant supplementation on antibiotic mediated
2006. Involvement of reactive oxygen species
clearance of bacterial infection in an animal model
Escherichia coli. Antimicrob. AgentsChemother. 50: 949–54.
We are grateful to different people in scientific
glutathione and ascorbic acid on streptomycin
community who have provided strains and plasmids
sensitivity of Escherichia coli. Antimicrob.
related to this study. We also thank Dr S. K. Apte,
Associate Director (B), BMG and Head MBD for hisconstant encouragement and support during the
University. 2010. Studies on mechanism ofantioxidant mediated protection againstaminoglycoside antibiotics in Escherichia coli.
Masip, L., Veeravali, K., and Georgiou, G. 2006. The many faces of glutathione inbacteria. Antiox. Redox Signal. 8:753-62
Seaver, L. C. and Imlay, J. A. 2001. Alkylhydroperoxide reductase is the primaryscavenger of endogenous hydrogen peroxide
in Escherichia coli. Bacterial. 183:7173-81. 46 I ISSUE NO. 323 I NOV. - DEC. 2011
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